After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Kiss (part 1)

It felt like a century had passed.

Feng Xuan maintained a blank expression.

For some reason, the feel of his cheek was so good.

Qi Zhuoyu hugged his waist, feeling it was thin and lacked flesh.

He didn’t know where all the food he ate from morning till night went.

His face was round and cute, with a pair of apricot eyes.

So, he couldn’t help but pinch hard twice, and a blush instantly appeared on the snow-white cheeks.

Qi Zhuoyu had pinched enough before he let go of him.

Because of this, Feng Xuan’s thoughts finally returned from the Ninth Heaven to his brain.

He heard Qi Zhuoyu’s voice. “Were you scared?”

Feng Xuan’s heartbeat hadn’t calmed down yet. He didn’t have the heart to lie that he wasn’t scared, so he nodded honestly.

Sometimes when he saw him being cunning and sharp-tongued, it could be infuriating.

But now that he was scared, he was so well-behaved, even his hair was dazed.

Feng Xuan thought that since he was so lost in thought, the big devil would at least comfort him warmly.

To play a bit of his role as an elder or senior brother.

But he found that Qi Zhuoyu was inconsiderate in some ways.

Those peach blossom eyes that were beautiful enough to bewitch people were looking at him deeply, and he said, “Then you’ll slowly get used to it.”

Qi Zhuoyu hooked the corner of his lips, with a bit of a threatening meaning, “What Senior brother is going to do in the future is not as simple as scaring you.”

That afternoon, Feng Xuan didn’t remember where he had wandered, where he had gone, or what he had bought.

He was all in a daze, absent-minded, and basically didn’t take in anything.

He didn’t even remember how he got back to the palace.

By the time he fully came to his senses, he had already bid farewell to the Guixu Country.

He was sitting in the dragon carriage back to the Misty Immortal Mansion.

He hadn’t seen the dragon carriage for a few days, and it seemed that Qi Zhuoyu had upgraded it again.

Not only had the interior space become larger, but the three dragon brothers also seemed to have improved a lot in cultivation, looking more mighty and terrifying in appearance.

Should he say that the big devil was indeed the big devil?

Not only did he want to roll others to death, but even the pets in his hands had to roll with him.

But he had no mood to complain about these now.

Lying on the soft bed in the dragon carriage, his mind was full of that sentence from Qi Zhuoyu.

What did it mean that what he was going to do in the future was not as simple as scaring him?

For some reason, those unclear words about the outbreak of the love poison in the Book of Fate.

Like a series of vivid pictures playing in a loop in his mind.

It was the kind of picture that couldn’t be presented in a town called Jinjiang in the mortal world!

The kind that was useless below the neck!

No way.

He was just a little bird baby who was only seventeen hundred years old, why should he bear these.

The key was, thinking about when he was sitting in Qi Zhuoyu’s arms.

Occasionally, inadvertently touched something, and its shape and volume.

He really couldn’t bear it, in the physical sense.

It would choke the bird to death.jpg

This led to, for a long time after returning to the Misty Immortal Mansion, Feng Xuan deliberately avoided Qi Zhuoyu.

Until later he found out that he didn’t seem to need to avoid the big devil.

As soon as Qi Zhuoyu returned to the Misty Immortal Mansion, he went to roll life and death. (TL: doing things to the extreme)

He didn’t even have time to greet him before he started cultivating in the cold pool in the back mountain.

Seeing this result, Feng Xuan was not surprised.

Having been with Qi Zhuoyu for a long time, although he would still complain about his unpredictable character, compared to before, he could probably guess a bit of his mood now.

For example, although Qi Zhuoyu didn’t show it.

But after coming out of the Sanqing Realm, he could see that the big devil’s mood was not very good.

Feng Xuan could understand, after all, Qi Zhuoyu was the kind of child who was compared to someone else’s child from childhood to adulthood, the so-called proud son of heaven.

He probably hadn’t met any opponents in his life, and this encounter with Jing Du was a bit of a setback for him.

Qi Zhuoyu was the kind who wanted to be the strongest in everything, and didn’t consider any external factors at all.

He didn’t think about the fact that he was just a mortal who had lived for more than twenty years. Not to mention that Jing Du had become a war god in the Sanqing Realm, even before he was listed in the immortal class, he probably had been practicing for several hundred years.

Being able to fight back and forth, Qi Zhuoyu’s strength and talent were already terrifying.

But the straight male elementary school student didn’t care, he only cared that he almost tied.

So after returning from the Guixu Country, he went to roll again.

How to say, Feng Xuan could only feel.

Qi Zhuoyu’s pursuit of power was obsessively different from ordinary people, and he didn’t know what he was going to do after being so powerful.

…It wouldn’t really be to destroy the world, would it?

It could only be said that he was a good villain.

After returning to the Misty Immortal Mansion, Feng Xuan’s long-lost morning class also had to be put on the schedule.

For a not yet mature and lazy bird, getting up in the morning to go to class was even more difficult than asking for his bird’s life.

Especially in the past few months, the Misty Immortal Mansion had entered autumn again.

The cold wind in the mountains made people shiver, and those who could get up from bed were tough.

Ah Bao was also used to Feng Xuan’s laziness.

Sometimes when he couldn’t get up, he simply hid in the bamboo house to skip class.

After all, he was just an ordinary outer disciple.

Whether he went to the Shangqing Academy for class or not, not many people would notice.

But somehow, on the first day of the Shangqing Academy’s class.

Feng Xuan struggled in the brocade quilt for a long time, and finally got dressed and got out of bed.

He hadn’t gotten up so early since he descended to the mortal world.

Even Ah Bao was startled, almost thinking that the sun was rising from the west.

“Master, how did you think of going to class today?” Ah Bao’s face was full of shock.

“Oh. Just thought that I can’t skip class every day, occasionally go to listen, can also improve cultivation.” Feng Xuan answered half asleep and half awake.

He remembered the injuries Qi Zhuoyu had suffered in the Sanqing Realm.

Once he thought about it, it lingered in his mind.

He didn’t say anything more, just stuffed the heater into his small lotus bag.

There were also some leftover textbooks, and then he packed his bag and went to class.

He persisted for several days in a row, so much so that even the teaching elder was incredulous.

Looking at his expression, it was as if he had been very unambitious before. Well, that was indeed a bit true.

In the monthly quiz of the Shangqing Academy.

Feng Xuan even managed to escape from being the last one, and came out on top.

Of course, he wasn’t very happy.

Because he suddenly remembered that his cultivation had been forcibly promoted by Qi Zhuoyu from the foundation-building stage to the golden core stage, wasn’t it a matter of minutes to win over these disciples who were honestly attending school?

However, the teaching elder still praised him greatly.

Feng Xuan had been scolded by many people since he descended to the mortal world, but this was the first time he had been praised, which made him a little embarrassed.

After class, Feng Xuan packed up his things and left.

But unexpectedly, on the mountain road back to the bamboo house, he ran into a person he had never expected to see.

The founding ancestor of the Misty Immortal Mansion, Situ Xingnian.

Feng Xuan had only seen him once, which was when he set off to catch the nightmare beast in Chang’an, and had a brief encounter in the Langhua Hall.

He even complained in his heart about how the ancestor looked younger than the head, like a little white face.

Situ Xingnian seemed to be waiting for him on purpose on the mountain road.

Feng Xuan couldn’t pretend not to see him even if he wanted to, and after greeting him, he felt a little hesitant in his heart.

This founding ancestor Situ Xingnian was not some mascot of the Misty Immortal Mansion, he couldn’t be seen whenever he wanted.


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