After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Heartbeat (part 2)

Qi Zhuoyu followed Feng Xuan’s gaze and took a look.

Grass was grass, water was water, sand was sand, there was nothing particularly beautiful.

Qi Zhuoyu disdainfully said, “I don’t think so.”

He also attacked him personally, “It’s just that you are too lazy to go out on weekdays, so you haven’t seen these things.”

But when he looked at Feng Xuan, he had a thought.

The little Dao companion was lying lazily, picking a few palm leaves to make a sunshade.

The sunlight passed through the cracks and fell on his face, making his cheeks a little red.

He was as comfortable as a lazy cat taking a nap.

It’s a bit more interesting than these landscapes.

He didn’t feel tired at first, but after looking at Feng Xuan a few times, he suddenly felt tired afterwards.

As if he was really infected by his emotions.

Therefore, Feng Xuan was sleeping well on the ice bed alone, and in the next second Qi Zhuoyu squeezed over with a justified expression.

He: ?

Just now, he attacked him for being lazy.

What are you doing now grabbing his bed?

When he was in the Zhujian Xiaozhu before, Feng Xuan would take a nap under the Wutong tree, and Qi Zhuoyu would sometimes squeeze over to sleep together.

So when Qi Zhuoyu came over, he gave him a position very skillfully.

What else can he do? He can’t beat him anyway.

He could only forgive this unfilial son like a father forgives his own son.

After Qi Zhuoyu sat down, he even upgraded the ice bed.

The original dry rectangular ice block made by Feng Xuan, under Qi Zhuoyu’s spiritual power, instantly stretched and deformed, becoming a luxurious bed that was dozens of times larger, and even had very fine carvings.

Feng Xuan was shocked for several seconds.

No way. Does this big devil also cheat according to the basic law? How can he, a variant thunder spirit root, control ice?!

As far as he knows, unless he steps into the immortal land.

Otherwise, it is impossible to control all spells at will.

Noticing his gaze, Qi Zhuoyu said lightly, “Do you think I’m the same as those wastes in the cultivation world?”

Feng Xuan: Oh. I forgot, this person still has half of the demon clan’s bloodline.

I don’t know what to say, I can only offer the boss a bowl of iced cherries.

Qi Zhuoyu glanced at his half-eaten ice cream, didn’t say anything, and directly scooped a spoonful with the spoon he had eaten.

When he put it in his mouth, Feng Xuan reacted a bit slowly.

Why is he using the spoon he has eaten?

Isn’t it said in the Book of Fate that Qi Zhuoyu has a cleanliness obsession and never eats things that others have eaten?

At that time, Feng Xuan saw it and even complained that such people deserved to starve to death if they encountered difficulties in the wilderness.

But thinking about it carefully, along the way, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t seem to have shown any cleanliness in front of him.

All he couldn’t finish went into the other’s stomach, and he treated the big devil like a trash bin.

He didn’t feel it before.

But now that the two of them were lying on the same bed, the distance was too close, he could even smell the particularly warm grass and wood scent on Qi Zhuoyu.

The scent was completely different from his own character.

Feng Xuan stared at the spoon for a few seconds, and suddenly felt a little hot on his face.

…It must be an illusion, it must be the sun.

Qi Zhuoyu said to rest, and he really rested in this oasis for a few days.

And although he was quite disdainful of Feng Xuan’s ice bed at the beginning, he still came to sleep on it every day these days.

It made Feng Xuan have to make two servings of iced cherries.

Once after a nap, Qi Zhuoyu, as usual, enjoyed the iced cherries he had squeezed out.

While eating, he also picked on him, “Your cultivation is really too low, you can only make so little ice every time.”


If your cultivation is high, why don’t you do it yourself, trash!

“But. Why don’t you use the hail spit out by the demonic dragon?” Qi Zhuoyu put down the bowl, with a bit of doubt on his face.

“Senior brother.” Feng Xuan said calmly while holding the bowl, “Don’t you think that the hail it spits out looks like solidified saliva?”

Qi Zhuoyu, who had just washed his face with cold water hail: “…”

Feng Xuan: “.”

The three brothers of the demonic dragon family were beaten up by Qi Zhuoyu this afternoon because they used the third head to drink water first.

When they set off again, Feng Xuan was a bit reluctant to leave this rare desert oasis.

After all, he was going to die back to the Ninth Heaven in a year.

One day in the sky, one year on the ground, he didn’t know if he would have the chance to come to the mortal world again in the future.

Feng Xuan’s mood has been very good these days, so Qi Zhuoyu noticed it as soon as something was wrong.

He asked, “What’s wrong?”

