After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Stealing Wife (part 2)

In the hundred years he was in the Chaotic Sea, he unified the Demon Realm, and countless demon generals and monsters surrendered to him.

At first, they offered Qi Zhuoyu more gorgeous and magnificent palaces and demon halls, or countless demon servants and beauties who were willing to serve him.

But after the former was given to Qi Zhuoyu, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t live in it at all. Not to mention the latter, those beauties who thought they were a bit beautiful and wanted to seduce him, all died in piles from the palace.

Later, no one dared to hit Qi Zhuoyu’s side.

And what surprised everyone was that Qi Zhuoyu didn’t want their palaces.

He was originally the son of the Dongyi Demon Lord Rahu, but he didn’t even live in Rahu’s Demon Palace, but chose to live in the Misty Immortal Mansion.

Two hundred years after the war between immortals and demons, the Misty Immortal Mansion, which was originally the first sect in the cultivation world, fell from the position of the first sect because of offending the Demon Venerable.

In these two hundred years, the demon races who wanted to please Qi Zhuoyu frequently targeted it, so it quickly fell from the position of the first sect.

The immortal mountain cave mansion, which was full of immortal mist and abundant spiritual energy, and had carved beams and painted buildings, also fell into a desolate mountain and wild ridge that no one asked about within a hundred years.

Only the scorched earth, the cracked mountains, the shattered altars, and various broken weapons and ruins showed the grandeur and magnificence of this immortal mansion.

Seeing Qi Zhuoyu just ignore him and leave, Feng Xuan had a question mark in his head.

On second thought, was this the first time this little thief had committed a crime? Why was he so casual about taking hostages, he seemed very inexperienced.

He instinctively wanted to use his spiritual power to return to the White Jade Capital.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he circulated his spiritual power in his body for a week, it stagnated directly.

Feng Xuan had a second question mark on his head.

What’s going on.

Why did he feel like he had just not taken a nap, but slept for hundreds of years?

Why was there no spiritual power in his body when he woke up?!

Although he was not diligent in cultivation, he was also making slow progress. He had never seen this kind of situation where he was not advancing but retreating. Could it be that he had become such a salted fish?

Try to fly in the sky, even the spiritual power of flying in the sky is not much.

There is a feeling that it is very likely to crash on the spot due to exhaustion halfway through the flight.

He could transform into his original form and return to the White Jade Capital.

But thinking about it, if he transformed into his original form, wouldn’t everyone know that he, the Crown Prince, was kidnapped by a little thief who was committing a crime for the first time?



Life is precious, and face is even more valuable.

Don’t transform, don’t transform to death.

He would rather not be the laughing stock of the ancient gods in the White Jade Capital after tea and dinner.

He might as well commit suicide on the spot and spill his blood into the Chaotic Sea.

And the Divine Soul Lamp is still in the hands of this thief.

He had to follow up and see what this lamp thief was going to do with his lamp!

Feng Xuan quickly picked up his skirt and carefully avoided the various pits and mires on the ground.

Then he followed Qi Zhuoyu with light steps, stopping and going, observing secretly in a bird-like manner.

Although this little thief’s behavior was shameful.

But unexpectedly, he was quite tall, his steps were wide, and every step he took was windy. The dark thin silk fluttered with his walking movements.

He took one step, and Feng Xuan had to jog two steps to keep up. Even if he stood up straight, he seemed to be only up to his chin.

Soon Feng Xuan saw this little thief walk into a dilapidated courtyard.

Looking at the poor, broken, collapsed, and shattered buildings, Feng Xuan was even more determined in his heart.

It seems that this thief is really poor and crazy.

No wonder he was so bold as to steal his natal lamp in the White Jade Capital.

Feng Xuan quietly looked at the structure of the entire courtyard, and could see that it should originally have east and west wing rooms.

He also looked at the place where the mountain road was connected, and there was a wutong tree that had been dead for many years.

In short, there was no place to lie down.

Forget it.

Feng Xuan thought to himself that he was a hostage after all, and he didn’t need to demand too much quality of life.

If there was no place to lie down, he looked left and right, chose a stone that he liked, and then moved it to the Wutong tree with great effort, ready to rest for a while.

Maybe it was because he moved the stone too loudly.

Or maybe this touch of white figure in the gloomy bamboo house was particularly lively.

