After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Coax (part 2)

Feng Xuan couldn’t help but speak, “This illusion can actually talk, then wouldn’t the Senior brother be able to scold him?”

Rahu: “…”

Qi Zhuoyu: “.”

Qi Zhuoyu actually thought about it and found that it seemed to be feasible.

On Rahu’s face that was chopped up, one could see a crack, and he also noticed Feng Xuan’s existence.

“Who is he?” The question was to Qi Zhuoyu, but the look was indeed to Feng Xuan.

Although Rahu was very contemptuous, thinking about it, he was after all the big devil’s legitimate father, so Feng Xuan still introduced himself, “I am Senior brother’s Dao companion.”

“Dao companion?” Rahu looked puzzled and looked at Qi Zhuoyu, “Since you have already pulled out the love thread to cultivate the ruthless Dao, why would you have a Dao companion?”

Scared to death, right?

Feng Xuan: You don’t know how powerful your son is.

Although the big devil’s love thread is dead, his mouth is not dead, and he can still kiss his Dao companion.

Rahu didn’t wait for Qi Zhuoyu to answer, and just talked to himself.

From this point of view, they were definitely father and son.

“That’s good. You still have the love poison in you, and he, like your mother, has a primordial spirit that is pure and clean. All you need to do is to kill your wife to gain enlightenment, use his primordial spirit to sacrifice the demon knife, break open the barrier of the Chaotic Sea, and you can release millions of our clan’s demon generals to trample the human race!”

Good. Well said.

Feng Xuan clapped in a seal-like manner without expression, then wanted to clench his fist and punch him.

Are you okay, old man? He’s not dead yet, standing here, right?

You’re so loud, conspiring with your son to kill your own daughter-in-law to gain enlightenment???

Feng Xuan really didn’t know where Rahu got the confidence to think that Qi Zhuoyu would be the same kind of person as him, or whether he was sighing at Rahu’s annoying arrogant character.

How come the same arrogance, the big devil was a hundred times more pleasing to the eye than this Rahu.

Unfortunately, Rahu’s grandiose words hadn’t finished yet, and Qi Zhuoyu was too lazy to listen to him spouting nonsense here.

Just like crushing the head of any stranger, he unhesitatingly crushed the head of his own biological father.

The remnants of Rahu’s divine soul turned into a wisp of smoke, and the barrier also became unstable due to his dissipation, easily torn open by Qi Zhuoyu.

When they came back to their senses, the two of them were already standing in the original study, and the wooden box in Qi Zhuoyu’s hand was also casually crushed by him, becoming dust.


Feng Xuan thought silently in his heart, he said that Rahu, this rubbish demon lord’s ashes, would sooner or later be scattered by Qi Zhuoyu.

In the room, it was suddenly so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard.

Just heard the father-in-law and husband loudly conspiring to kill his own plastic daughter-in-law to gain enlightenment, what to do?

Waiting online, very urgent.

Feng Xuan felt the atmosphere was a bit frozen.

Although the Book of Fate said that the mortal Xiao Qi’s final ending was to be stabbed by Qi Zhuoyu, knowing it in the heart was one thing, and saying it publicly was another.

Just as Feng Xuan was thinking about whether it was better to pretend not to hear, or to directly hug the big devil’s thigh and shout ‘husband, spare my life’.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly spoke, asking a question that had nothing to do with what he was thinking.

“Do you also think there’s nothing to say about killing your own biological father?”

Feng Xuan: ?

He didn’t think there was nothing to say.

He was thinking about how to shout “husband, spare my life” more sincerely.

Feng Xuan hesitated for a moment, then spoke, “Rahu is the demon lord of Donyi, who has done many evils in his life and deserves to die. Senior brother, killing him is to uphold the Dao and maintain peace, which is correct.”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him, “But I am also the son of the demon lord of Donyi.”

Feng Xuan continued, without changing his face, “Although the Senior brother is the son of the demon lord, he has abandoned the dark and turned to the righteous path. He has also killed his relatives for the sake of righteousness, which is candid and just.”

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him, stared for a long time, his expression was a bit strange, and a bit indescribably mysterious.

It seemed that what Feng Xuan said made him unable to understand.

Doesn’t he think he’s a madman with a violent temper?

To be honest.

Sometimes Qi Zhuoyu himself feels that his behavior is very neurotic.

“Don’t you think I’m a madman?” Qi Zhuoyu had wanted to ask this question a long time ago, and finally asked it today.


Does he still have to think about this kind of thing?

Aren’t you just a madman?

Feng Xuan thought for a moment, sighing.

Never mind, never mind, consider it as me stroking the fur of an irritable big cat.

“In fact, I do feel a bit,” Feng Xuan said.

Qi Zhuoyu’s face turned dark instantly, very irritable.

“But what can I do?” Feng Xuan looked at him, “Since I am already Senior brother’s Dao companion, of course, I follow the chicken if I marry a chicken, and follow the dog if I marry a dog.”

He sneakily glanced at Qi Zhuoyu and continued, “In the future, when Senior brother kills, I will set the fire, when Senior brother buries the body, I will dig the hole, okay?”

