After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Falling Horse! (part 1)

(t/n: Falling Horse ‘掉马’=your disguised identity has been exposed)

Feng Xuan was startled by him and refused to speak anymore.

After all, he looked both neurotic and ferocious.

As if he was about to punch him in the next second.

Feng Xuan was not unfamiliar with such scripts.

He always felt that the plot might be “How dare you call me by this name, you’re dead,” and then his head would be crushed with a pop.

Or it could be “No one has ever dared to call me by this name, because those who did are all dead,” followed by his head being crushed with a pop.

He was not stupid.


What’s wrong with the title “big devil”?

He clearly said that he was the Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea, but he didn’t allow others to call him a devil.

It was surprising to see that his image baggage was so heavy.

So, he wisely kept silent.

Watching him try again and again, he once again played dead.

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression was not good, and the five fingers holding his arm were getting tighter.

His gaze also fell heavily on his face, as if he wanted to stare a hole in it.

Just when Feng Xuan was feeling nervous, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly let go of his hand.

But he didn’t leave, and as Feng Xuan guessed, he opened his mouth and said something extremely cold. “It’s been a long time since anyone has called me by this title.”

See, see.

The script has never lied to me since ancient times.

Feng Xuan’s survival instinct came online instantly, he picked at his fingertips, and sincerely suggested. “Actually, you can pretend I never said it.”

The anger that had suddenly erupted just now disappeared instantly, and he felt that he might be able to save himself. “If you don’t like it, I won’t call you that in the future. How about changing it to Demon Venerable?”

It sounded like a respectful title from someone desperate to survive.

“No.” Qi Zhuoyu spoke, his face expressionless. “You can continue to call me that.”




Are you a masochist?

Feng Xuan was also a little confused.

He seriously doubted whether the Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea had a problem with his brain. He had never seen someone who was eager to be scolded as a devil.

Feng Xuan wanted to lie down and continue sleeping, but Qi Zhuoyu was still by the stone bed and hadn’t left.

And he looked like he still had something to say, he always felt that he seemed to have something to say to him.

Considering that he had accidentally offended this big devil just now.

Feng Xuan was willing to show some of his social virtues, give up a few precious minutes of sleep, and listen to him open his heart.

Sure enough, the next second, Qi Zhuoyu said something that seemed to be for him to hear, and seemed to be talking to himself. “You are very similar to an old friend of mine.”

After he finished speaking, the night was quiet except for the sound of the wind.

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him, seemingly asking him why he wasn’t speaking.

What else could Feng Xuan say?

Listen to what this big devil was saying.

He had been a god for seventy thousand years, and he could still hear such an old-fashioned pick-up line.

This person looked young, where did he find these old-fashioned ways of speaking, even his Father God didn’t use them.

And he also said that he was like one of his old friends, which was very much like the routine of “I have a friend.”

The old friend you’re talking about wouldn’t be your wife or Dao companion, would it?

Feng Xuan paused for a moment, tentatively opening his mouth. “Demon Venerable, is this old friend you’re talking about your wife?”

Qi Zhuoyu just glanced at him faintly, too lazy to speak.

But this silent attitude was undoubtedly another tacit default.


Oh no, it’s over.

He actually encountered this old-fashioned pick-up routine.

Feng Xuan didn’t know what to say for a moment.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t speak either, just quietly looking at a place.

He didn’t know what he was thinking, anyway, he started to be a riddle man again.

It would be fine if he continued to pick up according to the routine.

But after he finished speaking, he didn’t plan to continue, so Feng Xuan was a little curious.

And the less Qi Zhuoyu said, the more curious he was.

To the point where if he didn’t open his mouth to figure it out, he would have insomnia all night.

After a long time, Feng Xuan hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth. “That is, can I ask where I am like your old friend?”

Is it his unparalleled handsome face, or his smart and clever brain?

Or his brave and flexible, high and clean gentleman’s character.

Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze fell on his face, revealing an expression that Feng Xuan couldn’t understand.

