After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Indirect Kiss! (part 1)

After Feng Xuan finished writing, he folded the paper into a long strip.


Then, unable to resist his curiosity, he sneakily went to see what Qi Zhuoyu had written.


Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him and directly unfolded the paper for him to see.


It was blank, with no wishes written on it.


Feng Xuan was taken aback. “Senior Brother, why didn’t you make any wishes after such a long time?”


Qi Zhuoyu: “I don’t need to make a wish.”


Making a wish is something one does when they can’t accomplish something on their own, hoping to achieve it with the help of divine power.


However, Qi Zhuoyu never felt that there was anything in this world that he couldn’t do, and he didn’t need the help of others.


After understanding the meaning of his words, Feng Xuan couldn’t help but clap like a seal.


Good! This statement is worthy of the legendary careerist, the future big demon king who will turn the world upside down.


But it also unexpectedly fits Qi Zhuoyu’s character.


Because the Book of Fate had said that he was a super genius who was arrogant and domineering. And his strength was enough to support his arrogance.


After Feng Xuan finished reading his paper strip, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly became interested in Feng Xuan’s wish.


He turned his head to look, but didn’t expect Feng Xuan to be so double-standard. He only allowed himself to see others’, but not others to see his.


“Senior Brother, if someone sees the wish, it won’t come true!” Feng Xuan quickly protected his lantern.


Qi Zhuoyu’s expression was not very good. “You just saw mine.” His tone suddenly became like a childish elementary school boy.


“But yours is a blank piece of paper, and you didn’t write anything.”


If nothing was written, it was equivalent to him not seeing anything, Feng Xuan felt that his logic was reasonable.


Seeing him tightly holding his lantern, refusing to hand it over at all costs.


Qi Zhuoyu estimated that if he forcibly took it, the paper lantern would definitely break. Besides, Feng Xuan’s wish basically couldn’t escape from “sleeping all day” or “having food as soon as he opens his eyes”.


He didn’t bother to deal with him anymore.


Two lanterns were slowly floating on the Caiyue River, squeezed together.


When Feng Xuan was releasing the lantern, he was actually quite worried about the quality of this lantern.


After all, it was made of paper, and looking at the unreliable appearance of that fake monk, his lantern wouldn’t sink as soon as it was placed on the water surface, would it?


Feng Xuan began to feel a bit anxious.


But the next second, a force suddenly condensed under the lantern.


It was especially obvious under the sparkling light, colorful and even with a bit of current, steadily supporting the lantern to move forward.


Feng Xuan turned his head to look at the initiator.


Compared to killing and arson, for this kind of casual cheating, the big devil seemed to be able to do it easily. He didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with what he did, and he even said indifferently, “In this world, the strong are respected.”




What perfect logic.


Feng Xuan couldn’t even think of a reason to refute.


Not only that.


The lantern infused with the cultivation of the big devil seemed to have its character changed to be like the big devil, and it started to rampage in the Caiyue River. Any innocent lantern that got close to it would be split in half by its spiritual power.


This domineering and arrogant villain appearance conveyed a “don’t mess with me, all of you die for me” and “as long as I split all of you, the Bodhisattva will fulfill my wish first” attitude of destruction.


Wait, why does the last sentence sound so familiar? The big devil seemed to have done the same thing before, burning other people’s small statues in the Lotus Garden.


Very good. You are indeed the lantern personally released by the big devil.jpg


In a blink of an eye, half of the lanterns on the Caiyue River were split by it.


Gradually, exclamations came from the shore.


“Why did my lantern sink?”


“Oh no. My lantern too!”


“And mine, why is my lantern burning?”


“Hey. You guys look, it seems like there is a particularly sturdy lantern?”




Listening to this, there was an inexplicable feeling of suffocation.


Feng Xuan took a deep breath, fearing that they would be taken to the celestial prison on charges of damaging public facilities.


The next second, he immediately dragged the big devil away from the scene of the crime –


After the lantern release event, Feng Xuan understood a principle.


That is, never bring Qi Zhuoyu to participate in such a crowd gathering activity.


The basic principle of this big devil is–.


Not only does he want to win, but after winning, he also wants to get rid of others.


After releasing the lanterns, Feng Xuan wandered around the streets of Chang’an for a long time.


Since he had the small treasury of the big devil, he hadn’t officially squandered it on the street. Today, he had a good time. Anything he saw, liked, and wanted, he waved his hand and stuffed it all into his small purse.


The candied haws were the kind that you buy a string and only take one bite.


He was curious about all kinds of snacks in the world, but his eyes were bigger than his stomach, and he couldn’t finish eating, so he stuffed them all into Qi Zhuoyu’s hands. In no time, Qi Zhuoyu’s hands were filled with various kinds of sugar cakes, water chestnut cakes, billo, and red shortbread that he had only taken a bite of.


