After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Indirect Kiss! (part 2)

After hearing this, Qi Zhuoyu had a feeling of ‘as expected’, and then flatly refused, saying coldly. “Senior Brother can’t.”


…Even though he knew that the stingy Senior Brother would refuse.


But did he have to refuse so quickly?!


Feng Xuan repeated his old trick, starting to play the victim card simply, as he found that the big devil would become soft-hearted. “When I was a child and couldn’t walk on the street, my dad would always carry me on his back.”


After he finished speaking, coincidentally, a father and son passed by them.


The father carried his son on his neck, the son rode on his father’s shoulders, and the two of them were having a great time, talking and laughing as if no one else was around.


This scene fell into their eyes.


Feng Xuan: “…”


Qi Zuoyu: “…”


Feng Xuan hesitated and added in a low voice, “It doesn’t have to be on the neck, the back is fine too.”


Qi Zuo Yu’s face was expressionless: …He really dared to think about another possibility.


In fact, Feng Xuan just wanted to complain a bit, hoping that he could avoid walking if possible, using the big devil as a human transportation tool.


But after saying it, a vague image seemed to pop up in his mind.


It was probably when he was born less than a hundred years ago, when the Father God was still there, and the three realms and four seas were peaceful.


Once, Father God and Father Emperor took him to the mortal world for a visit. It was not this dynasty at that time, but it was still bustling. Father God and Father Emperor only transformed into the appearance of mortals, looking like a pair of brothers with different looks from a distance.


Feng Xuan only remembered that it was a bluestone-paved street, with stalls selling all kinds of snacks on both sides.


He was about to forget what Father God looked like, but he remembered that day he was wearing a black brocade robe, tall and broad-shouldered. He, with his short arms and legs, just rode on Father God’s shoulders. Because he got a new windmill toy, he laughed and happily hit Father God’s head with the windmill.


He heard Father God say something then, with a smile but not a smile, it was said to Father Emperor. “Ling’er’s temper is similar to yours.”


Father Emperor rolled his eyes at him, and later he spent a lot of silver to buy a hairpin to please Father Emperor.


Thinking of his parents, Feng Xuan’s mood was rarely quiet for a second.


At this moment, he even felt that his feet were not hurting.


But when he looked up, he saw that Qi Zuoyu had already turned around and was standing at the bottom of the steps.


Feng Xuan looked a little lost, the big devil pressed his brow, revealing a hint of helplessness in his annoyance. “Aren’t you unable to walk?”


Great. Long live not having to walk!


Although he didn’t know why the big devil had a change of heart, Qi Zuoyu’s character was just so unpredictable.


Feng Xuan swept away the previous gloom and unhappiness, and immediately climbed onto the back of his exclusive transportation tool.


At the end, he didn’t forget to sigh with emotion, “Senior Brother. You are really a good person.”


Qi Zuoyu couldn’t be bothered with him.


Feng Xuan thought carefully, not knowing how his mind was working.


After a while, he seemed to come up with a good suggestion and sincerely said, “Senior Brother. I think you are more suitable to be a father, otherwise, why don’t you be my father?”


“Shut up.”


Qi Zuoyu felt that his love poison was about to be triggered prematurely due to anger-


When they returned to Changle Palace, it was not yet midnight.


The small kitchen had already prepared dumplings, just waiting for Feng Xuan and Qi Zuoyu to come back and cook them.


There were not many people in the palace, besides the human Sixth Prince and the Nightmare Beast, there were also a few palace maids and eunuchs who had cut paper together last time.


Although not many, Changle Palace was decorated lively by them, creating a festive atmosphere for New Year’s Eve. The lights in Changle Palace were bright, and the laughter and firecrackers were not noisy, but in Qi Zuoyu’s ears, it could be said to be deafening.


“Senior Brother. Why aren’t you eating dumplings?” Feng Xuan looked at him with his head tilted.


Qi Zuoyu’s gaze fell on the dumplings, “What’s there to eat?”


“Senior Brother, you don’t know.” Feng Xuan showed off the human customs he had just learned, “If you eat a dumpling with a copper coin in it on New Year’s Eve, you will have good luck for the whole year.”


Qi Zuo Yu gave him a look that said “Are you a fool to believe in such legends”, and then cheated on the spot, using his cultivation to instantly find all the lucky dumplings wrapped with copper coins. Then he piled them all into Feng Xuan’s small plate, indicating with his eyes: Eat.


Feng Xuan: Really don’t understand some straight men.


“I have never spent New Year’s Eve with anyone.” After a while, Qi Zuoyu said.


