After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Great Demon (part 1)

It was not surprising that Feng Xuan misunderstood his name.

After all, in his current memory, he didn’t know that he had been in seclusion for two hundred years.

As a prince who was born and raised in the White Jade Capital.

He had never been to the mortal world, never been to the Chaotic Sea, let alone heard of the Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea.

What was this thing? Could it be eaten?

Although subconsciously, he felt that this didn’t quite seem like a name.

But he had read the history of the Three Realms. The demons of the Chaotic Sea continent had always been each for their own, dividing into twelve demon domains, each domain having its own self-proclaimed demon lord.

Since the creation of the world, apart from the earliest demon gods who were born from the Primordial River along with the Father God.

The demon lords had been fighting fiercely for tens of thousands of years, no one submitting to anyone, and there was not a single person who dared to call themselves the Demon Venerable.

So even though these five words didn’t look like a name at all.

But after ruling out many impossibilities, the most impossible one must be the truth!

Then he saw Qi Zhuoyu give him a “Are you out of your mind?” look.

He didn’t speak, but Feng Xuan still felt that this person’s mouth was really dirty.


Wait until he recovers his spiritual power, then hang this little thief up and beat him.

He estimated the height of this thief.

…The kind of hanging him up and beating him while standing on a stool.


If it wasn’t his name, could it be that this little thief really thought he was the Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea?

Feng Xuan looked at the dilapidated house and the desolate mountain where not even birds would defecate.

Where was the grandeur of a great demon who could command the wind and rain? Shouldn’t a demon venerable have countless treasures in his palace and a harem of wives and concubines?

He couldn’t even brag properly.

Feng Xuan glanced at him, thinking that this little thief was not only poor but also crazy.

The kind of crazy where he couldn’t maintain mental stability for even a minute.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t plan to waste words with Feng Xuan.

To be precise, he was simply too lazy to bother with Feng Xuan.

If it weren’t for Feng Xuan making some noise just now, he might not have noticed the existence of other people around him at all.

In all his years, Feng Xuan had never been ignored so thoroughly.

But he wouldn’t immediately become the kind of greasy god who says, “Well done, man, you’ve successfully caught my attention.”

Qi Zhuoyu ignored him, and he could take a short nap.

After all, he had been tossed around in his sleeve just now and almost vomited.

How had he never noticed before that he had a problem with motion sickness?

Unfortunately, he had just fallen asleep when he was suddenly pulled up from the stone.

Feng Xuan opened his eyes, and what met his gaze was Qi Zhuoyu’s face, which was so handsome it was somewhat demonic. His eyebrows were furrowed, “Are you sleeping?”

Ah, what else?

If he closed his eyes, it wasn’t to sleep, was it to create a certain atmosphere?

“What’s wrong?” Feng Xuan was a bit puzzled.

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him and said coldly, “This Venerable is still here.”


So he was blaming him for not preparing a bed for him.

Feng Xuan naturally moved a bit inside the stone bed, leaving a space for him, “If you want to sleep, you can lie down too. The stone I found is quite big.”

He thought about it, after all, he was still a hostage now, so he had to apply a gentle policy to the kidnapper to avoid being torn up.

Who knew, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly stopped talking.

And just stared at him strangely.

The air between the two suddenly became quiet.

Feng Xuan just silently stared at him for a while, and his late-coming reflex arc finally came online.

He felt that he might have misunderstood the meaning of this Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea.

That question, “Are you sleeping?” when expanded, should be “How can you, a kidnapped hostage, sleep next to the kidnapper?”

Not to mention that this little thief’s kidnapping skills seemed very poor.

Is it wrong to have good sleep quality? He just falls asleep as soon as he’s tired.

Feng Xuan felt that he couldn’t explain this to him.

Watch him play dead.

Clearly, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t plan to let him play dead.

He might have suddenly remembered that he was still a kidnapper, and once again grabbed Feng Xuan and asked, “This Venerable asks you, who are you?”

After hearing this, Feng Xuan was really speechless.

Did this lamp thief’s heart have a bit too much ambition? He had kidnapped him from the Qifeng Palace, but he didn’t even know who he was.

What was he kidnapping?

Was it a sense of ritual?

However, luckily he was smart.

He had already made up his new identity, determined not to let anyone discover his identity as the crown prince of the White Jade Capital.

Feng Xuan went with the flow, “I am a lamp servant who serves the Divine Soul Lamp in the Qifeng Palace.”

Qi Zhuoyu said coldly, “Lamp servant?”

His expression seemed a bit incredulous.

Feng Xuan was also a bit nervous inside, after all, it would be hard to find a lamp servant as beautiful as this god in the Three Realms.

But as it turned out, Qi Zhuoyu believed him as soon as he finished asking.

Not only did he believe him, but he also showed an expression of “So that’s why you’re so stupid and clumsy, you’re just a divine servant.”


Feng Xuan felt that his fist was really hard.

What kind of blind straight man was this, treating the beauty of this god as air?

Could it be that his aesthetic was so low that he thought red and green looked good together?

It turned out that this so-called demon venerable was not only a straight man but also extremely bad at reading faces.

After asking, he naturally moved on to the next topic, “Since you are a lamp servant, you should also know how to use the Divine Soul Lamp. Tell this Venerable, why does this lamp never light up?”

So he got up to work while forcing him to rest.

Because he didn’t know how to use the Divine Soul Lamp.

Feng Xuan looked at him, not really wanting to help him, and said, “I don’t know.”

