After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

The Male Third Party (part 2)

The little black snake looked back and saw Feng Xuan lying ungracefully like a salted fish on a soft cloud.

The little black snake was stunned, “What’s wrong with you?”

The next second, the little black snake’s face suddenly changed again, a trace of tension appeared on his expressionless face, “Are you injured somewhere?”

“No.” Feng Xuan spoke, “Actually, I’m just a bit tired from running.”

After saying that, the air between the two seemed a bit frozen.

Probably because, it was never seen before.

A salted fish like Feng Xuan, who even found running for his life tiring.

To be honest, if it weren’t for him being trapped in a dream.

In the real world, facing such difficulties, Feng Xuan would have given up and committed suicide long ago.

But after all, it’s someone else’s dream.

It feels like he could still squeeze a little more conscience out.

Seeing the little black snake’s handsome face looking a bit strange and then a bit puzzled.

Feng Xuan quickly explained, “I’m really fine. I just need to rest for a while.”

The little black snake wanted to say something but stopped, “But Jing Du is chasing us.”

“Oh, that’s okay too.” Feng Xuan comforted him in turn, “The man who was fighting with Jing Du just now is very strong, with him here, we won’t die.”

I don’t know if you will die.

Anyway, I definitely won’t die.

Thinking of Qi Zhuoyu, Feng Xuan rarely thought of his good at this time.

Usually, with the big devil around, he hardly ever walked much, he was basically carried by him.


He started to miss his means of transportation a bit.

The little black snake looked at him and seemed to make up his mind, “If you really can’t walk, I can carry you.”

Feng Xuan was startled by him and quickly waved his hand, “No need, no need, I don’t need it.”

For some reason, Feng Xuan was quite picky in some aspects.

He really didn’t like having too intimate physical contact with others.

The little black snake looked disappointed, “But in the past, I have carried you like this.”

Feng Xuan: …It turns out to be childhood sweethearts.

Scumbag Jing Du, you’ve done all the bad things.jpg

After resting for a while, the two set off again.

Just as Feng Xuan said, Qi Zhuoyu was really strong, even if he was injured like that, he could still fight with Jing Du for so long.

Thinking of the big devil’s injuries, Feng Xuan didn’t know why his chest felt a bit stuffy.

Looking at the road in front of him that seemed to have no end, he felt a bit irritable for the first time.

Why didn’t he feel it before?

The location of Biluo River is so remote, so far?

At this rate, when will he be able to leave the dream?

Perhaps Feng Xuan’s nagging in his heart had a bit of effect.

Or perhaps it was because the desire to get out of this broken place by jumping into the Biluo River and leaving the dream was too strong, which made him speed up a lot.

After a stick of incense, the vast and magnificent Biluo River came into view.

The Biluo River was no different from the memory, the turbulent cloud flow converged from all directions, forming a bottomless abyss, with thunder and evil spirits rolling in the abyss.

Feng Xuan couldn’t help but be amazed.

He was born a divine fetus, and he had suffered a lot from jumping down the Biluo River. He really didn’t know what kind of mood the little carp had at that time, a little demon with low cultivation and missing a tail, daring to jump down the Biluo River.

“Boom–Boom–” The thunder tore the air.

Feng Xuan was preparing himself, thinking that this was his second time jumping into the Biluo River.

After leaving the dream, the big devil must buy him a hundred red sugar heart-filled little buns to coax him!

Just as he took a step forward, his wrist was grabbed by the little black snake again.

Feng Xuan dodged a bit unnaturally and looked at him sideways, “What’s wrong?”


Another purple thunderbolt fell, breaking the quiet atmosphere between the two.

The little black snake suddenly took out a pair of shell earrings from his bosom and put them in his palm, “This is for you.”

This thing was obviously meant to be given to the little carp, Feng Xuan immediately felt a bit tricky, “You don’t have to give me this, I–”

“I know you’re not the little carp.” The little black snake spoke calmly.

