After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Kiss (part 3)

It’s just that Qi Zhuoyu was getting lazier and lazier in front of him.

Now that he’s back in the Misty Immortal Mansion, he’s very casual about maintaining his image as a bright and clear righteous senior brother.

This gave Feng Xuan a strange feeling.

It seemed that he was starting to care less and less about his image in the eyes of others, was it because the time for him to become a demon was getting closer?

To be honest, Feng Xuan still didn’t know.

Why did Qi Zhuoyu defect from the Misty Immortal Mansion in the later period?

“He asked me about my studies.” Feng Xuan lied without changing his face.

And tried to convince himself in his heart that this was true, after all, who knew if Qi Zhuoyu’s sometimes on, sometimes off mind-reading technique was online.

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him for a few seconds, as if accepting his answer.

His posture and expression relaxed a lot, and he said with a somewhat teasing smile, “You’ve been diligent in attending class lately.”

From his tone, it was as if he had been possessed.

What kind of lazy and food-loving image did he have in Qi Zhuoyu’s mind before? Couldn’t he occasionally be diligent and go to school?

Feng Xuan didn’t want to deal with him and was preparing to return to his room.

But this big devil deliberately stuck out his leg to trip him as he walked by.

What kind of elementary school chicken is this?

And how long are Qi Zhuoyu’s legs?! He deliberately took a detour and still got tripped?!

The result was that he was grabbed by Qi Zhuoyu and pinned to the bed.

Forced to lie down with him like a salted fish.

He was getting more and more skilled at holding him recently.

But Feng Xuan didn’t know why he thought of the almost-kissed embrace in Guixu Country.

He pushed him away awkwardly, then sat down beautifully on his own.

Qi Zhuoyu seemed a bit dissatisfied with his action of pushing him away, his eyebrows furrowed imperceptibly.

“If you don’t want to go to class, you don’t have to.” Qi Zhuoyu suddenly spoke again.

At his sudden indulgence, a question mark popped up in Feng Xuan’s head.

He responded subconsciously, “The teaching elder will find out.”

“What’s there to be afraid of.” Qi Zhuoyu had a very arrogant look, and said indifferently, “As long as I help you, they won’t find out.”

As he spoke, in Qi Zhuoyu’s fingertip was a transformed white paper man that looked a bit like Feng Xuan.

Just as he expected, the next second, the paper man suddenly grew larger and became exactly like Feng Xuan.

This kind of paper man technique, Feng Xuan had seen Qi Zhuoyu use.

The paper man in his small lotus bag Qu Zhuyu came from this.

He just didn’t expect that Qi Zhuoyu could not only change his own avatar, but also change someone else’s avatar.

What does the big devil mean, is he going to let this paper bird replace him in school? This perfect skipping class skill, he was a bit tempted to see it.

Then Feng Xuan thought about it and shook his head to refuse, “Forget it.”

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t understand, and looked a bit like a husband who had been rejected when offering a treasure to his wife, “Why?”

Wasn’t he the one who was most afraid of the cold and couldn’t get out of bed?

Why did he still insist on going to school?

Feng Xuan spoke slowly, “I just want to improve my cultivation.”

Qi Zhuoyu said, “That’s not difficult. I can help you.”

As he spoke, he really wanted to help him break through again in a simple and crude way.

Feng Xuan quickly stopped him, “No! Your cultivation is not picked up from the ground, you can’t always give it to me for free, it’s not good.”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him strangely, “What’s not good. Besides, what do you want to improve your cultivation for? Has someone bullied you?”

…Well, that’s not the case.

Feng Xuan inevitably thought of what happened in the Sanqing Realm.

That was the first time in his seventeen hundred years of life that he regretted not practicing well.

To be honest, he didn’t want to see Qi Zhuoyu again.

Get hurt because of him.

“Are you worried about this?” Qi Zhuoyu’s expression became more subtle.


Feng Xuan looked up, a bit dazed, did the big devil use mind-reading on him again?

Qi Zhuoyu said, “You said it yourself without thinking.”

Oh. It turned out that he was too engrossed in his thoughts and lost his guard.

The air suddenly quieted down.

After a while, Qi Zhuoyu spoke, “If it’s because of this, then there’s even less need to worry. I’ve said it before, if I don’t let you die, you won’t die.”

Feng Xuan let it in one ear and out the other.

Thank you for your nonsense, who would have thought that in the end, it was you who killed me.jpg

Anyway, Qi Zhuoyu is just that kind.

