After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Gain Enlightenment (part 2)

Feng Xuan climbed up the altar and untied the Immortal Binding Rope for Su Qingyan.

Su Qingyan recognized him and widened his eyes. “It’s you! What are you going to do?”


What else can he do after he untied the rope?

Of course, it’s to let you go, Feng Xuan was a bit speechless.

“The Immortal Binding Rope has been untied, you can go now.” Feng Xuan took a look at Su Qingyan’s spiritual power, although most of it was sealed, but he should have no problem riding the sword.

“Did Qi Zhuoyu ask you to let me go?” Su Qingyan asked.

Feng Xuan didn’t realize before how abnormal Su Qingyan’s thinking was.

Does he look like a volunteer sent by Qi Zhuoyu to do good deeds, please, you saw me stab your beloved disciple that day.

Su Qingyan closed his eyes. “If not, then I won’t leave.”

Feng Xuan: “?”

Su Qingyan said, “I don’t believe Qi Zhuoyu will hurt me, I understand him, he is not that kind of crazed demon.”

Feng Xuan thought to himself, you really understand him too well, he is not only a crazed demon, but he is also about to slaughter you, and then slaughter me, and send us to the underworld to keep each other company, okay.

Seeing Su Qingyan being fooled around like this, one could tell how good Qi Zhuoyu’s acting skills were usually.

Feng Xuan, who was born and raised in the Ninth Heaven as a prince, had never reached out to save anyone.

Su Qingyan didn’t appreciate his kindness, and he was too lazy to argue with him anymore, planning to knock him out directly and throw him off the altar.

But just then, Su Qingyan’s gaze condensed and looked towards the distance.

In the crowd, someone shouted. “It’s not good! This demon has activated the formation! He has sacrificed the Huaying Sword! Everyone run, otherwise our primordial spirits will be taken away by the Huaying Sword!”

After saying this 100% death flag sentence, the person who spoke stiffened the next second, and his primordial spirit left his body.

Then he fell to the ground with blood flowing from his seven orifices, turning into a green-gray corpse.

Feng Xuan followed Su Qingyan’s gaze.

He saw the formation under them emitting dazzling light and abundant demonic energy, rolling up black and heavy.

Not far away, a long sword covered in black and crawling with various curses quickly flew towards the sky above the formation.

The Huaying Sword manifested the law of heaven and earth, and began to grow incredibly large inch by inch in mid-air.

It became a terrifying and weird giant sword, hanging over the altar, hanging over the Misty Immortal Mansion.

How familiar this scene was.

Feng Xuan remembered that he had seen it in the Book of Fate of mortal Xiao Qi.

It was this altar, it was this cliff.

On one side was the Immortal Mansion, on the other was the Chaotic Sea.

As soon as the sword fell, it would be time for the primordial spirit to sacrifice the sword.

He knew that the final moment had finally arrived.

The next second, several bodies with thunderbolts fell from the sky above the altar, like several huge meteors hitting the ground, quickly smashing several large holes in the altar.

Feng Xuan still had the mood to make up for it afterwards, wondering if it could still be used after being smashed like this.

Then, several groups of thunder and lightning appeared one after another.

It was Qi Zhuoyu who was fighting on the battlefield and several powerful figures from the Misty Immortal Mansion, including Yue Tingyuan.

However, they seemed to have exhausted their strength to the extreme, and after falling to the ground, they could no longer get up and fight.

They were just waiting for the formation to act, for the Huaying Sword to fall, and for all their primordial spirits to be sacrificed together.

Qi Zhuoyu deliberately led them to the altar.

He was playing the idea of dying together!

At this moment, Qi Zhuoyu was lying on the ground, his body charred and his spiritual power almost nonexistent.

His body was full of ruptured wounds and exposed flesh and blood, his long hair had already scattered behind him, bizarre and shattered, his eyes were blood red, as if he had gone mad with killing.

Such a terrifying look in his eyes became even more terrifying when he saw Feng Xuan on the altar. “How are you here?!”

Even though he knew that Qi Zhuoyu was heartless and loveless.

But being glared at by him so fiercely, Feng Xuan still felt very sad.