Qi Zhuoyu finally noticed his existence.

He looked over and saw Feng Xuan, his expression paused for a moment. “What are you doing?”

Feng Xuan had just put the stone in place and heard the question, he answered honestly.

This was the first sentence he said, his voice was clean and cold, like an ice cube falling into a porcelain bowl. “Moving stones.”

Qi Zhuoyu: “What are you moving stones for?”

Feng Xuan: “Rest.”



Qi Zhuoyu seemed to have heard something outrageous.

Actually, thinking about it, Feng Xuan also felt quite outrageous. After all, he was a hostage, and he was moving stones to rest so blatantly.

But his character was just so rotten, after all, he could just commit suicide at worst.

Since he couldn’t return to the Ninth Heaven for the time being, he had to make the best of it and arrange himself comfortably.

Clearly, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t think so, a strange expression appeared on his dead-water-like face. “Moving stones? Resting?”

Feng Xuan didn’t know why he confessed honestly. “I didn’t mean to move stones to rest.”

“That’s because…” He hesitated for a moment, then said, “You didn’t prepare a chair for me to rest on.”

He spoke with such perfect logic, and was quite righteous and indignant.

Qi Zhuoyu almost thought that giving him a chair now would be a reasonable act.

Fortunately, Qi Zhuoyu was too lazy to listen to his nonsense and brought the topic back on track, impatiently. “And why are you here?”

As if his presence here had defiled this place.

Please. It’s a blessing for this piece of land to be visited by a god like me.

And Feng Xuan was full of question marks.

Brother, how can you have the nerve to ask me this question.

Am I not the divine quality you brought back from the White Jade Capital?

“Wasn’t it you who brought me here?” After a while, Feng Xuan spoke up, feeling the need to remind this thief. “And you also stole the Divine Soul Lamp.”

Give it back to me quickly.

Then I’ll leave now.

Qi Zhuoyu naturally ignored the latter half of his sentence, showing an expression of “I thought you were dead on the way”.

After all, this person’s primordial spirit was fragmented, and it’s strange that he survived inexplicably, and it’s even stranger that he hadn’t left yet.

Qi Zhuoyu sneered. “You’re quite bold. Don’t you know who I am?”

Huh? Why should he know who he is.

Could it be that this person is some kind of famous god thief?

Seeing that he seemed to want to announce his family, Feng Xuan decided to listen respectfully.

But this person, didn’t know what was wrong with him, he only said half of what he wanted to say, and Feng Xuan hated this kind of riddle person the most.

Don’t want to say it, right?

Fine. Feng Xuan didn’t ask either, deciding to remain silent.

Zhujian Xiaozhu, which was as quiet as death, was now only left with the sound of the wind blowing through the fallen leaves, rustling.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly felt a strange sense of familiarity.

But he couldn’t say what was familiar, he just felt that the person in front of him was very strange.

After a while, Qi Zhuoyu seemed to be annoyed by this silent atmosphere.

Once again, he spoke, his tone tinged with a few shades of gloom. “Why don’t you ask? Don’t you want to know who I am?”

As long as he asked, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t mind letting him be an enlightened ghost.

He could also report his name on the road to the netherworld.

But after waiting for a long time, he saw Feng Xuan’s beautiful fox eyes look over.

The corners of his eyes were slightly upturned, and when he looked at someone seriously, the upper eye line was very obvious, with a natural innocence.

“You really want to say it.”

Feng Xuan reached out his hand, very sincerely continued, “Give me the lamp, and I’ll listen to you.”

As soon as the words fell.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly paused, staring at him with an even stranger expression.

After a moment, he spoke, “I am the Demon Venerable of the Chaotic Sea.”

After he finished speaking, Feng Xuan was indeed stunned.

Seeing that he was quite frightened, Qi Zhuoyu hooked up a mocking smile.

But before he finished laughing, Feng Xuan hesitated and spoke again, “Your name is so long, it actually has five characters.”

He looked very shocked, as if he had never seen such a niche name. “Is your surname Hun?”


TL: not sure if it is a pun, anyway Hun “混” = to mix; to mingle; muddled; to drift along; to muddle along; to pass for; to get along with sb; thoughtless; reckless



  1. Satou says:

    Way too funny xD I love this little god. Thank you for the update!

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