After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Comfort (part 2)

Of course, he didn’t think it was because his physique had improved. He had just seen mint sachets hanging around the flying boat.

Don’t tell him this is the big devil thinking it looks good, hanging on his boat as a decoration.

This kind of mint grass is a kind of herb used to cure seasickness in the cultivation world.

Feng Xuan felt that Qi Zhuoyu was sometimes very straight.

But sometimes he was too careful in these details.

It made him a little touched.

Actually thinking about it, if there was no tribulation.

It seems not bad to just go on with the big devil for the rest of his life?

But as soon as the thought came up, he scared himself.

In a few months, Qi Zhuoyu will gain enlightenment, thinking about these, it is better to think about how to dig wild vegetables in the rest of his life.jpg

Pah pah pah.

Go away, this damn love brain.

The underground palace of the Dongyi Demon Clan was built behind the Demon Palace of that year.

Feng Xuan had seen the immortal mountains of Misty Mansion, the human world of Chang’an, the desert and sea of Guixu, and this was the first time he saw the scenery of the Demon Realm.

The Dongyi Demon Clan became an abandoned city after that war, and the streets were empty everywhere.

Ruins stood, occasionally you could see some dark shadows scurrying behind the walls, and even feel the gazes from all directions.

But when Feng Xuan looked seriously, these gazes disappeared.

…What’s going on, super scary, okay!

Originally he was half a step behind Qi Zhuoyu, now he hurriedly followed.

Wrapping his rabbit fur cloak tightly, Feng Xuan silently stuck to the big devil.

“Are you scared?” Qi Zhuoyu suddenly asked.

Feng Xuan was stunned for a moment, then stuck to Qi Zhuoyu and shook his head firmly, “Not afraid.”

Sorry, actually super scared.

But he is not so lacking in EQ, the first time to go visit his mother-in-law’s house and then say that her house is super scary, right?

It feels like you don’t have to wait for the big devil to kill his wife to gain enlightenment.

With this low EQ, he will be divorced the next day.

“These are some residual demons wandering in Dongyi, there’s nothing to be afraid of.” That’s what Qi Zhuoyu said, and that’s how he acted.

Feng Xuan knew he was not afraid, and didn’t even take these demons seriously.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t walk on the street so swaggeringly.

Not to mention the residual demons.

Even if those powerful demon warriors were spying on him in the dark, this big guy probably wouldn’t blink an eye.

Because Qi Zhuoyu, this righteous cultivator, and the Dongyi Demon Clan.

If it’s about villains, it’s really not clear who was worse.

And Qi Zhuoyu did have this strength and confidence, enough for him to despise everyone.

After walking a little further, the former Demon Palace of the Dongyi Demon Clan finally arrived.

Feng Xuan looked up, although the Demon Palace had been dilapidated due to years of disrepair, the glory of the past could still be glimpsed.

Qi Zhuoyu seemed very indifferent, striding towards the underground palace.

Feng Xuan didn’t look much, and hurriedly followed, when he entered the underground palace, he paused his steps inexplicably.

Then he quietly conjured up an ice mirror and looked at his dress today.

Feng Xuan was at the age of vanity, and his clothes were usually brightly colored. But today he only wore a moon-white shirt, without even pressing the brocade dark pattern, and did not wear any flashy hair accessories, only a plain jade hairpin was tied behind his head.

…It should be okay.

After staring at his own clothes for a long time, Feng Xuan suddenly came back to his senses.

No, he was just going to see the big devil’s mother, what does it have to do with what he wears? Why does he care about this?!

This is a shocking scene of a new husband leaving a good impression on his mother-in-law.

Feng Xuan was immediately embarrassed by himself, quickly shattered the ice mirror, and walked into the underground palace.

After turning a few corners, Qi Zhuoyu finally stopped at a place that looked like a sacrificial altar.

The sacrificial altar was large and empty, with strange-shaped boulders everywhere.

In mid-air, there were countless chains as thick as the arms of adult men crisscrossing, it was more like a prison than a place for people to rest.

On the sacrificial altar, there was only a solitary coffin.

Even if Qi Zhuoyu didn’t say it, Feng Xuan knew who was in the coffin.

The scene he imagined of the big devil hugging the coffin and crying bitterly did not happen.

Thinking about it, he felt that the scenario he had imagined was quite a character collapse, he felt that the big devil just didn’t have tears.

Anyway, he had known him for so long, and he had never seen him cry.

Qi Zhuoyu just stood in front of the coffin for a while.

But it was Feng Xuan, who, out of some strange psychology, silently recited in his heart.

