After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Comfort (part 1)

After Feng Xuan finished speaking, he lowered his head and pretended to continue eating.

But in reality, he was secretly observing Qi Zhuoyu’s reaction.

If the big devil dared to say he was not good-looking.

He would dump the bowl in his hand on his head.

This was his bottom line as a god.

He would not allow others to question his appearance.

But surprisingly, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t say anything.

He just stared at him with a look that Feng Xuan couldn’t understand.

Like a murmur, his voice was so light that Feng Xuan doubted if he had heard it.

It was like a breeze blowing past his ear. “Indeed.”

The topic ended there.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t answer directly, so Feng Xuan took it as a default.

After finishing their meal, the two of them returned to the path of Zhujian Xiaozhu.

He couldn’t help but think about the initial question again.

If the big devil bought him this and that, not to take him to the Chaotic Sea.

Could it really be a date?

Seeing that he was silent, Qi Zhuoyu turned his head and waited for him for a moment.

“What are you thinking?”

He didn’t realize that he was paying more and more attention to Feng Xuan’s every move.

Feng Xuan was deep in thought, and when Qi Zhuoyu asked him, he blurted out, “I was wondering, if Senior brother bought me so many things and took me out for a meal, is it a date?”

But as soon as he said it, he regretted it.

What if Qi Zhuoyu didn’t mean that?

Wouldn’t it be embarrassing for him to think about it this way? A strange sense of competitiveness suddenly appeared between men.

Feng Xuan quickly saved his words, “I was just saying.”

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him and then laughed, “Well, you’re quite accurate.”

Feng Xuan felt his heartbeat speed up a bit.

Qi Zhuoyu continued, “Otherwise, do you really think I took the trouble to bring you out for shopping and dining as if I were taking care of a child?”

Feng Xuan: “.”


Straight men are just straight men, capable of ruining even the best atmosphere.

Feng Xuan was a bit unconvinced, “But you didn’t say that before.”

As soon as he said it, Feng Xuan regretted it again.

Given Qi Zhuoyu’s recent thick-skinned degree, he would probably say something like, “Did not telling you delay your dressing?”

Sure enough, he knew Qi Zhuoyu too well.

The next second, the man leisurely said, “Senior brother will remember. Next time I will tell you in advance, let Xiao Qi dress up beautifully to meet Senior brother.”

He! Knew! It!

Who wants to dress up specifically to see him, shameless.

Sometimes Feng Xuan really didn’t want to bother with him.

Qi Zhuoyu continued, “But it’s not bad to dress like today.”

Feng Xuan looked at him, thinking he would say that Xiao Qi looks the best in Senior brother’s eyes no matter what he wears, but Qi Zhuoyu, the straight man, said, “It looks the same no matter what you wear.”

Perhaps he thought that the unadorned natural beauty was the most beautiful.

What a shocking straight man aesthetic.

Feng Xuan: “…”

Feng Xuan really felt that dating him would shorten his life by ten years.


The day Qi Zhuoyu went to patrol and check the seal of the Chaotic Sea boundary was just two days later.

Feng Xuan had packed his small purse in advance, and even took out his sword that had almost gathered dust, tried flying on the sword, and then completely gave up.

He might as well be an honest body pendant of the big devil.

But on the day of departure, Feng Xuan found that Qi Zhuoyu had no intention of using the sword, but had brought a flying boat.

Compared with the super-large flying boat that went to Chang’an City before, this one at first glance was suitable for two people to travel, although it was a bit smaller, it was more exquisite and luxurious.

Feng Xuan subconsciously looked at Qi Zhuoyu.

Qi Zhuoyu calmly said, “Bought.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

He didn’t say he suspected it was robbed by the big devil.

Besides, if he had this suspicion, wasn’t it because there was a precedent!

Fortunately, Qi Zhuoyu was in the Misty Immortal Mansion, and he was still maintaining his righteous senior brother’s persona, and did not show off by using a dragon carriage.

The flying boat slowly departed from the Zhujian Xiaozhu and headed towards the Chaotic Sea.

The scenery underfoot was constantly changing with the progress of the flying boat.

From the rolling majestic immortal mountains, it slowly transitioned to the barren and desolate scorched earth.

“This is the battlefield relic left after the human-demon war twenty years ago.” Qi Zhuoyu suddenly explained on the side.

The topic was a bit heavy, Feng Xuan didn’t know what to say, so he could only nod.

Going forward, it was the turbulent Chaotic Sea.

It was rumored that in the ancient times, when heaven and earth were not separated, the entire three realms were silent in a dark ocean, historically known as the River of the Beginning.

Two of the most primitive gods were born from the Taichu River, one was Father God, and the other was the Demon God. The latter had already fallen and disappeared when Feng Xuan was born.

Later, Father God held the fire essence to illuminate the Dragon Gate, making the sky extremely high, the earth extremely deep, and dividing the Taichu River into two.

