After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

The Male Third Party (part 1)

The Changsheng Hall suddenly became very quiet.

After Feng Xuan told this lie, he felt a bit regretful.

What if he leaves the dream and the big devil remembers it?

He might be so embarrassed and angry that he would pinch his own head.

He secretly glanced at Qi Zhuoyu.

Qi Zhuoyu fell into silence after hearing his words.

Although this was the result Feng Xuan wanted to achieve.

But seeing him back down, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Is he giving up just like that? It seems that his desire to marry him is not that strong.

Suddenly he was a little angry, anyway, he was the kind of person who was hard to please.

While he was thinking wildly, Qi Zhuoyu looked at him and said word by word, “What’s the use of him liking you so much?”

Feng Xuan found his words strange, the big devil wouldn’t not  know that Dao companion was a pair, and still interfere in this relationship, would he?

Isn’t that knowing third and still being third?

It’s not possible, really not possible.

As a result, Qi Zhuoyu immediately continued, coming to a simple and crude conclusion, “In love, the one who is not loved is the superfluous one, as long as you don’t like him, isn’t it okay?”

Feng Xuan was dumbfounded.

Knowing third and still being third, he really dared!

Fortunately, Qi Zhuoyu still knew to find a suitable reason for himself.

Feng Xuan was left speechless by his series of operations.

Fortunately, the events that followed promptly interrupted this bizarre conversation.

Outside the Changsheng Hall, a rumbling noise suddenly came.

It sounded like tens of thousands of immortal soldiers descending on the hall at the same time.

The next second, a massive surge of spiritual power instantly flooded the Changsheng Hall.

Feng Xuan felt his waist being abruptly hooked, and then he fell into a familiar embrace.

The white jade roof of the Changsheng Hall was flipped over with a “crash”.

Fortunately, Qi Zhuoyu had already taken him out of the hall, otherwise, he would have been buried in the rubble now.

Feng Xuan was choked by the dust raised and coughed continuously.

Before he could see the scene clearly, he first heard the furious voice of Begroga, which was simply hysterical.

“Shameless brat! You dared to kill all the immortals of the Sanqing Realm! You dared to kill my master!”

The smoke dissipated, revealing Begroga, or the real face of Jing Du.

Those who could cultivate into immortals in the Sanqing Realm generally have good temperament and quality, and could be so angry that they didn’t even bother with their own schemes and jump out to curse directly.

It had to be said.

It’s still Qi Zhuoyu.

Jing Du must be regretting enough, after thousands of choices, he chose an uncontrollable madman, his expression was simply furious.

Feng Xuan’s mood couldn’t be said to be without fluctuations, even a little schadenfreude, very puzzled wanting to interview Jing Du.

You? What were you thinking?

Choosing Qi Zhuoyu, a madman among madmen, to play your role?

Being messed up by him, isn’t it a standard ending?

Although I know you are in a hurry now, don’t rush.

Because Qi Zhuoyu might make things even more infuriating for you.

Sure enough, as Feng Xuan said.

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t care about this suddenly appearing immortal, and his sudden hatred, and answered, “Killed is killed, what’s there to be afraid of? If you can’t bear to part with your master, then go die with him.”


Very villainous speech, worthy of you.

Feng Xuan clapped like a seal.

The two people in just a few words have already provoked a gunpowder flavor.

The fight was just a matter of a moment or two.

Qi Zhuoyu put Feng Xuan on the ground, waiting for him to stand firm, “Find a safe place to hide, wait for me to kill this trash, and then come to marry you.”

Feng Xuan: ? What’s going on, it’s a bit touching to say.

But touched to move, Feng Xuan grabbed his sleeve, “Are your injuries okay?”

Qi Zhuoyu was covered in blood, he had just killed so many immortals of the Sanqing Realm, even if it was an illusion, he also had a time of exhaustion, right?

“Don’t worry, I won’t die.” Qi Zhuoyu had a nonchalant arrogant tone.

Hearing him say this, laughing to death, Feng Xuan couldn’t be reassured at all.

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him again, suddenly fierce, “If I die, you come die for love.” (TL: to die together in the name of love)

Feng Xuan: ?? Excuse me!

Give him back those few seconds when he was touched.

Just! Now!

Without giving him time to hesitate, Jing Du’s spiritual power attack came like a storm.

