After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Beautiful Daughter-in-Law (part 1)

Feng Xuan had reasonable suspicions that this dog man was tricking him into kissing him.

Not only did he have suspicions, but he also had evidence.

So, Feng Xuan stared at him for a few seconds, hesitantly opened his mouth, “Are you tricking me into kissing you?”

“Yes.” Qi Zhuoyu shamelessly admitted it just like that.

It must be said, sometimes sincerity indeed is the strongest killer move.

Seeing him so shameless, Feng Xuan surprisingly couldn’t find a reason to refute for a while.

Qi Zhuoyu was still at ease.

It was unknown how he managed to do it, cultivating in such a ghostly place like the cold pool for so long, yet his complexion was still frighteningly good. When he was half-leaning on the Hu bed, there was a kind of lazy feeling of being at one’s disposal.

Usually sitting in his arms, he felt his chest was hard.

Now looking at his appearance, he felt like his whole body was boneless.

“Weren’t you going to kiss Senior brother to death?” Qi Zhuoyu raised an eyebrow, “Why did you stop?”

He spoke slowly, his tone enticing, “If you don’t kiss me to death today, Senior brother will look down on you.”

Feng Xuan: “…” What kind of straight man provocation is this?

Also, how did he manage to be so thick-skinned?!

When he was in closed-door cultivation, he didn’t just go to cultivate his skills.

He also went to cultivate his thick skin, right?

Feng Xuan choked for a moment, retorted, “Your skin is so thick, how can I kiss you to death in a short while?”

He inexplicably felt like he was lifting a rock only to drop it on his own foot.

Hearing this, Qi Zhuoyu nodded, “That’s true.”

He remained in the same position, changing his proposal, his eyebrows frivolous, “If you want to kiss for a longer time, it’s not impossible.”

He also subtly suggested, “Senior brother can wait.”




Wait your head.

The heat that he felt had subsided from his ears.

Now it was burning again.

Feng Xuan widened his almond eyes and just stared at him.

After a long time, he blurted out a sentence, “How can you be so shameless?”

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression seemed a bit self-talking, he laughed, “Am I shameless?”

Feng Xuan wanted to silently nod in agreement with him, but unexpectedly, his cheek was pinched by the big devil again.

Why exactly do this?

He loved pinching his cheek so much!

“Is this shameless?” Qi Zhuoyu laughed, his peach blossom eyes darkened for a moment, “Have you ever seen what real shamelessness is?”

After he finished speaking, he met Feng Xuan’s gaze.

Perhaps because he had taken the initiative to kiss him just now, his slender and fair neck had a large patch of crimson, and had spread to his earlobes.

Those almond eyes were looking at him, probably the first time he had done something so intimate with someone.

Although he pretended to be calm, the panic and nervousness in his eyes still betrayed his feelings.

The baby fat on his face hadn’t faded yet, and the feeling of pinching it was surprisingly good.

It was precisely because of this that Qi Zhuoyu suddenly realized that Feng Xuan, all in all, seemed to be not yet seventeen this year.

Qi Zhuoyu had committed many acts of arson, murder, robbery, and harming others to benefit oneself.

It couldn’t be said that there was no moral bottom line, it could only be said that it didn’t exist at all.

But at this moment, inexplicably.

He felt a bit inhuman.

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression became somewhat strange.

It seemed like he was talking to himself, his voice very light, “Forget it.”

Feng Xuan didn’t hear clearly what he said, and turned his head to look at him.

The young man’s eyes were clean and clear, ignorant of the world.

Qi Zhuoyu let go of his cheek, as if he was enduring something, “Raise for two more years.”

Feng Xuan: ?

What the hell was the big devil talking about?

How come he didn’t understand a single sentence?!

After that day, Feng Xuan was a bit absent-minded during class.

The teaching elder expressed his disappointment in him, he didn’t expect that this outer disciple had only worked hard for a few days!

The Misty Immortal Mansion was no different from usual.

Feng Xuan’s position had changed from the original dark, cold, and lightless corner to the best-lit position in the entire classroom.

Although the teaching elder said it was because his academic performance and cultivation had improved, thus he changed his position.

But Feng Xuan inexplicably felt that it wasn’t, and he also felt that this matter must have something to do with Qi Zhuoyu.

Don’t think he had forgotten.

The first time the big devil came to pick him up from the classroom, he criticized his seat from all angles.

Actually, Feng Xuan thought his original position was quite good, he could slack off and sleep without being discovered.

After moving to this seat under the watchful eyes of the teaching elder, Feng Xuan thought he would definitely feel very uncomfortable and uneasy.

But, he didn’t.

He always felt that the position arranged by the big devil was also okay.

Suddenly thinking of Qi Zhuoyu, Feng Xuan was a bit lost in thought.

Unconsciously, the teaching elder’s teaching voice gradually became smaller.

Even he himself realized that recently, the number of times he inexplicably thought of Qi Zhuoyu in his mind was a bit too many.

