After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Straight Ball (part 1)

During mealtime, Feng Xuan politely asked, “Immortal Gentleman, would you like to eat?”

Qi Zhuoyu, who was annoyed by his inexplicable act of cooking, replied, “I’m practicing inedia.” (TL: abstain from eating)


Feng Xuan felt like he understood.

So, he “gulp gulp gulp” drank up the entire bowl of fish soup.

Asking Qi Zhuoyu if he needed a meal seemed to be just a polite question.

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him with a somewhat absurd look in his eyes, as if to say, “You little fish demon really didn’t leave a single bite for him.”

After Feng Xuan finished the soup, he looked up to see Qi Zhuoyu’s unhappy face, then glanced at the small bowl that only had soup residue left.

He belatedly realized.

Should he have left a bit for the big devil, considering he was the patient?

Out of a slight sense of guilt.

The usually carefree bird suddenly felt a bit of conscience sprouting.

Seeing Qi Zhuoyu going to sleep, he hesitated for a moment, and rummaged through his small purse for a while.

Then, before Qi Zhuoyu went to bed, he diligently spread a thick blanket and a brocade quilt made of silk.

Qi Zhuoyu looked at him.

Feng Xuan explained, “You’re injured, I’m afraid you’ll get cold when you sleep, so I added a few more layers of blankets for you.”

After saying that, he patted the blanket with his hand.

He enthusiastically promoted, “This blanket is very comfortable to sleep in.”

Every time he took it out for his own use.

Lying on it, he could fall asleep in less than two seconds. Of course, it might also be because his sleep quality was originally good.

Qi Zhuoyu let out an ambiguous hum from his nose.

Looking at his expression, it seemed quite satisfactory.

After getting into bed, Feng Xuan found a small stool to sit by the bed, then watched over him as he slept.

This serious look, as if he really put in all his effort, taking care of the patient.

As a war god of the Sanqing Realm, he should have long been accustomed to others’ care.

However, for some unknown reason, seeing Feng Xuan sitting on the cold stool, a sense of incongruity arose in his heart.

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him, then opened his mouth, “Aren’t you going to sleep?”

Feng Xuan thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head, “I won’t sleep. I’ll stay awake at night to take care of you.”

Hearing the words “take care of you”, Qi Zhuoyu let out a cold laugh.

Being so delicate that he couldn’t even cook a fish properly, what kind of care could he provide?

Qi Zhuoyu spoke, in a commanding tone, “Get in bed and sleep.”

Feng Xuan paused, “…Is that okay? Immortal Gentleman, this bed is too small.”

It’s not that he really wanted to refuse.

The big devil didn’t even look at their current poor living conditions.

This small, broken bed, could it fit two people at the same time?

He was afraid that the moment he got on the bed, it would collapse.

“If I say it fits, it fits.” Qi Zhuoyu spoke again, very domineering.

This time, Feng Xuan didn’t refuse anymore.

After all, he had felt his own blanket, soft and thick, super comfortable, much better than the hard stool he was sitting on now.

After a little hesitation, Feng Xuan completely laid down.

Anyway, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t mind the squeeze, what did he have to complain about? Besides, it’s not like the two of them hadn’t squeezed onto a single bed before.

That’s what he said, but when he really climbed into bed and laid next to Qi Zhuoyu.

Suddenly he felt a little uncomfortable, and couldn’t fall asleep after changing several positions.

Qi Zhuoyu frowned, “What’s wrong again?”

Feng Xuan was all curled up in the brocade quilt, showing only his head, “Immortal Gentleman, it’s nothing. I just want to find a more proper position, a bit further from you, so as not to touch your wound.”

Hearing the words “a bit further from you”, Qi Zhuoyu paused.

Then he closed his eyes and said without any change in expression, “No need.”

This tone, there was a sense of “you this little demon can’t make any waves in the quilt”, and a kind of “even if the wound is touched, I won’t bother to cry out in pain” arrogance.

Alright then. Since the big devil said so, Feng Xuan was too embarrassed to be coy anymore.

Mainly because sleeping against the wall was cold and not comfortable at all.

Where was it as warm as the part of the quilt near Qi Zhuoyu.

Qi Zhuoyu’s body was also strange.

During the day when the sun was high, his skin was cold, but at night when the weather was cold, he felt warm all over.

If the big devil didn’t play the villain who destroyed the world.

Relying on his face, he could probably make a good living as a warm bed male pet.

When he was lost in thought, Feng Xuan’s consciousness became a bit blurry with his eyes closed.

Before falling asleep, he didn’t forget to speak, probably because he was about to fall asleep, his tone was sticky and mumbled, “If I touch your wound at night, remember to push me away.”

After thinking about it, he added another sentence for himself.

“But don’t worry, Immortal Gentleman, I’m very honest when I sleep, I won’t move at all.”


Qi Zhuoyu had a faint scent of plants and trees on him. At first, Feng Xuan didn’t know what the smell was, he just felt it was similar to the smell under the wutong tree.

Therefore, when he was next to Qi Zhuoyu, he had a feeling of napping under the wutong tree. Just like a raccoon would roll comfortably when it smelled mint, he fell asleep especially quickly in this light woody fragrance.

