After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Return to the Heavenly Realm (part 1)

Many years later, the cultivators who participated in the siege of the Misty Immortal Mansion could not forget the scene of the earth-shattering event.

First, they saw a huge array rising from the flat ground, with black demonic energy and curses rolling upwards. Then they saw the terrifying demonic Huaying Sword that covered the heavens and the earth, hanging above the array.

Countless cultivators fell, their souls harvested as cheaply as leeks.

Everyone thought they would die there that day, until a heavenly net interwoven with nine hundred and ninety-nine tribulations appeared in the sky.

It was a divine miracle they had never heard of, only glimpsed in rumors.

It was the apocalyptic tribulation that would only descend from the heavens when a god fell.

They saw the Huaying Sword hanging in the sky fall at the speed of light like a bow and arrow that had lost its string.

It fell straight into the middle of the array, instantly setting off a monstrous wave of demonic energy. Then they saw the apocalyptic tribulation in the sky, pouring unceasingly into the demonic sword like the end of the world. In less than a breath’s time, the demonic sword made a “clang” sound and broke into several pieces.

At this moment, if anyone was still flying above.

Looking down at this scene, it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as grand and tragic, like the coming of the end of the world.

The space between heaven and earth was swallowed by the bright white light of the apocalyptic tribulation, and all the fighting and shouting at this moment seemed so insignificant.

For a few seconds, everyone could see nothing, hear nothing.

The scene in their eyes was like slow motion, and the sound they heard was like lying underwater, listening to the vague sounds coming from the shore.

The only thing they could see was the center of the array, obliterated in the huge white light, a faint and slender black figure.

–It was the figure of a young man.

As the apocalyptic tribulation eroded and swallowed bit by bit.

The figure of the young man also dissipated in the space between heaven and earth, like a gust of wind.

Then, the boulders rolled and the mountains crumbled.

The sounds of fighting, screaming, and weapons clashing all returned to the world at that moment.

They saw the demon, who had always been arrogant and proud, suddenly seemed like a child who couldn’t walk.

He ran so fast, fell so clumsily, all his dignity and image were ignored, he almost rolled and crawled, stumbling towards the array.

No one knew how he was suddenly teleported out of the altar.

Similarly, no one knew why he ran back to the altar like a madman.

But everyone realized one thing unanimously.

This man, whose cultivation was high and unfathomable, capable of destroying the heavens and the earth at will, his figure at this moment looked like it was shattered from the inside out.

As it turned out, Qi Zhuoyu’s body had indeed collapsed to its limit.

After the battle in the Sanqing Realm, his wounds had not fully healed, tearing open the barrier of the Chaotic Sea accelerated the dispersion of his primordial spirit, and the stab from Feng Xuan didn’t hurt, it just made him shatter faster.

But he didn’t care.

He had always been deep and calculating in his life, rarely losing control of the situation. So naturally, like before, he arranged others at will, made decisions at will.

His decisions had never been wrong, even if they were, he had ways to turn the tide.

That’s why he decided to tear open the barrier alone, to overthrow the Misty Immortal Mansion.

That’s why when Feng Xuan couldn’t bear to stab him, he forced him to stab his own heart, to completely sever ties with him.

Just like the countless things he had done before.

Qi Zhuoyu hid him in a safe place, a place where no one could see.

As it turned out, his decision was right.

He didn’t overestimate his strength, but he did indeed walk into a dead end. He knew his primordial spirit was disintegrating madly, and he knew his body was gradually being destroyed in one backlash after another.

When he planned to die with the Misty Immortal Mansion, to pull the whole world to accompany his death.

He was even relieved, glad that he didn’t take him with him when he defected.

But why did things turn out like this?

The aftermath of the apocalyptic tribulation had not completely dissipated, and the area within a hundred meters of the altar was filled with terrifying energy.

The sharp lightning strikes in the array were like a burst of small heavenly thunder, densely interwoven in the air, anyone who collapsed in would be crushed to pieces.

