After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Falling Horse! (part 2)

When Feng Xuan saw that there was suddenly one more person in the yard, he was also a little surprised.

But his surprise quickly returned to normal, after all, there were many demon generals coming and going in the small bamboo house these days, each time they came with a big pile of things that looked like ancient books and documents.

It made him have to doubt whether the big devil had moved all the government affairs here for review.

It was precisely because of this that Feng Xuan completely doubted Qi Zhuoyu’s identity, because no matter how neurotic a person was, he wouldn’t hire such a large group of burly demon soldiers to play house with the demon venerable to deceive him.

It’s just that these demon generals only carry those documents to the gate of the Zhujian Xiaozhu every day, and leave after putting them down.

Every time before they leave, they still use that strange look to stare at him, as if they are still muttering, looking at him as if they are looking at a demon concubine who has caused the king to not attend the early morning court.

Feng Xuan felt that they might have misunderstood something.

But he didn’t know how to explain, after all, he was just a kidnapped god.

He took a few more looks at Li Chaofeng, because Li Chaofeng was the only one who had stepped directly into the yard of the Zhujian Xiaozhu during this period.

And this man who appeared out of nowhere, looked at him with a strange look.

It’s not like those demon generals looking at him, thinking he’s a demon concubine.

This person’s look at him.

It really looked like the kind of unfilial son in the family looking at his old dad marrying a young and vicious stepmother he didn’t like.

And the look in his eyes also clearly stated that this home does not welcome you, roll, my father only loves his only mother for the rest of his life!

Feng Xuan brainstormed and reasoned a bit.

He should be the stepmother.

The mother should be the wife of the big devil who passed away?

So is this man in front of him Qi Zhuoyu’s son?

It’s really true that people can’t be judged by their appearance, looking at Qi Zhuoyu, this person is so handsome, how come his son is just so-so. It looks like the big devil’s handsome genes only played a minor role in the process of his son’s birth.

Li Chaofeng went to find Qi Zhuoyu while looking at Feng Xuan strangely.

What kind of look was this man, who my cousin brought back, giving me? Why did he feel like he was reading the look of a pitiful naughty child who had been raised without a mother in a single-parent family from his gaze?!

What’s wrong with this man?

Is my cousin’s new taste this kind of neurotic?

Wait, this doesn’t seem to be a new taste.

Thinking about it, it seems that my sister-in-law was also the kind of little neurotic that he couldn’t understand.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived at the backyard of the Zhujian Xiaozhu.

Qi Zhuoyu was sitting in a pile of ancient books, knowing that he had come, but didn’t even lift his head to look.

Seeing the ancient books and documents all over the ground, Li Chaofeng had nowhere to step.

Although he had heard from the demon generals on the way that a lot of scrolls had been sent to Qi Zhuoyu these days.

But when he really saw it, he was still shocked.

When did his cousin, who only knew how to unify the demon realm by fighting, start doing such detailed work as reviewing government affairs?

You know, although Qi Zhuoyu unified the demon realm.

But he has never managed the demon race, these years it has been him, a dog, who has been leading the people of the demon realm to become rich and prosperous, making the Chaotic Sea continent well-organized and the people simple.

He thought that running away from Chang’an would mean he wouldn’t have to inherit Emperor Li’s throne.

As a result, he ran to the demon race to inherit his cousin’s throne, what a hard life, damn!

Li Chaofeng was already used to Qi Zhuoyu’s compelling personality.

He skillfully trotted over to him and sat down. “Cousin, what did you call me for?”

Qi Zhuoyu put down the scroll, his expression inscrutable. “I suspect that Xiao Qi did not have his soul scattered that year.”

Li Chaofeng: “.”

It’s not that Li Chaofeng had nothing to say.

For the past two hundred years, Qi Zhuoyu had been suspecting that the mortal Xiao Qi did not have his soul scattered for thirty days a month on average.

At first, Li Chaofeng thought that Qi Zhuoyu was just crazy because he was too heartbroken.

Later, when Qi Zhuoyu would occasionally doubt, Li Chaofeng confirmed that it was not him who misunderstood, it was his cousin who was really crazy.

