After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Sweet Talk Skill (part 1)

After Qi Zhuoyu finished speaking, he let go of his cheek.

Perhaps because he had been well taken care of by the big devil recently, he felt good when he let go, and pinched it hard twice more.

What else could Feng Xuan do?

He could only be good-tempered.

Considering that the food and drink were all prepared by the big devil.

He just let him pinch it as a protection fee.

After Qi Zhuoyu finished pinching, he straightened up.

He flicked Feng Xuan’s forehead, his tone was rarely comforting with a hint of helplessness. “What are you thinking about, you are still young. Go to sleep quickly.”

He didn’t go to bed to sleep, but he didn’t stay too far away either.

He found a chair by the window, sat with his sword, and closed his eyes to rest.

Only at this time, he could suddenly feel.

Qi Zhuoyu looked like a senior brother.

The air in the bedroom quieted down instantly.

The quietness could be described as somewhat deathly still.

After a while, when Feng Xuan confirmed that Qi Zhuoyu might have fallen asleep.

He quietly got up from the bed, tiptoed to the door.

He got to the empty corridor, then instantly used his spiritual power to make himself a big cup of ice water.

He drank half a cup with a “dunk dunk dunk”.

…What the hell.

Even after drinking half a cup, Feng Xuan felt his face was terribly hot.

Without conjuring an ice mirror, he could guess that his ears must be red now.

What did the big devil mean by that?

Did he deliberately tease him?

To be honest, although the two were Dao companions.

But due to being too plastic at the beginning, and it was also written in the Book of Fate that Qi Zhuoyu should have a deep dislike and dissatisfaction with “himself”. So he never thought that one day he could hear such frivolous words from the big devil.

He, actually, flirted, with him!

Feng Xuan was so angry that he “dunk dunk dunk” finished the rest of the ice water.

Probably because his identity in the Ninth Heaven was noble, so he had lived for more than a thousand years and had never seen this scene.

Even felt that pouring down a large cup of ice water was hard to hide the shock in his heart.

The cold wind in the corridor blew, and Feng Xuan felt his brain clear a bit.

And remembered another thing.

Qi Zhuoyu also said that he’s thinking too much.

Who is thinking too much? This Lao Sepei is really lustful, he is just simply worried that he can’t sleep well! (TL: Lao Sepei-People who like erotic/porn/sexy contents.)

And said he was young.

Apart from his age, where is he very young? Is the big devil very big?

But at this time, he suddenly remembered some descriptions in the Book of Fate.

If it’s not big, it wouldn’t be able to torture every time.

Okay. Can.

What’s the use of being big!

A year later, your wife’s ashes will be raised by you.

Still can’t exercise his abilities.

Feng Xuan just stood in the corridor for a while, feeling that he could go back to sleep calmly.

Anyway, there was nothing that couldn’t be solved by sleeping. If it couldn’t be solved, it’s not enough sleep.

Just about to turn around and go back, he saw a sneaky shadow flashing at the other end of the corridor.


This kind of protagonist couldn’t sleep late at night and went out, and then catches the villain who was messing around outside.

The plot is very familiar, isn’t this exactly the same as the drama fold he just watched this morning?

Feng Xuan was a little curious, wanted to follow up and take a look, but felt that his behavior was simply too deadly.

If the drama fold was written like this next, the ending waiting for him was to be caught by the monster, and then drag a huge hind leg.

Feng Xuan would give this stupid protagonist ten bad reviews.

So he immediately wisely returned to the bedroom.

And then woke up Qi Zhuoyu. “Senior brother.”

Qi Zhuoyu lifted his eyelids and looked at him expressionlessly. “You better have a suitable reason for interrupting my cultivation in the middle of the night.”

Feng Xuan complained in his heart that the big devil was really double standard, and he, who was beautiful and kind, had never blamed him for waking him up every night.

“Senior brother. I just saw a sneaky shadow and wanted to take a look.”

Feng Xuan hesitated for a while, and honestly confessed. “But I’m afraid it’s a monster, I can’t beat him.”

“So you came to find me for this little thing?” Qi Zhuoyu opened his mouth.

Feng Xuan nodded, and then shook his head. “How can this be considered a small matter?”

Qi Zhuoyu thought that the little ancestor really discovered some shocking conspiracy.

In the next second, Feng Xuan said confidently. “Things related to me are not small matters for Senior brother.”

There was a weird silence between the two for a moment.

After a while, Feng Xuan hesitated and said, “Senior brother, why don’t you refute me?”

According to the big devil’s kind of anger that didn’t cost lives, he should question him, did he say this sentence backwards?

