After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Husband, Spare Me (part 2)

Thinking too deeply, Qi Zhuoyu stared at him, suddenly frowning, “Why haven’t you slept yet?”

Feng Xuan: ? Huh?

He was full of question marks.

Qi Zhuoyu seemed a bit puzzled: “I’ve finished talking.”


Feng Xuan’s response to his question mark became a bit more.

What kind of jumping brain circuit is the big devil?

It seems that neurotics can’t understand each other.

At least his little neurotic can’t keep up with the big neurotic’s thinking, right??

He tried to replay the interaction between the two just now.

He couldn’t sleep.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t speak.

Then he just complained in his heart that he couldn’t even tell a bedtime story.

Thinking about the big devil’s mind-reading technique that sometimes goes online and sometimes goes offline.



The room suddenly became as quiet as death.

“So.” Feng Xuan was expressionless, wanting to confirm: “Senior brother, the things you just told me.”

He took a deep breath, feeling that he was not very well, “Is it just…a…bedtime story?”

Even with each sentence he spoke, the pitch of his voice rose a notch, and by the last four words, it had changed due to the absurdity.

“Wasn’t it you who wanted to hear a story?” Qi Zhuoyu looked very matter-of-fact, “Doesn’t this count?”



Damn it.

Who the hell has ever heard of someone using their own tragic, dark, and unloved childhood as a bedtime story to tell their Dao companion?!

Are you sure that after hearing this bedtime story, others can fall asleep?! Won’t they have nightmares?!

Do you believe that I, a god, am crying on the bed right now!! Give me back those few seconds when my heart was broken!!

Feng Xuan was roaring inside.

On the surface, Feng Xuan was very calm.

He was so calm that he almost had a sense of resignation and optimism.

What’s wrong with that? As long as the outrageous person doing this is Qi Zhuoyu, everything is reasonable, correct, candid, and not surprising at all.

He believed it, he really believed it this time.

Qi Zhuoyu’s threads of affection were indeed completely pulled out, along with his emotional intelligence, completely drained.

Heavens, you can’t reason with a lunatic.

After listening, Feng Xuan was not only sleepless, but also more spirited because of anger.

He couldn’t help but think of Yan Luo’s matter, and subconsciously asked, “So what does Senior brother plan to do next?”

After all, his own mother was used by the Misty Immortal Mansion to forge a barrier.

He found it hard to believe that Qi Zhuoyu could continue to stay in the Misty Immortal Mansion as if nothing had happened.

Of course, what’s more important is that in the Book of Fate, the time for him to defect from the Misty Immortal Mansion is getting closer.

It’s a pity that Qi Zhuoyu only briefly opened his heart to him.

Now he’s starting to be a riddle person again, and didn’t plan to tell him his plan.

Feng Xuan felt that Qi Zhuoyu’s silence of avoidance was within his expectations.

It’s probably not because he’s narcissistic, he feels that sometimes when the big devil doesn’t tell him what he’s up to, it’s a kind of protection for him.

Just like before he goes to fight, he always finds a safe place for himself first.

Like the Zhujian Xiaozhu, like the Changle Hall, like the royal palace of Guixu Kingdom.

And they’re all his kind of simple and crude straight male aesthetics, the bigger and more gorgeous, the better.

Feng Xuan sometimes found it hard to pretend not to know, but it didn’t seem to be something he disliked knowing.

He’s such a particularly precious and beautiful bird.

What’s wrong with living in a bigger cage?

Feng Xuan suddenly didn’t know what to say, and randomly thought of his previous brain supplement, “Rahu said before that Senior brother has already pulled out the threads of affection, and only needs to use my primordial spirit to sacrifice the knife, and can completely clear the love poison in the body. Actually, I had already thought about hugging your thigh and shouting ‘Husband, spare me, ’.”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him strangely again, and naturally said, “I am not Rahu, nor will I kill my wife for enlightenment like him. You don’t need to worry.”


It sounds better than singing.

Feng Xuan didn’t know why he had to ask a question himself.

This is very much like the weird mentality of actually knowing that the boyfriend won’t do this but still wanting to verify with the boyfriend, which instantly made him confused.

And even though he knew that the big devil was talking nonsense now.

But he was inexplicably happy for a second without any principles.

But the next second, Qi Zhuoyu ruined the atmosphere and said, “If you insist on shouting ‘Husband, spare me, ’.”

He looked at him, his peach blossom eyes had a bit of teasing, “You can stay in bed and shout in the future, it’s not impossible.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Feng Xuan really wanted to smash his handsome face with a pillow.


The brief journey to the Chaotic Sea soon came to an end.

Feng Xuan was lucky, on the last day of leaving the Donyi Demon Realm, he caught up with a sunrise that hadn’t happened in more than a decade.

The sun rose in the east, a line of golden light slowly spilled onto the rolling black fog of the Chaotic Sea continent.

Even the perennial snow suddenly stopped for a moment, and the morning light illuminated the border of the barrier.

Under the light, there were low and short broken walls, showing the traces of war.

