After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Recognizing Wife! (part 2)

The demon generals who served him had seen the cruel and violent character of the Demon Venerable and his against-the-heaven strength.

They were worried about this and advised, “Little Prince, this subordinate thinks it’s better to change the place for the banquet. After all, the Yingxu Palace is the palace of the Demon Venerable.”

Bo Xunshi sneered, “What are you afraid of? The Demon Venerable hasn’t lived in this Yingxu Palace for a hundred years. Besides, this Yingxu Palace was also built by my father with his heart and blood. What’s wrong with me holding a banquet here? The Demon Venerable will definitely understand me if he knows.”

Besides, it would be even better if the Demon Venerable came.

Bo Xunshi prided himself on his outstanding appearance, as beautiful as a good woman, not losing to any beautiful concubine in his father’s palace. Like all members of the demon clan, he also had the instinct to admire the strong in his bones. Although Qi Zhuoyu had a brutal reputation, his handsome face that was not like a demon clan was even more famous than his brutal reputation.

Otherwise, in the past hundred years, there wouldn’t have been so many demon princesses and noble children, who wanted to stuff people into Qi Zhuoyu’s empty harem.

If he could have the honor to serve the Venerable on the left and right, wouldn’t he be the only one to dominate the world?

When he said this, Bo Xunshi had already made up his mind to invite his friends and hold a banquet.

So when Qi Zhuoyu stepped into the sky above the Xirong Demon Clan, the Yingxu Palace was brightly lit, the banquet was full, and there was singing and dancing.

Even if it was suspended in mid-air, one could hear the sounds of laughter and merriment coming from the palace.

Feng Xuan was still holding Qi Zhuoyu’s neck tightly, afraid that he would fall from mid-air if he was not steady.

He looked at the scene in front of him, surrounded by the Chaotic Sea on all sides, and in the middle of the demon sea was a huge palace.

Unlike the palaces of the White Jade Capital, the towers of the demon clan’s palace were all pointed, extremely complex and luxurious. And it was not known what kind of demon stone it was made of, the style was strange and gorgeous, black mist was lingering, dark clouds were dense, it looked very noble and mysterious.

He saw many demon clan people singing and dancing in the main hall of the Yingxu Palace.

Feng Xuan heard the guests inside all raising their cups, unanimously congratulating the person sitting high on the throne on his birthday joy.

Was the big devil here to attend a banquet?

Just as Feng Xuan was lost in thought, Qi Zhuoyu had already landed outside the Yingxu Palace, ignoring the guards on both sides, and kicked open the palace door with one foot.


Wasn’t this way of attending a banquet a bit too arrogant?

Otherwise, they could have knocked on the door first, right?

Feng Xuan thought that Qi Zhuoyu’s way of kicking the door open like he was picking a fight would be met with the host’s family beating them out of the door with a stick in the next second.

But unexpectedly, after the heavy door was kicked open by him, all the people inside who were dressed extremely gorgeously and looked like some royal nobles of the demon realm, saw him like a mouse seeing a cat, and all knelt down in a minute.

And it was the kind of kneeling at his feet, rolling and crawling, shouting “Venerable”.

Bo Xunshi, who was on the throne, also stood up immediately when he saw Qi Zhuoyu.

Seeing Qi Zhuoyu’s face, his heart couldn’t help but “thump thump thump” and beat fast, his snowy cheeks flushed with spring.

Why would the Demon Venerable come here?

Could it be that he knew about his birthday and came specially to attend the banquet?

The little deer in his heart hadn’t jumped for long, and in the next second, Qi Zhuoyu directly kicked him off the throne.

That was really a foot that didn’t pity even the fragrance and jade, and Bo Xunshi’s scream of rolling down echoed in the great hall. (TL: fragrance and jade=women)

The luxurious throne covered with all kinds of soft and comfortable demon beast fur carpets suddenly changed hands.

Feng Xuan, who was completely confused and didn’t understand the situation, was placed on the throne by Qi Zhuoyu.

Ah, this.

