After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Sever Affection (part 2)

His cultivation seemed to have no upper limit, before seeing him single-handedly defeat the entire Sanqing Realm was one realm, now fighting against many powerful beings of the Misty Immortal Mansion seemed to have reached another great realm.

…It wouldn’t be that this realm’s improvement was the result of his crazy rampage outside a while ago, would it?

It has to be said.

Some people are born to be gods but after lying flat for seventeen hundred years they are still a salted fish when they return.

Some people are born to be demons but after a month of rolling and dying, they immediately flatten the three realms when they return.

There is indeed a certain gap between humans and gods.

For once, Feng Xuan didn’t have to be Qi Zhuoyu’s pendant, hiding in a safe place, his presence was so low that no one cared.

And because of this, he could better see the earth-shattering fight that was going on from night to dawn, and from dawn to night again.

Qi Zhuoyu’s thunderous spiritual power was rampaging in mid-air, bringing out wave after wave of terrifying lightning and thunder, and he stood among thousands of thunder and lightning, looking strong and terrifying.

Rolling with it was also the demonic energy that rose to the sky, so even though he was seriously injured, he still fought hard for three days.

The Misty Immortal Mansion was now full of scars due to the lightning strikes and spiritual power explosions.

In the sky, purple thunderbolts kept falling, splitting the earth that had turned black into scorched earth, not knowing how deep they had split, and the magma underground was also bubbling up.

Those cultivators who didn’t have time to escape, some were struck by lightning and turned into ashes, and some unfortunately fell into the crevices of the earth and into the magma.

The former mansion, in just a few days, had turned into a human purgatory, and it was exactly the same as the Misty Immortal Mansion he had seen in his dreams before.

He didn’t know how long it had been, but Qi Zhuoyu’s body finally showed a trace of fatigue.

He fought while retreating from the encirclement, stumbling and standing on the Huaying Sword.

One of the peak masters who was holding a zither shouted, “Not good! He’s going to run!”

Huh? What do you mean run!

Feng Xuan retorted in his heart, what Qi Zhuoyu was doing was called a strategic retreat, okay.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t defeat Qi Zhuoyu, let alone stop him from running.

Before Qi Zhuoyu rode the sword to leave the Misty Immortal Mansion, he also struck nine huge thunder pillars, which fell on the nine main peaks of the Misty Immortal Mansion respectively. The few peak masters who were originally going to capture Qi Zhuoyu saw their old houses on fire, and immediately rushed back to their own main peaks to rescue the few heavenly treasures that they had hoarded with great difficulty.

Yue Tingyuan was furious and was about to chase after him, but was stopped by Su Qingyan.

“Zhuoyu has become a deviant today, causing great chaos in the mansion, all because of Qingyan’s poor teaching. Hoping the sect leader will give me three days for the sake of Qingyan’s thin face. After three days, Qingyan will definitely bring Zhuoyu to the punishment platform to accept the judgment of all the immortal sects.”

“You!” Yue Tingyuan sighed, “At this point, you still want to speak for this evil disciple!”

Su Qingyan didn’t speak, his eyebrows and eyes, which were gentle and elegant in the past, were now full of sorrow and regret.

He was naturally beautiful and soft, and now with his eyebrows furrowed, he looked infinitely pitiful, making people feel pity.

Yue Tingyuan sighed, “Ah. Only someone like you would still believe in this demon now.”

He had already skillfully turned the rebel into a demon.

Yue Tingyuan changed his tone, “Hmph! After all, even this demon’s former Dao companion can betray him and stab him into serious injury!”

Huh? Was this former Dao companion himself?

Feng Xuan felt that he was being despised for no reason.

But thinking about it, their cultivation world seemed to have this tradition.

They admire upright gentlemen, but look down on villains who kick a man when he’s down.

Gentleman: Su Qingyan, who still stood by Qi Zhuoyu even after he turned into a demon.

Villain: Feng Xuan, who immediately stabbed Qi Zhuoyu to draw a clear line as soon as he turned into a demon.

