After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Sever Affection (part 1)

This kiss could be better described as a one-sided hunt and catharsis by Qi Zhuoyu, rather than a true kiss.

His kiss, like the man himself, was fierce. He almost bit Feng Xuan’s lips, his well-defined fingertips pinched Feng Xuan’s chin, as if trying to crush it, forcing him to tilt his head back, revealing the delicate, pale arc of his neck.

Feng Xuan opened his lips in pain, allowing Qi Zhuoyu to forcefully invade and push deep.

Feng Xuan’s mind was still blank, and it was only when he was pressed down onto the Hu bed that he truly realized how vastly unequal their strength was.

He was now like a helpless young beast pinned to a chopping board, able to do nothing but let out a few weak cries. Qi Zhuoyu gripped his neck, savagely biting him, and Feng Xuan tried to push him away, but Qi Zhuoyu seized the opportunity to entangle himself further.

For a moment, the only sounds were the soft sounds of water and muffled sobs.

Feng Xuan was being kissed to the point of suffocation, and he didn’t know how to breathe, instinctively shaking his head to try and push Qi Zhuoyu away.

He had gone in too deep, giving him a terrifying illusion of being swallowed, as if he was about to be consumed. Feng Xuan found Qi Zhuoyu too frightening in this state, he was genuinely scared.

But just when Feng Xuan wanted to struggle and push him away, he remembered the wounds on Qi Zhuoyu’s body.

So much blood, it looked as if his blood had been drained, what on earth had he done in the demon realm to end up in such a miserable state?!

So the action of pushing him away turned into placing his hand over his heart.

It was at this moment that he realized, he truly couldn’t bring himself to kill Qi Zhuoyu with a knife.

He used to treat the lives of mortals as transient as floating dust, born in the morning and dead by dusk.

Life was as fleeting as a spark, compared to the long life of a god, it’s like a summer cicada oblivious to the seasons.

But at this moment, he discovered that the meaning of life was not about how long one lived.

But about who one spent this fleeting life with.

Feng Xuan had said that the task of saving the world was beyond his capabilities.

He was the kind of salted fish who went up the mountain to dig wild vegetables and had to dig a basket less than others.

Feng Xuan wanted to crush the “Bu Yuan” in his sleeve. (TL: “No enmity/resentment”-name of the knife Siming gave FX)

Unexpectedly, before he could move, Qi Zhuoyu discovered his intention.

He didn’t stop kissing him, instead blocked his lips more ferociously than before.

It seemed like he’s going to bite him into pieces and swallow him in his stomach. To be honest, Qi Zhuoyu may not even have the level of consciousness right now, and Feng Xuan really felt that this was not just his illusion.

Qi Zhuoyu may really want to bite himself and then crush him into his body.

However, when Qi Zhuoyu discovered it, Feng Xuan did not panic either.

He had originally planned to destroy “Bu Yuan”, if Qi Zhuoyu wanted to destroy it himself, then let him do it.

But Qi Zhuoyu did not casually crush “Bu Yuan” into powder as Feng Xuan had imagined.

Instead, he placed “Bu Yuan” in Feng Xuan’s palm, then pressed against Feng Xuan’s lips, his voice cold, “Why are you crying.”


Feng Xuan felt as if he had just noticed a chill on his cheek.

It was a tear stain that had dried up a long time ago, he thought it was blood from Qi Zhuoyu’s body that he had touched.

“Don’t worry. Don’t be afraid.” Qi Zhuoyu smiled at him, but the bloodshot in his eyes almost dyed his pupils red. “As long as you kill me, Situ Xingnian and Misty Immortal Mansion won’t dare to do anything to you.”

…What did he mean?

Feng Xuan felt his head was dizzy, he didn’t know if it was because he was kissed harshly or something else.

He didn’t understand what Qi Zhuoyu was saying, but seeing Qi Zhuoyu’s increasingly crazy look, he guessed what he was going to do.

Qi Zhuoyu almost didn’t give him time to think, he held his hand and sent “Bu Yuan” into his own heart.

His hand was well-defined, his palm tightly wrapped around his hand, just like the countless times he had led him around on the road.

Only this time, he led him, using his hand to pierce his own heart.

The moment the “Bu Yuan” knife cut through the flesh, blood spurted onto his cheek, Feng Xuan had never felt such resistance.

If the struggle from being forcibly kissed just now was helpless, then the struggle now could be described as hysterical.

He heard his own voice coming from a far place, sharp and trembling.

“Senior brother…I don’t want to!”

“Qi Zhuoyu, let go! Let go of me. I don’t want to, I don’t want to!”

Feng Xuan felt that he had never spoken so harshly, nor had he ever scolded so badly.

In order to prevent the “Bu Yuan” knife from slowly sinking into Qi Zhuoyu’s heart, he bit and hit him, but his hand did not move at all.

Qi Zhuoyu laughed loudly, like a madman.

He kissed Feng Xuan again, swallowing all his sounds and tears.

The kiss was deep and forceful, holding him tightly, while embracing him, he also deeply stabbed the last bit of the “Bu Yuan” knife blade into the heart.

How could there be such a madman in the world?

