After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Reunion (part 1)

On the night of Qi Zhuoyu’s execution, not only the various immortal sects came to the Misty Immortal Mansion to watch.

Even the Human Empire sent troops to observe.

For this once-famous prodigy, who was now a down-and-out demon that everyone wanted to beat,

Emperor Li was afraid of having any connection with him, offending the entire cultivation world, and shattering his dream of immortality, so he couldn’t wait to sever ties overnight.

Those who accused Qi Zhuoyu of not being of the King Duan’s bloodline in the court back then, now sprang up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Emperor Li made his relationship with Qi Zhuoyu so clear that the hundred families of the immortal sect could not blame the Human Empire for its mistakes. After all, Qi Zhuoyu could not be considered a human, he had half of the demon’s bloodline.

The one leading the troops to watch the execution was the current Sixth Prince, Li Chaofeng.

It was said that he had some private disputes and grievances with Qi Zhuoyu, and even if the Human Empire’s army was strong, it was still just a group of mortals.

Therefore, the hundred families of the immortal sect did not pay attention to this team.

They were only arranged a place on the side to watch.

What the cultivators had to guard against were those demon lackeys when Qi Zhuoyu occupied the Misty Immortal Mansion!

So no one expected that during the execution,

The prince sent by the Human Empire would suddenly rise up, his body growing several feet tall, turning into a fearsome demon beast, a white-haired, awe-inspiring hound, with thunder rolling under his four paws, and his whole body wrapped in surging spiritual power.

Then he leaped onto the punishment platform, and with a “howl”, he bit Qi Zhuoyu into his mouth.

And immediately ran away!

Li Chaofeng ran so fast, as if he was very skilled at running like this.

So much so that the hundred families of the immortal sect were stunned at the time, or it might be that they didn’t expect such a simple and crude outrageous act of prison break.

It took several seconds for everyone to react.

But Li Chaofeng had already run out of sight, leaving only a dashing and handsome dog-like silhouette behind.

When Qi Zhuoyu regained consciousness, he found that he was not dead.

His execution was supposed to be today, and by rights, his soul should have scattered by now. How was he still alive?

But he didn’t care, whenever his soul scattered was fine.

So Qi Zhuoyu became like a dead man again, indifferent to everything around him.

He just stared blankly at one place, no one knew what he was thinking, they could only infer from his breathing that he was still alive.

Until Li Chaofeng bumped Qi Zhuoyu with his head.

Qi Zhuoyu then turned his head.

A man and a dog looked at each other.

After a while, Qi Zhuoyu spoke weakly, “Where did this dog come from?”

Li Chaofeng: ?

Cousin, wake up, cousin! I just went through hell to get you out of the execution ground, cousin!

Those old cultivation heads used such a big knife to chop at me, cousin!! And now you’re saying I’m a dog from somewhere!!

Li Chaofeng instantly turned into the Sixth Prince.

He said in a very dog-leg manner, “Cousin, it’s me!”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him, although he had no expression.

But the Sixth Prince still read the expression in his eyes: Who are you?


Looking at his cousin who had just lost his wife.

The Sixth Prince decided not to argue with Qi Zhuoyu too much.

Just now on the punishment platform, he was far away.

The Sixth Prince hadn’t seen Qi Zhuoyu’s specific appearance, he just tasted a mouthful of fresh blood while biting him and running wildly.

He thought it was because he had used too much force and had bitten Qi Zhuoyu.

But now when he looked, it wasn’t that he had bitten him, but that Qi Zhuoyu didn’t have a good piece of flesh all over his body.

Those old wounds hadn’t scabbed over yet, and new ones had been added.

Knife wounds, sword wounds, and some wounds that didn’t know what magic weapon had caused, not only that, even his primordial spirit was tattered, it was simply unbearable to look at.

The Sixth Prince was shocked, thinking that Qi Zhuoyu was really a tough guy.

He was so badly injured and didn’t make a sound.

Then he looked up at his face and couldn’t help but sigh again.

Damn it, they were all born by the same grandfather, how come Qi Zhuoyu was so disheveled and still had a kind of unrestrained and rogue handsome.

If he was injured like this, he would only become a scarred dead dog.jpg

The Sixth Prince knew that if he left Qi Zhuoyu here and walked away.

He dared to guarantee that Qi Zhuoyu would definitely not move a step, most likely he would just sit here and wait to die.

His body was in such a broken state, as if he lost the will to live.

No matter what kind of peerless genius he was, he was only two or three days away from death.

Damn it, he didn’t expect that he would have to do psychological counseling when he came to save people.

Forget it, he owed this pair of dog lovers in his last life!

The Sixth Prince pondered for a moment, then slowly said, “That, cousin. I know all about what you did in the Chaotic Sea, and I also know about sister-in-law’s affairs, which everyone doesn’t want to see.”

The tone of the Sixth Prince’s speech was very much like that of a kind mother who was persuading her son who had lost his wife.

Trying to arouse a bit of his son’s will to live, so that he wouldn’t always think about committing suicide and the like.

Qi Zhuoyu acted as if he hadn’t heard.

