After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Overturned Fish (part 2)

Gradually, the person speaking walked in front of Feng Xuan.

Sure enough, it was the national king Begroga.

He! Just! Knew! It!

This villain who could be guessed with his feet had no highlights.

If reality was a storybook, he silently decided in his heart to add ten bad reviews.

Begroga squatted down, looking at him with a sticky, cold, and nostalgic look.

“Ah Li, this is a dream I made for you with the soul lamp for hundreds of years. When the dream is over, you will wake up.”

“As long as you fall in love with me again in your dream, we can be together forever.”


Who would fall in love with you, an old man who is half in the coffin and has entered the soil!

He would rather admit that the big devil is the number one handsome guy in the three realms!

However, looking at Begroga’s self-talking appearance.

Does he think he is unconscious?

It seems so.

The reason why the Soul Lamp was called the Soul Lamp was that it could nourish the soul and bring the dead back to life.

Feng Xuan guessed that the reason he fell into this dream was probably because of the fragment of the Soul Lamp just now.

The fragment should be nurturing a soul, and the owner of the soul was also the owner of this dream.

It should be this person called “Ah Li”.

The reason why he could still stay awake in the illusion.

Laughable. Please, the Soul Lamp is his natal magic lamp!

Begroga, this unlucky guy, is really unlucky.

Who is not good to use the Soul Lamp to detain, but to detain the owner of the Soul Lamp.

But looking at Begroga still murmuring in front of him.

Feng Xuan felt a little unable to continue acting, if he didn’t leave, relying on his touching acting skills, the next second would reveal the fact that he was awake.

Fortunately, Begroga had no intention of continuing.

Just looked forward with a deep gaze and said, “Here it comes.”

Then he disappeared in the illusion.

…I don’t know if he left or not.

Feng Xuan really doubted where Begroga was hiding and observing in secret, after all, in the storybook, it was performed like this.

After confirming that there was no one around, Feng Xuan carefully stood up.

At the same time, he also knew what Begroga’s “Here it comes” meant.

Upstream of the lake, a “corpse” gradually floated down.

Since it appeared in “Ah Li”’s dream, it definitely wouldn’t be any passerby.

Feng Xuan took a curious glance.

The more he looked, the more familiar the man’s figure seemed.

Familiar to the point that if he didn’t go over and confirm.

He would stay up all night and couldn’t sleep.

Feng Xuan picked up the hem, only to find that his clothes had changed.

Originally he was wearing a light cyan barbarian costume, now it looked more like a thin gauze intertwined with scarlet and apricot yellow, ten tender toes were round and cute, and there was not even a pair of shoes.

The hair was no longer adorned with jewels, but it looked like pearls, small shells, and seaweed corals picked up from somewhere, adorned with pearls and shells, braided into a loose twist, the black and dense hair was a bit naturally curly, fluffy like seaweed, and the hair ended all the way to the ankle.

It looked like a demon’s dress.

Took a glance at the face reflected in the water.

Strange, the face was still his own face, but the identity had become “Ah Li”?

Feng Xuan suppressed the doubts in his heart, ran upstream hurriedly, and then turned the “corpse” upstream.

Then he saw the familiar and owed handsome face of the big devil.



It’s Qi Zhuoyu indeed!

And, Qi Zhuoyu seemed to be not wearing the original clothes in the dream.

He was wearing a silver armor, but it was scarred and the armor was broken.

The only thing that could confirm the identity was a jade token around his waist.

Feng Xuan had no intention of respecting his privacy at all, and pulled off the jade token.

It was engraved with Qi Zhuoyu’s identity in the dream.

The immortal of the Three Pure Realms, Immortal Gentleman Jing Du.


Seeing these four words, Feng Xuan felt quite familiar.

Thinking carefully, something in his brain connected all at once.

This Ah Li and this Immortal Gentleman Jing Du, aren’t they the characters on the mural in the corridor of Guixu Country?

Because he peeked at the shocking gossip of the Guixu Country royal family there.