It seemed to be immersed in memories, and it seemed to be infinite despair and love, so heavy that he felt a little suffocated.

But his tone was very calm. “Your temperament is very similar to his.”

Feng Xuan: Oh! So they both have the character of being foolishly wise, humble, and intelligent.

Qi Zhuoyu continued faintly, “And you’re greedy and love to sleep in.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Excuse me, I’m leaving!


Feng Xuan thought he would be kept awake by this straight man demon venerable last night.

As a result, good sleep quality does not allow him to have any sleepless nights.

When he woke up, it was already bright.

The sun was three poles high, and Feng Xuan was surprised that he had slept so long.

In theory, as a god, he thought he would be caught by this king of rolls’ demon venerable at dawn, to help him repair his soul.

He didn’t expect that on the first day of descending to the mortal world, he ate well and slept well, is this really reasonable?

If the following days continue like this.

He felt that he could still be a god for another two hundred years.

“You’re awake.” Qi Zhuoyu’s lingering voice appeared in his ear.

The next second, the divine soul lamp was thrown into Feng Xuan’s hand.

Qi Zhuoyu naturally occupied his stone bed and sat down, coldly saying, “Have you thought of a way?”

That posture, as if a night had passed and if he hadn’t thought of a good way.

He would never see the sun tomorrow morning.

“I’ve thought of it.” Feng Xuan obediently nodded.

This god had thought hard all night and had already thought of a perfect way to deceive this big devil.

That’s right.

Feng Xuan was not a salted fish to sit and wait for death, really helping this Chaotic Sea Demon Venerable aid the tyrant. (TL: to take the side of the evildoer)

Just last night, he decided to pretend to help Qi Zhuoyu repair the soul.

In fact, he was using the divine soul lamp to nourish his own primordial spirit, and when his primordial spirit was almost healed, he could restore his mana.

At that time, let alone deal with a wild demon venerable who didn’t know where he came from.

Even dealing with the real fierce beasts in the chaotic sea is not a problem.

…should be.

Anyway, if it really doesn’t work, just go back to the White Jade Capital and tell the Father Emperor.

He’s not good at anything else, but his ability to complain is top-notch.

Qi Zhuoyu nodded, with a condescending air as if he were speaking to himself.

Feng Xuan recited the lines he had prepared long ago. “If you want to reshape a person’s soul, and you don’t have his soul. Actually, if you have something he used close to his body, put it in the divine soul lamp, and nourish it for a long time, it will slowly nourish his soul.”

“Is this method feasible?” Qi Zhuoyu frowned.

“You believe it or not, I only know this one method.” After all, he couldn’t think of any more ways to lie to people, Feng Xuan silently added in his heart.

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him for a long time, as if to see if he was lying.

Feng Xuan felt that seventeen hundred years of acting skills were used at this moment.

So it went on for a long time.

Qi Zhuoyu seemed to believe his nonsense.

He sat up straight, conjuring a delicate little pouch in his palm.

The pouch was made of brocade with entwined branches, embroidered with a few round and plump white peaches.

Although the brocade fabric had started to age and whiten due to its age.

But the corners of the small pouch didn’t have a trace of wear and tear, it was clear that it had been well protected.

More importantly.

This small pouch didn’t look like something an ancient monster would use at all!

Feng Xuan’s gaze fell on this pouch, and he was taken aback.

He originally thought that this big devil wanted to resurrect the soul of a big monster from the Chaotic Sea, so he was unwilling to help him aid the tyrant.

But seeing this small pouch, he felt that it wasn’t quite the case.

And Qi Zhuoyu’s eyelashes were drooping, his gaze fell on the pouch for a long time before he handed the pouch to him.

That look was clearly full of reluctance and unwillingness, but for the sake of reuniting the soul, he had to give it to him.

It made Feng Xuan inexplicably feel like he had stolen a child’s most beloved toy.

And this toy was his only remaining thing.

Looking at the style and delicacy of this pouch, it didn’t seem like Qi Zhuoyu’s own thing.

Otherwise, if it was hung on the waist of a dignified demon venerable, if the enemy died during a fight, they would probably die of laughter.