And when he fell asleep, he had a dream within a dream.

Feng Xuan himself was in a dream condensed by the fragments of the soul lamp, because he was the master of the soul lamp.

When he was awake, the soul lamp didn’t have much influence on him, only when he was asleep, the residual souls in the fragments would affect him.

The first scene in the dream was a boy about his age.

This boy had always lived in a small pond in the South Sea Demon Realm. Because he was caught by humans when he was young, he lost half of his tail.

Seeing this, Feng Xuan realized whose dream it was.

It was Ah Li.

After Ah Li lost half of his tail, he could no longer continue to cultivate.

Seeing that the fish demons of the same race all crossed the Dragon Gate and became merpeople after they grew up, his desire to cultivate into an immortal became stronger and stronger.

Until one day, the war between immortals and demons broke out again in the South Sea Demon Realm, and Ah Li accidentally picked up a memory-lost upper immortal from the Sanqing Realm, Immortal gentleman Jing Du, by the Biluo Lake.

At first, Ah Li didn’t know he was the famous war god. Out of the kindness of saving people, he took in Jing Du and took care of him carefully.

Ah Li would occasionally go outside to catch some small fish and shrimp, make unpalatable meals to take care of Jing Du. Soon Jing Du couldn’t stand his astonishing cooking skills, so Jing Du cooked, and Ah Li waited eagerly for the meal.

The two of them spent a relatively peaceful time in the small wooden house.

Until one day, Jing Du healed his wounds, suddenly revealed his identity, and asked Ah Li if he would like to return to the Sanqing Realm with him.

At first, Ah Li was at a loss, but later, under Jing Du’s repeated pleas, he hesitated and agreed.

He wanted to cultivate into an immortal.

The Sanqing Realm had better spiritual energy and magic weapons, as long as he became an upper immortal, he could ascend and enter the sea like other merpeople.

His father was a very old merman, because he was missing half of his tail, his father was often looked down upon by his own kind.

On the day he went to the Sanqing Realm, Ah Li said goodbye to his good friends in his pond.

The noisy frog demon, the gentle snail lady, and a little black snake that he grew up with.

Ah Li said to them, “Wait for me to learn the immortal arts in the Sanqing Realm, and I will come back to play with you, okay?”

When the dream came here, Feng Xuan thought about what he said.

There were more flags inserted behind the old general on the stage.

Sure enough, after Ah Li followed Jing Du to the Sanqing Realm, he not only didn’t learn the immortal arts, but also because he was a mortal demon with low Mana.

The upper immortals of the Sanqing Realm all looked down on him, even a tea-serving immortal servant could yell at him.

Thus soon, Ah Li got tired of this life. The immortal palace of the Sanqing Realm was tall and majestic, but he began to miss his small pond.

When the idea of going home came up, Ah Li started to pack his luggage. But Jing Du inexplicably went crazy, not allowing him to go down to the mortal world, and locked him in his own sleeping palace.

Day after day, he was locked in the square immortal palace.

Until the war in the South Sea Demon Realm broke out again, Jing Du led the troops to fight, and wiped out the rebellious merpeople.

The battle didn’t last long, Jing Du’s cultivation was unfathomable, a divine body short of becoming a god. In less than half a day, the South Sea Demon Realm was full of floating corpses, and blood was flowing.

The merpeople were weak in military strength, so the old, weak, sick, and disabled were all conscripted to the front line, including Ah Li’s father.

Ah, this.

The mural he saw in Guixu Country before.

He thought this Ah Li carp took ‘thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully the young and poor’ script, but it turned out to be a bloody melodrama of deep hatred and love.  (TL: the world is ever-changing. So don’t bully a young man because he is poor now. Maybe in the future, this person will be not be poor)

This kind of plot that ‘even though I killed your father and your family and your ancestors for eighteen generations, but I love you so you should forgive me’.

While Feng Xuan was amazed, he couldn’t help but continue to watch what was going on.

He could guess the rest of the dream with his toes.

Ah Li must have known that Jing Du had killed all the merpeople, so he ran away on the day Jing Du and his fiance got married. That’s right, Jing Du, this scum immortal in the Sanqing Realm, also had a fiancee, really a standard set of a scum man.

Ah Li didn’t even run away, he was caught up by Jing Du on the bank of the Biluo River.

In utter despair, he jumped into the Biluo River.

There were rumors in the Sanqing Realms that beneath the Biluo River was the vast mortal world.

The little demons in the mortal world believed that jumping into the Biluo River was the way home.

But in fact, it’s not. Above was the vast blue sky, below was the gloomy netherworld. Beneath the Biluo River, it’s actually the gloomy Yellow Springs.

Even the gods who have experienced calamities have to strip off their divine power when they jump into the Biluo River, becoming ordinary people without any weapons.

When he, a little carp spirit, jumped down, the outcome was predictable. His soul was scattered, and he died without a whole body.

Then Jing Du, all by himself, went crazy, running around to repair Ah Li’s soul by huffing and puffing at innocent passersby.


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