So Feng Xuan had a particularly deep impression of the mural content in the corridor, and the maid’s words also emerged in his mind.

It was rumored that a hundred years ago, a war between immortals and demons broke out in the South Sea Demon Realm, and it lasted for ten years.

In one battle, Immortal Gentleman Jing Du, the war god of the Three Pure Realms, fell into the Nanhai Sea and was saved by a carp.

Could it be that the “Ah Li” in this dream is the little carp that saved Immortal Gentleman Jing Du a hundred years ago?

Looking at the big devil’s jade token, he suddenly felt a bit unfair. What’s going on?

Both of them ended up in the dream due to an accident.

Why is he a war god?

And I’m just a little carp demon?!

While he was thinking wildly, a violent coughing sound came from his side.

Qi Zhuoyu woke up.

It had to be said that he had seen Qi Zhuoyu in the uniform of the cultivation world, and he had also seen him in the clothes of the mortal world.

This was the first time he had seen the big devil wearing the clothes of the immortal world. The silver armor on him actually looked good.

His ponytail was high, and because of the battle damage, his hair was a bit messy, and a few strands were wet and sticking to his temples. The bangs that were always neatly parted in the middle have also become side-parted, and there was a two-finger-wide plain forehead in the middle of his forehead, stained with blood.

Qi Zhuoyu’s appearance was actually elegant and beautiful, but now that he had changed his dress, he seemed a bit handsome and unrestrained.

He stared at Feng Xuan for a while.

His peach blossom eyes were deep, and he couldn’t see any emotions.

For some reason, Feng Xuan felt a little nervous in his heart.

The big devil was so powerful, he had never seen him lose himself in the illusion.

Does he still remember me this time?

Just silently looking at each other.

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit inexplicably suffocating.

Then he heard Qi Zhuoyu speak, “Where is this? Who am I?”


Completely overturned.

Feng Xuan had long told him not to be blindly confident all day long.

Look, it’s good now.

He was both angry and depressed.

But after thinking about it, forget it!

Where can the illusion condensed by the Soul Lamp be comparable to a nightmare beast?

Except for him, I’m afraid that other upper gods in the Ninth Heaven may not be able to maintain their self-consciousness.

Feng Xuan gave up and said, “This is the Nanhai Sea Guixu.”

Qi Zhuoyu nodded, and asked again, “Then who am I?”

Feng Xuan stared at him deeply.

Qi Zhuoyu: ?

Feng Xuan spoke, “Don’t you remember anything, in fact, your name is.”

After a pause, he continued, “Fan Cheyu.” (TL: Overturned Fish)

Qi Zhuoyu: …?

Qi Zhuoyu seemed a bit uncertain, not knowing if it was because of the damage to his throat, his voice was low and hoarse, “Fan Che…yu?”

A look that seemed a bit unacceptable to his name.

Qi Zhuoyu digested for a while, and asked, “And who are you?”

Feng Xuan felt that he could now face all this calmly.

So he took a breath, with a very sincere expression, “Yang Yude.” (TL: Fish Farmer or Breeder)

The air was quiet again for a few seconds.

Qi Zhuoyu looked at the little demon in front of him.

Although it was the first meeting, but in just a few words, he always felt a weird sense of familiarity.

Especially when he heard the three words “Yang Yude”, he felt a bit of blood rushing.

It felt like he could cough up another mouthful of blood.

Feng Xuan didn’t stop after he finished speaking, he sat next to Qi Zhuoyu, holding his legs with both hands.

His figure was not tall, when he squatted down, he was only a small ball, and he was wearing a demon’s clothes, which looked particularly immature.

Feng Xuan compared two slender fingers, “Like you, I have two more fish at home.” (TL: Yu=fish)

Qi Zhuoyu: The feeling of wanting to cough up blood is getting stronger and stronger.

Feng Xuan looked at him, hesitated and said, “But, if you have nowhere to go now.”

After a pause, he invited with his most sincere tone, his apricot eyes were curved, blinking, “Do you want to come to the pond in my house?”


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