After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Return to the Heavenly Realm (part 2)

As a result, after calculating, he didn’t calculate that Ling’er still fell in love with this mortal.

Had no choice but to entrust Siming to go down to the mortal world to guide him to sever his immortal fate with that mortal.

Now the result was also seen, although the immortal fate was severed, but Feng Xuan was still as Ying Zhu prophesied, destroyed his primordial spirit for this mortal, and brought down the tribulation.

Thinking of this, Feng Li was faintly angry.

If this mortal becomes an immortal in the future, he must strike him with the biggest thunderbolt!

As he spoke, ripples suddenly appeared under the wutong tree.

The wind from the Qifeng Palace slowly gathered around the wutong tree, followed by the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, slowly gathering under the divine tree into the shape of a fog lamp.

Then, a shattered soul was sacrificed from the fog lamp.

The soul was nourished by the spiritual energy of the wutong tree and gradually transformed into a spirit body.

His eyebrows and eyes were like ink, his skin was like white fat, and his face was extremely bright. In the vague mist, it set off a shocking color.

Even with his eyes closed, one could glimpse seven or eight points of absolute beauty, as inviolable as the snow on the high mountains, as untouchable as the bright moon.

Although the time was not right, no matter how many times they saw Feng Xuan’s face.

Jing Yu’s breath would pause for a moment, the first beauty in the three realms, no one was more deserving of this title than the prince in front of him.

Feng Li had already stretched out his arms to catch Feng Xuan floating in mid-air.

He gently held the spirit body, slowly knelt down on the ground, making Feng Xuan sleep more comfortably.

Feng Li probed Feng Xuan’s soul, it was truly shattered, it would take hundreds of years to piece together, he didn’t know how long it would have to be nourished in the divine soul lamp. He hated that mortal even more in his heart, and made a note to settle accounts in the future.

He also lovingly tucked a strand of Feng Xuan’s hair behind his ear, but unexpectedly touched a tear at the corner of Feng Xuan’s eye.

It silently slid into the mist.

Feng Li stared for a long time, then sighed.

“The soul is shattered, the love is broken. Ling’er’s tribulation, it was very hard.”

For a time, under the wutong tree, the atmosphere suddenly became silent.

After a while, Jing Yu broke the silence, “Since the love tribulation is hard, Emperor, why not erase Ling’er’s memories in the mortal world. Just treat his journey in the mortal world as a dream of years.”

Feng Li thought for a moment and said, “May as well.”

He waved his sleeve and a divine pill appeared in his palm, “This is called the Loveless Pearl. Once swallowed, you can stick to your original intention and no longer be troubled by love.”

After Feng Li finished speaking, he used his divine power to put the Loveless Pearl into Feng Xuan’s heart.

He also took out this section of mortal memory from his sea of consciousness, intending to disperse it.

But he didn’t expect that there was a small nightmare beast hidden in Feng Xuan’s sea of consciousness. Seeing this, it quickly swallowed Feng Xuan’s memory, and then disappeared somewhere with a swoosh.

Feng Li wanted to chase after it, but before he could withdraw from Feng Xuan’s sea of consciousness, he exclaimed, “Eh.”

Jing Yu quickly asked, “Emperor. What is it?”

Feng Li was surprised, “Ling’er actually has a few pieces of primordial spirit left in the mortal world.”


A month had passed since the siege of the Misty Immortal Mansion.

But as long as it was a cultivator who had experienced that siege, even if a year had passed, the hellish scene seemed like yesterday.

The cultivation world was waiting to be revived, and all the immortal sects were busy rebuilding their sects.

During this time, apart from rebuilding their own sects, the most important thing was how to execute the demon Qi Zhuoyu who was locked in the Demon Suppression Tower of the Misty Immortal Mansion.


After the battle between immortals and demons that day, the cultivation world originally thought that the world’s qi would be exhausted.