To be honest, he had never seen the big devil’s attitude towards attending a banquet.

Who would come to a banquet, kick the host of the banquet out of the door, and then sit in the host’s position?!

Feng Xuan felt that he was not doing well. It took a thousand years to become a god, but only one day to become a villain.

He thought he could struggle a bit more. “If you’re busy attending the banquet, you can just put me in a corner, I’m not picky.”

The key point was, why was he placed on this throne!

What kind of simple and brutal thinking did this big devil have?

Could it be that because I am the boss of the demon realm, so wherever I go, I have to sit in the boss’s position?

Feng Xuan whispered, “And, with so many people looking at me, I can’t eat.”

Thank you, he didn’t think his eating appearance was good enough to be admired by so many people.

“You’re right,” Qi Zhuoyu spoke in a gloomy tone, and with all the blood on his neck, he looked extremely terrifying. His gaze swept coldly over the demon realm nobles who were kneeling in a row in the hall, trembling, “Your injury needs to be well rested, these people are too noisy. I will kill them all and it will be quiet.”

Feng Xuan: ? He didn’t mean that.

Not only did Qi Zhuoyu mean that, but he also had a strong execution.

As soon as his words fell, the demon realm noble closest to him was unlucky. He didn’t even have time to scream before he was struck by lightning and turned into a pile of ashes.

Feng Xuan believed it.

Feng Xuan now completely believed that he was the only Demon Venerable in the Three Realms.

Damn it.

In the Three Realms, if there was one more such big villain.

Wouldn’t the world be destroyed immediately?!

Feng Xuan came back to his senses and quickly held onto Qi Zhuoyu’s arm, “Wait, Demon Venerable!”

Qi Zhuoyu turned his head to look at him, and Feng Xuan struggled to speak, “I don’t think this is right. If you kill them all, there will be corpses all over the hall, how can we eat?”

“There’s no need to worry. I can turn them all into ashes,” Qi Zhuoyu answered as if it was a matter of course.

Feng Xuan: …Is this something he should not worry about?

But Qi Zhuoyu looked at him for a while and suddenly changed his mind, “Since you are unwilling, I will spare them a way to live.”

The last sentence was said to the demons in the hall, with an extremely impatient expression, “Get out.”

And then they rolled away with the speed of lightning, not stopping for a moment.

They rolled without a hint of hesitation, without a hint of image. It made people completely unable to imagine how these nobles were so brilliant and influential outside.

Suddenly, the great hall of the Yingxu Palace quieted down.

Only Feng Xuan and Qi Zhuoyu were left.

This sudden alone time made Feng Xuan feel a little awkward.

Especially since he didn’t understand what Qi Zhuoyu was going to do at all, it was a confusing behavior.

Unexpectedly, Qi Zhuoyu was the first to break the silence, “Do you think I’m killing innocents?”

Actually, it’s okay.

After all, he had completely become a big villain in his heart.

Feng Xuan didn’t speak.

Qi Zhuoyu continued, “These demon realm nobles you see, they look bright and beautiful on the surface, but in fact, they form cliques, deceive one’s superiors and put pressure upon one’s subordinates, and remonstrate as a clan. They want me to unify the demon realm, recruit soldiers and horses, attack the Three Realms, and shatter the Heavenly Way.”

Over the past hundred years, although Qi Zhuoyu had been fighting everywhere, he didn’t have the intention to unify the Three Realms.

He was just simply doing a little bit of something here and there, all for the purpose of finding Feng Xuan’s soul.

The nobles of the demon realm saw that the newly appointed Demon Venerable had such a lack of fighting spirit, and it seemed like he was a love brain, they couldn’t sit still.

Just the people who were arranged to assassinate him, there were not a thousand but eight hundred. Qi Zhuoyu didn’t care much about living before, so even though he was assassinated, he didn’t bother to settle accounts with these people.

They wanted his life, so they came to get it. It’s just that they were too weak and always died when he pinched them.

But now he was unwilling, Qi Zhuoyu spoke, “Those people just now, they all wanted to kill me. I used to be able to ignore them, but not now.”