When Feng Xuan was eagerly standing at the stall waiting to eat sweet pear ice, Qi Zhuoyu asked doubtfully, “Can you still eat?”


“I can’t eat anymore.” Feng Xuan answered honestly. The big devil didn’t know at all that the highest realm of tasting food was not to finish them all, but to take a bite of them all.


Qi Zhuoyu frowned, “If you can’t eat, don’t buy so much.”


Listen to this fatherly statement. I really don’t know if I found a Dao companion or a father.


Feng Xuan had his own universal way of coping, and innocently stared at him, “Senior Brother. It’s the New Year, don’t scold me.”


He really is going with the flow.


He used the excuses of “since we’re here” and “it’s the New Year” to perfection.


What’s weird was that Qi Zhuoyu was really choked by his “it’s the New Year”.


It seemed like scolding him on this great day was something that was against the natural order of things.


And even if he can’t eat it all, doesn’t he still have the big devil?


Doesn’t he know that the biggest advantage of going shopping with a boyfriend is that you can use the boyfriend as a trash can.jpg


Throwing away the uneaten food feels wasteful to Feng Xuan.


In the end, all these foods ended up in Qi Zhuoyu’s stomach. After years of fasting, he hadn’t eaten such sweet and greasy things. He didn’t know why, but the taste in his mouth was not bad.


It gave him an inexplicable feeling of returning to the bustling world.


He hadn’t felt this pure festive atmosphere for a long time.


Even later, Feng Xuan started buying two of everything.


He glanced at the big devil who was picky and upright, clearly, he also thought it was delicious.


The boss’s sweet pear cheese ice was finally ready.


Feng Xuan took it and tasted it, and instantly felt that his trip to the mortal world was worth it.


Sweet pear cheese ice was actually a smaller version of a crispy mountain. After squeezing the cheese into a porcelain bowl, make the shape of a mountain bit by bit, then insert flowers on it, cut snow pears into fingertip-sized pieces for decoration, and finally pour a layer of milk on it. It’s sour and sweet, very refreshing and greasy.


In a short while, he had eaten half a bowl.


Halfway through eating, he still had a conscience.


He didn’t forget the big devil who was helping him carry things on the side.


So he asked with a painful sacrifice, “Senior Brother. Do you want to eat?”


Hurry up and say you don’t want to eat.


Qi Zhuoyu stared at him for a few seconds, and said confidently, “Want.”


Feng Xuan: It’s hard to doubt that he did it on purpose.


Feng Xuan scooped a spoonful of cheese for him, thought about it, and added a piece of snow pear with a clear conscience.


Handed it to the big devil’s mouth.


Last night he made medicine for himself to drink, Feng Xuan was not the kind of person who was ungrateful.


Mainly because Qi Zhuoyu really looked like he couldn’t hold a spoon.


But when he handed it to his mouth, Qi Zhuoyu’s expression was strange for a moment.


Feng Xuan’s hand was sore from holding it, and he pushed it a little further to make him eat quickly. Only then did Qi Zhuoyu, still maintaining that strange expression, bit the porcelain spoon.


Cold, sweet.


This porcelain spoon, he had just eaten from it too.


Having eaten and drunk his fill, it was already Haishi. (TL: the period of the day from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m)


After the floats on the street had gone around five times, they finally finished work, turned off the lights and went home, preparing to stay up all night. Most of the common people were also ready to go home at this time, and the bustling streets of Chang’an suddenly seemed a bit lonely after the hustle and bustle.


But the loneliness was only temporary.


When Zishi arrived, every household in Chang’an would set off firecrackers and fireworks to celebrate the coming year of good weather. (TL: Zishi-the period of the day from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m)


Feng Xuan, tired from eating and walking, was about to head back to his residence.


But standing on the small arch bridge and looking forward, he didn’t know how he had walked before. With just a short glance, he couldn’t even see the shadow of the Daming Palace.


…Did he really walk that far with the crowd just now?


Qi Zhuoyu noticed that he hadn’t caught up and turned around to look at Feng Xuan.


Feng Xuan was also looking at him, and the two of them just stared at each other for a while. Qi Zhuoyu didn’t know why, but he had a bad feeling. This kind of feeling only occurred when he was with this delicate ancestor.


Even his brow started to twitch a moment in advance.


The next second, Feng Xuan slowly opened his mouth. “Senior Brother. I can’t walk anymore.”


Qi Zhuoyu spoke in a very unromantic way. “If you can’t walk, just rest in place.”


“Oh.” Feng Xuan looked at his toes, then raised his head. “But after resting, I won’t be able to make it back to the Changle Palace in time for dumplings.”


What does this have to do with whether or not he can make it in time for dumplings? Qi Zhuoyu guaranteed that this person wouldn’t be able to eat a single bite later.


Feng Xuan got straight to the point. “I think, Senior Brother should be able to carry me back.”



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