After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Gain Enlightenment (part 1)

Feng Xuan felt as if he had a long dream.

In the dream, he returned to the long-lost Ninth Heaven’s White Jade Capital.

The content of the dream was nothing special, it was a scene he often saw when Father God had just fallen.

Feng Xuan hadn’t dreamed about this for many years, he thought he had long forgotten it, but in the dream, he remembered every scene very clearly.

The Father God fell in order to resist the monsters from the outer heavens.

His divine body turned into rolling mountains, and his bloodline became a river rushing into the sea.

His fall as a god brought about peace and prosperity for all beings in the three realms for countless years to come.

Feng Xuan was still young at that time, he cried for a long time, every day he clamored to see the Father God.

Father Emperor always held him in his arms to coax him, it took a whole day to get him to sleep.

He was still too young to understand why the Father God would sacrifice himself for all beings.

Didn’t he love Father Emperor and himself?

Then one night he didn’t sleep, he walked out of the Qifeng Palace and saw Father Emperor sitting by his usual chessboard.

Behind him was a vast and turbulent sea of clouds and mountains, Father Emperor just sat there quietly, as if he was the only one left in the world.

It was also on this night, he heard Father Emperor’s voice.

It came from a faraway place, only the palm of his hand stroking his forehead was warm.

“Silly child. Your Father God sacrificed himself precisely because he loves Father Emperor and Ling’er, because he couldn’t bear to see Ling’er living on a barren wasteland in the future.”

“You’re still young, you don’t understand these things. When you grow up and have someone you like, you’ll understand.”

Then Feng Xuan woke up.

He didn’t know how long he had slept, and when he woke up and saw that it was dark, he thought he could sleep a little longer.

But as soon as he lay down, he suddenly remembered that it wasn’t because it was dark, but because the barrier of the Chaotic Sea had broken, and the Misty Immortal Mansion had become like the demon realm, in eternal night all year round.

“Your Highness, are you awake?” The voice of Siming suddenly came.

Feng Xuan felt his mind hadn’t recovered, and he turned his head to look at him.

He noticed something, looked around, and found that he was no longer sleeping in the courtyard of the Zhujian Xiaozhu.

This was a bedroom that looked barely passable.

No matter how he looked at it, it was strange, anyway, it was not any place he knew.

Looking out the window, the sky was gloomy, and there was a yard full of ruins and wild grass.

After looking around, Feng Xuan decided to ask that clichéd question. “Where is this?”

“This is Dragon Tea Town, where all the remaining forces of the cultivation world are stationed. It’s only a hundred miles away from the Misty Immortal Mansion, and they plan to attack the Misty Immortal Mansion in four days, exterminate the demon, and avenge their previous humiliation.”



Wait a minute.

Why did he have the feeling that he hadn’t slept for a night, but for ten years?

Feng Xuan clearly remembered that before he went to sleep last night, the sect leader Yue Tingyuan was still clamoring to issue a killing order to unite the people of the immortal sects to deal with Qi Zhuoyu.

How come today it suddenly seemed that he had been driven out of the Misty Immortal Mansion and became a homeless dog, and now it seemed that the person who occupied the Misty Immortal Mansion had become Qi Zhuoyu?

Sure enough, Siming spoke. “You’ve been asleep for five days.”


He didn’t expect that this time he really slept for so many days.

He thought he had missed some plot again.

“When I found Your Highness, you were still feverish. It might be because you caught a cold at night and had a lot of emotional fluctuations, so you had a fever for five days.”

Siming dutifully began to review the previous situation and told Feng Xuan everything that had happened in these five days.

Everything was proceeding methodically according to the plot in the Book of Fate.

After Qi Zhuoyu defected from the Misty Immortal Mansion, he went directly to the demon realm and unified the demons in a very short time.

According to his vengeful character, he would definitely return to the Misty Immortal Mansion directly after unifying the demons. At this moment, the Misty Immortal Mansion still didn’t know Qi Zhuoyu’s real strength, and the consequence of underestimating the enemy was that in less than a day, Qi Zhuoyu had taken everything, including the mansion.

After occupying the Misty Immortal Mansion, many demon generals and demon beasts became the new masters of the mansion.

And Qi Zhuoyu wasn’t idle either. As a king of rolls who lived and died by the roll, of course he couldn’t just seize territory.

He paid a great price to tear open the barrier of the Chaotic Sea, but he didn’t completely tear it open, he just opened a huge hole.