Qi Zhuoyu pinched his eyebrows, feeling a headache.

In the next second, he picked up Feng Xuan like a kitten, with a calm expression.

“Senior brother does not refute this reasonable fact.”


After a long time, Feng Xuan was still thinking about Qi Zhuoyu’s answer in his mind.

What does that mean? It won’t be what he thought, right?

Did the big devil suddenly run somewhere to cultivate a language skill?

How come he recently self-taught and opened a high-level sweet talk skill?!

Thinking hard and thinking about it.

Feng Xuan finally chose to give up!

Mainly because Qi Zhuoyu had already found the place where the shadow finally arrived based on his description.

Feng Xuan looked at this place and it seemed a bit familiar.

Isn’t this the corridor full of murals that the maid took him through in the afternoon?

And the sneaky shadow is none other than the ruler of Guixu Country, Begroga.


The king was actually a big villain, really a standard plot.

Not sure, observe again.

Feng Xuan jumped off Qi Zhuoyu in an instant.

Yes, since he got used to sitting on the arm of the big devil, he had completely accepted this daddy holding his daughter’s posture.

And now he could even jump into Qi Zhuoyu’s arms when he went out.

It could be said that the arms of the big devil was his exclusive seat.

After Feng Xuan jumped down, he found a flower bed to squat behind and observe in secret.

As a result, he found that the big devil was standing straight in the corridor, with such a tall figure, he was really not afraid that others would see him.

Feng Xuan reached out to pull his clothes.

Qi Zhuoyu frowned, seeming not to understand what he meant.

Feng Xuan spoke softly, “Senior brother, we are stalking others, you will be discovered if you stand here like this.”

More importantly, there was no sense of excitement in observing secretly!

“As long as I don’t want him to find out, he will never find us.” Qi Zhuoyu calmly said some very arrogant words.

Of course, what he said was also true.

But he couldn’t resist Feng Xuan’s sudden drama addiction.

After being pulled twice, Qi Zhuoyu helplessly squatted behind the flower bed with him.

As soon as he squatted down, his knee touched the ground, and he picked up Feng Xuan and put it on his leg.

Feng Xuan was put on a: “?”

Qi Zhuoyu was so annoyed by him, he spoke faintly. “Is it okay now?”

Feng Xuan: Senior brother, actually I didn’t mean that.jpg

Where did the big devil see that he was tired of squatting and wanted to sit?!

Does he think in his heart that he is such a delicate bag that can’t eat a bit of bitterness?!

Okay, he is.

The main thing was that sitting was really much more comfortable than squatting.

Feng Xuan really wanted to stand up with dignity.

But after struggling for a while, he decided to lie flat.

On the other side, Begroga just stood in front of a mural for a long time.

In the quiet corridor, his low sigh and a famous Central Plains poem came:

“Years of life and death are boundless, and the soul has never come into the dream.”

“Up to the blue sky and down to the yellow spring, both places are vast and invisible.”

No wonder the origin legend of Guixu Country was a combination of Chinese and Western.

Didn’t expect Begroga to be a lover of ancient poetry.

Feng Xuan felt that this poem was very familiar, but he didn’t remember where he had seen it for a while.

After a while, a second person came into the corridor.

It was not someone else, it was Princess Aman, Begroga’s beloved daughter.

As soon as she came, Feng Xuan’s eyes fell on her.

Not for anything else, mainly because the Book of Fate said that she was one of the big devil’s unspoken confidantes.

A woman who could make Qi Zhuoyu look at her differently was definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

But Feng Xuan still had a question.

The Book of Fate clearly said that Princess Aman should have fallen in love with Qi Zhuoyu at first sight in Chang’an, so why hasn’t she approached the big devil a few times until now?

What about the promised frame and then a big fight with him?

But soon, Feng Xuan’s doubts were answered.

Princess Aman came to Begroga’s side and called softly, “Father King.”

Begroga turned his head to look at her, his eyes staring at Aman’s beautiful face for a long time, but for some reason, it seemed more like looking at someone else through her face.

In the next second, Princess Aman’s hands coquettishly wrapped around Begroga’s neck, wanting to offer her red lips.

Seeing this, Feng Xuan was completely not okay.

It’s simply being split by the Ninth Heaven Profound Thunder horizontally and vertically, and then split back and forth.

The brain couldn’t be said to be blank.

But it could be said to be completely speechless.

Help! Fate! Ah!

He said, why was Princess Aman indifferent to Qi Zhuoyu, and ignored him.

It turns out that she is in love with someone else!

This person is not an ordinary person, it is actually his own father!

…Can he, a little phoenix who is only 1,700 years old, watch this?

Obviously not.


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