But unexpectedly, things took a turn for the better. This Qi Zhuoyu, it was unknown if he was because of cultivating the demonic way and went mad, or what, he actually started to go mad and self-mutilate.

The remaining cultivators of the immortal sect saw him raving mad, crying and laughing, as if he was really mad.

So they joined the remaining immortal sects, used the Thousand Swords Piercing Heart Formation, and wanted to execute Qi Zhuoyu on the spot.

But somehow, this demon’s fate is great. (TL: Good luck; mostly refers to surviving a disaster.)

He didn’t die even after being pierced by thousands of swords, so they had to imprison him in the Demon Suppression Tower.

The Demon Suppression Tower, as the name suggests, was a place to suppress demons.

Although Qi Zhuoyu was of the human race, after this battle, no one in the immortal sect dared to see him as a normal person.

This person, was more terrifying than a demon.

So, the Demon Suppression Tower was immediately arranged by hundreds of sects with many powerful beings, heavily guarded.

Even when they were guarding the ancient monsters back then, they didn’t guard so strictly, for fear that Qi Zhuoyu would rise up and cause trouble again.

But what everyone didn’t expect was.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t cause trouble, didn’t want to escape, and didn’t want to destroy the barrier again.

For a month, he just sat quietly, his gaze looking at one place.

No one knew what he was thinking, a small cultivator who was guarding the Demon Suppression Tower occasionally saw him when he was lucky.

The big demon in the rumors, who destroyed the heavens and the earth and killed tens of thousands of cultivators.

He was not as he had imagined, eight feet tall, with a green face and fangs, waving his claws, with seven heads and eight arms.

On the contrary, he was extremely handsome, not like a mortal.

It’s just that his face was too pale, he sat there without saying a word, like a pool of dead water. He didn’t eat or drink, nor did he heal his wounds. For a month, if it wasn’t for seeing him still breathing, the little cultivator would have thought he was a dead man!

But he indeed.

Looked more dead than a dead man, shattered inch by inch from the inside out.

It seemed that the soul was already dead, only the body was still struggling to live.

The day Qi Zhuoyu was executed for soul shattering was set seven days later, witnessed by hundreds of immortal sects.

Among the cultivators responsible for escorting him, there was also this little cultivator.

On the night of the execution, the little cultivator watched Qi Zhuoyu come out of the Demon Suppression Tower.

He thought, wasn’t he afraid? He always had no expression, not even a cold expression.

From the Demon Suppression Tower to the Punishment Platform, there was a long way to go.

Under the moonlight, everyone was staring at Qi Zhuoyu in fear, afraid that he would suddenly rise up and kill people in the next second.

When they were about to escort him to the Punishment Platform, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly stopped.

The cultivators were scared out of their wits by this, all of them offered their life-saving magic weapons and were on guard.

But Qi Zhuoyu didn’t intend to kill them, he just stared at a place in a daze.

The little cultivator also boldly followed Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze, and what he saw was a broken house. Although it could be seen that these houses used to be very exquisite, now they were just a pile of ruins.

The little cultivator noticed that Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze was not on the house.

But it fell on that yard, on a wutong tree with the width of two or three adult men to fully circle around.

Isn’t that just an ordinary wutong tree?

What’s so good about it? The little cultivator was a little confused.

Qi Zhuoyu walked towards that wutong tree, the cultivators retreated a hundred feet with a rustle, using their life-saving magic weapons against him, as if dealing with a flood beast.

Only this little cultivator, who was a newborn calf and not afraid of tigers, felt that he couldn’t let Qi Zhuoyu, a criminal, run around, and followed him stupidly.

(t/n: newborn calf and not afraid of tigers-This idiom can be used to describe young people or novices engaged in a certain job, who are not afraid of difficulties and obstacles because they have no experience of failure)

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t run around, he just walked to the wutong tree and wanted to sit for a while.

Just like when he used to return to the Zhujian Xiaozhu, he would deliberately squeeze Feng Xuan’s bed.

