After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Recognizing Wife! (part 1)

Feng Xuan felt the grip on his neck instantly loosen.

He had finally come back to life, patting his chest in lingering shock, just as he heard Qi Zhuoyu’s trembling words.

Of course it wasn’t anyone else’s besides the two of them who had touched the Divine Soul Lamp these past few days.

Since it wasn’t this big devil’s primordial spirit, it must be his own.

Moreover, it was the primordial spirit he had painstakingly cultivated over the past few days.

Heaven knows how fragile the Divine Soul Lamp became after being smashed, it was good enough that this much primordial could be nurtured.

Feng Xuan had planned to wait one more night before making his escape in the morning.

But now, thanks to that trash Demon Venerable’s interference, the primordial spirit in the Divine Soul Lamp was completely gone!

Not only was it gone, but it had conveniently revived this rotten wutong tree.

Aiya, just thinking about it made him furious.

Feng Xuan clutched his neck, suddenly too angry to speak.

He stayed silent for a long time, but even without answering, Qi Zhuoyu understood.

This primordial spirit was indeed his.

And this little lamp attendant was indeed Xiao Qi.

If the previous feelings of familiarity could be considered Qi Zhuoyu’s guesses or delusions before,

The towering revived wutong tree in front of him would not lie.

Over the past two hundred years, Qi Zhuoyu had tried countless times to infuse his own soul to revive the wutong, but failed every attempt.

Later he realized this wutong tree had awakened its spiritual intelligence at the Misty Immortal Mansion, and had accepted Feng Xuan as its master, bound by life and death.

After the calamitous immortals-demons war, Feng Xuan’s primordial spirit dispersed into nothingness.

The remnants of the wutong’s primordial spirit also scattered across the heavens and earth.

In the three realms, only Xiao Qi’s primordial spirit could awaken it.

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him, his expression twisted with an almost maniacal joy mixed with extreme dread.

His gaze was nailed to Feng Xuan, unblinking.

If Feng Xuan had to describe it,

It was as if the big devil had suddenly won a million spirit stones, overjoyed at such an unexpected blessing, yet terrified it was just another waking dream.

The tense atmosphere that was on the verge of violence instantly froze over.

The air was eerily still, the two people under the tree unmoving, gazing at each other for several long minutes.

Finally, Qi Zhuoyu broke the silence with motion.

He made a gesture as if to examine the marks on Feng Xuan’s neck, his fingertips trembling slightly.

But to Feng Xuan, it did not look that way at all.

This big devil was clearly trying to strangle him again!

He reflexively retreated, his slender back pressed against the tree trunk, as if Qi Zhuoyu was some ferocious beast.

Qi Zhuoyu immediately froze.

After a while, he spoke, his voice raspy and hoarse, “I just want to look at your injury.”

Oh? Look at his injury?

Like hell he’d believe that–his brain wasn’t made of water. Wasn’t it him who had tried to viciously strangle Feng Xuan just now?!

Qi Zhuoyu said softly, “…I’m sorry.”


Now Feng Xuan was a bit shocked.

He thought the Demon Venerable’s vocabulary didn’t even contain the words “I’m sorry”, the kind who would just say “It’s an honor to die by my hand” after killing someone.

Feng Xuan still eyed him warily.

He was afraid this devious big devil was just playing tricks, that the moment he let his guard down, Qi Zhuoyu would seize the chance to crush his skull.

But after waiting for a while, Qi Zhuoyu did nothing but stare at him intently.

That penetrating gaze, as if trying to etch every line of his face into memory.

His eyes held remorse, sadness, and other emotions Feng Xuan couldn’t decipher.

…In short, he didn’t seem to be lying?

After a pensive silence, Feng Xuan tentatively asked, “You really just want to check my injury?”

Qi Zhuoyu replied, “If you don’t believe me, you can strangle me back, this Venerable will not resist.”

He then grabbed Feng Xuan’s wrist and used his own hand to clutch at his own neck.

Feng Xuan didn’t know where he got such strength from, pinning his hand down hard.

In an instant, Qi Zhuoyu’s neck was covered in gashes oozing crimson blood onto Feng Xuan’s hand.

Deadly, he was really doing it!

Not just letting Feng Xuan strangle him, Qi Zhuoyu had even amplified it with a spiritual power critical strike.