Knowing that he came to kill him, but still wanting to help him hurt himself.

Feng Xuan felt his hand trembling uncontrollably, he had never hurt anyone so badly in his life.

What he didn’t expect was that the first person he hurt would be Qi Zhuoyu.

He didn’t even know when Qi Zhuoyu’s kisses had stopped being wild and fierce, and instead fell bit by bit, densely on his eyelashes, the tip of his nose, the corners of his mouth, and even his chin.

Qi Zhuoyu only knew that Situ Xingnian had asked him to kill him with the “Bu Yuan” knife.

But he didn’t know that the “Bu Yuan” knife wouldn’t kill him, it would only sever the love poison in his body, turning him into a heartless and loveless madman.

Feng Xuan’s brain could no longer think about anything.

He looked at Qi Zhuoyu, only feeling a buzzing sound in his ears.

Qi Zhuoyu’s kisses were so light, as if he was pecking at a precious treasure.

He had kissed every part of his face, as if he wanted to remember this face forever.

Qi Zhuoyu’s last kiss fell on his lips, just lightly touching them.

His peach blossom eyes were drooping, and he could see the tiny blood beads trembling slightly on his eyelashes.

Feng Xuan seemed to be waiting for something, staring at him without blinking, not missing a single glance.

Then in the next second, he saw Qi Zhuoyu raise his eyes, the bottom of his eyes was an indifference and calmness he had never seen before, and a hint of hesitation.

The “Bu Yuan” knife successfully severed his last thread of affection.

He had completely become a mortal who had no feelings and didn’t know love or hate.

Perhaps he didn’t understand what he was doing.

He looked at Feng Xuan as if he was looking at a lifeless object, or perhaps, like a stranger who would never be found again once thrown into a crowd.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly let go of him, frowning and looking down, seeing a dagger inserted horizontally into his own heart.

He seemed to be somewhat incomprehensible, how could this knife possibly hurt him.

Qi Zhuoyu also saw Feng Xuan, his Dao companion who had joined the Immortal Misty Mansion.

The young man seemed to have just cried, staring blankly at him with red eyes.

In just an instant, Qi Zhuoyu immediately pushed Feng Xuan away, then reached out and pulled the “Bu Yuan” knife out of his chest and casually threw it on the ground.

The next second, dozens of cultivators from the Misty Immortal Mansion suddenly appeared in mid-air, and the terrifying pressure from the powerful cultivators instantly surrounded the entire Zhujian Xiaozhu.

Just as Qi Zhuoyu pushed Feng Xuan away, a murderous aura wrapped in spiritual power, “boom–” turned the Hu bed they were just sitting on into dust.

If Feng Xuan had left a second later, perhaps the black residue on the ground would have been his ashes.

He was startled, and at the same time, he was in a state of shock.

In mid-air, headed by the sect leader of the Misty Immortal Mansion, Yue Tingyuan, he was furious, and shouted, “Qi Zhuoyu! You traitor disciple! You dare to tear the barrier of the Chaotic Sea, release thousands of demons to slaughter the mansion, are you crazy!”

This roar filled with spiritual power, almost the entire Misty Immortal Mansion could hear it.

It also completely shocked Feng Xuan from the blood and tears of that kiss just now.

Looking carefully, in mid-air, apart from the sect leader of the mansion.

Basically, all the peak masters and elders above the God Transformation Stage in the Misty Immortal Mansion, whose names and surnames could be called out, were all present.

This shows how serious the big event that Qi Zhuoyu caused in the demon realm was.

However, you, the leader of the mansion, are only realizing now that Qi Zhuoyu is crazy? That shows that Qi Zhuoyu’s acting skills are really strong on a daily basis.

Moreover the scene in front of him was not unfamiliar.

Having flipped through the Book of Fate of the mortal Xiao Qi hundreds of times, Feng Xuan immediately guessed the scene.

Isn’t this the night when Qi Zhuoyu defected from the Misty Immortal Mansion in the original Book of Fate?

Alright then.

He didn’t expect the effect of the “Bu Yuan” knife that Siming gave him to come so quickly.

As soon as he stabbed Qi Zhuoyu, his Book of Fate trajectory returned to its original position.

This also indirectly proved once again that the last bit of love poison in his body had been severed.

Feng Xuan thought about this and fell silent for a while for some reason.

Actually, this was quite good. Qi Zhuoyu originally had to suffer once every month on the fifteenth, but now he finally didn’t need to.

Just as Feng Xuan thought, everything that happened next corresponded one by one with the scenes in the Book of Fate.

Qi Zhuoyu had long planned to defect from the Misty Immortal Mansion, so he didn’t plan to answer Yue Tingyuan’s questions at all.

Yue Tingyuan also didn’t bother to talk nonsense with him anymore, after all, in just one night, the entire mansion had fallen into a human hell. No matter how much Qi Zhuoyu was valued by the mansion on normal days, there was no room for sparing his life either!

Both sides planned to kill each other in an instant.

So after a few exchanges, they stopped talking nonsense and started fighting directly!

Because of this, Feng Xuan once again witnessed the terrifying strength of Qi Zhuoyu.



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