After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Great Demon (part 2)

Both of them were originally the confidants of the Dongyi Demon Lord Rahu.

Ever since Rahu died, the two brothers had been practicing in the Chaotic Sea, trying to make a name for themselves. But they were born at the wrong time, the demon race was in chaos for several years, until the Demon Venerable emerged, unifying the demon realm with his brutal and violent methods, that they had their day in the sun.

In addition, Qi Zhuoyu was the biological son of the old Demon Lord Rahu.

Because both brothers admired Qi Zhuoyu very much, they would willingly give their all for him.

It’s just a pity that this Demon Venerable liked to fight alone, his strength was so great that he could destroy a city by himself, there was no place for these demon generals to show their martial prowess.

Not to mention that there was also that bloodthirsty demon dog, the Demon Venerable would rather bring a dog to fight than take them with him, making them really have no chance to shed blood for the Demon Venerable.

So, this was the first time that the two brothers had been actively summoned by Qi Zhuoyu.

At this moment, they were as excited as if they were meeting a national leader, and they guessed that if Qi Zhuoyu asked them to die in the next second, they would be willing to die.

But Qi Zhuoyu didn’t ask them to die.

This high and mighty, notorious Demon Venerable, stood tall and jade-like, with one arm crossed and the other hand pinching his brow.

“Go. Ask him what he wants to eat, and get it for him.”

After Qi Zhuoyu finished his command, the two brothers noticed.

There was a third person in the courtyard of the Zhujian Xiaozhu.

The two of them were shocked and looked at each other.

Everyone in the demon race knew that the Demon Venerable never allowed anyone to enter the Zhujian Xiaozhu. Once, a young demon member tried to serve the Venerable in the Zhujian Xiaozhu, but as soon as his left foot stepped in, the Venerable crushed his head with one hand.

From then on, no one from the demon clan dared to come to the Bamboo Grove.

Even when they were summoned, the two brothers only dared to stand outside the courtyard.

And just now, they were too excited to notice Feng Xuan’s appearance.

Now that the two brothers’ gazes fell on Feng Xuan, their faces visibly burst into astonishment. There were many demon women, and there was no shortage of those who cultivated their looks. The two brothers had seen thousands of beautiful men and women over the years.

But seeing Feng Xuan’s face, they were still shocked.

If the beauties they had seen before were considered pearls, then the appearance of the person in front of them was like the sun and the moon, and it was feared that there would be no color in the Three Realms that could compete with it.

In short.

Where the hell did this beauty come from?

Listening to the Venerable’s meaning, it seemed like he wanted to get some food for this beauty.

This person wouldn’t have been brought here by the Venerable, would he? And he even allowed him to sit inside the Zhujian Xiaozhu, could it be that he was the future Demon Empress?

Don’t blame them for their wild thoughts, everyone has seen the script.

This kind of domineering Demon Venerable, who no one can enter in the legend, suddenly one day a beautiful person comes in, and this Demon Venerable never approaches women or men, and has been rumored to be impotent, suddenly a young man like this appears by his side, this standard dog-blood configuration, is very likely to be the legendary true love!

But didn’t the Demon Venerable have a mortal Dao companion who he loved deeply before?

Ah, this wave, this wave is a substitute literature!

The two brothers looked at each other and walked towards Feng Xuan with trepidation.

They respectfully and obediently said, “Whatever you want to eat, just order. My brother and I will go through fire and water, without hesitation!”

Feng Xuan was startled by these two suddenly appearing demon generals.

He thought to himself, this thief is part of a gang?

He sneaked a glance at Qi Zhuoyu, wondering if he had found two actors from some troupe.

But looking at their burly figures, the shiny armor they were polishing, and their fierce and evil looks.

No matter how you look at it, it’s very realistic.

Feng Xuan felt a bit bald now.

No way.

He was really so unlucky that he was casually kidnapped from the Qifeng Palace.

And bumped into a real Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea?

“Aren’t you hungry and want to eat?” Qi Zhuoyu pinched his brow and said irritably, “Why aren’t you talking again?”

Feng Xuan: …Are you sure they’re going to get me food, not eat me?

These two look like they can eat a bird in one bite.jpg

“I’ll eat anything.” Feng Xuan’s voice was much quieter.

“There’s no such dish as ‘anything’ in the world.” Qi Zhuoyu said unhappily.


Feng Xuan didn’t speak, he was weak and pitiful but still able to act.

Qi Zhuoyu felt a strong throbbing in his brow and ordered,

“Go and find him a dish according to the popular cuisine of the White Jade Capital.”


After eating and drinking enough, Feng Xuan truly believed that this little thief was some kind of Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea.

Actually, if he thought about it carefully, he should have had doubts before. After all, what ordinary thief has the ability to come and go in the Qifeng Palace as if there were no one there, and even kidnap him, the crown prince of the White Jade Capital, without anyone knowing?

Qi Zhuoyu no longer allowed him to continue to slack off.

The two demon generals seemed to feel that they had done too little for Qi Zhuoyu.

They seemed to want to stay and do some housework, fix the house or something, but they were waved away by Qi Zhuoyu, directly thrown a hundred meters away, and vomited a lot of blood after being smashed heavily on the ground.

The two demon generals didn’t dare to raise their heads and immediately rolled and crawled away.

Seeing this, Feng Xuan was dumbfounded and had a new understanding of this Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea.