As if afraid Feng Xuan wouldn’t strangle hard enough, that it wouldn’t be ten or a hundredfold revenge for his earlier violence, that it wouldn’t make up for his transgression.

“Enough, enough!” Feng Xuan was utterly shocked by his outrageous behavior.

Did this Demon Venerable have some self-harm tendencies?  

Who makes someone else get revenge on them like this?

“This is enough?” Qi Zhuoyu frowned, seeming unsatisfied.

This really was enough, big brother.

Look at the blood on your neck, if going any further your head might just roll off!

Feng Xuan immediately pulled his hand back, hurriedly stopping him, “Really, it’s enough!”

He was just a little bird who hadn’t even killed a fish before. He didn’t want to know what choking someone’s neck felt like.

“Very well then.”

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly pulled Feng Xuan to his feet.

Feng Xuan was utterly bewildered by this turn of events.

Before he could react, he felt a sense of weightlessness.

His body was lifted into the air, cradled in Qi Zhuoyu’s embrace.

And it wasn’t even a princess carry.

It was a hold difficult for Feng Xuan to describe, like a father cradling his infant daughter.

And bizarrely, Feng Xuan instinctively wrapped his arms around Qi Zhuoyu’s neck.

Huh? Why did he seem so practiced at this?

By the time Feng Xuan collected himself, Qi Zhuoyu had already taken a step into the void, flying away from the Zhujian Xiaozhu towards the demon realm.

As their vantage rose, the full devastation of the ruined Misty Immortal Mansion was laid bare before his eyes.

It was hard to imagine that this renowned sect had crumbled to such a decrepit state.

Feng Xuan had been secretly reading some of the recent rumors in the Three Realms these past few days.

He realized that when he woke up before, it wasn’t an illusion. Unexpectedly, he had really slept for two hundred years after just a nap.

Although he didn’t know the reason, Feng Xuan didn’t think too much about it.

Even a salted fish has the principle of being a god, it’s better to be confused.

Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing for oneself.

Of course, he also knew about the famous Qi Zhuoyu.

He knew that the person who caused the ruins under his feet was the Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea.

Thinking of this.

Feng Xuan decided to silently tighten his disguise as the prince of the White Jade Capital.

Chaotic Sea, West Continent.

The Xirong Demon Clan was the best at management among all the demon realms.

Located at the westernmost part of the Chaotic Sea continent, it almost held the most abundant resources on the entire continent.

When Qi Zhuoyu unified the demon realm, he fought in all directions. The first one who jumped out and didn’t submit to him, the Demon Venerable, was the Xirong Demon Lord.

The Xirong Demon Lord had an old grudge with the Dongyi Demon Lord, and he was completely unconvinced by the son of his old enemy.

However, the clansmen of the Xirong were not as warlike as the demon clan of the Dongyi. So during the war, they used the wisdom of the entire clan to come up with a series of cunning schemes.

The result was as expected.

In the face of absolute power, all cunning schemes were bubbles.

Qi Zhuoyu beat him until he submitted.

Also because of these cunning schemes, the Xirong Demon Lord felt that he had offended the Demon Venerable.

So on the day when Qi Zhuoyu unified the demon realm, he spent countless heavenly treasures, demon stones, and spirit stones to build the most splendid and magnificent demon palace promise in the Three Realms.

That was the palace he gave to Qi Zhuoyu back then.

However, Qi Zhuoyu hadn’t lived in it at all for the past hundred years.

Most of the time, he was fighting. When he was tired from fighting, he would go to Zhujian Xiaozhu to retreat.

In short, this palace of the Xirong Demon Clan in the Chaotic Sea, which was almost as luxurious as the rumored Qifeng Palace in the White Jade Capital, was almost dusty due to Qi Zhuoyu’s ignorance.

These days, the birthday of the youngest son of the Xirong Demon Clan, Bo Xunshi, had arrived, and he was worried about where to hold his birthday banquet.

So his gaze fell on this gorgeous Yingxu Palace that had been vacant for a long time.

Bo Xunshi was the youngest son of the Xirong Demon Lord and also the most favored son.

Therefore, he was arrogant and domineering, doing whatever he wanted. Once he decided to hold a banquet in the Yingxu Palace, no one could change his decision.



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