Feng Xuan was stunned. A few seconds later, he scratched his head, “…Is my acting that bad? When did you know?”

Little black snake: “Just now.”

Feng Xuan: …Okay. So it really is because his acting is so bad!

Little black continued, “You don’t have to jump into the Biluo River either, jumping down the Biluo River will cause your soul to scatter.”

Feng Xuan: Huh? How do you even know that? But if we don’t jump down, we’ll all be trapped in the dream of the soul lamp.

The little black snake seemed to know his thoughts, “Even if you jump down, you won’t wake up from the dream. Because this dream has been going on for a hundred years, the little carp has jumped into the Biluo River in front of me a hundred times. Each time I can only watch helplessly as his soul scatters, and then wait for the dream to restart.”

Feng Xuan: Ah this? Watching your loved one die a hundred times must feel pretty miserable, does he need some comfort?

Thinking about it, Feng Xuan suddenly came back to his senses, “When did you know this was a dream?”

Little black snake: “Just now.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Does this person like to speak in two words, can’t he say more?

Little black snake: “Every time the dream is about to end, I wake up.”

Feng Xuan: “Then when did you wake up?”

Little black snake hesitated. “…also just now.”

Feng Xuan: Thank you, you really only added two words.

The little black snake put the shell earrings into his palm, “Can you help me give the earrings to the little carp, I never have time to give them to him.”

Feng Xuan thought, this wasn’t good, your words just now really sounded like those of an old general on the stage full of flags.

It’s the kind of saying “After this battle, I’m going home to get married” and then 100% dying on the battlefield.

Sure enough, as soon as the little black snake finished speaking, a majestic spiritual power came from the sky, carrying a murderous intent.

The next second, Feng Xuan felt himself being pushed away by the little black snake, as soon as he stood firm, the little black snake’s eyes widened, and he scattered in front of him.

…He did say that the last sentence sounded like a dying declaration!

The next second, Jing Du appeared next to the Biluo River.

Feng Xuan was stunned, then looked left and right, but didn’t see Qi Zhuoyu.

No way, he just praised the big devil for being super strong, and then he lost?

Is he so not resistant to praise, let him live to see the person if he is alive, and want to see the body if he is dead!

Jing Du sneered, “No need to look, your good senior brother is already dead.”

Feng Xuan expressionless, “Oh, I don’t believe it.”

You say he’s dead and he’s dead?

Then I say you’re dead, you’re dead, you stinky idiot, hear me, you’re dead!!

Jing Du sneered again, “You do have confidence in him. But your senior brother does have some abilities, even if he’s not dead, he’s now trapped in the water mirror by me, he can’t find his way here.”

Feng Xuan didn’t know why he breathed a sigh of relief silently, and then looked at Jing Du with a complicated expression.

Just now he was still a dignified war god of the Sanqing Realm, now he was beaten up and down without a good piece of flesh.

The bruised and swollen look showed that he didn’t get any good from Qi Zhuoyu’s hands, it’s really hard for him to believe the bullsh*t in this scumbag’s mouth.

Jing Du looked at him with a very cold smile, “Do you know, why I chose you to enter the fragments of the soul lamp?”

Feng Xuan looked at him for a while, calmly, “You really want to say it? Give me fifty, and I’ll listen to you.”

Jing Du’s perverted smile froze for a moment, as if he hadn’t heard what he said clearly.

Then, Jing Du chose to directly ignore Feng Xuan’s answer, and continued to enter his monologue of self-analysis of his motive for committing the crime like a standard villain, “After Ah Li died, he only left me a few pieces of broken soul. I was desperate, searching the heavens and the earth for a way to repair the soul and bring it back to life. Fortunately, heaven does not disappoint those who are determined, and finally let me know, in the Ninth Heaven, in the White Jade Capital, that Crown Prince’s natal magic weapon, the Soul Lamp, can condense the soul, defy the heavens and change fate.”