Feng Xuan propped his chin, his gaze fell on the carved window, thinking–Qi Zhuoyu was his legitimate Dao companion, what’s wrong with him thinking about his Dao companion at this age? Isn’t this very normal!

But even though he argued like this in his heart, he didn’t quite believe the argument.

After all, looking at the current state of their plastic Dao companions, they were not suitable for any love story at all!

And he didn’t know if it was his illusion, he seemed to really see Qi Zhuoyu.

Feng Xuan’s dazed eyes looking out the window were startled, and then he subconsciously sat up straight.

His current seat was right at the main gate of the Shangqing Academy, connected to a spacious mountain staircase.

The staircase also connects to the crisscrossing paths, which were respectively the library, law enforcement hall, fighting field, etc. of the Shangqing Academy. In short, there were usually many people coming and going, and to ensure the quiet learning atmosphere of the academy, this section of the road did not allow air travel.

Therefore, after Feng Xuan sat up straight, he could see more clearly.

Qi Zhuoyu and two cultivators from unknown mountains were walking towards the library of the Shangqing Academy, probably to deal with some internal affairs of the Immortal Mansion.

Otherwise, why would he say that Qi Zhuoyu is a bookworm?

He not only had to cultivate on weekdays, but sometimes he also had to help the headmaster manage internal affairs. He really didn’t know how he arranged his twelve hours, probably down to every minute and second.

In addition to Feng Xuan, other students of the Shangqing Academy also seemed to notice Qi Zhuoyu.

Suddenly, there was some commotion in several buildings. After all, in addition to the students of the Misty Immortal Mansion, there were also many disciples from other sects in the cultivation world who came to study at the Shangqing Academy.

Qi Zhuoyu’s reputation in the cultivation world is probably equivalent to someone else’s child. (TL: meaning parents are comparing their children to him)

Whether it’s a sect disciple or a noble daughter, they all grew up listening to his legend, and there were many talented people in the cultivation world, but only he was so talented and handsome.

Especially the girls in the next classroom, bold female cultivators have already leaned on the window.

“Really is Senior Brother Qi!”

“Where? Help, my luck is too good.”

“I heard from my senior sister before that she hadn’t seen Senior Brother Qi in two years of studying at the Shangqing Academy, I didn’t expect to see him today!”

“Oh my god, I’m going to use the transmission symbol to notify my sisters.”

“How come Qi Zhuoyu looks even more handsome than in the painting, it’s killing me, I feel like I can’t breathe.”


Listening to their chattering excitedly.

Feng Xuan was suddenly confused, how come the Qi Zhuoyu in their mouths is completely different from the one he usually sees?

If it weren’t for hearing the descriptions of the female cultivators today.

Feng Xuan would have completely forgotten that Qi Zhuoyu still had a bright and clear proud son of heaven persona.

Besides, where is the big devil as handsome as they describe? Not sure, take another look.

Okay, there is a little bit, but that is also set off by the two cultivators who are with him!

Great minds think alike, soon the voice of the female cultivators came to his ears again.

“Senior Brother Qi was originally very handsome, set off by the two men next to him, he looks even more handsome!”

Whether in the mortal world or in the cultivation world.

Only good-looking men can be called “senior brother”, those who are not good-looking are basically “those two men”.

The voices of the female cultivators continued.

“Deadly. Did Qi Zhuoyu look over here?”

“Oh, you quickly see if my lip gloss is still there? Is the dress good-looking?”

Feng Xuan listening: ……

Is it so exaggerated!

He was just trying to verify whether Qi Zhuoyu was really looking over here.

As a result, he didn’t expect that as soon as his gaze fell on him, he met him head-on.

The vision of a Golden Core Stage was exceptionally clear, he could even see Qi Zhuoyu’s seemingly smiling expression.

Like being caught, Feng Xuan suddenly felt a sense of guilt and quickly withdrew his gaze.

When he withdrew his gaze and sat upright pretending to listen to the class.

Feng Xuan then reacted, why should he feel guilty?!

The transmission symbol in his small purse suddenly started to heat up.

Feng Xuan seemed to have a premonition, took it out and looked at it, sure enough, it was a message from Qi Zhuoyu.

[Why are you peeking at Senior brother?]

Feng Xuan: “…”

He knew it.


[I was just daydreaming during class!]

Feng Xuan felt that he needed to explain himself, to keep his innocence in the world.

The transmission symbol heated up again after a while, and Qi Zhuoyu’s message came back very quickly.

[So you’d rather not attend class just to sneak a peek at Senior brother.]



What kind of ghostly understanding ability did he have?

Feng Xuan really didn’t want to deal with this narcissistic elementary school chicken boy.

He crumpled the transmission symbol into a ball and stuffed it into his small purse.

Unexpectedly, Qi Zhuoyu’s message came again.

[Come out.]

Feng Xuan: ?

[Isn’t it because you want to sneak a peek at Senior brother?]

[Senior brother will take you to skip class, giving you a chance to watch openly.]

Thanks but no need.

Feng Xuan refused expressionlessly, he had never felt so passionate about attending class before.



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