After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Ten Fingers Interlock! (part 2)

Moreover, New Year’s Eve is a human festival.

The Demon Clan doesn’t have it.

The only possibility, probably is.

Wanting to make his mother happy, so he went to great lengths to learn about human customs from outside, and then cut out this paper cuttings.

No wonder when he was cutting small figures in the Changle Palace, Qi Zhuoyu looked very skilled.

I thought the big devil was really capable of doing anything, I didn’t expect that he had secretly cut it when he was a child.

Perhaps it was because the room had not been lived in for a long time and the air was not circulating enough.

Feng Xuan felt a bit stuffy in his heart.

The “Fu” character on the window lattice had already fallen off most of it, and the various furniture and decorative items in the room were also dusty.

Feng Xuan subconsciously glanced at Qi Zhuoyu, afraid that he would be homesick and sentimental.

It proved that he thought too much.

This cold-blooded and ruthless big devil, simply didn’t have the concept of the four words “sentimental”.

What is emotion? Is it like a thread of emotion that can be pulled out?

Qi Zhuoyu used a cleaning spell to clean all the dust in the room.

The rest was left to Feng Xuan to mess with, he carried his small lotus bag wherever he went, and in a blink of an eye, he took out a soft quilt that had been sunned, and several stoves filled with silver carbon.

Not only that, his small lotus bag also had things like desks, candlesticks, footrests, and carpets.

The whole person was busy like a little sparrow, and in a short while, the originally clear and cold room suddenly felt a bit like it was lived with people.

Qi Zhuoyu was not returning here for the first time.

It should be said that every year on Yuan Luo’s death anniversary, he would stay in this bedroom for a few days.

But his stay was just sitting in the room for a few nights.

What was basically rolling in his heart was hatred for Rahu, and he never thought about cleaning up here.

Today, when Feng Xuan came with him, remembering that he liked cleanliness, he used a cleaning spell.

But he didn’t expect that he also brought his own small items and filled the room with them.

It was completely different from the cold room he remembered from his childhood.

But such a warm and ordinary bedroom, it seemed not bad?

Even in the air, there was a faint scent of white peach from Feng Xuan.


Feng Xuan didn’t know how long Qi Zhuoyu was going to stay in the Demon Realm.

He also found a time to look at the Book Fate of the mortal Xiao Qi, and found that there was no experience of coming to the Demon Realm in his Book of Fate.

It might be because of his tribulation in the mortal world, which had more or less affected the direction of the Book of Fate.

But the Book of Fate had said that the ending of the Book of Fate would not change, so it didn’t matter if there were some deviations in the middle.

Thinking of the ending of the mortal Xiao Qi, Feng Xuan felt a bit stuffy in his heart.

The date of Qi Zhuoyu’s defection from Misty Immortal Mansion was getting closer and closer, but Feng Xuan really couldn’t think of any reason for him to defect.

Even when he was lying on the bed as a salted fish, he was still optimistic.

Maybe the Book of Fate is not 100% accurate, after all, Qi Zhuoyu is a big devil who cheats.

What if.

What if he actually has a better ending?

He wanted to cultivate into a god so much.

Why is the ending to become a demon?

It proves that some things really can’t be thought of.

Otherwise, it’s what you think, what comes.

After another routine patrol of the Chaotic Sea barrier, Qi Zhuoyu was about to get up and return to Misty Immortal Mansion.

Feng Xuan was bored waiting for him these days, so he wandered around in the Demon Palace to pass the time, trying to find some traces of the big devil’s childhood life.

As a result, while he was wandering around, he accidentally walked into a very luxuriously decorated room.

Not only were there all kinds of parchment scrolls on the cabinet, but there was also a huge table in the middle of the room, and on the table was a wooden box made of a special tree by the Demon Clan.

This kind of room has nothing else, but it has a wooden box in the middle, which is very much like a trap in a novel.

And Feng Xuan could feel that this wooden box was full of: come on, open me, I’m full of secrets.

Feng Xuan: Impulsive, curious, want to see.jpg

But although he was a salted fish, there were some deaths that he shouldn’t make and he wouldn’t make.

If you have to die, you have to wait until the big devil is there.

Speaking of Qi Zhuoyu, Qi Zhuoyu came.

After he entered Feng Xuan’s room and found that he was not there, he naturally used his divine consciousness to find his location, and then naturally followed him.

It had to be said that sometimes, the behavior of the big devil.

It’s really like a large dog.

Qi Zhuoyu had just come to a stop when his gaze followed Feng Xuan’s and landed on the wooden box. He said, “If you want to open it, then open it.”

