After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Coax (part 1)

A filial son?

When Qi Zhuoyu heard these two words, a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

Then he spoke, “Has this old thing gone mad? How could he utter these two words?”

At this moment, Feng Xuan felt that his thought process was surprisingly in sync with the big devil’s.

However, Feng Xuan didn’t think that Rahu had really gone mad.

He just felt that through this incident, he had learned that if he wanted to record some illusions for his descendants in advance,

He shouldn’t pretend to be a master strategist.

What was Rahu thinking?

Feng Xuan felt that even if he spent every day with Qi Zhuoyu, he might not be able to guess what Qi Zhuoyu was thinking.

Rahu dared to predict Qi Zhuoyu’s psychological activities twenty years in advance.

Look, now not only was he going to be whipped by the big devil, but it was also very likely that the wooden box that looked like an urn would be scattered by Qi Zhuoyu.

In this way, apart from their similar appearances, their characters were also somewhat alike.

Feng Xuan seemed to know where the big devil’s strong and pretentious character was inherited from.

Although Rahu was chopped up badly, it did not affect his ability to continue speaking.

Seeing this scene, Feng Xuan wondered if he should step back a little.

After all, this scene, with its standard tear-jerking opening,

It was clear that there was some major secret that had been kept from the big devil back then!

This kind of “child, when you grow up, I will tell you all the truth” scene.

Shouldn’t it be the female lead who accompanies the male lead through this? How did it fall on his plastic Dao companion head?

Really makes one go bald.jpg

“You don’t need to avoid it.” Qi Zhuoyu seemed to know what he was thinking and spoke directly.

“Oh…” What else could Feng Xuan say? He could only honestly continue to be a decoration by Qi Zhuoyu’s side.

As expected, Rahu didn’t talk much nonsense, perhaps because he didn’t expect Qi Zhuoyu to open it after so many years.

His strength was not enough to support him in making a long speech.

Therefore, Rahu got straight to the point. [Being able to open this barrier means that you already have the power to shake the entire cultivation world. Zhuoyu, it’s time for you to take on the responsibility of revitalizing the demon clan and shattering the cultivation world.]

Feng Xuan: Ah, this.

Even if he had guessed that Rahu’s last words were nothing more than something about revitalizing the demon clan.

But when he really heard it, Feng Xuan still had to sigh, lord, times have changed.

Your son, Qi Zhuoyu, has already become the leader of an immortal sect.

Still revitalizing the demon clan, you might be able to see him leading the team when crushing the demon clan.jpg

Moreover, based on Feng Xuan’s understanding of the big devil.

Although he often complained that Qi Zhuoyu’s wish might be to unify the three realms or something.

But according to his observation, he didn’t seem to have any intention of wanting to hold the power of the three realms.

He was simply a peerless careerist who pursued ultimate power.

He won’t take on any responsibility for revitalizing the demon clan, nor would he do anything big like shattering the cultivation world.

These were of no use for cultivation.

His Dao heart could be said to be extremely pure, that was, to become stronger.

Feng Xuan quietly stole a glance at Qi Zhuoyu.

Sure enough, the big devil looked like he was listening with his left ear and out with his right.

And he showed that he was a little impatient after hearing one or two sentences, and began to try to tear the barrier.

Rahu continued. [In the past, the Misty Immortal Mansion forced your mother to death, using her primordial spirit and flesh and blood to cast a huge barrier, forever trapping our demon clan in a barren land where no grass grows.]

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression finally showed a bit of fluctuation, no longer the lazy look.

Even the action of tearing the barrier stopped, his eyes were filled with a hint of chill, falling on Rahu’s illusion.

Did the Misty Immortal Mansion force Yuan Luo to death?

Similarly, Feng Xuan, who was standing on the side, also heard this sentence.

And gave an expression full of question marks.

Does this old devil lie as soon as he opens his mouth?

Don’t think he hasn’t seen the big devil’s dream, in the dream, little Qi Zhuoyu clearly watched you pierce Yuan Luo’s heart with a sword.

Don’t tell him, this is also the Misty Immortal Mansion holding his hand and letting him kill his own wife.

With such doubts, the atmosphere in the barrier unknowingly became heavy.

Neither Feng Xuan nor Qi Zhuoyu spoke, only Rahu’s lips moved up and down, like he was talking to himself in a mad manner.

Rahu said, twenty years ago, the human-demon war was on the verge of breaking out, and he had long predicted that the Donyi demon clan would not be able to resist the human race.

So before the human race launched the war, he proposed a desire for peace to the human race. Unfortunately, this war was for the human race to wash away the previous shame, and after the peace letter was torn up, the war broke out.

The demon clan was defeated step by step, and as a human woman who was married off for peace between two races, Yuan Luo became a tragic sacrifice in this struggle.

When she married, the human empire saw her as glory. During the war, the human empire saw her as a disgrace.

Rahu sighed. [Your mother’s primordial spirit is extremely special, pure and clean, a natural treasure for cultivators. The human empire and cultivators planned to win the war, and after the war, they would put your mother’s primordial spirit into a sword, casting a barrier that no one could break, forever driving the demon clan into the Chaotic Sea, never to enter the human world again.]

Huh? What rubbish, you’re talking about yourself, Rahu.

Feng Xuan felt a bit subtle, don’t think that whoever argues beautifully is right, okay? Although those human empires and cultivators sound very contemptuous, you’re not any good either.

Yuan Luo was living well among the human race, why did you go and occupy someone else’s beautiful and virtuous wife?

