After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Tie Tie (part 1)

(t/n: 贴贴 “Tie Tie”-In Internet terms, it refers to a very close relationship and interaction between two people, including love, family affection, friendship, etc. It is mainly used to describe the love between boys and girls.)

The Guixu Country had experienced its first rainfall in a hundred years.

It was a torrential downpour that covered the sky and filled it with thunder and lightning.

This rain lasted for seven days and seven nights before it gradually subsided.

When the people came to their senses, they were astonished to see the desert had turned into a sea, a miracle bestowed by heaven.

Qi Zhuoyu, the big devil, had also slept for seven days and seven nights during the downpour.

After the death of Jing Du, the fake king, the real king was found in the basement of the palace. After hearing the ins and outs from Feng Xuan and witnessing the miracle of the desert turning into a sea, they continued to offer their love to Qi Zhuoyu with both gratitude and awe.

They even gave the big devil a more luxurious bedroom than before.

He occupied an entire luxurious palace, and those who didn’t know would think that Qi Zhuoyu was the king of Guixu.

In these seven days, Feng Xuan had nothing else to do but eat and sleep as usual.

After the rain stopped, the maid who had previously taken him around for sightseeing even invited him out for a stroll again.

According to Feng Xuan’s previous character, if he could go out to eat delicious food, he definitely wouldn’t want to stay in the room and get moldy.

Even a salted fish has its own bottom line, it should eat and drink, and it should play when it’s time to play.

But for some reason, Feng Xuan looked at Qi Zhuoyu, who was lying on the bed with his eyes tightly closed.

He still refused the maid’s invitation.

After all, the big devil was in this state because he had saved him.

Feng Xuan felt that the little conscience he had grown was aching faintly.

Qi Zhuoyu almost never slept.

Even if he was dozing off on the beauty couch, he was actually circulating a complete circle of 360 degrees in his body, striving to use every minute and every second of his life for cultivation, and then roll over others to death.

This time, under the soothing of the nightmare, he fell asleep and slept for seven days straight.

Of course, Feng Xuan didn’t believe that the nightmare beast could suddenly become a demon beast that could beat the big devil overnight. He was more inclined to another reason.

Qi Zhuoyu’s body had really reached its limit.

In his more than twenty years of life, there probably wasn’t a time when he had exerted himself so much that he had to use sleep to repair his body.

However, this was understandable.

Even if Jing Du was trash, he was still a war god of the Sanqing Realm, ranked among the immortals. Being able to fight him evenly, Qi Zhuoyu’s strength had become terrifying to the point where people couldn’t fathom it.

Moreover, while hammering with Jing Du, the big devil had forcibly broken through the water mirror space.

Thinking of this, Feng Xuan was a bit worried.

Qi Zhuoyu had said that his body was special and wounds could heal automatically. After resting for so many days, he didn’t know how his wounds were healing.

Feng Xuan originally just had this thought in his mind.

But some things are like this, it’s better not to think about them. Once they come up, they will linger in your head. And they will get more and more serious, to the point where they can’t be ignored.

So much so that Feng Xuan sat in place for a while, and finally couldn’t help it.

He reached out and lifted the quilt on Qi Zhuoyu’s body.

He just wanted to take a look at the wound.

The big devil had been sleeping for seven days, so he wouldn’t wake up at this moment, would he?

The fact proved that some things really can’t be thought about.

As long as you think about it, no matter how small the probability, it will happen 100%.

Just like when a pastry falls to the ground, the side with the frosting must face down.

Feng Xuan unbuttoned his shirt and pulled the collar aside a bit.

The last time he was held by him, he saw a deep cut on Qi Zhuoyu’s collarbone that the bone could even be seen.

Now, this cut had indeed healed almost completely.

Only a shallow pink scar was left, he didn’t know if the big devil was the kind of physique that left scars.

Feng Xuan subconsciously touched this scar with his finger, inexplicably, his right eye twitched.

So he looked up and saw Qi Zhuoyu open his eyes without warning.

The two people’s gazes collided in the air unexpectedly.

Feng Xuan even maintained the posture of his hand in his collar.



Then, Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze slowly moved down.

Seeing his half-undressed appearance, and then seeing Feng Xuan’s appearance that seemed like he wanted to take advantage of his illness, the air suddenly became extremely quiet.

Feng Xuan felt as if his head had been hit hard by something, and then completely went blank.

After a while, he came back to his senses, feeling that he could still struggle.

His lips moved for a moment, and he plucked up the courage to speak, “Senior brother. I think I can explain.”

