After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Kill (part 2)

While he was in the Misty Immortal Mansion, he could intermittently maintain his persona as a bright and clear senior brother.

But in a place where he didn’t know anyone, and even had amnesia, his arrogant and domineering nature was fully exposed.

After Qi Zhuoyu finished speaking, he didn’t feel that he had offended anyone.

He was just telling some truths, and the truth was just that hard to hear.

True Lord Yuan Hua seemed to be about to be angered to death by him.

One hand was holding his white long beard, and the other hand was touching his heart, scolding with regret. “You! You rebellious disciple! Do you really want to be an enemy of the entire Sanqing Realm for a mere little demon from the lower realm! Are you so infatuated with him that you must marry him?!”

Who knew, after True Lord Yuan Hua finished speaking.

Qi Zhuoyu really was stunned for a moment, but it wasn’t the repentance that True Lord Yuan Hua hoped for, but a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

So I brought the little fish demon to the upper realm, was it to marry him?

It’s no wonder Qi Zhuoyu had this feeling of sudden realization.

In fact, in the dream condensed by Begroga’s soul lamp, Immortal Jing Du brought the little carp to the Sanqing Realm to seek the Dao, and he didn’t intend to marry him at first.

Therefore, Qi Zhuoyu, who was forcibly infused with Jing Du’s memory.

Naturally, he didn’t think about bringing Feng Xuan to the upper realm, and a possible marriage path.

True Lord Yuan Hua: …Why do I have a feeling of regret for speaking too much?

Immortal Qing Ling looked at Qi Zhuoyu with a thoughtful expression on his face.

He was simply bewitched by the little demon from the lower realm, and felt sad and angry, and said with tears, “Immortal Gentleman Jing Du! If you want to marry that little demon from the lower realm, where will you put me! I will not agree to you starting to take concubines before you marry me!”

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him strangely. “Who said I want to take a concubine?”

Immortal Qing Ling: ? Could it be that when Immortal Gentleman Jing Du saw him crying pitifully, he hanged his mind.

Qi Zhuoyu calmly said, “Of course I want to marry him as my wife.”

Immortal Qing Ling: Damn it! Dead scum man!

Qi Zhuoyu fell into a state of thinking, murmuring to himself. “But you’re right about one thing, I probably can’t have two Dao companions at the same time. That little fish demon is arrogant and willful, and won’t tolerate others, and will cry and wail when he knows.”

Immortal Qing Ling: …I have a strange feeling of goosebumps on my back.

“Since the master thinks that I can’t kill all the immortals in the Sanqing Realm by myself, if you feel that others look down on you, then you should die.” Qi Zhuoyu looked at Immortal Qing Ling in this very matter-of-fact way, and after saying this.

Finally followed his favorite way of killing deep in his heart.

He squeezed Immortal Qing Ling’s head, causing him to turn into a wisp of immortal soul, and dissipated.


When Feng Xuan woke up again, he was choked awake by a strong smell of blood.

It felt as if a large blood tank had suddenly been placed next to him, so strong that he could smell it even if he pinched his nose.

How could there be such a terrible smell of blood in the Sanqing Realm?

Feng Xuan got up from the bed with this doubt, and then saw Qi Zhuoyu, who was walking in large strides from the Changsheng Hall.

He always walked upright and handsome, graceful, much better looking than ordinary people.

But at this moment, Feng Xuan couldn’t appreciate Qi Zhuoyu’s walking style.

Because his whole body was covered in blood, as if he had been fished out of a sea of blood.

That originally white immortal robe was now dyed crimson by blood, Qi Zhuoyu’s skin was originally pale, and this bloody robe made him look even more distinct, with white skin and red lips, giving a strange and terrifying charm.

Like a demon crawling out of the hell of corpses and sea of blood.


Feng Xuan: I only slept for an hour, not ten years in the Changsheng Hall, right?

The big devil was still a good person when he went out, how did he become like this now?!

Qi Zhuoyu himself didn’t think there was any problem, he strode in and sat on Feng Xuan’s bed.

He calmly informed him. “Tonight, I will marry you.”



Feng Xuan: I don’t feel so good.

He might not have slept for ten years, but a hundred years.

Excuse me, which part of the plot is the big devil currently walking through that he missed?

How does it feel like they are now in two completely different books?!

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him without speaking, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. “You don’t want to?”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Feng Xuan was not feeling well at all, was this still a question of whether he was willing or not. “No. Immortal Gentleman, I think, this is not so good.”

Qi Zhuoyu said, “What’s not good?”

What else is not good?

Senior brother, look at you now, what part of you is good?!

