After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Tie Tie (part 2)

He was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, “Senior brother, have your wounds healed?”

Qi Zhuoyu looked very unhappy. “No. But if they don’t heal completely, I’m afraid my Dao companion will be good with other men.”

After speaking, he glared at Feng Xuan fiercely, making Feng Xuan inexplicable.

Even though they had quarreled before.

But Feng Xuan had a bad memory, and after a two-day cold war, he forgot about the cold war.

Looking at Qi Zhuoyu’s vigorous appearance now, he knew that even if he hadn’t fully recovered, he was almost there.

Unlike when he first woke up, even when he spoke to him, he was gentle, a bit like the good senior brother persona he had put on in Misty Immortal Mansion.

It seemed that the past few days were just because he was sick and confused.

Temporarily didn’t have the energy to have his temperamental mood swings.

Feng Xuan remembered something and explained, “The one who sent me back last night was just a palace guard.”

Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him. “Who are they, and what do they have to do with me?”


And what does it have to do with you?

So who was it that got up this morning with a stinky face as if he owed him a million?

Forget it.

He didn’t want to deal with this kind of man who was both jealous and petty.

Feng Xuan thought for a moment, and then spoke, “Senior brother, are we going back to Misty Immortal Mansion now?”

After all, Qi Zhuoyu’s injuries had fully healed.

With his character, he definitely wouldn’t stay in Guixu for long, and he was probably about to set off.

Feng Xuan had been ready to leave at any time.

But surprisingly, Qi Zhuoyu said, “No rush.”

Feng Xuan looked at him a bit surprised.

Qi Zhuoyu turned his head, a bit casually. “Don’t you still have a lot of places you haven’t been to?”

At this point, Feng Xuan was really stunned.

Although Qi Zhuoyu didn’t specifically say where “a lot of places” were, he immediately thought of the sightseeing plan he had made casually.

When he was in the dragon carriage before, he was doodling on the map, and Qi Zhuoyu was just watching him boredly on the side.

He really thought that the big devil was just killing time, but he didn’t expect that he had kept this matter in mind.

Sometimes he said he was straight.

But he wasn’t that straight.

But for some reason, Feng Xuan felt a bit hot in the room.

He used his hand as a fan, fanning the wind, but didn’t feel the heat on his face decrease.

After struggling for a long time, he squeezed out a word to reply to him. “Oh.”

Then a new problem came up.

What Qi Zhuoyu meant by saying this, was he going to let him go alone, or was he preparing to go with him.

As a result, he only thought about it for a while, and then gave up.

According to his understanding of Qi Zhuoyu, being able to waste time letting him play here for a few more days was already the biggest concession.

How could he possibly take the initiative to accompany him?

Is this the kind of persona he should have as the king careerist?

Feng Xuan pinched his small purse, carrying a bit of loss that he hadn’t even realized.

He spoke, “Then, Senior brother, I’m going out?”

Qi Zhuoyu “hmm”ed.

He didn’t seem to notice Feng Xuan’s mood, and naturally followed him, preparing to go out together.

Feng Xuan was stunned again, “Senior brother, are you going with me?”

Qi Zhuoyu gave him a “what else” look.

Feng Xuan thought it couldn’t be, how could the big devil act so naturally.

Do the two of them look like an immortal couple who can love and travel hand in hand?

Obviously not.

So what is he doing?

There are no acquaintances here, so he can’t be performing some plastic couple show for others in Guixu, can he?

Then he really admired Qi Zhuoyu’s professional spirit.

When he went out, he ran into the maid who often took him around.

She was on duty today, and when she saw Feng Xuan, she could already greet him familiarly.

Seeing Qi Zhuoyu also by his side, the maid looked back and forth a few times, suddenly understanding something.

She joked, “I was wondering why you didn’t come to find me today, it turns out you’re on a date with the Immortal Lord Daren.”

Ever since they found out that Qi Zhuoyu had helped their Guixu country turn from a desert into a sea.

Everyone in the palace, young and old, began to call him the Immortal Lord Daren.

But Feng Xuan didn’t know why, when he just heard the word “date”.

Before Qi Zhuoyu could speak, he reflexively retorted, “It’s not a date.”

The maid was taken aback.