Sect Leader Yue Tingyuan warned, “Three days later, if you can’t bring back that demon. The Misty Immortal Mansion will summon all the immortal sects in the cultivation world and issue a kill order against him.”

After saying that, he flew away.

After nodding, Su Qingyan also chased in the direction where Qi Zhuoyu had left.

The Zhujian Xiaozhu, for three days and three nights of fighting, suddenly became quiet.

There was only him left in the empty courtyard.

Now the “Bu Yuan” knife had severed Qi Zhuoyu’s thread of affection.

Su Qingyan also chased after him on the night of his betrayal.

Everything was developing smoothly according to the plot in the Book of Fate.

All he had to do was wait honestly until the day of killing his wife to gain enlightenment, and then die back to the Ninth Heaven.

This was the ending he had been looking forward to since he started his tribulation.

But when it was really about to come, he didn’t seem to be as happy as he had imagined.

Especially since he clearly didn’t participate in this war.

Feng Xuan felt that he was even more tired than those who had been fighting for three days and three nights.

He felt that he needed to find a bed and have a good sleep.

There’s nothing that can’t be solved by sleep.

If it can’t be solved, then it’s not enough sleep.

But when he turned his head, he saw that the Zhujian Xiaozhu that had been beaten was basically nowhere to be found.

Alright then.

Expecting so many people to fight above their heads and still hoping to have a complete room was too naive of him.

But should it be said that Qi Zhuoyu still has a conscience even after he has become heartless and loveless?

Seeing that he still knows that the Zhujian Xiaozhu is his home, most of the ruins are damaged by others’ magic instruments, and there are not many places struck by thunder.

Feng Xuan had to rummage through the ruins and finally found a small bed that he could barely lie down on.

After he placed the bed under the wutong tree, he found that he couldn’t sleep miraculously.

This kind of insomnia probably only happened twice in seventeen hundred years.

Feng Xuan had to sit silently for a while.

Just then, something white flashed under a pile of ruins not far away.

He moved the stones and found that it was the small sachet he had hung on Qi Zhuoyu not long ago.

Thinking about it, just now when Qi Zhuoyu was fighting with the big shots of the Misty Immortal Mansion, he probably thought that the sachet on his waist affected his cool, domineering, and arrogant big devil image, and was cut off by spiritual power and fell on the ground at some point.

The usually clean little sachet rolled around on the ground, and many places were covered with mud.

Feng Xuan held it in his hand, and it was so dirty that he didn’t know if it could be used after washing. Thinking that he was going to return to the Ninth Heavens soon, he didn’t need this little sachet.

He just thought about throwing it away.

But his hands were out of control, and he opened it to take a look.

The little sachet still contained various hemostatic pills that Feng Xuan had prepared for Qi Zhuoyu.

Bottles and jars, squeezed together.

Some have already been used up.

It could be seen that the person who used it was very casual, and the application was also very casual, and the white powder was sprinkled everywhere.

He knew that Qi Zhuoyu must not have applied the medicine properly.

Otherwise, how could his wounds all cracked open again today and get blood all over his body.

For some reason, Feng Xuan stared at the little sachet in his hand in a daze.

He knew that it was right to use the “Bu Yuan” knife to sever Qi Zhuoyu’s thread of affection.

He knew that the world was something that the Father God would protect even if he had to give up his life.

He also knew that it was good to develop according to the original Book of Fate.

He knew…..Qi Zhuoyu would never like him.

Under the lush, towering wutong tree.

The young man clenched the sachet, and his hanging hair covered his eyes.

Suddenly, silent tears suddenly fell on the sachet.

That was a sob that needed to be suppressed to the extreme, only revealing a trace.

Because of too much force, the white knuckles and fingertips were trembling finely.

Perhaps he was still too young and had never met such an amazing person.

So he still didn’t understand.

He didn’t understand why these good, right, and correct truths.

Would make him so sad, would make him have so many tears that couldn’t be shed.



  1. Satou says:

    Aaaaaaah my heart is breaking!!

    Thank you for the translation ❤️ I’m so excited for the next update

  2. Nana says:


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