Feng Xuan had no choice but to clutch his small purse and hurriedly run towards a safe place as Qi Zhuoyu had instructed.

But he was a bit worried about Qi Zhuoyu, so he didn’t run far.

As soon as he stood firm, he felt someone suddenly grab his wrist.

He was startled, thinking it was Jing Du, the old scum, playing tricks.

Using the despicable method of not being able to beat Qi Zhuoyu but grabbing him to use as a hostage.

But when he turned his head, he saw a familiar face.

It was “Ah Li’s” good friend in the lower realm, the little black snake.

Feng Xuan also suddenly remembered the plot he had seen in “Ah Li’s” dream.

The last moment of Ah Li’s life was to escape from the Changsheng Hall at all costs and jump down the Biluo River with the little black snake.

No wonder Jing Du couldn’t help but jump out.

According to Qi Zhuoyu’s mess in the Sanqing Realm, not only did he not complete the plot of marrying his fiancee, but he also did not complete the plot of forcing the little carp to escape from the Changsheng Hall.

The soul lamp fragments were nurturing the soul of the little carp.

If everything in the dream couldn’t proceed according to his memories before his death, there was a danger of the soul scattering.

The little black snake grabbed his wrist and got straight to the point, “Come with me!”

Feng Xuan hesitated a bit and looked up at the sky.

At this time, he could no longer see the figures of Qi Zhuoyu and Jing Du.

Only in the clouds, there were occasional terrifying purple thunderbolts, deafening thunder, and large pieces of various buildings and charred immortal soldier corpses constantly falling on the ground, showing the intensity of the two people’s fight.

Good Sanqing Realm.

Now it’s even more terrifying than the Eternal Hell.

He watched for a while before he gritted his teeth and decided to leave with the little black snake.

After all, Feng Xuan understood that listening to the big devil and running away obediently was the best choice. With his cultivation, staying not only wouldn’t help him, but might even cause trouble.

It was only in this very short moment.

The little phoenix, who had been a salted fish for a full 1,700 years, suddenly had a little bit of ambition.


If his cultivation could be a little higher, that would be great-

The dream of the Sanqing Realm was collapsing bit by bit.

The soul of “Ah Li” seemed to be awakening bit by bit in Feng Xuan’s mind as the dream collapsed.

During his escape, his vision blackened in waves.

One moment it was the collapsing Sanqing Realm, the next moment it was the thunderous sound of the immortals coming to capture him.

In the hazy illusion, Feng Xuan seemed to see two extremely embarrassed teenagers.

Ah Li had been locked in the Changsheng Hall for countless days and nights, without a drop of water, like a bowstring pulled to its limit, about to break the next second.

His hands were all Jing Du’s blood, the hot blood sprayed from his heart when he stabbed him in the heart with a dagger on the bed.

He was just a little demon in the lower realm, and now he had seriously injured the war god of the Sanqing Realm, he knew he couldn’t escape.

Jing Du told him that he liked him too. But the little carp didn’t understand, his eyes were sour and he shed many tears.

He said to Jing Du, “But in our demon race, if you like someone, you can only be with that person.”

Jing Du also said to him, calmly stating, “The life of an immortal is long, and the path of cultivation is even more difficult. Qing Ling’s father is the supreme of the Sanqing Realm, I married him, just for more resources.”

He said the Changsheng Hall was so big.

You live in the side hall, and you won’t see Qing Ling in the future.

Ah Li didn’t understand.

He didn’t understand why the immortal world had such complicated rules, such heartbreaking truths.

So he didn’t want to become an immortal anymore, he wanted to go home.

The frog spirit was right, not being a god, being a little demon who only knew how to sunbathe all day was also good.

Ah Li had been running since he came out of the Changsheng Hall, as if this road could not reach the end.

He had heard from the little demons that under the Biluo River was the mortal realm, where there was the only way home.

This illusion was very short, just a flash in Feng Xuan’s mind.

He didn’t even have time to grumble in his heart about how many dog-blood surprises this dog-blood script still had that this god didn’t know.jpg

Just because he was too tired, he couldn’t run.

This bird had always been flying, when had he ever suffered from long-distance running.

The little black snake felt an emptiness in his hand, the wrist he had been holding tightly had been withdrawn without a trace.


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