This person’s temper was not just bad, it was very bad.

And he seemed to be a bit unclean, with very poor personal hygiene habits.

People have said that they would help him clean up and fix the house or something, but he was not happy.

No wonder.

The mighty Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea lives in such a dilapidated house, it turns out to be because of sloppiness.

He was thinking wildly.

Suddenly, a sinister voice came from above his head.

“If you dare to think one more sentence, this Venerable will dig out your brain.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Damn, this Demon Venerable wouldn’t have some kind of mind-reading technique, would he?

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t bother to talk to him. “Hurry up and ignite the Divine Soul Lamp.”

Feng Xuan had to hold the Divine Soul Lamp in his hand and ignite it with his own primordial spirit fire.

After all, he had planned to ignite the Divine Soul Lamp. Feng Xuan could feel that his primordial spirit had suddenly become very fragile for some reason. If he needed to recover his spiritual power, he would have to rely on the power of the Divine Soul Lamp.

So it seemed like he was aiding and abetting.

In fact, he was just naturally allowing himself to recover his strength.


How smart is his bird brain.jpg

But when he used his own primordial spirit fire, it was also the sneaky kind.

After all, his persona was still just a lamp servant of the Qifeng Palace.

But this great demon seemed to have a low IQ.

Seeing the Divine Soul Lamp ignited, he never took his eyes off it for a moment, like a drowning man who had finally caught a piece of driftwood.

Feng Xuan spoke up, “The Divine Soul Lamp has been lit for you, what do you want to use it for?”

Qi Zhuoyu’s voice suddenly became a bit hoarse, as if he needed to use all his strength to say a word, “This Venerable wants to reshape a person’s primordial spirit.”

A person? Who?

Feng Xuan was a bit curious.

But Qi Zhuoyu only said half of what he wanted to say, and started to play the riddle man again, not planning to tell him.

After this short period of time together, Feng Xuan felt that he had somewhat figured out his way of speaking.

But he didn’t really want to know whose primordial spirit Qi Zhuoyu wanted to reshape.

At first glance, he seemed like a major villain, always giving the impression that he was trying to reshape the divine soul of some ancient demon for his world-destroying endeavors.

“If you want to reshape a divine soul, simply igniting the Divine Soul Lamp won’t work,” Feng Xuan stated honestly, “You also need that person’s soul.”

No sooner had he finished speaking than Qi Zhuoyu’s face darkened instantly.

His mood changed faster than flipping a book, his expression hidden in the shadows. It took him a long time to speak, and when he did, he said awkwardly, “I don’t have his soul.”

Feng Xuan: ?

So what do you want the Divine Soul Lamp for, to reshape a sense of belief?

Even a skilled woman can’t cook without rice.

Without giving him a soul, you want him to use the Divine Soul Lamp to reshape a person’s divine soul.

Isn’t that like forcing a bird to fly without wings, or making a public spectacle?

“Aren’t you the lamp servant of the Divine Soul Lamp? I command you to find a way for me.”

Qi Zhuoyu then put on a show of forcing a bird to fly without wings, making a public spectacle.

Feng Xuan was completely taken aback by his antics.

If he had such a power to change fate, why would he need to reincarnate?

Why not just replace Nuwa and create humans, my friend?! (TL: Nüwa, the goddess who repaired heaven and created mankind)

Listen to what kind of ridiculous request you’re making, even the client wouldn’t propose such an unreasonable plan.

Qi Zhuoyu said fiercely, “If you can’t figure out a way, I won’t kill you, but I will make you wish you were dead.”

Feng Xuan: ? Well, you’re really not acting like a human at all.

Forget it, forget it.

A bird without spiritual power must endure.

Once he restored his spiritual power with the Divine Soul Lamp, the first thing he would do was to smash the head of this Demon Venerable!

Feng Xuan put away the Divine Soul Lamp and sat back on the rock he had carefully chosen earlier.

Then he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep, after all, there was nothing that couldn’t be solved by sleeping.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly grabbed his arm, “What are you doing?”

Feng Xuan closed his eyes, somewhat annoyed, “Didn’t you ask me to find a way? I’m thinking about it now.”

Qi Zhuoyu said irritably, “I see you’re both lazy and greedy, clearly you’re just sleeping.”

Feng Xuan was really speechless, “When I think about things, I need to close my eyes. If you can use the Divine Soul Lamp, you go ahead!”

Since ancient times, “If you can, you go ahead” has always been a killer phrase.

Sure enough, after saying this, Qi Zhuoyu stiffened for a moment, then snorted coldly.

“I’ll wait for you to think of a way, if you can’t think of one by tomorrow morning…”

“I get it, I get it, you want me to wish I were dead, right?” Feng Xuan opened his eyes and glared at him, getting angry, “Is that the only thing you can say over and over again, big! devil!”

But he didn’t expect that as soon as the last word fell.

This Demon Venerable, not knowing what madness he was under, suddenly tightened his grip on his arm, almost crushing it.

Qi Zhuoyu was shocked, almost gritting his teeth as he stared at him.

“What did you just call me?”



  1. teacup says:

    Aaaaa, I’m so excited! Thank you for translating!

  2. Nana says:

    Reconheça ele 🙏🏻 reconheça ele 🙏🏻 reconheça ele 🙏🏻

    Coisas importantes devem se repetir três vezes

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