After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Jealousy (part 1)

Feng Xuan casually mentioned a pond.

But unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, a strange memory appeared in his mind.

He really did have a pond here.

This strange memory should belong to the master of the dream, “Ah Li”.

Probably because he had now become him in the dream, that’s why he had his memory.

Although he didn’t understand what Begroga’s purpose was.

Was it to let him and Qi Zhuoyu play some strange role-playing game inside?

But he remembered the first picture on the mural.

It was the little carp who saved the calm and steady Immortal Gentleman Jing Du from the edge of the South Sea.

So if he follows the plot, there should be no mistake, right?

Just as he was about to help Qi Zhuoyu up, Feng Xuan suddenly hesitated again.

This scene was incredibly familiar.

The big devil lay by the water, seriously injured.

Isn’t this the scene when he first had a love poison attack?

Of course, more importantly, the broken stones upstream of this green lake were no less than the creek back then.

Feng Xuan was still wearing shoes at that time, but now snow white bare feet, from the hair to the curled toes, all exude an unwilling attitude.

Qi Zhuoyu had lost his own consciousness and should only have the memory of being the immortal gentleman.

Having been a high and above immortal gentleman for so long, even if it was a short-term memory loss, facing a small carp demon, it was also condescending.

He was ready to be helped up.

But after waiting for a long time, Feng Xuan hesitantly asked, “Can you move by yourself?”

Qi Zhuoyu: ?

For some reason, a sentence popped up in his mind.

If he could move, would he still be lying here motionless from his injuries?

Seeing him so badly injured, Feng Xuan knew he couldn’t walk.

So he tactfully suggested, “If it’s inconvenient to move, you can crawl.”

Back then, the little carp might have gritted its teeth and endured the pain, carrying the calm and steady immortal gentleman back to the small pond with injuries all over its body.

But if it were him, Feng Xuan, he would rather die than endure this hardship.

After hearing this, Qi Zhuoyu stared at him.

Feng Xuan, feeling guilty under his gaze, looked away.

What’s so fierce about it, big devil?

He had such a big accident and still said he would cover him.

Who would have thought that Qi Zhuoyu just hesitated and asked, “Have we really not met before?”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Feng Xuan also hesitated for a moment, “Are you looking for an excuse to strike up a conversation with me?”

The two of them just looked at each other for a few seconds.

Clearly, he had never seen this little demon before, but Qi Zhuoyu, as if possessed, subconsciously said, “…Maybe?”


The big devil is really something, even with such amnesia, he didn’t forget to flirt.


That being said, but Feng Xuan didn’t really leave Qi Zhuoyu by the lake.

He ran around barefoot and finally found a branch to his liking, about as thick as his forearm.

Considering the height of the big devil.

Feng Xuan specifically picked the longest and thickest one. When he carried it over, he was a bit stumbling because it was dragging on the ground.

With the crutch, Qi Zhuoyu finally stood up from the edge of the lake.

He didn’t feel it when he was lying on the ground, but when he got up, he found that the blood from his wound had dyed a large area of the lake water red.

A bright red patch.

It made Feng Xuan feel a bit dazzling.

Although this was just a fantasy condensed by the soul lamp.

But Begroga was too much, the fantasy should not arrange for Qi Zhuoyu to be so seriously injured.

Feng Xuan was a little angry when he saw it.

He didn’t understand why he was angry, but he had already made a big mark on Begroga in his notebook.

He couldn’t beat him.

After leaving the illusion, he will go to the big devil to complain.jpg

But as soon as this idea came out.

Feng Xuan was shocked for a moment.

…Why would he think of complaining to Qi Zhuoyu the first time?

Damn it, has he completely fallen into a small villain now?

Feng Xuan didn’t speak for a long time, and Qi Zhuoyu turned his head to look at him, “Why aren’t you walking?”

Why are you standing there straight? Aren’t you going to take him back to the pond?

“Oh.” Feng Xuan suddenly came back to his senses. Fortunately, he was a happy-go-lucky person who didn’t think about things he didn’t understand. He naturally helped Qi Zhuoyu up by the arm.

It was fine not to help, but as soon as he did, he saw the reflection in the lake, and inexplicably felt a sense of déjà vu of a grandson helping an old grandfather.

As soon as this sense of déjà vu came out, Feng Xuan couldn’t help but twitch his mouth, wanting to laugh.

No, he had to hold back, or he would lose ten years of merit with this laugh.

But when he looked up, he found that Qi Zhuoyu was looking at him.

His gaze was heavy, his expression froze for a second, and he couldn’t tell what emotion it was.

Feng Xuan was startled by his gaze and subconsciously looked away.

Then he realized after the fact that the big devil was now amnesiac.

