After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Husband, Spare Me (part 1)

Please tell me.

What could make a mentally unstable lunatic stop being mad for his own sake?

The underground palace was cold, yet Feng Xuan felt his cheeks burning.

His heartbeat also suddenly accelerated abnormally.

If it weren’t for Siming saying “the fate in the Book of Fate cannot be violated”,

Feng Xuan almost thought this was true love.

It’s killing him. He quickly thought about his tragic end of being killed by the big devil for his enlightenment.

Why did he have to dig wild vegetables and talk about this deep love with the big devil?!

Thinking about this, Feng Xuan felt a bit suffocated.

Although he often mentioned being killed for enlightenment, recently he felt more and more annoyed.

So, he didn’t speak anymore and just stood quietly on the side.

Until they came out of the underground palace, there was a strange silence between the two.

It wasn’t until they arrived at the palace where they were staying that Feng Xuan belatedly realized something was wrong.

Although Qi Zhuoyu said it was because he was afraid of scaring him that he didn’t get angry.

But his calmness, like he was dead, wasn’t it too calm?

Having suffered such a big loss, Qi Zhuoyu, with his vengeful character, definitely wouldn’t let Misty Immortal Mansion off easily.

Even more, his way of doing things, which involved killing people and implicating eighteen generations, was likely not only to persecute Misty Immortal Mansion, but probably to make all the people and demons die together.

He always felt that the big devil must be planning a big event in his heart.

Of course, looking at the Book of Fate, he did indeed do a big thing.

Not long after, in just a few months, Qi Zhuoyu tore open the barrier of the Chaotic Sea, releasing tens of millions of demons into the human world. It could be said that he was mad enough to destroy the world.

Feng Xuan was lying in bed, not asleep.

He secretly glanced at Qi Zhuoyu, who was sitting on the beauty couch.

Although Qi Zhuoyu had his eyes closed, Feng Xuan knew he definitely wasn’t asleep.

After all, the big devil’s cultivation was so high that he didn’t need to sleep. Except for the time when he came out of the Sanqing Realm and slept for seven days and nights, his eyes were always closed, but it was an illusion. He must have been circulating his energy within his body, maintaining his cultivation.

It was precisely because his eyes were closed that Feng Xuan could take a good look at him.

Actually, just looking at his appearance, Qi Zhuoyu’s looks followed Rahu’s handsome and flamboyant style, but at the same time, he also possessed Yan Luo’s unique dignity and coldness.

Apart from his looks, his character was almost inherited from his parents.

Qi Zhuoyu had the same confidence and arrogance in his own strength as Rahu, and also had the same sensitivity and suspicion of not trusting anyone because of being used like Yan Luo.

But surprisingly, Qi Zhuoyu had never shown these two sides of himself to others.

Instead, he had always been persistently playing the role of a bright and gentle, humble and kind-hearted senior brother in the Misty Immortal Mansion.

Thinking about this, Feng Xuan suddenly realized something.

The image that Qi Zhuoyu had always shown to people always made Feng Xuan feel somewhat familiar.

Thinking carefully, wasn’t this the character of that unlucky scapegoat, King Duan?

Feng Xuan had seen King Duan’s appearance in Qi Zhuoyu’s dreams, he was elegant and gentle, kind and good.

Although King Duan was a fraternal twin with the current emperor, because the emperor was wary of his brother usurping the throne, King Duan changed his surname to his mother’s, becoming the first king of the human empire with a non-royal surname, but of royal blood.

If Rahu hadn’t forcibly taken Yan Luo as his wife, Qi Zhuoyu would really be the son of King Duan and Yan Luo.

Then his current appearance should be the image he has been persistently and tirelessly playing in the Misty Immortal Mansion.

The deserved bright moon, the pride of heaven admired by thousands of people.

And this should also be his original life trajectory.

Feng Xuan was lying in bed thinking wildly, not noticing when Qi Zhuoyu opened his eyes.

The gazes of the two inexplicably collided in mid-air, and their heartbeats sped up in unison.

Feng Xuan: ?

What the hell.

He wouldn’t have gotten some kind of disease recently, would he? How could his heartbeat accelerate inexplicably?!

After a while, Feng Xuan was the first to break the silence. “Senior brother, why are you awake?”

Although he knew he wasn’t asleep, he couldn’t have been woken up by him, could he? He hadn’t said a word!

“You woke me up.” Qi Zhuoyu’s tone was calm.

Feng Xuan: ? He really dared to say it? The big devil himself said he couldn’t read minds, so how could his inner mutterings wake him up?

Qi Zhuoyu spoke, “My divine consciousness can cover the entire demon realm.”

The implication was: Although your Senior brother didn’t open his eyes, he could still see you staring at your Senior brother like an idiot for a long time. So much so that even a dead person would be woken up by you.



Feng Xuan’s ears were burning. “.”.

Feng Xuan decided to play dead.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t plan to let him continue sleeping and asked, “Why haven’t you slept yet?”

Feng Xuan glanced at him, wondering what kind of image he had in the big devil’s eyes.

Was he just a salted fish that either ate or slept? Well, he did have a bit of that.

But he wouldn’t be able to sleep soundly after hearing such a big secret.