But what could Li Chaofeng do?

The dog didn’t dare to speak, and the dog didn’t dare to refute.

He tentatively opened his mouth. “Cousin, why do you say that again?”

Qi Zhuoyu propped his chin and said, “I have read countless ancient books these days and found that the thunder tribulation that split the altar and caused Xiao Qi’s soul to scatter was the Apocalyptic Thunder Tribulation. This tribulation only appears when a god falls.”

Damn it.

I thought the documents that the demon generals brought were the affairs of the Chaotic Sea, but it turned out to be for finding a wife.

Why didn’t that Apocalyptic Thunder Tribulation fall on your head and strike your unparalleled love brain dead?!

Li Chaofeng couldn’t help but complain in his heart, and after complaining, he suddenly realized something.

He was shocked. “Cousin, you don’t think that sister-in-law is some kind of god who descended to the mortal world to experience tribulations, do you?”

It’s over, it’s over.

Qi Zhuoyu’s mental illness seems to be getting more and more serious, and he’s going crazy to the point of being delirious.

Wait, he suddenly noticed some key points.

Li Chaofeng’s expression became even more shocked, thinking of the beauty he had seen in the front yard earlier. “Cousin, you can’t possibly think that the beauty in the front yard is the real body of sister-in-law, can you?”

Qi Zhuoyu picked up the ancient book and continued to flip through it.

That attitude was clearly written on his face.

That’s right.

That’s what I suspect.

Li Chaofeng was instantly disheveled, hesitating to speak,“That…Cousin, you can’t suspect that he is sister-in-law just because he looks the best, can you?”

He now seriously suspects that Qi Zhuoyu just randomly found the most beautiful person in the Three Realms to fall in love with, too scum, very slag!

Qi Zhuoyu gave him a “you’re looking for death right now” look.

Li Chaofeng was instantly shocked into silence.

Qi Zhuoyu spoke, “His temperament is very similar to Xiao Qi’s, I won’t mistake it.”

Li Chaofeng: Cousin, how can I believe what a neurotic who is crazy for love says.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly put down the ancient book, turned his head to look at Li Chaofeng, and frowned, “I have observed his life these past few days. He always sleeps at the hour of Hai, wakes at the hour of the Si, and never opens his eyes until the sun is three poles high. Not only that, he is gluttonous, loves sweets, is picky about food, and only takes one bite of food that doesn’t taste good. The first thing he does every day, no matter what time he gets up, is to groom and dress himself. He is very delicate and like to be well groomed.”

(t/n: Hai hour=period of the day from 9 pm to 11 pm; Si hour=period of the day from 9 am to 11 am)

Li Chaofeng: Cousin, does my sister-in-law know that this is his image in your heart? Is there a possibility that if my sister-in-law hadn’t been struck dead by the thunder tribulation, he would have been angered to death by your straight man’s mouth?

Qi Zhuoyu was immersed in his own deductions and didn’t even notice Li Chaofeng’s mental activity.

He brought out the strongest and most powerful evidence, and said solemnly, “He can lie in bed all day without moving.”

“Holy crap.” Li Chaofeng was shocked, “This must be my sister-in-law!”

It would be hard to find another person in this world who loves to sleep as much as this salted fish!

But he still thought his cousin was hasty.

How can you determine that one person is another based on these things?

Moreover, two hundred years ago, how many people witnessed that nearly earth-shattering thunder tribulation.

Under such circumstances, let alone Xiao Qi, this mortal, even if he were a god, there would be no possibility of survival.

However, Li Chaofeng did not refute Qi Zhuoyu’s conjecture again.

This was not the first time Qi Zhuoyu had put forward such a whimsical guess.

It was good that he had such a conjecture, just like every one of his conjectures over the past two hundred years.

Even if he kept fantasizing, and then reality kept bursting his fantasies, at least he had a hope to live on.

In fact, even if Li Chaofeng didn’t say it, Qi Zhuoyu knew how outrageous his ideas were.

But what else could he do, he had exhausted all means, turned over the entire Three Realms and could not find even a shred of Xiao Qi’s soul.