Even when he was a child in the Dongyi Demon Clan, Yuan Luo never mentioned this festival, because every year of hers was in torment.


Hearing the big devil suddenly say such a thing, according to the development of the script, the next should be a wave of reminiscence.


So Feng Xuan sat upright, immediately perked up his ears to listen attentively. But after Qi Zuoyu finished this sentence, there was no follow-up?


Very good.


This is very consistent with the character of the big devil who is a riddler.


As soon as midnight arrived, the night sky of Chang’an City was lit up by brilliant and grand fireworks, and the entire city was as bright as day in an instant.


Changle Palace naturally also prepared a lot of fireworks and firecrackers. It was Feng Xuan’s first time playing with this. He lit the fireworks while covering his ears.


After the fireworks were over, Feng Xuan’s energy was finally exhausted, and he returned to his original nature.


He felt that he could fall asleep as soon as he fell on the bed.


But the moment he fell on the bed, he didn’t know why, but Qi Zuoyu’s words when he was eating dumplings popped up in his mind. 


So, the big devil has never spent New Year’s Eve with anyone?


In fact, it was also his first time spending New Year’s Eve with someone.


But he knew that the meaning of the big devil must be different from what he thought. Although Father God left early, Father Emperor loved him very much. Except for the time he was punished to go through a calamity in the mortal world, he was really angry, he was always obedient to him in the past.


Otherwise, he wouldn’t have raised him with such a delicate temperament.


But it seems that the parents of the big devil didn’t love each other that much.


The scene he saw in the dream also kept appearing in his mind.


Just now when the fireworks were set off, the whole city was lively.


Only the small place where Qi Zuoyu was standing, as if isolated from the world, was dead silent and couldn’t stir up any waves.


The more he thought about it, the more he couldn’t sleep.


Feng Xuan got off the bed, walked lightly to the side of the beauty couch, and then sat down.


Qi Zuou had his eyes closed, it was unknown if he was asleep.


Feng Xuan spoke softly, “Senior Brother?”


The next second, he met Qi Zuoyu’s gaze.


The other party’s eyes were obvious. What’s the matter?


…It’s no big deal.


Feng Xuan rummaged through his small purse for a while, and then pulled out a beautifully detailed red paper with a blessing on it, made into the shape of a square red envelope.


He solemnly handed it to Qi Zuoyu, “Senior Brother. This is the New Year’s money I prepared for you.”


“New Year’s money?” Qi Zuoyu looked surprised.


“Oh. New Year’s money is a custom during the New Year in the mortal world, meaning it can suppress evil spirits and safely pass the new year.” Feng Xuan thought he didn’t know, so he quickly explained.


As a result, he got a “I’m not a fool” look from the big devil.


He was just a bit surprised, probably because he had never received New Year’s money from anyone before. Even his legitimate elders and master, Su Qingyan, had never given him any.


The cultivators in the cultivation world cultivate their bodies and minds, and as their cultivation grows, there were many great talents who live for two to three hundred years with youthful appearances.


Age was already an optional thing for them, and no one would celebrate for being a year older.


Qi Zuoyu had a moment of trance in his heart. He could perceive his various emotions when he was tortured and driven mad by the love poison.


But the one that was rising from his heart now was something he had never felt before.


He accepted the red envelope with a strange expression.


He thought that Feng Xuan would leave after giving the red envelope, but he found that he was still there after waiting for a while.


And he tugged at Qi Zuoyu’s sleeve, his voice expectant, “Senior Brother. What about mine?”


Qi Zuoyu: ?


Feng Xuan reached out, righteously, “I have given you New Year’s money. You should also give me one.”


Qi Zuoyu even more: ?


He suddenly remembered something and said, “The silver you used to pack the New Year’s money was taken from my treasury.”


It was even a statement, not a question.


Feng Xuan nodded cutely, “Yes, that’s right, Senior Brother.”


Of course, the money for the New Year’s Eve money has to come from your small treasury.


Qi Zuoyu’s expression showed a hint of ripple, “So, you used my money to give me a New Year’s Eve money, and now I have to give you another New Year’s red envelope?”


Feng Xuan hesitated for a moment, but still nodded firmly.


Qi Zuoyu seemed to smile in anger by him.


But there was a bit of absurdity in his laughter that seemed just right.


He had no choice but to take off the only valuable piece of hibiscus jade from his body and hand it to Feng Xuan, “Take it.”


Feng Xuan took advantage of the situation and acted cute for free, “Thank you for the red envelope, Senior Brother.”


Qi Zuoyu’s voice was cool, “No need to thank.”


He leisurely added in a dragging tone, “This is all deserved by me, your Senior Brother.”



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