Hearing this, Feng Xuan had a bad feeling.

Why did he feel that the big devil looked at him strangely, and he always felt that he was about to say something like “Because I now want to protect your safety with my life” in the next sentence!


Suddenly giving him this kind of the ‘overbearing Demon Venerable’s little demon concubine’ persona, it’s really making his bird head bald.

But fortunately, after Qi Zhuoyu said that he was unwilling, he stopped talking.

He didn’t know what he was thinking, when his eyes were empty, they fell on his face, it was a deep regret.

It was as if, he should have had that kind of ambition to attack the Three Realms and shatter the Heavenly Way.

But it seemed that he had paid a price that he could never forgive himself for in his entire life, which led him to choose to completely give up and start to love peace.

Qi Zhuoyu was like that kind of love brain who explained to his wife why he did bad things and then waited for his wife’s judgment.

His eyes darkened, and he spoke, “Don’t you have anything to say?”

To be honest, Feng Xuan was not his wife, and he didn’t know what to say.

If it were his mortal wife, she might now be crying “wuwuwu” saying how touched she was, and then criticizing him for being wrong? Or be furious and want to run away from home because he killed innocents?

But Feng Xuan just looked at Qi Zhuoyu’s neck, which was still bleeding profusely. The wound was quite deep, and he couldn’t help but say, “Why don’t you bandage your wound first? You’ve been bleeding from just now until now, doesn’t it hurt?”

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly paused, as if he hadn’t expected him to say that.

But after his expression paused, it became as if he thought Feng Xuan should be like this.

Qi Zhuoyu started laughing again, the kind of crazy laugh, his shoulders shaking constantly.

After experiencing the inexplicable strangulation by this demon venerable, and then watching him self-harm inexplicably.

Then being inexplicably brought to this palace, watching him inexplicably kill people again.

Feng Xuan understood, this demon venerable.

His brain really had some problems, and it was the kind of physical mental illness problem.

He couldn’t reason with a madman, just like the joys and sorrows of gods and demons couldn’t be communicated.

He might even be assimilated by the madman. Now seeing him going crazy here, he had a feeling of “as expected”.

Qi Zhuoyu had laughed enough, and he rested his forehead in the crook of his neck, in a very intimate, almost coquettish posture.

He didn’t treat the wound on his neck, letting it fester bit by bit.

Suddenly, there was no sound in the quiet palace.

It was a long time.

Maybe it was an instant, maybe it was as long as a century.

Feng Xuan heard Qi Zhuoyu’s voice.

Hoarse, trembling, and even a little wronged.

“It hurts.”

“It hurts a lot.”

But no matter how much it hurt, it wasn’t as painful as when the Apocalyptic Thunder Tribulation fell on Feng Xuan.

It wasn’t as painful as when his primordial spirit was extinguished, his soul flew away, and his divine soul shattered.

Qi Zhuoyu couldn’t imagine how much courage that person, who was so afraid of pain and delicate, had accumulated to dare to block the thunder tribulation for him at that moment.

So for two hundred years, Qi Zhuoyu dared not feel pain.

No matter how many injuries he suffered, no matter how much blood he lost, he dared not cry out in pain.

Because the boy who taught him, who told him that pain should be spoken out.

Had already disappeared into the world because of his conceitedness and blind arrogance, enduring a pain that ordinary people could not endure in their lifetime, a hundred years ago.

Feng Xuan heard him suddenly say it hurt, and thought it was serious. He really didn’t understand why he wanted to hurt himself.

He wanted to support Qi Zhuoyu’s shoulder to check, but as soon as his hand touched it, he found that Qi Zhuoyu was shaking badly.

His face was buried in his neck.

His long hair fell between the two of them, entwining and intertwining with Feng Xuan’s hair, as if they couldn’t be separated or distinguished no matter what.

Feng Xuan felt something fall into his neck, hot and scorching.

It took him a long time to react, and his breath stagnated for a moment.

Qi Zhuoyu was crying.



  1. cold teacup says:


    Thank you for translating!

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