Qi Zhuoyu ran forward as if he had no sensation.

Lightning struck him, those wounds that had not fully healed were once again pierced through to the bone.

His blood had already run dry.

His face was already indistinguishable from tears or blood tears.

That face, which had always been spirited and proud, showed a trace of unbelievable confusion.

He saw nothing on the altar, no bodies, no souls, Feng Xuan disappeared cleanly between heaven and earth.

As if this young man had never existed in the world.

As if those past experiences of going through thick and thin were just a dream of a mirage.

“How is it possible.”

The man covered in blood muttered to himself.

“How is it possible…How is it possible…How is it possible.”

How could Feng Xuan possibly die.

He was so delicate, so afraid of pain, a small injury would make him scream for a long time.

How could it be.

How could he be willing to die for him.

Qi Zhuoyu calculated so well, calculated every step, calculated all the tricks and the fickleness of human nature.

But he didn’t calculate Feng Xuan’s love for him, didn’t calculate that no matter how cruel and bad he was to him, he still couldn’t bear to let him die.

He should have calculated it.

Feng Xuan, such a clean-minded child, his love was also clean, pure as the spring in the mountains, the snow in the heavenly river.

Like is like, love is love, love is to be good to a person, to give everything to a person.

He should have calculated it, but he didn’t.

But he didn’t! Why didn’t he, why why! Why! Why!

That was almost the cry of a human being in extreme pain, the cry of regret to the point of madness.

There was clearly nothing pressing on his body, but Qi Zhuoyu was like he couldn’t control his body, kneeling on the ground, hardly able to stand up.

He just knelt there, frantically looking for Feng Xuan’s ashes everywhere, like a demon, grabbing all the souls within a hundred miles in his hands and checking them one by one.

Not him, not him, he couldn’t find his soul anywhere.

Under such a terrifying tribulation, how could he, a mere mortal, leave a trace of soul.

Qi Zhuoyu was even crazier than before, even more terrifying, his expression was fierce as if he wanted to drag everyone into hell to be buried with him.

He realized that there were things he couldn’t control, that even the highest power in the world also couldn’t hold onto the soul.

Large drops of blood tears fell directly from his eyes to the ground without any excess.

Under the extreme breakdown, his heart seemed to be smashed by someone, and he actually spat out a mouthful of bright red blood.

Suddenly, a cultivator in the crowd shouted, “Fellow immortals! This demon seems to have gone mad, why don’t we take this opportunity to kill him in one fell swoop! It can also be considered as avenging our fellow disciples!”

Qi Zhuoyu turned a deaf ear, just fiercely checking the shattered souls on the altar one by one.

A cultivator plucked up his courage to control the sword, and then plunged the long sword into his abdomen.

With a “puchi” sound, a large amount of warm blood splashed on the altar, and the long sword instantly pierced him.

The cultivator who pierced him seemed to be in disbelief.

He stared at his own hand, and then shouted in ecstasy, “I killed him! I made a contribution! I made a contribution!”

His success made more cultivators show greedy looks in their eyes.

After all, as long as you hurt this demon a little bit, you can rise up in the sect in the future by virtue of this merit.

So more and more immortal swords were controlled by magic techniques and flew into the air.

Then the sword tips all aimed at Qi Zhuoyu in an instant, and then like arrows off the string, they fiercely stabbed into Qi Zhuoyu’s body.

Shoulders, chest, lower abdomen, and even legs.

Qi Zhuoyu seemed to be unable to perceive the pain given to him by the outside world, until he was pierced by thousands of swords, until his knees were pierced and he could no longer walk.

He fell heavily to the ground, still holding the remaining shattered souls on the altar in his hands.

He knew that these shattered souls were not his Xiao Qi, but besides holding these useless shattered souls.

He really didn’t know what to do.

Who will help him, who will save him.

Who will tell him.

What he should do, how he should kneel, how he should beg, to find him.

He really.

Really regretted.


The moment the apocalyptic tribulation fell on Feng Xuan.