To completely tear open the barrier of the Chaotic Sea, one must use a primordial spirit as pure and clean as Yuan Lou, and sacrifice the Huaying Sword in order to completely destroy the barrier.

By then, there would be no room for maneuver in some things.

The newly promoted big devil Qi Zhuoyu was about to kill the mortal world first, then rise to the top, and finally flatten the three realms!

Good. He really lived up to his reputation.

When Feng Xuan heard this, he had a feeling of “as expected”.

Could this be the legendary “no man in the heart, draw the sword naturally divine”? (TL: “心中无男人拔刀自然神”= This is a joke, referring to women[man] (especially girlfriends[boyfriends]) will only affect my game playing and my performance)

Thinking about how he had created this heartless and loveless version of Qi Zhuoyu, who had no man in his heart, he suddenly found it hard to laugh.

However, he seemed to notice something. “You just said that to tear open the barrier of the Chaotic Sea, you need to use a primordial spirit as pure and clean as Yuan Luo to sacrifice the Huaying Sword. I’m here now, what primordial spirit will Qi Zhuoyu use to sacrifice the sword in four days?”

Siming looked at him with a complex expression.

Feng Xuan realized something. “…It’s not Su Qingyan, is it?”

After a while, Siming nodded.


How could Qi Zhuoyu, a man with no man in his heart, include Su Qingyan!

The Book of Fate didn’t say he would use Su Qingyan to sacrifice the sword!

What the hell.

If Qi Zhuoyu uses Su Qingyan to sacrifice the sword in four days.

Wouldn’t that allow him to successfully destroy the world and get away with it?

Well done, Feng Xuan.

You really are a jinx who works harder and harder for nothing.

“But Your Highness, rest assured, four days later, when all the immortal sects besiege Qi Zhuoyu, he will definitely be too busy to take care of himself. By then, you just need to switch places with Su Qingyan, and you can successfully complete the tribulation.”

Thank you.

So this reassurance is to let this god rest assured to die.

However, at this point, Feng Xuan couldn’t think of any better way.

Although Siming’s process was simple and crude, it also fulfilled the prophecy in the Book of Fate that “he uses his life to exchange for Su Qingyan’s life”.


It’s just that he feels like this Book of Fate is like a plot that Siming pieced together.

After he finished speaking, the room suddenly became quiet for a while.

Feng Xuan’s gaze fell outside the window, he spaced out for a while, and suddenly spoke. “Zitong, does Qi Zhuoyu have to die?”

Siming nodded. “Your Highness. If he doesn’t die, there will be a great disaster for all beings in the three realms.”

Feng Xuan uttered an “oh”.

Although he couldn’t say the kind of words that could he not save all beings, but only save Qi Zhuoyu.

But he thought about it and felt that he was still a little unwilling to give up. “Isn’t there a way that can let all beings in the three realms survive, and let him survive too?”

What answered him was Siming’s long, long silence.

Siming’s gaze fell on his eyes, it was an expression he completely couldn’t understand.

Then he saw Siming turn his head to the side, lower his eyelashes, and sigh.

“No, Your Highness.” –

Four days passed quickly, and before they knew it, it was the day when all the immortal sects were going to exterminate Qi Zhuoyu.

In the spacious training field, there were more than a dozen square formations lined up, each wearing different school uniforms, they were all the remaining forces of all the immortal sects that had survived the slaughter of the demons these days.

Feng Xuan had been in the mortal world for so long, and this was the first time he had seen other sects.

It must be said that listening to their slogans and swearing blood oaths was quite spectacular.

If the person they were going to besiege was not Qi Zhuoyu, Feng Xuan might even want to applaud them.

After the blood oath, the cultivators stepped on their own immortal swords and flying artifacts one after another.

In mid-air, various colorful auras were flying around, heading towards the Misty Immortal Mansion in a mighty manner.

He didn’t know how Siming persuaded Yue Tingyuan to agree to let him go along.

Probably he felt that using the life of a cannon fodder that no one cared about to exchange for the life of a famous immortal teacher was a very cost-effective deal.

In less than half a day, all the cultivators had gathered in the sky above the Misty Immortal Mansion.

With such a strong pressure, Qi Zhuoyu probably felt the killing intent from hundreds of miles away, so inside the Immortal Mansion, countless demon generals and demon beasts were also leisurely, staring at the cultivators in the sky with a fierce look, as if they couldn’t wait to tear them apart the next second.