He held back his teary eyes.

Thinking that no one had stipulated that he couldn’t come here, or was it because he saw him trying to save Su Qingyan, he was angry?

Did he like Su Qingyan that much?

Yue Tingyuan also realized where they were at the moment, and hurriedly said to Su Qingyan. “Qingyan! Destroy the formation immediately! Otherwise, this madman will drag all of us to our deaths!”

Su Qingyan showed a helpless expression, and Yue Tingyuan realized that his spiritual power had long been sealed.

So, Yue Tingyuan immediately looked at the only one who could still move in the field. “You! You are this demon’s Dao companion?!”

Feng Xuan: …Doesn’t he have a name, Dao companion Dao companion, he has a mortal name called Xiao Qi, thank you.

Yue Tingyuan was overjoyed. “You…little immortal gentleman, the demon Qi Zhuoyu is now unable to move, as long as you use the sword at your waist to directly pierce his heart, you can immediately kill him! Then destroy the formation, you will be the great hero who saved the entire immortal sect! By then, whether you want any heavenly treasures, or fame, or heart methods! The Misty Immortal Mansion will definitely offer them all!”

This familiar pie-drawing rhetoric.

Feng Xuan felt like he had heard it more than once.

And the scene in front of him was also very familiar.

Qi Zhuoyu exhausted his spiritual power, and was lying on the ground weakly, allowing him to make a choice about his life.

The only difference was.

Qi Zhuoyu always pretended to be weak before, but now he really couldn’t do it.

Blood flowed all over the ground, and it was clear to anyone who observed that his meridians were almost on the verge of shattering, and even his primordial spirit had only a few breaths of power left.

Not to mention himself.

I’m afraid that now even a four or five-year-old child could personally understand him.

Countless times, he chose Qi Zhuoyu under various temptations.

Because he didn’t need those heavenly treasures, nor did he need fame and heart methods.

At that time, Feng Xuan just wanted to return to the Ninth Heaven, to the White Jade Capital, to go home.

He missed his father a bit, missed the Lique Spring of the White Jade Capital, missed the evergreen wutong tree, missed his little friends, missed his carefree self.

He wanted to go home so much, and had been looking forward to it for so long.

But at this moment, he found that there were many, many important things in the world, more important than going home.

He remembered what his Father Emperor had said to him.

When he grew up and liked someone, he would know why the Father God sacrificed himself.

Feng Xuan still didn’t understand why the Father God sacrificed.

But he knew that he wanted to save all beings in the world, and he didn’t want to give up Qi Zhuoyu.

Feng Xuan took off the sword from his waist.

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him unblinkingly, and then let out a mad laugh.

He lay on the ground, with no intention of resisting.

He closed his eyes and waited for death to come, but he didn’t expect to only wait for two hot tears, one before and one after, to fall on his face.

“Big devil, you are really annoying.”

Feng Xuan’s voice was a bit choked, coming from above, and falling into his heart along with his tears.

“Your temper is bad, your character is worse, and you’re always fierce to me. The small purse I gave you, you even threw it on the ground. You’re not a good person at all.”

“But sometimes you’re very good, you would carry me home, and coax me to sleep. The things you snatched for me, I actually don’t like them, but I know they’re all very good.”

His voice got softer and softer, even carrying a hint of grievance that a young man wouldn’t notice.

Tears kept falling, each one scorching hot, the temperature almost burning him.

“Big devil, you’re actually not that annoying.”

“Your mother gave you the nickname ‘Ananda’, it’s not disaster, nor calamity. Ananda in Buddhism means ‘joy’.”

“No one didn’t look forward to your birth, Yuan Luo hoped that you could survive. When you were born, she was very joyful.”

Feng Xuan paused, looking at him with an incredibly sad expression.

Those forever bright and cheerful almond eyes, carrying countless worries. Sometimes his eyes could hold a world, but at this moment, they couldn’t even hold tears, continuously crashing onto the ground.

“Your mother, your father, and me.”

“We all hope that you can live your life happily, with someone to love and accompany you.”

In the sky, the rumbling thunder became more intense and majestic.