Feng Xuan had always been a salted fish, but at this time he was a bit confused. “That is, getting married tonight, won’t it be a bit too hasty? And don’t you have a fiancée in the Sanqing Realm? If you marry me, what will he do?”

The dream of the soul lamp seemed to have no scene of Jing Du and the little carp getting married, Feng Xuan felt that the plot could still be rescued, trying to turn the tide.

“Oh. You mean him.” Qi Zhuoyu showed a long-lost neurotic smile, laughing very freely, “Don’t worry. I’ve already killed him.”

…It’s because of this that he can’t! All! Be! Rest assured!

Feng Xuan felt a bit suffocated.

What happened to the palace fight plot with the little white lotus fiancée whimpering, how can he fight the palace like this?

The opponent of the palace fight is dead!

It’s like preparing for an exam for a long time, and then the test paper was thrown away.

There was a sudden feeling of loneliness and defeat.

Feng Xuan looked at him covered in blood, and a worse premonition emerged from his heart.

He tentatively said, “Even if your fiancée is already dead. But there are so many immortals in the Sanqing Realm, will they agree to you marrying me, a plain little demon from the lower realm?”

Sure enough, the next second.

Qi Zhuoyu continued calmly and gloomily, “No need to worry. I have already anticipated what you said, so…”

The big devil didn’t need the ‘so’.

Looking at his bloody battle record, he knew that all the immortals in the Sanqing Realm were basically on this piece of clothing.

For a while, Feng Xuan didn’t know what to say.

Although the simple and brutal straight man thinking mode of “the solution to the problem is to solve the person who raised the problem” was very in line with the villain persona of the big devil.

But he really didn’t expect that he really had the ability to kill all the people in the Sanqing Realm who defied him.

Although the immortals of this Sanqing Realm were all illusions condensed by the soul lamp, illusions were illusions, even if they couldn’t replicate their spiritual power 100%, but eight out of ten.

Qi Zhuoyu’s cultivation level was probably higher than the deepest realm he imagined.

Feng Xuan’s mood could no longer be expressed by complexity.

Is this something he should think about as a salted fish, so tired, his balding premonition is real.

The situation is really a bit bird head bald now.

He was silent, Qi Zhuoyu broke the silence. “What are you thinking?”

Feng Xuan came back to his senses, his round face with a bit of baby fat wrinkled into a ball, shaking his head. “No, no, I think it’s still not good!”

At this point, Qi Zhuoyu’s face completely sank. “Why not? The fiancée is dead, all those who want to stop me from marrying you are dead, why is it still not good?”

Feng Xuan felt that if he agreed, there would be a big problem.

Isn’t this pure marriage fraud?!

What if the big devil wakes up from the dream and can still remember this part?

Thinking of his attitude towards Xiao Qi in his Book of Fate, his end was not as good as digging wild vegetables!

At least there was still life to live.

He was pressing step by step, Feng Xuan hurriedly climbed onto the bed.

As a result, Qi Zhuoyu directly caught his ankle and pulled him hard into his arms.

Feng Xuan and his strength were far apart.

With this pull, he hit his head in the big devil’s arms, dizzy and painful, and tears came out.

What a copper wall and iron chest.

This is too hard ah.

Seeing Qi Zhuoyu’s expression so irritable as if he wanted to kill someone, Feng Xuan immediately pushed him away with both hands and raised his voice, “I’ll tell you the truth, Immortal Gentleman!”

Feng Xuan assured himself that he had never spoken so fast. “Actually, I already have a Dao companion!”

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him, seeming to see if he was lying.

The more he stared, the tighter his brows furrowed.

“Who is he?” Qi Zhuoyu asked.

“…Qi Zhuoyu.” Feng Xuan said expressionlessly, giving up all hope, and quickly said, “He is very strong.”

Afraid that Qi Zhuoyu would not believe it, he quickly added, “His cultivation is really strong!” The kind of strong that just killed all the immortals in the Sanqing Realm.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly sneered, disdainfully said, “I have never heard of such a person. How strong is he?”

Feng Xuan pursed his lips. “…the same as you.”

Qi Zhuoyu: “?”

Feng Xuan continued with a stiff face. “And he is also very handsome.”

Qi Zhuoyu was even more disdainful. “How handsome can he be?”

The air was quiet for a while.

Feng Xuan hesitated. “…also the same as you.”

Qi Zhuoyu: “…?”

He even fell silent for a few seconds, as if he didn’t understand, his expression was very strange.

Feng Xuan felt that the moment the illusion of the Soul Lamp ended, his life might also end.

In order to strengthen the credibility of his lie, he felt his heartbeat racing, a little afraid to look at him, and told the last lie.

“And… and Qi Zhuoyu, he likes me very much.”


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