It was likely that someone had told him to mourn and move on, but he didn’t care to listen.

“I’m not here to tell you to mourn and move on! Think about it, there must be a reason why I saved you.” The Sixth Prince continued, “Cousin, do you remember what the treasure that the old man from the Guixu Country offered to our empire on New Year’s Eve last year was called? Was it called the Divine Soul Lamp?”

Qi Zhuoyu’s eyelids finally moved.

He lifted them, looking at him with an extreme indifference, a kind of chilling coldness.

The Sixth Prince quickly suppressed his wildly beating heart and continued, “I heard that old man say that the Divine Soul Lamp is an ancient artifact that can defy the heavens and bring the dead back to life. Cousin, since there is such an awesome artifact in this world, and you are such an awesome person, why don’t you go and snatch this Divine Soul Lamp and use it to rebuild sister-in-law’s soul!”

Qi Zhuoyu’s eyes also moved a bit.

Like from a state of dead water, gradually showing a hint of liveliness.

The Sixth Prince pressed on, not changing his dog-like habits when he was a human.

He circled around Qi Zhuoyu, talking as he went, “And think about it, cousin, you have the ability to unify the Demon Realm, why don’t you have the ability to flatten the Heavenly Realm! I don’t believe that there is anything in this world that immortals can’t do, there are so many treasures in the Ninth Heaven, there must be one that can bring sister-in-law back to life!”

Qi Zhuoyu seemed to be moved by his words, murmuring in a low voice, “You’re right.”

He had already glimpsed a part of the magnificent picture scroll of the Immortal Realm in the little carp’s dream, which was a place where stronger people gathered than the Cultivation Realm.

Not to mention that above the Sanqing Realm, there was the Ninth Heaven. The world was so big, couldn’t he find back a mortal soul?

Moreover, he had personally seen the power of the Divine Soul Lamp.

Even the divine form of the Southern Sea War God, Buting Huyu, could be preserved for a hundred years, so it was certainly possible to rebuild a mortal’s soul.

The Sixth Prince felt that with his eloquence, he could further stimulate Qi Zhuoyu’s will to live.

He was almost moved by his own words, but the next second he saw Qi Zhuoyu stand up.

Him: ???

Isn’t it that cousin, you’re so injured that you can actually stand up??

And after Qi Zhuoyu stood up, he headed straight for the Demon Realm.

It looked like he really took the Sixth Prince’s words to heart, preparing to unify the Demon Realm and then flatten the Heavenly Realm.

The Sixth Prince hurriedly chased after him.

Thinking, damn! Cousin, you’re not planning to leave me behind, are you?

He had made up his mind to stop being a human and become a dog, and had come all the way to Qi Zhuoyu!

How come this turned out to be not a mutual rush between the two of them, but just a one-way rush of his, a dog!!

Qi Zhuoyu really frowned and looked at him, “Why are you still here?”

Sixth Prince: Damn! What a cold and ruthless man!

The Sixth Prince said in a dog-leg manner, “Cousin, I’ve thought it over. I think it’s meaningless to follow Emperor Li, it’s more promising to follow you!”

He had heard in Chang’an that Qi Zhuoyu had almost destroyed the entire human world with his own power.

Such a powerful thigh, him, the Sixth Prince, Li Chaofeng!

Thirty years in the Hedong, thirty years in the Hexi, this little brother, he is set!

The Sixth Prince continued to recommend himself in a dog-leg manner, “Look, cousin, you’re going to be the Demon Venerable in the future, as a villain leader like you, you just lack a cool demon beast mount like me, how about it? Actually, I feel that if you change my skin to a dog with a white color mixed with a little gold color, but will it look too much like a righteous divine beast? Or should it be black, I think my dog hair is quite comfortable to sit on, do you want to try…”

A man and a dog headed towards the Demon Realm just like that.

Qi Zhuoyu, irritated by his chatter, kicked him.

“Shut up. Turn into a dog.”

“Eh, wait, cousin—woof woof woof! Woof woof woof! Woof woof woof woof woof woof!”

Translation: Eh, damn it! It’s familiar! How the hell did I turn into a dog again! It’s familiar! How the hell did I turn into a dog again!


In the 61st year of Taizong, after a long war and infighting, the twelve demon tribes in the Chaotic Sea Demon Realm finally welcomed a new ruler.

The twelve demon territories were merged into one, managed by the newly ascended Demon Venerable.

The Demon Venerable had just ascended to the throne for less than a few months, and his brutal and ferocious reputation had completely spread, and his name could even stop a child’s crying at night.

He fought the demon clans in the south and in the north, without any defeat. At first, there were still some demon clans who did not submit to him. The next day, those who did not submit to him were scattered by him, and since then, no demon clan dared to disobey his orders.

It could be said that the simple and crude management method of solving the problem was to solve the person who raised the problem had been implemented to the extreme.

In addition, the Demon Venerable had never had any close subordinates, nor any favored women, and had never seen him marry any concubines over the years.

Every day he was either fighting or on his way to fight.



  1. Nana says:

    Wow que salto no tempo ein

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