Feng Xuan realized that his tone was a bit fast, and he explained slowly again. “I’m just going out for a walk, Senior brother is worried about me.”

The maid nodded and looked at Feng Xuan.

She didn’t know why this half-grown boy going out to play was not worth worrying about. In Guixu, at this age, they were already married and had children.

So she had to flatter him. “The Immortal Lord Daren is really good to you, even a father looking at his daughter wouldn’t be so inseparable.”

Hearing this, Feng Xuan seemed to suddenly find a suitable reason, and he was enlightened, “Yes, that’s right. Senior brother is a bit mature for his age.”

Thinking of Qi Zhuoyu’s considerable care for him, and the fact that he was six years older than him.

Feng Xuan: “I also think he’s like my dad, he’s very good to me.”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him strangely.

Although Feng Xuan always quietly felt that Qi Zhuoyu was sometimes silent, he was very much like Father God.

Now that he thought about it carefully, it wasn’t completely unreasonable.

He was fatherless at a young age, Father God fell early.

Growing up, he lacked the company of a father, so he easily developed a dependence on older men.

In addition, the big devil was really fatherly in his daily life, loving to manage him here and there, making some useless and annoying straight man-style constructive comments.

He always felt that if he really had a dad, he would probably be about the same as him.

This seemed to suddenly make sense.

Why did he just hope that Qi Zhuoyu could accompany him out?

And his heartbeat finally at this moment.

Didn’t beat so violently.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that after he finished speaking, Qi Zhuoyu laughed inexplicably.

Before Feng Xuan could react, he didn’t know what made him angry, and he walked faster than he ran, with a gust of wind at every step.

Without time to chat with the maid, Feng Xuan hurriedly caught up.

By the time he caught up with Qi Zhuoyu, panting, they had already reached the outside of the palace.

Only then did Feng Xuan discover that today there was a celebration outside the palace, the streets were crowded with people, shoulder to shoulder, bustling.

Of course, that’s not the most important thing.

The important thing was that there was no gap between people.

…What’s going on, I just got to the door and I feel exhausted.

With such good weather, isn’t it comfortable to sleep in the room?

Looking at this sea of people, Feng Xuan reflexively felt his feet hurt.

And then even more reflexively looked at Qi Zhuoyu–broad and reliable chest.

Qi Zhuoyu noticed his gaze.

The two silently looked at each other for a few seconds.

Feng Xuan innocently spoke, “Senior brother.”

Qi Zhuoyu had no expression. “No.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Scumbag Senior brother, he hasn’t even said anything yet, why is it no!!

And what’s wrong with him hugging him?

Didn’t he say he wanted to marry him in the Sanqing Realm dream before.

Very good, husband, is this your attitude towards your Dao companion?

Seeing that Qi Zhuoyu wouldn’t do it, Feng Xuan used his old trick again and started to play the victim. “My dad used to hold me.”

Who knew that this time the victim card was a failure.

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him, seemingly amused by his words.

He felt that he needed to make this little ancestor understand one thing, and beckoned. “Come here.”

Although Feng Xuan was a bit puzzled, he was unprepared.

But just as he took a step towards him, he suddenly felt a strong force that couldn’t be refused, directly hugging his waist.

And then the next second, Qi Zhuoyu pinched his cheek.

Although sometimes he would be very close to Qi Zhuoyu, he had never been so close.

He was almost entirely imprisoned in Qi Zhuoyu’s arms.

His cheek was forcibly pinched, lifted, and forced to look at him.

Nose tip to nose tip, slightly offset, close enough to intertwine even the breath.

This was a nearly kissing posture.

Qi Zhuoyu lowered his eyelashes, with a condescending gaze, the emotion in his peach blossom eyes was obscure.

When he opened his mouth to speak, it was almost as if he was going to touch Feng Xuan’s lips.

“You really dare to treat me as your dad.”

Qi Zhuoyu’s voice was still cold, close to his body, he could feel the vibration of his chest.

Feng Xuan’s brain went blank, for a moment he couldn’t tell whether it was his chest vibrating, or the heartbeat he heard was actually his own.

Then, a laugh with a strong sense of aggression came from his ear.

Laughing like a villain, very lascivious and hoarse, “You tell Senior brother, your dad, would he want to kiss you too?”


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