Feng Xuan honestly answered. “I can’t sleep.”

Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him and didn’t say anything.


When his Dao companion couldn’t sleep, couldn’t he tell a bedtime story to coax him?

What a straight man.

Forget it.

Feng Xuan knew he shouldn’t have any expectations of him.

So he grabbed the quilt and prepared to cover himself and cultivate sleepiness again.

But unexpectedly, Qi Zhuoyu came over from the beauty couch and sat on his bed.

He slowly opened his mouth “After my mother died, my wet nurse carried me and escaped from the demon realm. Unfortunately, we were discovered by a cultivator of the human race at the city gate. My wet nurse hid me in a wooden barrel in a dry well. Not long after, she died. Her body was thrown down the well by the cultivator of the human race and landed next to the wooden barrel. It was three whole days.”

Feng Xuan listened for a while, a bit surprised.

Qi Zhuoyu never talked about his past with others, and he also liked to be a riddle person.

It seems that Yan Luo’s matter had a big impact on him, and he stopped being a riddle person.

Feng Xuan just listened and didn’t speak. He remembered that he hadn’t seen this part in Qi Zhuoyu’s dreams.

But even if he hadn’t seen it, he could imagine it.

How a four-year-old child spent three days in a well with the corpse of his most familiar wet nurse, it probably wasn’t as easy as the big devil said.

“I got a fever later, and when I woke up, I was already in King Duan’s mansion.” Qi Zhuoyu’s tone was calm.

Feng Xuan knew this, he had heard it from the Sixth Prince. When King Duan first brought Qi Zhuoyu back, everyone in the court believed that Qi Zhuoyu was of demon blood, only King Duan insisted that he was his own son.

Sure enough, Qi Zhuoyu spoke. “Rumors were circulating inside and outside the palace that I was not King Duan’s biological son, and the ministers opposed and demanded a blood test. But King Duan did not agree because an accident happened.”

Hearing this, Feng Xuan seemed to realize something, and those wronged souls of King Duan’s mansion appeared in his mind.

Qi Zhuoyu: “A big fire broke out in King Duan’s mansion, four hundred people died, including King Duan. But the fire was set by him, and the people were killed by me. Emperor Li was wary of King Duan’s power in the court, afraid that he would plot to usurp the throne, so he used my background to threaten him. As long as I killed King Duan, no one in the court would dare to question my bloodline, and Emperor Li could turn a blind eye and secure his throne.”

Feng Xuan tightened his throat, not knowing what to say.

Qi Zhuoyu also stopped talking, just staring blankly out the window.

Just as Feng Xuan said, he rarely slept, because sleeping would make him sink into dreams.

Dreams were extremely illusory to him and beyond his control, so he never let himself stop cultivating for even a minute.

But just now on the couch, he did fall asleep and had a very brief dream.

Qi Zhuoyu thought that after so many years, he should have long forgotten that night. But in fact, his memory was astonishingly good, how King Duan clenched his hand, how he used his hand to pierce his heart, even the temperature of the bright red blood splashed on his face, he remembered it all clearly.

King Duan’s eyes were staring at him before he died.

He wanted him to remember, to tell Emperor Li.

“Ananda…you killed me…you must remember that you killed me.”

Qi Zhuoyu had met many people in his life, Rahu called him a child in the illusion with sincere words, Emperor Li offered countless gold and silver treasures after he cultivated immortality.

But Yan Luo treated him coldly, King Duan forced him to kill, in the end, these two people who were the only ones who hoped he would live, all died because of him.

His short twenty-odd years were like the small characters that Yan Luo started for him.

From birth, he was destined to become someone else’s calamity.

Feng Xuan finally understood, scratching his head, really feeling going bald.

No wonder the big devil would rather use ancient forbidden techniques to pull out the threads of affection. This kind of first watching his biological father kill his biological mother, and then killing his adoptive father himself, if the threads of affection were still there, it would really be tormenting himself day and night.

Seeing him now, like a bystander, calmly telling this past event, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Feng Xuan also felt that the threads of affection that Qi Zhuoyu had pulled out did have some effect, it’s just a pity that there was still some love poison, and it wasn’t completely cut off.

At this moment, if Feng Xuan was the kind-hearted Virgin Mary male protagonist in the story.

He should have hugged Qi Zhuoyu and cried “yiyiyi” after listening, saying ‘Husband, your childhood was too miserable, but what does that matter, you now have me, I will treat you well, so you should be willing to forget all hatred for me, forgive the world, pardon the world, and then we live happily together, right.jpg’

Unfortunately, he wasn’t, he was just a salted fish god who came down to experience a calamity.

To be fair, if the protagonist of the story was changed from Qi Zhuoyu to himself, Feng Xuan thought about it, he wouldn’t be able to forget all hatred.

Don’t advise others to be good without experiencing their suffering.

Feng Xuan still understood this truth very well, and he didn’t have the face to tell the big devil that you now have me so let go of your hatred.

And please, looking at the big devil’s character.

He would only blow himself up with it.

Thinking about it, it’s better to worry about Qi Zhuoyu’s past than to worry about himself.

Before long, he would have to face the same tragic ending as Yan Luo.



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