“So I went through nine hundred and ninety-nine thunder tribulations, knelt on the vermillion steps of the Qifeng Palace main hall for ninety-nine days and nights, do you know how I got through each night?” Jing Du’s expression became increasingly gloomy.

“…Touching the tiles of the Qifeng Palace?” Feng Xuan hesitated.

Jing Du: “…”

Jing Du continued expressionlessly, “Then I heard that the crown prince had smashed the soul lamp and jumped down the Biluo River to go to the mortal realm to experience tribulations.”


So that’s how it is.

Jing Du was really an unlucky guy.

If he had come a day earlier, he might not have accidentally smashed the Soul Lamp.

Looking at how twisted he was now, it’s clear that he had suffered a lot to get the Soul Lamp.

Jing Du suddenly laughed like a madman. “The thing I’ve worked so hard to get was casually smashed by someone! Hahaha! So, now you know why I chose you. Because I know, you are Crown Prince Feng Xuan.”

After he finished speaking, the air was quiet for a few seconds.

Feng Xuan didn’t respond, Jing Du laughed enough, withdrew his gaze, and stared at him. “Why aren’t you surprised?”

Feng Xuan reached out his hand, his tone serious. “Want to see my shocked expression? You have to pay extra, that’s a separate price.”

Jing Du: “…”

Jing Du finally didn’t want to waste time with this little neurotic with an abnormal brain circuit.

The crown prince of the Nine Heaven and the madman he just met are truly a perfect match.

He was so irritable that he got straight to the point. “Sharp-toothed, sharp-tongued kid, no matter how much money you want, you must fix the Soul Lamp for me now!”

(t/n: Sharp-toothed, sharp-tongued-a person who is clever and good at talking)

After he finished speaking, dozens of pieces of the Soul Lamp suddenly appeared in front of Feng Xuan.

All the pieces he smashed at that time were probably here.

The artifact recognized its master, it seemed to have sensed the master’s soul.

The Soul Lamp gradually approached Feng Xuan, he only took one look and opened his mouth. “It’s useless even if it’s fixed.”

Jing Du: “What do you mean?”

Fengxuan pointed to the soul fragments in the Soul Lamp. “The soul of the little carp is only left with this little bit, even if the Soul Lamp is repaired, it can’t be raised at all. He is completely dead, the kind that the soul flies away and scatters.”

Jing Du naturally didn’t believe it, and only felt that Feng Xuan didn’t want to help him. His face turned terribly gloomy, and he had already buckled a spiritual power burst in his hand. “Do you really think I dare not do anything to you? I can kill you now, after all, I am not your good senior brother who spoils you in everything.”

Feng Xuan listening: ?

He wasn’t angry at first.

But after hearing Jing Du’s last sentence, he felt outrageous.

Although he always complained that the big devil was very scum.

But it’s not so bad as to compare with this piece of garbage.

“You are certainly not my senior brother.” Feng Xuan’s voice was raised a lot because of anger. “My senior brother is handsome and high in cultivation. He is a super genius that is rare in the Three Realms for ten thousand years. He is good and considerate to me. You are a scum who is lame, old and ugly. You are a garbage war god who can’t even compare to a hair of my senior brother!!”

Jing Du was a dignified war god in the Sanqing Realm, and he probably hadn’t been insulted so directly.

Although he couldn’t kill Feng Xuan, it’s okay to teach this little bird who didn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth. (TL: arrogance and ignorance, not knowing the complexity of things.)

As a result, the spiritual power burst that had just been buckled was caught by a more domineering and powerful thunder strike.

Feng Xuan felt his body lightened, a familiar sense of emptiness, he subconsciously looked back, and saw Qi Zhuoyu’s jawline clearer than his bird life plan.

His brain went blank for a moment, and he blurted out subconsciously, “Did you hear just now?”

And Qi Zhuoyu’s slightly cold voice.

With a bit of subtle satisfaction, “Heard it.”

And a bit of casual but proud affirmation, “It was well said. But didn’t hear it clearly, remember to praise again in front of this Senior brother later.”


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