Feng Xuan paused for a moment, then shook his head honestly, “I don’t want to. What if it’s one of those boxes that turns me into an old man the moment I open it?”

Who knew what strange things existed in the Demon Realm.

To let him, a youth in his prime, turn into an old man, he’d rather die.

Qi Zhuoyu said indifferently, “What’s there to be afraid of? I won’t despise you for being old.”

Feng Xuan: Thank you, Senior Brother, but let’s not imagine such heavy tastes!

What a straight man.

What kind of ghostly love words was he speaking?

He couldn’t possibly think that he would be moved, could he?

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t notice Feng Xuan’s expression and continued, “This is the birthday gift Rahu was preparing to give me.”

Feng Xuan subconsciously paused for a moment.

“Unfortunately, he died before it could reach my hands,” Qi Zhuoyu said very calmly, as if there were no emotional fluctuations at all.

But Feng Xuan had seen his dreams. The Demon Lord Rahu had fallen on the same day he killed Yuan Luo.

So, Qi Zhuoyu’s birthday was actually on the same day as Yuan Luo’s death anniversary?

Feng Xuan felt a prick in his heart, indescribable.

The big devil seemed to not care about his own birthday at all.

But on second thought, anyone would find it hard to accept if their birthday and their mother’s death anniversary were on the same day.

Qi Zhuoyu sensed Feng Xuan’s sudden loss of mood, thinking he was scared, and comforted, “I’m here, you don’t have to worry about what’s inside.”

Feng Xuan responded with a gloomy “Oh,” then looked up and said, “Senior Brother, I don’t think I should open it. This is something the Demon Lord gave you, you should open it.”

And this plot, Feng Xuan, who had read countless scripts, was all too familiar with it.

It was very likely that upon opening it, there would be some unparalleled divine weapon that Rahu left for his child, and if someone else opened it, they would instantly drop dead.


Had he finally encountered the plot where one falls off a cliff and picks up a jade pendant left by an old man?

Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him and nonchalantly opened the box directly.

Without expectation or relief, Qi Zhuoyu’s feelings for Rahu were only of hatred.

Sometimes he even found hating to be troublesome, so he had no interest in the things Rahu left behind, otherwise, they wouldn’t have been left here for so many years.

Sure enough, when the box was opened, there was a black long knife that looked like some kind of divine weapon.

Just as Qi Zhuoyu picked up the knife, a red light suddenly emanated from the wooden box, and a huge barrier opened from within.

He paused for a moment, directly pulled Feng Xuan over, hugged his waist tightly, it was a subconscious protective action.

His other hand was still holding the black long knife.

Less than two seconds after the barrier opened, a middle-aged man in a long robe appeared inside.

Dressed in luxurious and handsome clothes, he turned around, revealing a face that was eighty percent similar to Qi Zhuoyu’s.

Feng Xuan had seen him in Qi Zhuoyu’s dreams.

This man was the Dongyi Demon Lord Rahu, also Qi Zhuoyu’s biological father.

Unexpectedly, there was another world inside this wooden box.

Feng Xuan secretly looked at Qi Zhuoyu, wondering if the big devil and the old devil, who hadn’t seen each other for so many years, would have a scene of crying their heads off?

But on second thought, this old devil was so bad that he even killed his own wife, Feng Xuan suddenly felt a shared hatred.

It seemed that Qi Zhuoyu’s attitude was basically the same as his.

The moment Rahu’s figure appeared, Qi Zhuoyu used him to test the black long knife.

After chopping Luo Gu in half with two strikes, he found out that Rahu was just an illusion.

After Rahu was split in half, he began to recite the lines he had recorded long ago:

[My child. The moment you open this wooden box, I know, you have forgiven Father.]

[I also know that you have been a filial child since you were young.]

Then Qi Zhuoyu chopped him a third time, using him to test the knife, without a hint of hesitation.

The big devil seemed to have not heard clearly, turned his head and looked at Feng Xuan, “What did he just say?”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Feng Xuan choked, looking at Rahu who had already been chopped into a mess, no longer in human form.

He opened his mouth uncertainly, “It seems he said…said that Senior Brother is a filial son?”



  1. Nana says:

    Muito obrigada pela tradução, é sempre uma alegria ler um novo capítulo!! (  ̄▽ ̄)

    Eu realmente vou morrer de curiosidade se a ilusão for excessivamente danificada e eu não saber oque Rahu queria dizer ((T_T))

  2. Nana says:

    Se FX não tivesse tido alguma esperança de que o destino final poder ser mudado eu não estaria tão preocupada quanto tô agora (ノ-_-)ノ~┻━┻

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