The upper reaches of the Ninth Heaven were the Biluo River, and the lower reaches of the underworld were the Chaotic Sea.

The Chaotic Sea was called a sea, but like the Biluo River, what was rolling was not entirely water.

The sea surface was filled with black fog, and even at the high altitude where the flying boat was flying, one could hear the roars and screams of the demons in the Chaotic Sea.

During the war between the human race and the demon race, countless demons were sealed in the sea.

No wonder the boundary of the Chaotic Sea had to be strengthened every year. If the boundary was broken, not only the human world, but perhaps the three realms would face a turmoil.

However, the boundary of the Chaotic Sea could be built by exhausting the mana of the human cultivators, and it was not something that anyone could tear open.

As soon as this thought came up, Feng Xuan choked a bit.

Suddenly he remembered that the initiator who was about to tear open the boundary soon.

Was right next to him.

Feng Xuan suddenly fell silent.

After a while, he leaned on the edge of the boat and suddenly asked, “Senior brother, why do you want to cultivate immortality?”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him with a “are you an idiot” look, as if Feng Xuan had asked a very stupid question.

Then he gave Feng Xuan the standard answer he expected, “Of course it is to cultivate immortality and become a god, to step through mountains and rivers.”

As expected of the king of the scroll.

The translated meaning of this sentence was probably no different from unifying the three realms and becoming supreme.

Feng Xuan really couldn’t understand the pursuit of power by straight men.

But thinking of Qi Zhuoyu’s later actions, he couldn’t help but continue, “Senior brother, I mean, what if, what if you have to pay a great price for this?”

The sacrifice of a hundred thousand cultivators was not a blood debt that could be easily written off.

Those who gain power by going through crooked ways and evil paths have to endure the thunder tribulation that ordinary people couldn’t imagine at the same time.

From Feng Xuan’s past experience.

It’s almost like being struck down and turned into ashes.

Otherwise, why would everyone honestly practice step by step.

It’s rare to see a madman like Qi Zhuoyu who doesn’t care about anything in order to become stronger.

After Feng Xuan asked, he thought Qi Zhuoyu would say something very arrogant.

He can pay any price, after all, the big devil is the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

Otherwise, why would the Book of Fate write that he killed his master and his wife.

Oh. The “wife” who’s going to be killed was this unlucky one.

But surprisingly, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t speak.

He just hung his eyelashes, not knowing where he was looking at the void.

Seeing that he didn’t want to answer, Feng Xuan didn’t continue to ask.

After all, a salted fish has its own survival rules, and such a heavy atmosphere really doesn’t suit his character.

And, he unconsciously avoided a bit.

Probably, he knew that Qi Zhuoyu’s answer was destined, and it was something he didn’t want to hear.

Not knowing how long it would take to reach the Demon Realm, Feng Xuan wrapped himself up with the blanket he took out from his small purse.

He planned to sleep on the boat, anyway, he could solve the things he couldn’t figure out by sleeping.

If it’s not solved.

Then it’s not enough sleep.

Just when he was sleeping in a daze, he seemed to hear Qi Zhuoyu say something.

That voice was far away from him all at once, plus the onslaught of sleepiness, to be honest, he suspected that he might have heard it wrong.

Qi Zhuoyu’s voice was very calm.

Still hanging his eyelashes, not knowing if he was in a daze or what, his expression was unpredictable.

In the past, for power, he didn’t think there was any price that couldn’t be lost.

Whether it’s practicing forbidden techniques, extracting emotional threads, or seizing godhood.

Even if he had to pay the price of being tortured day and night by the love poison, Qi Zhuoyu never regretted for a moment.

But he didn’t realize it himself.

Just now when Feng Xuan asked this question, he hesitated for a moment.

Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze fell on Feng Xuan’s peaceful sleeping face.

For the first time, he felt his heart being crushed by some sharp thing, which was a completely different pain from when the love poison broke out.

It’s not painful enough to want to die, but it can’t be ignored.

He found that he seemed unable to pay the price at all, at least not when it came to Feng Xuan.

He didn’t know when, his pampered little Dao companion.

Has occupied more and more space in his heart, to the point where he can’t ignore it-

When Feng Xuan woke up, he felt that it was already dark outside.

His head was a bit muddled, and when he sat up, his hair was a bit messy.

What’s going on, he clearly only planned to sleep for half an hour?!

He was still thinking in his heart that he would adjust his mood and then comfort the big devil.

After all, today was Yuan Luo’s death anniversary.

Although he was his plastic Dao companion, the plastic Dao companion also had to play a bit of his own role.

But unexpectedly, he fell asleep as soon as he slept.

Even large snowflakes were floating in the sky, the land of the Dongyi Demon Realm was scorched black, and there were scars left by the war everywhere. The sky was crimson, there were no stars at night here. Due to the scarcity of resources, there were only countless dark nights.

Coming down from the flying boat, Feng Xuan miraculously found that he didn’t get seasick this time.



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