In just a few words, it seemed to outline a woman’s life.

The years after Yuan Luo’s marriage were unfortunate, it could be said that from the human race to the demon race, she had not met a few mentally normal good people. In a survival environment where everyone wanted to squeeze the last drop of value from her, the only person who just wanted to make her happy and was purely good to her seemed to be her child.

One could imagine, at the end of her life.

What could be the last wish of a woman who had nowhere to go?

Yuan Luo knew that no matter which race won, she would not escape death.

So on the day the city gate was breached, she took a long knife and found Rahu in the main hall, asking Rahu to use his own primordial spirit to sacrifice this knife, casting a barrier to resist the human cultivators who were about to break the city gate.

Yuan Luo had only one request, that after her death, Qi Zhuoyu would be sent to the human world.

There were too many dark nights in the demon clan, such a big snow, she didn’t want her child to be trapped here forever.

Rahu initially did not agree, he did not think that with his own power, he would not be able to protect his wife and children.

But his arrogant and proud character laid a heavy stroke for Yuan Luo’s death, the human cultivators still broke through the city gate, many demon clan people were slaughtered, under strong pressure, he chose Yuan Luo’s decision.

On the day Yuan Luo used the knife, the sky of Donyi was still crimson, and it was snowing heavily.

It wouldn’t be long before it was the day when the human world bid farewell to the old and welcomed the new, but there was no custom of celebrating this festival in the palace of the demon clan.

She still remembered this afternoon, she stood in the winding corridor, the hexagonal wind chime under the eaves rang ethereally.

The young Qi Zhuoyu sat on an open space, the muddy snow wet his clothes, and the hand holding the scissors was frozen red. He didn’t feel cold, he just quietly cut a crooked “Fu”.

He knew that Yuan Luo missed the human world.

Her Ananda raised the thin “Fu” character and carefully checked whether the order of the strokes was cut wrong.

The winter wind blew over him, blew over Yuan Luo’s gauze skirt, and couldn’t dry the tear stains that had already climbed on her cheeks.

The later events, Feng Xuan saw in Qi Zhuoyu’s dreams.

Just didn’t expect that after Yuan Luo died, her primordial spirit did not get rest, but was taken back by the head of the Misty Immortal Mansion, and her flesh and blood were used to cast the barrier of the Chaotic Sea, suppressing all the demon clan on the other side of the Chaotic Sea.

It could be said that it really squeezed the last value from Yuan Luo.

Although Feng Xuan also knew that in this survival of the fittest cultivation world.

If a person was weak but still had a jade, sometimes a person could also not be a person, and would only become a certain natural treasure in the hands of the strong.

Many times Feng Xuan was heartless, with a heart as big as a salted fish.

Listening to other people’s past, it was also regarded as a sighing story.

But now he found that he seemed unable to treat these cruel pasts as stories.

Because he had witnessed Qi Zhuoyu’s long silence and pain, thus he couldn’t let go of this past lightly.

Wait a minute.

That big devil was still growing up studying in the Misty Immortal Mansion, isn’t this recognizing the thief as the father?!

…What kind of family and national hatred is this, hatred of killing the mother, love the sky and hate the sea dog blood life experience. (TL: love is higher than the sky and hatred is deeper than the sea.)

It shouldn’t be, this is the reason why the big devil later rebelled out of the Misty Immortal Mansion.

He thinks it’s very likely, if it were him–sent to this demon realm where birds don’t poop for marriage, and after that, being killed by the boss of the demon realm who started chaos and ended up abandoning him, and after death, his primordial spirit and flesh were made into a barrier by the Misty Immortal Mansion, and finally he recognized the thief as his father and entered the gate of the Immortal Mansion.



…I’ll kill the Misty Immortal Mansion.

Just thinking about it made Feng Xuan feel his fists harden.

Then he looked at Qi Zhuoyu and found that the big devil was indeed the big devil, his psychological quality was much better than his own.

He listened to such an infuriating truth in one breath.

There was hardly any expression on his face, could it be that he was so angry that he had facial paralysis?

Feng Xuan was hesitant.

Feng Xuan was worried.

Then he couldn’t help but reach out and pinch his face.

Qi Zhuoyu slowly turned his head and looked at him.

Feng Xuan: “.”

How did he not control his own hand?

The next second, Feng Xuan felt his entire neck being pinched.

The second after that, both he and his face were messily rubbed by Qi Zhuoyu in retaliation, and his fair cheeks were all covered with his fingerprints.

Feng Xuan wasn’t sure if it was his illusion, but he felt that the big devil’s irritable mood was already on the verge of shattering.

But after rubbing him for a while, he felt that Qi Zhuoyu’s mood had calmed down a lot.


How come his effect is similar to that of catnip?

Is it the kind that can calm down the mood after the irritable big cat has sucked it?

The first thing Qi Zhuoyu did after listening to Rahu’s long sentimental memory was to draw his knife and chop again.

It can only be said that you are worthy of being the big devil.

Qi Zhuoyu sneered, “Dead for twenty years, and you’ve made up such a rubbish story?”

Rahu said. [If you don’t believe it, go to the underground palace and check your mother’s coffin. Her body is not in the coffin, and you will understand all the truth.]

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression sank.

Feng Xuan’s expression also moved slightly, Qi Zhuoyu seemed very irritable, “What are you thinking?”



  1. Nana says:

    Continua sendo um passado terrível, mas por incrível que pareça eu me sinto um pouco aliviada por saber o amor que a mãe dele sentia por ele

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