“The fact that my Dao companion got hurt is not because of his lack of cultivation, but because of my own lack of cultivation,” said the roll king. (TL: king of extremes)

No wonder he went to roll as soon as he returned to the Misty Immortal Mansion.

He didn’t know where the big devil got his blind confidence from, thinking that as long as he was protecting himself, nothing unexpected would happen to him.

But Feng Xuan felt that he might have completely lost his mind.

He actually thought that this Qi Zhuoyu, who was bursting with confidence and acting cool, was quite handsome.

He was quiet for a while, then remembered something important.

In the dream of the Sanqing Realm, when exactly did Qi Zhuoyu wake up? Did he hear the nonsense he had said before?

A fleeting thought suddenly became impossible to ignore at this moment.

It became something that, if he didn’t ask clearly, he wouldn’t be able to sleep in the second half of the night.

“Senior brother,” Feng Xuan hesitated to speak.

“Hmm?” Qi Zhuoyu lazily leaned on the bed, looking very much like a sunbathing cat.

Feng Xuan turned his head to look at him, “When did you wake up in the dream of the Sanqing Realm?”

Qi Zhuoyu opened one eye and looked at him, “Why?”

“Oh, nothing.” Feng Xuan was torn inside, “I just said some not-so-nice things before, do you remember?”

The point was, he must not remember the nonsense he made up about Qi Zhuoyu liking him a lot.

“Hmm. I don’t quite remember.” Qi Zhuoyu continued, “It seems like there was something about senior brother being handsome and the number one super genius in the Three Realms in terms of cultivation, and being good and considerate to Xiao Qi…”

Feng Xuan: … Aren’t you reciting it word for word?!

Forget it.

Luckily, he only heard that much.

Who knew, Qi Zhuoyu wasn’t done yet, he slowly said, “There was also something about Xiao Qi liking senior brother too much, wanting to hug and kiss senior brother, and wanting to have many children for senior brother…”

“Qi! Zhuo! Yu!” Feng Xuan didn’t wait for him to finish, directly interrupting him, his face terribly red, “When did I ever say that?!”

What kind of nonsense is this dog man making up?!

Qi Zhuoyu seemed to be holding back laughter, pretending to be very serious, “No? Maybe Senior brother remembered it wrong.”

Feng Xuan: … Did you remember a single word correctly from what I said?!

Forget it.

Thinking about how he had gone all the way to the ruins to fight and be a savior.

In the end, he only did good deeds, but didn’t get the godhood he wanted most.

Not only was it a wasted effort.

It seemed like his confidence had taken a hit as well.

Thinking about this, Feng Xuan felt a bit guilty, “Anyway, thank you for protecting me in the Sanqing Realm.”

Qi Zhuoyu paused for a moment, raising an eyebrow, “Is there only verbal thanks?”

? Otherwise?

Also, what’s the matter with you, big devil?

Normally when someone says this, you should say a word of thanks.

You even dare to sit on the ground and raise the price?

“What should I do then?” Feng Xuan was speechless, was he supposed to offer himself?

The big devil should remember that they still had a plastic Dao companion setting, right?

“Or else.” Qi Zhuoyu suggested, “You kiss me?”

Feng Xuan: “…”

He found that Qi Zhuoyu seemed to enjoy teasing him more and more recently.

Feng Xuan inexplicably felt a sense of competitiveness being stirred up.

They were both men.

Why was it always him who was taken advantage of?!

“Do you think I really wouldn’t dare to do anything to you?” Feng Xuan made a fierce expression.

“Senior brother is scared to death.” Qi Zhuoyu cooperated with a nonchalant comment, perfunctorily.

Feng Xuan: “…”

Feng Xuan was really angry.

He pursed his lips, then in Qi Zhuoyu’s somewhat surprised gaze.

He covered his eyes, then made up his mind to kiss Qi Zhuoyu on the lips.

It was said to be a kiss, but it was actually just a touch, like a dragonfly skimming the water.

Almost fleeing at the speed of light, Feng Xuan’s neck turned red all the way to the roots of his ears, feeling like his whole head was about to be smoked by the heat.

“Scared to death, right.” Feng Xuan’s voice was stubborn, threatening him, “I’ll kiss you to death.”

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly felt his throat a bit dry, his heart uncontrollably skipped a beat.

Strangely, even his voice was a bit hoarse because of the emotion, “Is that all?”

Qi Zhuoyu just looked at him like that, like a vibrant and enticing male fox spirit.

His peach blossom eyes were full of water, his Adam’s apple moved slightly up and down, tempting, “Senior brother is not dead yet.”

“Or else.” His eyes were deep, “You kiss a few more times?”


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