It’s a pity that the Hu bed was already smashed by Yue Tingyuan with a palm, leaving only a layer of ashes on the ground.

Qi Zhuoyu just stood there in a daze for a while.

Then something white flashed in the corner of his eye, and he squatted down and picked up a small sachet covered in dust from the ground.

Brocade wrapped around branches, embroidered with a few round and plump white peaches.

A very faint, almost imperceptible scent of white peach emerged from his nose, and Qi Zhuoyu unconsciously opened the small sachet.

Inside were bottles and jars of hemostatic powder, squeezed together.

On it, in the small seal script that Feng Xuan loved to use, it was written neatly what was hemostasis, what was blood stasis.

At this moment, the heart that had been silent like dead water for a whole month, gently beat once.

Just once, the sharp pain that tried to be forgotten, densely, bit by bit penetrated the limbs and bones, burning his eyes.

The gray memory suddenly came alive.

Those scenes he thought he had forgotten passed in front of his eyes one by one.

He remembered the mountains of the Misty Immortal Mansion, the lanterns of the Chang’an Caiyue River, the desert of the Guixu Country, the sunrise of the Dongyi Demon Clan.

He remembered him saying that senior brother should cry out when he was in pain, he remembered that he told him never to get hurt again, he remembered that he told him that he could run if he couldn’t beat the enemy, he remembered him saying Qi Zhuoyu liked him very much, and also remembered that he said it was okay to cry.

Qi Zhuoyu remembered so many things, and also remembered.

He had already died under his sword a month ago.

At this moment, Qi Zhuoyu, as if being hit by something, was in pain almost to the point of suffocation.

Painful enough to kneel on the ground, curled up in that pile of bed ashes.

The little cultivator had been watching Qi Zhuoyu for a month, and had never seen such a painful expression on his face, such a shattered look in his eyes.

He obviously looked so tall and handsome, but when he curled up on the ground, he seemed like a very small point, as if he had become the smallest dust in the world.

The little cultivator stood there in a daze, and the next second, he suddenly looked up again.

He widened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him, pointing with his finger, “The wutong tree…”

The lush wutong tree, in the windless night, suddenly emitted a little fluorescence.

It seemed as if the primordial spirit in the wutong tree was being stripped away, those little fluorescent lights slowly rose into the night sky, like the stars floating in the sky, beautiful enough to shock the soul, and beautiful enough to make people despair.

Qi Zhuoyu clenched the brocade bag tightly, and reached out to detain these souls.

His expression was somewhat frenzied, his lips trembling. “No, Xiao Qi.”

“Xiao Qi, don’t go.”

“No…no, no! No!”

He didn’t know when his face was full of bloody tears.

Almost choked with emotion.

“Xiao Qi, don’t.”

But they were as free and unrestrained as the mountain wind, quickly dissipating between heaven and earth.

The wutong tree was also wilting at an extremely fast speed due to the departure of these primordial spirits.

In an instant, the lush tree wilted into sparse, dry branches.

Only the man under the tree was left, his face full of bloody tears.

He knelt under the wutong tree for a long time, almost in despair, trying to piece together these shattered souls.

Until the last trace of the mortal soul returned to the White Jade Capital.

Feng Li finally pieced together Feng Xuan’s soul, placed it in the divine soul lamp to nourish for a hundred years, waiting for the day of awakening.

He placed the divine soul lamp under the divine wutong tree.

He declared. “From today, my son’s memories will go with the wind. All worldly things are but a dream of years.”

“From now on, there is only the god Feng Xuan in the three realms of the White Jade Capital.”

“There is no more mortal Xiao Qi in the world.”



  1. Nana says:

    Ai, sinto que daqui em diante só vou suspirar e chorar com os capítulos…

    Realmente… muito bom

    Só me deixa com raiva o fato de FY fazer tantas coisas com FX sem o consentimento dele

  2. teacup says:

    I’m in tears. I want them to be cute and together again. :’(

    Thank you for your hard work!

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