He glanced at Qi Zhuoyu, the big devil’s face clearly had no expression, it still looked like a dead face.

But Feng Xuan could feel that he seemed to be about to shatter into pieces in the next second.

Suddenly he remembered the scene last night when Qi Zhuoyu said that he was very similar to one of his old friends.

It’s over.

How come this big devil was using cheesy pick-up lines last night.

Turns out there really was a legendary wife!

Wait a minute.

This small pouch wouldn’t be the only relic his wife left him, would it?

Not good.

It feels like he’s cheated someone out of some precious relics that are as important as life, and his merit is rapidly decreasing.

“Why don’t you burn the personal item I gave you?”

Qi Zhuoyu’s voice rang out again, sounding very impatient.

Feng Xuan came back to his senses, and he suddenly felt like he had shot himself in the foot.

He felt that what he was holding in his hand was not a pouch, but the merit he had accumulated for seventeen hundred years.

“I know you’re in a hurry, but don’t rush.”

Feng Xuan plucked up the courage to speak. “Repairing the soul is not something that can be done overnight. Anyway, you can rest assured and leave it to me. After seven days, I will definitely give you a complete primordial spirit.”

He calculated in his heart.

Seven days’ time was almost enough for his primordial spirit to be nourished to the point where he could return to the White Jade Capital.

As for the small pouch in his hand.

Feng Xuan thought about it and decided to hide it first and not burn it.

It’s not that he’s soft-hearted towards this big devil.

He just felt that if he really cheated someone out of their only relic and burned it, that would be too ungodly.

Moreover, this Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea, didn’t seem to be that bad to him.

If he was willing to lose his way and turn back, reform and wash his heart in the future, and be a good demon.

When his primordial spirit was fully recovered.

He might not refuse to help his wife rebuild her soul.


The news that the Demon Venerable had hidden a beauty of the Heavenly Realm in the Zhujian Xiaozhu spread quickly throughout the entire Chaotic Sea continent, as if it had wings.

The speed of gossip spreading was so fast that in a few days, even a random peddler on the street of the demon race knew that their demon race was finally going to have a demon queen!

When the news reached Li Chaofeng’s ears, the version of the gossip had already changed.

Qi Zhuoyu had a coercive love with a beauty of the divine race in the Zhujian Xiaozhu, and also concocted an extremely clichéd dog-blood substitute literature. After going through body and heart abuse, digging heart and liver, “you are just a substitute for that mortal wife” and “you don’t look like him when you smile”, “turn your head and don’t let me see your face”, “the cold contract of the chief domineering demon venerable” and other absurd and weak plots, the beauty in the Zhujian Xiaozhu became the pampered wife of the overbearing president with triplets.

Because the plot was too brainwashing.

So much so that when Li Chaofeng rushed to the Zhujian Xiaozhu and saw the beauty sitting on the stone bed.

His mind was still echoing those brainwashing scenes, such as the Demon Venerable’s body shaking, roaring madly, going back and forth only saying “damn you, damn you”, and the beauty “wuwuwu, I’m dirty” and that scene of ‘you don’t look like him when you smile’.

To be honest, he really couldn’t imagine what his cousin, who always frowned and had a dead face, would look like when he roared.

Most of the time, Qi Zhuoyu never spoke, gloomy and lifeless, even when killing people, he just did it directly, not giving anyone a chance to explain.

Ever since that mortal Xiao Qi’s soul was completely destroyed.

The little bit of emotion that Qi Zhuoyu originally had left that could be called “human” simply disappeared completely.

If it weren’t for the fact that he could still walk and breathe in the past hundred years.

Li Chaofeng would often suspect that he was already a dead man.

Or rather, he was no different from a dead man. The only hope that could keep him alive in this world was that completely unknown method of gathering souls with the divine soul lamp.

And seeing Feng Xuan’s face, Li Chaofeng thought, where is this you don’t look like him when you smile.

Where did this cousin find this beauty, from beginning to end, that is similar to his sister-in-law?!



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