Qi Zhuoyu had just woken up, his waist-length hair was not tied up, and it was entwined behind him.

His usually neatly dressed clothes were also loose, with a bit of careless laziness, matching his handsome face that was still not diminished despite his illness.

Although he was seriously injured.

But he didn’t have the gray and dead air of a sick person, but gave people a kind of sick and weird beauty, like a male fox spirit who still didn’t forget to hook people in his illness.

Feng Xuan suddenly felt that no matter how he explained, it all felt very pale.

Especially when Qi Zhuoyu was still looking at him with a smile but not a smile, and spoke slowly. “Okay. Senior brother will listen to your sophistry.”



What does sophistry mean!

Feng Xuan felt it necessary to salvage his image. “I was worried that your wound hadn’t healed, so I just took a look!”

“Hmm. Just a look.” Qi Zhuoyu had an expression of “I really believe you”, and continued, “Senior brother is short-sighted.”

He paused, indicating Feng Xuan’s hand still deep in his collar. “Haven’t seen Xiao Qi this kind of thing, looking with your hand?”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Feng Xuan really regretted it, why did he touch it so casually.

His hand was like being burned by something, and he quickly withdrew it.

Without needing to look in a mirror, he knew that his ears must be red and hot.

Feng Xuan gritted his teeth. “Senior brother, don’t you know how to read minds?”

The big devil was definitely doing it on purpose, wasn’t he very good at reading other people’s thoughts?

Did he not know whether he was checking his wounds or taking advantage of him?!

As a result, Feng Xuan found that he had underestimated Qi Zhuoyu’s shamelessness.

The man glanced at him lightly, “Hmm. I used to be able to.”

Qi Zhuoyu spoke, “But now Senior brother is seriously injured, can’t anymore.”

…The damage caused by the water mirror was physical, right?

What impact could it have on your mental ability to read minds?!

For his casual nonsense lies, Feng Xuan really didn’t want to deal with this elementary school chicken.

With such a talent for arguing with his wife, why didn’t he go to Misty Immortal Mansion to preach, without you in the first debate meeting of the cultivation world, I won’t watch.

Probably because Feng Xuan hadn’t spoken for a long time.

Qi Zhuoyu only realized that he seemed to have teased the little ancestor too much.

He spoke. “Are you angry?”

Feng Xuan sarcastically. “Hehe. No.”

Having been with Feng Xuan for so long, he probably could figure out his temper.

Yes means yes, no actually means yes, in short, it means being angry.

He wouldn’t even call him “senior brother”.

Qi Zhuoyu adapted to circumstances, “Senior brother apologizes to you.”

Feng Xuan hesitated to look at him, thinking that the big devil’s vocabulary actually had the word “apology”.

He thought he was the kind of person who would kill the person he apologized to.

Like a large beast humbly lowering its head.

Feng Xuan reflected on himself, feeling that this little thing, he didn’t seem to need to apologize to him so seriously.

After all, all the wounds on his body were suffered for saving him.

Just about to let it go, and make up with Qi Zhuoyu as if nothing had happened.

He heard Qi Zhuoyu’s voice lazily, his voice hoarse with a bit of illness, “In the future, Xiao Qi can not only look with his hands, but also look casually. You can look at Senior brother wherever you want to see, okay?”



So the big devil thought he was angry because he didn’t let him look elsewhere.

…What kind of ghost logic understanding ability.

And, who wants to look at your messy places?!

By the time Qi Zhuoyu realized that Feng Xuan was really angry.

It had been two whole days since he woke up.

To be honest, although Feng Xuan had always been with Qi Zhuoyu.

But the big devil was the kind of person who couldn’t sit still, and had to go out and do things every now and then.

These two days he just woke up, the wound had not been good enough to casually get out of bed and walk, so he still laid down.

So the person whose shadow couldn’t be seen became Feng Xuan, he always went out for a stroll in the morning, and didn’t come back until very late.

Qi Zhuoyu had always been hardworking in cultivation, and he didn’t feel lonely and quiet when he retreated in a narrow, dark and cold cave for several months.

Now living in a luxurious palace, warm as spring, without Feng Xuan chirping in his ears, he inexplicably felt a kind of deathly silence.

Especially when he came back at night.

It was two young guards who sent Feng Xuan back.

Young men of similar age were talking and laughing.

Until he returned to the room, the smile on Feng Xuan’s face had not disappeared.

Qi Zhuoyu felt irritable for the first time in a long time.

So the next morning, when Feng Xuan was preparing to go out, he found that Qi Zhuoyu had already dressed and got out of bed.


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