As a god of the White Jade Capital, he had his own bottom line. “And even if I knew how to use it, I wouldn’t help you. Because the Divine Soul Lamp is something you stole, and as a divine servant, I can’t assist in evil deeds.”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him and naturally said, “In that case, this Venerable will kill you now.”

Feng Xuan took the Divine Soul Lamp from his hand. “Actually, it’s not that I completely don’t know how to use it.”

Qi Zhuoyu also felt a bit speechless, and asked strangely, “Aren’t you a divine servant who doesn’t want to assist this Venerable in doing evil?”

Feng Xuan paused for a moment, then slowly said, “I thought about it. I think you must have your difficulties, the Buddha will forgive me.”

Qi Zhuoyu: “…”

Feng Xuan: “.”

Go to hell, you little thief.

Principles are precious, but life is more valuable, understand?

And he just handed the Divine Soul Lamp to himself like that.

Wasn’t he afraid that he would run away with the lamp to the Ninth Heaven in the next second?

But Feng Xuan secretly sized up Qi Zhuoyu and found that Qi Zhuoyu had no intention of guarding against him at all.

Even in the surroundings, not a single barrier was set up, and he was calmly waiting for him to ignite the Divine Soul Lamp.

Seeing this scene, Feng Xuan had a strange sense of déjà vu in his heart.

He always felt that Qi Zhuoyu was not underestimating him just because he was a small divine servant.

Perhaps if the War God Jing Yu of the White Jade Capital were standing in front of him today.

Qi Zhuoyu would still have this indifferent attitude, as if no one in the Three Realms could escape from his hands.

This was a kind of extreme confidence in his own strength, and also an extreme arrogance that was at ease.

Feng Xuan didn’t understand.

This little thief, what on earth was he being so arrogant about?

Could it be that he was addicted to playing the Demon Venerable, and he had fooled himself lame?

This actor’s sense of belief.

Feng Xuan deeply admired it.

After watching him for a long time, he didn’t see this little lamp servant ignite the Divine Soul Lamp.

Qi Zhuoyu’s patience ran out instantly, and he felt like he was going to explode his head in the next second, “Why are you still looking at this Venerable and not doing anything?”

Feng Xuan came back to his senses, his gaze falling on the Divine Soul Lamp in his hand.

After looking at it for a few seconds, he looked up at Qi Zhuoyu again.

“Don’t misunderstand. It’s not that I don’t want to help you, it’s that I have no spiritual power right now, and I can’t ignite the Divine Soul Lamp for a while.”

This sentence was really not lying to Qi Zhuoyu, Feng Xuan’s primordial spirit originally had to be nourished by the Divine Soul Lamp, and was suddenly awakened, let alone spiritual power, up to now he hadn’t fainted from exhaustion, which was extremely lucky.

Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him.

Actually, he didn’t need to look, he had noticed when he took the Divine Soul Lamp that this little lamp servant’s primordial spirit was shattered and almost patched together from bits and pieces. And it wasn’t very stable, it seemed like it would disperse with just a little attack.

He had seen weak primordial spirits, but he had never seen one shattered like this.

He didn’t know what had happened before.

“This is not difficult. This Venerable can give you half of my spiritual power.” As he said this, Qi Zhuoyu really planned to forcibly infuse Feng Xuan with spiritual power in a simple and crude way.

Feng Xuan was so scared that he quickly stood up, “No, no.”

He strongly resisted, “You have the demonic power of the demon race, and I have the spiritual power of the divine realm. If you forcibly infuse me with demonic power, I will go into demonic deviation.”

Qi Zhuoyu thought about it, he still needed him to ignite the Divine Soul Lamp.

So he had to suppress his impatience and asked, “Then what do you want?”

Feng Xuan felt that he was fierce, but it seemed like he really needed him to ignite the Divine Soul Lamp.

So he felt that he probably wouldn’t die for a while, and he was a little braver, muttering, “Just give me some food, let me rest for a few days, when I’m full and well-rested, my spiritual power will naturally recover.”

Qi Zhuoyu was irritable, “You still want to rest for a few days?”

Feng Xuan was startled, thinking to himself, why was this little thief’s temper so bad, his mood swings were quite scary. “Not a few days, but at least one day is needed. Why are you so fierce? Right now, you’re the one asking me for help. If you can’t even wait for a day…”

It had been hundreds of years since anyone had dared to threaten Qi Zhuoyu like this.

His expression was gloomy, almost dripping with darkness, and he wanted to hear how this little lamp servant planned to deal with him if he couldn’t wait for a day.

But the next second, the little lamp servant just lay down and gave up, showing the kindness of a god.

“Then why don’t you just kill me?”

It didn’t matter anyway.

His divine life-giving method was just to commit suicide at worst.



The air, which was already quiet, now seemed even more like death.

Feng Xuan was a brave little bird who wasn’t afraid of boiling water.

After saying that, he sat holding the Divine Soul Lamp, with an attitude of committing suicide if he wasn’t fed.

What does it mean that birds live for food?

You thief, do you understand health preservation?

The two of them just held their silence.

Neither of them was willing to back down.

In the end, Qi Zhuoyu closed his eyes and took a shallow breath.

He suppressed the violent emotion that wanted to kill the whole world and said irritably, “Come!”

The next second, two tall demon generals suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the courtyard, which had been empty.

They looked over two meters tall, completely dressed as demon warriors, wearing heavy black armor weighing dozens of pounds, and saluted with their fists. “Subordinates are here!”



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