Feng Xuan shook his head, “Nothing. Senior brother, I just thought that once we leave, we won’t be able to see the scenery here in the future.”

After speaking, the air suddenly quieted for a few seconds.

Feng Xuan thought Qi Zhuoyu might not understand his sudden behavior.

But the next second, Qi Zhuoyu spoke, “What’s so difficult about this?”

It was Feng Xuan’s turn: “?”

What does the big devil mean?

He won’t have evolved from the level of a robber who plucks feathers from a passing goose to now wanting to pry away people’s land, will he!

Thinking about it carefully, this kind of moving mountains and seas is not impossible for Qi Zhuoyu.

While thinking wildly, Qi Zhuoyu covered his face and laughed uncontrollably.

Laugh, laugh, laugh, what’s so funny, he is seriously worried that he will pry away people’s land, okay!

It is said that oases in the desert are very precious.

After laughing enough, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly pinched his cheek.

He was still laughing, but unlike the wanton laughter, this laugh was a bit muddy and inexplicably with desire. “Wait.”

Feng Xuan’s cheeks were pinched red by him, and then he reacted to what Qi Zhuoyu said.

Damn it, he was just accidentally dazzled by the big devil’s beauty.

But it’s not his fault.

Qi Zhuoyu was handsome, which seemed to be recognized by everyone. He could meet demons who threw themselves at him when he went out to catch demons.

He was just a little phoenix who had only lived for 1,700 years.

He hadn’t seen any world, and it’s normal to occasionally say that the big devil was handsome.

Yes, that’s right, it’s normal.

After hypnotizing himself twice, he looked up and Qi Zhuoyu was gone.

The next time he saw him, a day had passed.

Feng Xuan was sleeping soundly and was awakened by Qi Zhuoyu.

With this familiar strength and feeling, he knew who it was without opening his eyes.

Qi Zhuoyu sat by his bed and suddenly stuffed a scroll into his arms.

Feng Xuan opened it in a daze, and there was a blank inside the scroll. “Senior brother, what is this?”

Qi Zhuoyu said, “A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains Painting.”


It sounds like a cool name.

You didn’t run out somewhere to grab it, did you?

Qi Zhuoyu explained calmly, “I didn’t grab it. I borrowed it.”

Oh. Borrowed.

Laughable, the kind that borrows but never returns, right?

Feng Xuan felt a bit of a headache.

But thinking about it, since it was brought by Qi Zhuoyu for him, it can be reluctantly considered as borrowed.

After all, he would die in the Chaotic Sea a year later.

All these messy things on him would have to be returned to their original owner by then.

Seeing Feng Xuan holding it in his hand in a daze, not knowing how to use it.

Qi Zhuoyu infused a bit of spiritual power into the Thousand Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting.

Soon, the scroll automatically unfolded and then floated in mid-air.

In the next second, the blank side was aimed at the beautiful scenery of the entire oasis.

After the green light flashed, the Thousand Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting slowly fell into Feng Xuan’s hands.

The originally blank side suddenly had an extra picture, which was the scenery of the oasis.

Feng Xuan widened his eyes, shocked.

What is this one-second painting? And it’s so similar, it can’t be said to be exactly the same, it can only be said to be identical.

Qi Zhuoyu was in a good mood and explained, “This magic weapon called ‘Thousand Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting’ can paint all the scenery you see and store it in the scroll.”

He paused and continued, “This way, no matter where you go, whatever scenery you see, you can record it.”

As he spoke, he aimed the blank picture of the Thousand Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting at Feng Xuan.

In the scroll, the appearance of the two of them was immediately reflected.

Because he was teaching Feng Xuan how to use the magic weapon, Qi Zhuoyu almost leaned over.

It looked like he was hugging Feng Xuan from behind, a movement that almost circled him into his arms.

He didn’t feel it when he didn’t see it.

Feng Xuan’s gaze fell on the picture of the Thousand Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting, and the posture of the two could almost be described as intimately snuggling.

…Isn’t it a bit too close?

Feng Xuan could even feel Qi Zhuoyu’s breathing, right by his ear.

The fingers holding the scroll tightened a bit inexplicably.

Just thinking about whether to pretend nothing happened and pull away a little distance, after all, playing dead was his specialty.

But when he was quietly observing Qi Zhuoyu in the dark through the picture.

He unexpectedly met Qi Zhuoyu’s gaze head-on.

The fellow cultivators in the Misty Immortal Mansion were right.

The big devil was born with a pair of naturally affectionate peach blossom eyes, watery and charming, looking at anyone with deep affection.

So at the moment when their eyes met.

His heartbeat inexplicably jumped a bit heavier.


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