This was Feng Xuan’s first time riding a sword, so he could only follow the large troops and fly at the end of the crowd.

Despite this, with his current height, he could completely take in all the scenes.

Under the Misty Immortal Mansion, there was a dark mass, and Qi Zhuoyu was also wearing a black robe.

But he didn’t know why, in the crowd, he found him at first glance.

In just a few days, Qi Zhuoyu’s appearance had become even more terrifying.

It wasn’t that there was any change in his appearance, but his whole temperament had become extremely gloomy, as if he hadn’t slept for dozens of nights. His face was as pale as paper, but his pupils were blood red. Standing among a group of demons and ghosts, he looked like he had completely become a demon crawling out of hell.

Although Feng Xuan had always thought that Qi Zhuoyu had a villainous temperament.

But he didn’t expect that he would really achieve this standard villain ending of unifying the demons and being besieged by the cultivation world.

Now he can be said to be a well-deserved big devil.

Yue Tingyuan stood at the head of the immortal sects, seeing Qi Zhuoyu for a moment, and seeing the once fairy-like Immortal Mansion fall into a hell on earth.

At this moment, he could no longer maintain his dignified and respected sect leader image, and he started cursing as soon as he opened his mouth. “You beast! I, Yue Tingyuan, was really blind to take you as a disciple back then. After you destroyed the barrier of the Chaotic Sea, you are still stubborn and even fantasize about using your master’s primordial spirit to sacrifice the sword!”

Upon hearing this, Qi Zhuoyu laughed. “How come? Twenty years ago, you so-called prestigious immortal masters could use my mother’s primordial spirit to cast the barrier of the Chaotic Sea, but today I use Su Qingyan’s primordial spirit to sacrifice the sword, and I become a beast? If I’m a beast, what are you? Beasts among beasts?”

Ah, this.

This is a bit different from the picture he imagined.

Feng Xuan thought he would see Qi Zhuoyu and Su Qingyan expressing their deep love for each other in a torturous and affectionate way.

Therefore, he had made a lot of psychological preparations on the way, but he didn’t expect that Qi Zhuoyu was now so crazy that he even wanted to kill Su Qingyan.

Listen to what you’re saying.

Su Qingyan betrayed the entire immortal sect for you, and now he’s about to cry his heart out standing on the side, okay!!

Not only was Su Qingyan tearful and incredulous as he looked at Qi Zhuoyu.

Yue Tingyuan was also so angry at his words that he wanted to vomit blood. “Still unrepentant! Today, we must kill you, this demon!”

“Kill? Just by you trash.” Qi Zhuoyu sneered, and the rolling demonic fog and thunder in the sky seemed to respond to his mood, emitting bursts of muffled thunder, startling some cultivators with low cultivation who were swaying on their swords.

Qi Zhuoyu laughed wildly, both mad and neurotic. “It’s good that you’re here. Today, this venerable will not only use Su Qingyan’s primordial spirit to sacrifice the sword, but also let you trash accompany him in death.”

Hmm? Wait a minute.

This doesn’t sound right.

Shouldn’t it be something like if Su Qingyan dies, you will also accompany him in death? How did Qi Zhuoyu make this domineering statement sound so perverted, cold-blooded and ruthless?

Before Feng Xuan had time to complain a few words in his heart, the war was about to break out.

This time, the immortal sects assembled the power of a hundred families, and the demons almost all came out.

Compared with the war they fought in the Zhujian Xiaozhu before, this time was not on the same level at all. This time, even the sun and the moon were covered with a layer of red mist by the bright red blood.

The deafening killing sound, the majestic demonic energy and spiritual energy rushing to the sky.

Feng Xuan stumbled and jumped off his sword in this chaos, and walked towards Su Qingyan all the way.

That was a huge altar, he didn’t know how Qi Zhuoyu had leveled the peaks of the Misty Immortal Mansion.

He didn’t know if it was his illusion, but as he walked along, the cultivators of the immortal sect didn’t attack him, which was understandable, after all, he was wearing the uniform of the Misty Immortal Mansion. But those demon beasts also didn’t attack him, which was strange.

If it weren’t for the fact that he had already cut off Qi Zhuoyu’s thread of affection with the Bu Yuan Knife.

He would have thought that Qi Zhuoyu’s indifference to him was another trick he had played to deceive him.



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