Yan Luo’s primordial spirit forged this barrier, but it did not stop the continuation of the war.

The Human Empire still had wars, and there were refugees.

The common demons of the Demon Realm also suffered from the disaster brought by scarce resources.

He looked for a while and withdrew his gaze.

On the way back to the Misty Immortal Mansion, he was probably a bit tired and didn’t talk much.

The moment the flying boat landed in the Misty Immortal Mansion, to be honest, Feng Xuan was still a bit scared.

Although after listening to Rahu’s crazy words, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t show any different behavior from usual.

But the big devil, he’s a powerful actor!

Just look at how he’s been playing his bright and clear senior brother persona for more than a decade, so far no one has noticed the big villain’s heart under his gentle exterior.

Who knows if he’s thinking about making trouble in his heart.

But one thing was unexpected, Feng Xuan thought that according to Qi Zhuoyu’s character, he would start a massacre when he arrived at the Misty Immortal Mansion.

Fortunately, the bloody and brutal scene in the imagination did not happen.

That’s also true, as the number one sect in the cultivation world, the Misty Immortal Mansion had many strong people.

Even Qi Zhuoyu, it can’t be said that he can kill all the people just by saying kill.

Moreover, he looked at the time on the Book of Fate, and it was more than a month before the big devil defected.

When Feng Xuan saw this, he felt a bit choked in his chest, he vaguely had some hope, the things in the Book of Fate might not necessarily happen.

So when Feng Xuan returned to the Zhujian Xiaozhu, he started living the life of a wealthy family’s widow again.

Every day was just sleeping, going to class, and then getting out of class. Because it was close to midwinter, the wutong tree that Qi Zhuoyu had planted in the yard before had started to shed leaves, and in a few days it had become bare, making it impossible for him to have a good nap.

Feng Xuan had no choice but to inject a bit of his own primordial spirit, slowly urging it to grow some leaves.

The big devil was out early and back late these days, sometimes not seen for several days in a row.

He probably didn’t know where he was rolling around, anyway, he just disappeared one moment, and then suddenly appeared the next.

Speaking of his appearance, he just appeared.

That day, Ah Bao was tidying up the odds and ends in the Zhujian Xiaozhu, and accidentally turned up the joint Gengtie of Feng Xuan and Qi Zhuoyu.

(t/n: Gengtie-( also called Bazi post ) exchanged between men and women when they were engaged in the old days, with their names, place of origin, date of birth, etc. written on them.

Ah Bao looked at the date on the post, and suddenly said, “Ah, the twentieth of next month is the wedding day of the Master and Senior Brother Qi. This is the joint Gentie!”

Huh? Feng Xuan who heard popped a question mark.

Does he and the big devil still have this kind of plastic wedding thing?

But then he thought about it, it seems like they do.

In the cultivation world, a couple often went through two steps.

First was the joint Gengtie, and second was marriage.

After “Mortal Xiao Qi” detected that there was a celestial fate between them, they simply registered jointly and became nominal Dao companions.

But the grand wedding ceremony after the joint Gengtie, for various reasons, was not held immediately.

Feng Xuan thought the wedding had been cancelled, but it turned out that the time hadn’t come yet.

Speaking of the wedding day, he remembered the scene he saw in the Book of Fate when he first descended to the mortal world.

The big devil was wearing his wedding clothes.

He was laughing in a gloomy and crazy way, and with one sword, he pierced him through.



Feng Xuan looked at the joint Gengtie with difficulty.

He said heavily, “You don’t understand. This is not a joint Gengtie, this is a death note.”

It’s the kind of murder weapon that you write your own name on, and then you’re doomed to die.

That’s when Qi Zhuoyu appeared.

He walked without making a sound, stood behind Feng Xuan, leaned slightly, and took the joint Gengtie from his hand.

Feng Xuan was startled, and when he turned his head, he saw Qi Zhuoyu looking at the post.


This thing was like a death notice to Feng Xuan.

He was afraid that Qi Zhuoyu would remember that he still had a “wife” who hadn’t been killed for enlightenment, and would perform a live show of chopping him down on the spot.

He made a move to take it back and immediately stated his position, “Senior brother. I accidentally turned this out, and I’ll press it to the bottom of the box later.”

Who knew, Qi Zhuoyu looked at him sideways. “Press to the bottom?”

His tone seemed so dissatisfied, Feng Xuan was annoyed when he heard it.

Who was it?

The Book of Fate said that he hated himself to death, pressed the announcement to the bottom of the box, and the big devil was still not happy?

Qi Zhuoyu, for the first time in these few days, showed a light-hearted smile.

His peach blossom eyes lifted a wave that could be called gentle. “How come? You’ve kissed and held hands with Senior brother, and even met the mother.”

He paused, “Now, you don’t even want to give Senior brother a status?”

Qi Zhuoyu continued, with a seemingly non-existent moral kidnapping, “Then if it gets out, it won’t be good for Senior brother’s reputation.”



  1. Nana says:

    Muito obrigada pela tradução (  ̄▽ ̄)

    Estou ansiosa pra morte do FX <3

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