“Hello, mother-in-law, I am Qi Zhuoyu’s Dao companion.”

It’s the kind that is short-lived and will be killed by your son in half a year.

The sentence behind was silently crossed out by Feng Xuan in his heart.

Seeing the big devil just standing there without speaking, Feng Xuan couldn’t help but supplement for him.

“Your son has grown up, he is very smart and powerful, although he is not speaking now, but he is not dumb.”

“I can hear you.” Qi Zhuoyu suddenly spoke.

Feng Xuan: “…”

Ha ha.

And you said you can’t read minds!

Feng Xuan hurriedly recited in his heart: “Mother-in-law, Qi Zhuoyu is super bad to me, always pinching me and saying I’m short and attacking me personally, and using mind reading without my permission, I can’t live in this house for a day, tonight I’m going to divorce Senior brother, unless the road down the mountain from the underground palace, Senior brother is willing to carry me down, then Senior brother is the best senior brother in the world!”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him with an indescribable expression.

Feng Xuan, courageous with sufficient reason: “…”

Qi Zhuoyu looked like he didn’t want to bother with him, and after standing in front of Yuan Luo’s coffin for a while, he turned and left.

Feng Xuan didn’t expect him to leave so quickly, but it was quite in line with Qi Zhuoyu’s character.

Anyway, he was like this, no one could guess what he was thinking.

Even though his mood was gloomy all day, when he got to the underground palace, he acted as if he didn’t care.

So awkward, why not reincarnate as a fried dough twist in the next life?!

Feng Xuan followed with the lamp, on the way down from the underground palace.

Those black shadows that had followed them all the way on the street appeared in the dark, as if they were observing in secret.

Feng Xuan silently glanced at them, then quickened his pace.

Suddenly he walked in front of Qi Zhuoyu and stopped him.

Qi Zhuoyu lowered his eyes, his gaze fell on him, as if questioning.

Noticing the demons behind him, remembering Feng Xuan’s bravado just now, Qi Zhuoyu raised his eyebrows and said, “Weren’t you not afraid?”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Despicable Senior brother, are you still talking back at this time?

Forget it, considering your bad mood, this great god will forgive you generously.

“I was never afraid.” Feng Xuan pinched the lamp handle, looked up at him, “I’m worried that Senior brother is afraid.”

Qi Zhuoyu seemed to have heard something funny, “Me, afraid?”

A very outrageous tone.

Feng Xuan nodded, then visually measured his height with Qi Zhuoyu.

Well…the height difference is a bit exaggerated.

He looked left and right, and finally saw a satisfying stone step.

Then he picked up his rabbit fur cloak and stood on the stone steps in three or two steps, so he was half a head taller than Qi Zhuoyu.

Feng Xuan changed hands to hold the lamp, and then in Qi Zhuoyu’s puzzled expression of “what on earth are you going to do”.

Without warning, he reached out and hugged Qi Zhuoyu. It was always Qi Zhuoyu who held him in his arms, since he was standing on the stone steps, this was the first time he could hold Qi Zhuoyu in his arms.

It was a nearly comforting gesture.

This was a gesture often made by elders when they were showing affection to their juniors, when they were comforting children.

Feng Xuan’s embrace was tender, probably because he had never made this gesture to anyone before, so it felt awkward.

Similarly, after Yuan Luo’s death, it was likely that no one had dared to make this gesture to Qi Zhuoyu.

Therefore, even though Feng Xuan’s movements were clumsy,

Qi Zhuoyu still stiffened all over for some reason.

Feng Xuan hesitated for a long time before slowly stroking Qi Zhuoyu’s head, then sliding down from his hair to his neck.

After stroking back and forth twice, Feng Xuan wasn’t sure if what he was doing was right.

Anyway, when he missed his Father God, the Father Emperor would also hold him like this, stroking his head.

But when Father stroked him, it was like comforting a cub, but now he could clearly feel that he was dealing with a cruel and violent beast.

Despite the cruelty, Feng Xuan didn’t feel scared, only a sourness swelling up in his heart.

Everyone misses their parents, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

But considering the big devil’s twisted personality, Feng Xuan had to find an excuse for him.

“Senior brother, if you’re really scared, it’s okay to cry.”

The next second, Feng Xuan suddenly felt a tightness around his waist, as he was fiercely hugged.

The lamp in his hand fell to the ground unexpectedly and went out in no time.

The sky of Dongyi was always gloomy, no matter how many lamps were lit in the Misty Immortal Mansion, it was always night for the young him.

The cold night, the endless snowfall, but after the lamp that fell on the ground went out, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t feel the darkness.

Because there was something that replaced the light in the eternal night.



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