Siming knew that all was in vain.

The young prince still chose to sacrifice himself to exchange for Qi Zhuoyu and the lives of all the people in the world.

Just like his Father God, he never learned how to love himself first in his life.

Siming stood not far away, looking at Qi Zhuoyu who had been pierced by thousands of swords and now didn’t know whether he was dead or alive, and sighed helplessly.

Of course, he couldn’t catch Feng Xuan’s soul and spirit, because the moment the young prince’s soul was extinguished, Siming offered the divine soul lamp and collected the only remaining shattered soul of Feng Xuan left in the world into the divine soul lamp.

He glanced at Qi Zhuoyu, could only give him a bit of divine power, to ensure his life was safe.

Siming knew he shouldn’t be soft-hearted, after all, the person in front of him was that person’s reincarnation. But thinking of the young prince shattering his soul to block the tribulation for him, and seeing Qi Zhuoyu’s mad look, he still couldn’t bear it.

I’m afraid if His Highness is alive at this moment, he probably wouldn’t want to see him look like this.

Siming withdrew his gaze and offered the divine soul lamp from his hand again.

The divine soul lamp seemed to sense something, converging the little master’s residual soul, turning into a white light, and flying straight towards the Ninth Heaven’s White Jade Capital.

And at the moment when the apocalyptic tribulation appeared, it not only alarmed the immortals of the Sanqing Realm, but also alarmed the ancient gods of White Jade Capital.

After all, only when a god falls, will the heavens descend the apocalyptic tribulation. The last time they saw such a terrifying tribulation was when the Father God Ying Zhu fell.

At the same time, in the Lingxiao Palace of White Jade Capital, the emperor Feng Li, who had been in seclusion for a hundred years and had not stepped out of the heavenly realm, opened his eyes at this moment, and his phoenix eyes were filled with a trace of unease and worry.

The next second, the emperor who was originally sitting in the Ming Hall took a big step and left the Lingxiao Palace, heading straight for the sweet spring under the ancient wutong tree in the Qifeng Palace.

Under the divine tree, there was already a handsome young man standing.

It was the lord of Qingqiu, the disciple under the emperor’s seat, and the only elder brother of the current crown prince, Jing Yu.

Seeing Feng Li, Jing Yu hurriedly saluted, “Emperor. I saw that the wutong tree where Ling’er often perches was shaking, so I came to check what was going on. But I didn’t expect to see that the divine tree actually showed signs of dying, did Ling’er encounter any problems in the mortal world during his tribulation?”

Feng Li frowned, “My son failed his tribulation, brought down the apocalyptic tribulation, and now his soul is scattered, and there is a danger of god falling.”

Jing Yu was stunned, and the next second he asked anxiously, “Emperor. Didn’t you and Siming rewrite the Book of Fate for him, why is Feng Xuan’s soul still scattered after his tribulation?”

Feng Li sighed, “This love tribulation, even if you die a thousand times, it’s hard to erase.”

The destiny of the Book of Fate cannot be violated, as an emperor, and Siming, don’t they know this?

But Ying Zhu calculated at the time of Ling’er’s birth that he would have a love tribulation a thousand years later, and this tribulation was difficult to pass, and the outcome would only be death and soul destruction.

He originally held a fluke mentality, secretly thinking that his senior brother might not always be able to predict things like a god.

But after Ling’er grew up, he still accidentally broke his own natal lamp not long ago, which corresponded to Ying Zhu’s prophecy one by one.

Feng Lye had to take this matter seriously, since he couldn’t change Ling’er’s Book of Fate, he had to try to go against the sky.

So he asked the Ling Wa goddess to make a mortal body for him in advance, named Xiao Qi, and sent it to the mortal world, and rewrote his Book of Fate for him. When Ling’er descended to the mortal world for his tribulation, he could merge with Xiao Qi’s body, but retain his own memory.

He, His Highness the Crown Prince of the heavenly realm, could fall in love with any mortal, right?



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