He shouldn’t be able to read minds anymore, right?

But why did he feel that Qi Zhuoyu’s expression just now was very strange–

When they arrived at the small pond, Feng Xuan saw a small wooden house from a distance.

It was pitifully small, but when he pushed the door open, it was quite clean.

There was only a bed and a table in the room.

The bedding on the bed was neatly folded, and there was freshly poured tea on the table, obviously someone was living here.

Qi Zhuoyu was helped onto the bed and was ready to lie down and close his eyes to rest.

But as soon as he woke up and lay down, he was forcibly pulled up by Feng Xuan.

What goes around comes around. He didn’t expect to have a day when he would pull the big devil up from the bed.

Feng Xuan even wanted to use the Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains Painting to record this precious moment.

Qi Zhuoyu was pulled up to sit, giving him a “?” look.

This look was usually used by Feng Xuan to scold people, but considering that Qi Zhuoyu was now amnesiac.

Feng Xuan still decided to forgive this unfilial son’s behavior as a father forgives his son.

He spoke calmly, “You’re injured, you can’t sleep yet.”

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression changed again.

It was a kind of arrogant expression that said, “What’s the big deal about a minor injury?” and “This injury is nothing at all.”

Seeing this, Feng Xuan took a deep breath.

Alright, alright, you’re the strongest, you’re the number one in the three realms.

Useless Senior brother, it’s because you’re too confident in yourself that you’re lying here injured.

Calling him ‘Fan Cheyu’ was really deserving.

Feng Xuan decided to vindictively write the big devil’s name in his little notebook of grudges.

When the time comes, he would flip through it page by page to show him how coldly he treated his innocent, weak, and pitiful Dao companion when he lost his memory!

He hoped that when he beat him up, he wouldn’t be soft.

The injuries caused by the beating must be more serious than now!

Feng Xuan ignored his expression and directly stripped off Qi Zhuoyu’s outer clothes.

His movements were so skilled that it seemed like he had done it countless times.

So Qi Zhuoyu’s expression became a bit strange. As a war god of the Sanqing Realm, since the war in the South Sea Demon Realm broke out, getting injured had become a common occurrence. He had already cultivated into an immortal body, even if he was injured, it’s simply waiting for self-recovery, he never thought he needed treatment.

What made him feel even stranger was that if anyone else dared to strip his clothes like this, this person would have been crushed by him long ago.

But for this little fish demon.

He didn’t have a trace of murderous intent in his heart, and even felt strangely accustomed.

As early as in the Sanqing Realm, he had heard that the demons in the lower realms were all enchanting and could bewitch people’s hearts.

But he heard that most of his colleagues were dizzy by the fox spirits, could it be that the fish demon clan also has some…charm technique?


Did he just think about crushing someone’s head in his heart?

Why would he, a lofty immortal gentleman of the Sanqing Realm, think of such a cruel way to kill?

Qi Zhuoyu’s thoughts were flying, but his face was calm and composed, not revealing a bit.

When Feng Xuan stripped off his outer clothes, he found that the wounds inside were much more serious than he had imagined.

Even the large patch of blood he saw by the lake earlier was considered less. Looking at these wounds, he’s afraid half of the blood in his body has dried up.

If it weren’t for Qi Zhuoyu’s strong physical fitness.

He probably wouldn’t be able to move at this moment.

…It’s just so annoying.

Decided to give Begroga this stinky idiot a big grudge!!

“Ugh.” Qi Zhuoyu grunted.

Feng Xuan then came back to his senses, realizing that he had been too engrossed in scolding Begroga, the stinky idiot, causing him to be too heavy-handed.

He quickly made the spiritual power he inputted much softer, slowly covering Qi Zhuoyu’s back.

The pale and delicate palm was filled with a light green healing spell, bit by bit it entered Qi Zhuoyu’s wounds. Although his spiritual power entered Qi Zhuoyu’s body, it was like a drop of water entering the sea, but it was better than nothing.

“Did it hurt just now? Is it better now?” Feng Xuan asked softly.

“Hmm.” Qi Zhuoyu answered casually.

Then, as if realizing something, he added coldly, “It didn’t hurt just now.”

Feng Xuan: “…”

Senior brother.

Even after changing into an immortal gentleman’s identity, do you still have to pretend to be this forceful?

Forget it, forget it.

After all, Qi Zhuoyu was a lifelong strong elementary school chicken, he had already seen the nature of the big devil.

Feng Xuan quietly healed him again.

First, heal some of the shallower wounds, then heal the deeper wounds, slowly and steadily.

No one spoke, and the room suddenly became very quiet.

Qi Zhuoyu spoke, “Do you often heal people?”


Not really.


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