Sometimes, he would even envy the tranquility of the Sanqing Realm.

At least when Little Carp died, the other could still guard a few fragments of his soul and spend a hundred years in a dream.

He really had no way out, he really didn’t know what to do.

Even though Qi Zhuoyu had never worshipped any gods in his life, at this moment, he couldn’t help but plead.

Any god in this world.

Could they help him, could they save him.

Even if it meant his soul would scatter, could they.

Could they return his Xiao Qi to him.

After Li Chaofeng left, Qi Zhuoyu had a splitting headache and shattered all the ancient books with a thunderbolt.

He pressed his temples and stood up, his eyes filled with bloodshot veins, looking like a soulless corpse as he strode towards the front yard.

So when Feng Xuan saw him, he saw such a scene.

The big devil looked as if he hadn’t slept for ten days and nights, his face was as pale as paper, his eyes were bloodshot, and his temper was so irritable that it seemed like he would start killing people at any moment.

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him, his voice cold as if it had been dipped in ice. “I gave you seven days. Now the seven days are up, where is the soul I want?”

How could he ask about his work progress as soon as he came, truly worthy of being the king of rolls.

He had no progress, not only did he not have any, but he also spent seven days nervously slacking off.

Of course, Feng Xuan couldn’t answer truthfully, so he had to coax. “It’s almost done, don’t worry, you’ll see it tomorrow morning.”

Qi Zhuoyu sneered. “Almost? Are you trying to deceive me? In these seven days, you probably haven’t helped me gather souls at all.”

He was going to die.

What to do when caught slacking off at work by the boss.

Feng Xuan never expected that the big devil’s intelligence would suddenly come online.

He was dumbfounded, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly grabbed his neck and slammed him against the trunk of a dead wutong tree. “You dare to deceive me? Do you know what the price of deceiving me is?”

He didn’t know before, but now he did.

Feng Xuan’s face turned a shade of crimson as he was choked, and a pool of physiological tears gathered in his fox eyes due to suffocation.

Although this demon venerable had been threatening to kill him for the past few days, he hadn’t felt any real killing intent.

But at this moment, Feng Xuan felt a murderous aura from him, a terrifying anger, and a hint of pain that was hard to detect.

Clearly, the one being choked was himself.

But he felt that the person who was about to die seemed to be Qi Zhuoyu.

Feng Xuan struggled hard under his hand.

In the chaos, the divine soul lamp that had always been in his arms unexpectedly fell to the ground.

At this moment, under Qi Zhuoyu’s running amok demonic power, it instinctively wanted to protect its master.

The divine soul lamp had been shattered by him once before, and now it was smashed to the ground by Qi Zhuoyu’s heavy palm.

Although it didn’t break, the bit of the primordial spirit that Feng Xuan had secretly nurtured these past few days completely flowed out of the lamp and was absorbed by the trunk of the dead wutong tree.

Feng Xuan was so upset that he wanted to cry but had no tears, he even forgot that he was being choked, and cried out in pain, “My primordial spirit!”

Unexpectedly, after the wutong tree absorbed his primordial spirit.

This tree, which had not been revived no matter what methods Qi Zhuoyu used in the past two hundred years, suddenly came to life at this moment.

Feng Xuan’s primordial spirit flowed slowly towards the branches and twigs along the trunk like a trickle, and the already dead branches began to sprout dense buds, which then instantly grew into clusters of brilliant plane tree leaves.

In just a few seconds, this wutong tree was filled with leaves.

The wind blew through the leaves, making a rustling sound.

A hundred years of time, passing before one’s eyes.

Qi Zhuoyu seemed to be stunned, and unexpectedly had tears streaming down his face.

His breath stagnated at this moment, as if he was afraid of startling some god.

His pupils trembled slightly, his gaze falling on Feng Xuan’s face.

His voice was almost choked and hoarse, as if it was coming from a very distant place.

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression was almost shattered, he asked him hoarsely, word by word, “Is this…..your primordial spirit?”



  1. Nana says:


    FX não tem dúvidas do pq q a alma dele está despedaçada?

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