This wasn’t Qi Zhuoyu’s own thunder power, he was disturbed by the thunder, feeling restless.

It seemed like something uncontrollable was about to happen.

Qi Zhuoyu grabbed his wrist, staring at him intently.

His voice was hoarse, as if realizing something, he said fiercely, “What are you trying to do?!”

Feng Xuan seemed as if he hadn’t heard him speak.

He said to himself, “You always think my cultivation is low, but I’ve been working hard during this time. Do you know what the best spell I’ve learned is?”

Qi Zhuoyu’s hand, which was holding his, was trembling uncontrollably.

He had never felt such fear and unease in his heart as he did now, “Don’t. I don’t know, I don’t want to know.”

In the sky, a terrifying thunder tribulation formed, a sight that all the cultivators present would never forget.

Such a terrifying thunder tribulation, even the most powerful cultivators in the cultivation world who had experienced tribulations, had never seen such a terrifying scene.

Until someone murmured to himself, “How is it possible, this thunder tribulation… It’s said that it only appears when a god falls, it’s the apocalyptic thunder tribulation!”

Feng Xuan didn’t plan to wait for Qi Zhuoyu’s answer.

The talismans in the altar had already been activated, interweaving into a terrifying demonic power, as sharp as a wind blade cutting on the face.

He was the prince who had grown up pampered in the White Jade Capital.

In the past, he would always scream and cry if he scraped a bit of skin, causing the ancient gods and aunts of White Jade Capital to take turns holding and comforting him.

But under this heart-piercing wind blade, he felt he could bear this kind of pain.

Feng Xuan made a hand seal, tapped on Qi Zhuoyu’s forehead, and instantly turned him into a piece of paper.

And his real body was sent by Feng Xuan a hundred meters away, completely away from the altar formation.

The apocalyptic thunder tribulation finally gathered above the Misty Immortal Mansion, ready to fall with the momentum of thunder.

Feng Xuan just sat there quietly, his gaze falling on Qi Zhuoyu.

He had seen Qi Zhuoyu’s painful and silent side.

But he had never seen him cry and scream like a madman, supporting his almost broken body and running towards him like a madman. Qi Zhuoyu was always standing upright, as if he wasn’t afraid even if the sky fell, but when he ran over, he stumbled and almost crawled.

He had also never seen Qi Zhuoyu cry.

Even on the anniversary of Yuan Luo’s death, he had never cried.

So this is what he looked like when he cried.

Unfortunately, the thunderous sound on the altar was deafening, he couldn’t hear anything, and only felt that everything in front of him was like a slow-motion kaleidoscope.

He actually wanted to say, he didn’t really want to hurt him with the Bu Yuan knife before.

He didn’t know if the primordial spirit of this god was enough to block a thunder tribulation for him.

This falling Huaying Sword was what he gave back to him, from then on he owed no one.

Feng Xuan closed his eyes, the time of thousands of years seemed to pass before his eyes.

There was the sunset of the Misty Immortal Mountain, the lanterns of the capital city Chang’an on New Year’s Eve, the desert of the country of Guixu in the South Sea, the sea, and the sunrise slowly rising from the Donyi Demon Clan.

He thought, he had seen many sceneries in his long life.

But he didn’t expect that the last image of this life would be fixed in Qi Zhuoyu’s incredulous, shattered gaze.

The thunder tribulation in the sky poured into the Huaying Sword, fell violently, and enveloped the entire altar into a desolate white expanse.

A moment later, the Huaying Sword couldn’t bear the apocalyptic thunder tribulation and instantly broke into several pieces.

The young man died, his primordial spirit annihilated.

This feeling, completely severed.



  1. Nana says:

    Eu literalmente não consigo parar de chorar…

    1. Ayca_Ralho says:

      Tbm não 🙁 já é a segunda novel seguida que me acabo de chorar, não tenho mais forças, é isso.

  2. teacup says:

    I have reread this chapter like 3 times and I keep crying. Thank you for translating and I’m excited for more!

  3. Ayca_Ralho says:

    Tô chorando que nem uma porca prenha, bicho! A autora não tinha esse direito…

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