Then he prayed in his heart: Dad, I’m just saying things to coax men, you must not take it seriously, don’t strike me with lightning, Ling’er is still that pure and innocent upper god!

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression finally seemed a bit satisfied.

And he added, “No need. The corpse can be directly burned with spiritual power.”


What else could be done, he could only thank Senior brother for the one-stop service of killing and cremation.

No need to bother him to dig a hole and bury the body, right?

Feng Xuan felt that Qi Zhuoyu…

Well, he was really childish and hard to coax.

When the two of them walked out of the study together, Feng Xuan suddenly remembered something.

He called out to Qi Zhuoyu, “Senior brother.”

Qi Zhuoyu stopped, turned his head to look at him.

Feng Xuan rubbed his small purse, then raised his head, “That is. If you need me to coax you next time, you can just tell me directly.”

No need to doubt yourself first, belittle yourself.

Thinking that he is a madman, or some other bad words.

Just like just now, the big devil obviously wanted him to coax him.

But he stubbornly asked him if he had nothing to say to him, he really didn’t know why he was so awkward.

Feng Xuan felt that he should volunteer, his almond eyes were clean and bright, there was a shallow layer of water light at the bottom of his eyes, the color of his pupils was not pure black, it was a gentle amber.

When these eyes were looking at a person, it seemed like the whole world in his eyes could only reflect you.

“Because I think, I’m quite good at coaxing people.”


Coming out of the study, Qi Zhuoyu naturally went to the underground palace.

It could be seen that although he didn’t take Rahu’s crazy words seriously on the surface, he should have believed a bit in his heart.

The big devil was that kind of very typical actionist who wouldn’t let go of the eagle without catching the rabbit.

He never believed in hearsay, he had to see it with his own eyes. He belonged to the kind of ruthless person who would kill and whip the corpse for eighteen generations, and would use a big move.

Feng Xuan had been messing around in the barrier for a long time, and it was getting late, so he was actually a bit sleepy.

But when he saw Qi Zhuoyu get up from the beauty couch and go to the underground palace, he struggled for a long time in his heart, and then painfully gave up the warm big bed.

He carried his small purse on his back, followed him like a pendant.

Qi Zhuoyu just glanced at him and didn’t stop him from following.

Walking this uphill road to the underground palace again, Feng Xuan was already very familiar.

He looked at Qi Zhuoyu’s back, which was still wide and tall, but he felt an indescribable heaviness.

On the way there, it started to snow again.

Feng Xuan ran forward a few steps, caught up with him, and then held Qi Zhuoyu’s hand.

Qi Zhuoyu turned his head and looked at him.

Feng Xuan spoke confidently, “There is no light, the road is dark, I’m afraid Senior brother can’t see clearly. I’ll hold your hand and walk.”

Walking slower than him.

Dare to say that he was holding Senior brother’s hand and walking.

But the snow was difficult to walk on, and it was cold to the bone.

Only the palm of the hand brought a moment of dry warmth, like the sun in winter.

Qi Zhuoyu was in a daze for a second, and he didn’t want to let go.

After arriving at the underground palace, Feng Xuan was a bit worried about how the big devil was going to open the coffin to check.

As a result, he really worried too much, Qi Zhuoyu simply and rudely lifted the coffin board directly.

He took a look, and the expression on his face was indistinguishable.

Feng Xuan also tiptoed to look inside, and the coffin was indeed empty.

The underground palace of the Donyi demon clan had been burying the coffin of Yuan Luo for twenty years, and it had always been an empty coffin.

The real Yuan Luo had long been divided and consumed by the Misty Immortal Mansion, forged into a powerful barrier, suppressing the demons of the Chaotic Sea.

Just like in the past, in order to survive under the demons, a letter of surrender sent her to the demon clan.

Qi Zhuoyu’s mother, until her death, was still being used by the human race to deal with the demon clan.

The air in the underground palace seemed to be stretched to the extreme.

Feng Xuan retracted his gaze in shock, and looked at Qi Zhuoyu again.

The big devil’s posture was calm, but it made people afraid, like a dangerous iceberg sleeping under the calm sea.

To be honest, according to Qi Zhuoyu’s irritable degree, he was likely to directly smash the coffin in the next second, and then directly start killing in the demon realm.

After the killing, he would return to the Misty Immortal Mansion, and then continue to kill in the Misty Immortal Mansion. At this stage of being displeased with anyone, he might even beat himself up.

Anyway, that’s what the Book of Fate said.

In the Book of Fate, the big devil, when the love poison broke out, hurt the mortal Xiao Qi because of unbearable pain.

Feng Xuan even prepared to cover his ears, waiting for his angry smashing of the coffin.

Although he was afraid of pain, he still subconsciously prepared to be vented upon.

But after a long time, Qi Zhuoyu made no move.

So he opened his tightly closed eyes, looked at Qi Zhuoyu a bit bewildered, “Senior brother. Aren’t you going to get angry?”

It’s unreasonable, at least he should irrationally vent his anger on him.

Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him and said, “No anger.”

When he said this, it was as if he had naturally ingrained this little habit into his bones, his voice was low and somewhat hoarse, “You would be scared.”



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