After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

New Year’s Eve (part 1)

As an ordinary god from the Ninth Heaven that had to experience calamity, Feng Xuan felt that his mentality was not as stable as Qi Zhuoyu’s.


Having done such a bad thing as forcibly occupying a mansion on the spot and throwing the mansion owner out without care, the little phoenix felt extremely guilty.


He picked at the quilt with his fingers, looked at the sky, and then spoke softly, “Senior Brother, I feel a bit bad about this.”


Qi Zhuoyu was frowning deeply, touched his forehead, in which the fever was still severe, “What bad?”


Feng Xuan glanced at the carved window that was not tightly closed. The prince and the palace maid were thrown out from here just now.


Before being thrown out, they were half-undressed because they were in the early stage of intimacy. In the cold weather of January, the wind in the north carried ice particles, and it’s unbearable to stand outside for a while, let alone freeze all night wearing so little.


Waking up tomorrow morning, there would be two more murder cases on the big devil, and he would still be the accomplice.


Feng Xuan felt a little dark in front of him.


“Yes.” His cold had not yet subsided, and his voice was sticky and glutinous at this moment, like the accent of Jiangnan, “It’s so cold outside, the prince and that palace maid are thrown outside, will they be frozen?”


“A man who can be frozen to death overnight, what ability does he have to take on a big responsibility.” Qi Zhuoyu said a sentence that seemed to be very bluffing.


But if one listened carefully, one would know that this was a nonsense logic that had nothing to do with each other.


Even if Emperor Li came in this weather, he would freeze to death overnight. What does this have to do with whether he can take on a big responsibility?!


“Don’t worry, he has thick skin and thick flesh, and he won’t freeze to death.” Qi Zhuoyu spoke again, and glanced out the window. It was unknown know when it started to snow heavily again, “One piece of clothing is enough for him to resist the severe cold.”


Qi Zhuoyu looked back at Feng Xuan, his brows still frowned, and he was not satisfied. Feng Xuan was wearing a warm and fluffy little jacket, and he was covered with a thick goose feather quilt. Almost the whole person was buried in the quilt, and even felt a little breathless under the pressure, but the big devil still seemed to think it was insufficient.


He said irritably, “Just these three or four pieces of clothes, two or three quilts, can they keep out the cold?”


It had to be said that the double standard was very obvious.


Feng Xuan saw that Qi Zhuoyu didn’t seem to have any intention to help, so he didn’t speak anymore.


He wouldn’t really do something that would upset Qi Zhuoyu for the sake of two strangers. After all, thinking about it carefully, the big devil was really good to him. Who is close to whom, who is with him, he knows clearly.


Moreover, Qi Zhuoyu was notoriously paranoid and crazy. Even his master couldn’t change what he had decided, Feng Xuan just also did what he could.


He just felt that the big devil didn’t seem to be that bad. Why carry two more lives and leave a lasting reputation in the history of the Three Realms?


He was silent, and Qi Zhuoyu stared at him for a long time, then stood up irritably and pushed the door open.


Blown by the cold wind outside the door, Feng Xuan came back to his senses, his face a little confused.


The next second, Qi Zhuoyu kicked awake the eunuch who was lazily sleeping in the corridor with a cold face. The eunuch was startled, and when he saw Qi Zhuoyu’s unfamiliar face appearing in the prince’s bedroom, he didn’t have time to call for help, and his pupils suddenly dilated. He immediately obeyed Qi Zhuoyu.


Wait, isn’t this the soul-capturing technique of the Demon Race?


Is the big devil really completely giving up in front of him now, not even hiding the bloodline of the Demon Race?


While Feng Xuan was thinking wildly, Qi Zhuoyu spoke, “You go and get rid of those two people over there, throw them into a firewood room that is not ventilated.”


Huh? I thought he was going to continue to make trouble with the soul-capturing technique. I didn’t expect him to change his mind and not kill people. Feng Xuan couldn’t help but slander in his heart, is he a big devil who becomes soft-hearted during winter?


Forget it, don’t think about it.


Anyway, he will never understand his brain circuit.


“Sleep now.” Qi Zhuoyu sat down by the bed again.


“Oh.” Feng Xuan responded dryly.


The window was closed, the door was closed, and the medicine was taken.


In theory, Feng Xuan should also follow the basic development of things and fall asleep under the effect of the medicine.


But he slept a lot at night, and he tossed and turned about taking medicine and walked just now, he didn’t feel sleepy at all. It’s very much like the feeling of wanting to sleep crazily during class, and waking up when class is over.


He closed his eyes and brewed sleepiness for a while. No, I really can’t sleep. He had to open his eyes and stare at the bed in a daze. After being in a daze, he sneaked a glance at Qi Zhuoyu, and happened to collide with Qi Zhuoyu’s expressionless gaze.


Big Devil: “……”


Him: “…” Slowly pulled up his little cotton quilt, only revealing a pair of eyes.


Innocent little bird.jpg


After a while, Qi Zhuoyu pinched his nose bridge, with an almost helpless expression, frowned and said, “What’s wrong again?”


Feng Xuan: “.”


“I feel a bit sleepless, Senior Brother.” Feng Xuan felt that he could still bounce back and forth on the bottom line of the big devil for a while.


“Senior Brother orders you to sleep. Hurry up and sleep.” Qi Zhuoyu propped his chin and frowned at him.


Feng Xuan selectively ignored his words and continued to sell miserably, “When I couldn’t sleep when I was a kid, my father would coax me to sleep.”


Then he crazily muttered in his heart, trying to force the big devil to read his mind: People can’t sleep without being coaxed! People can’t sleep without being coaxed! People can’t sleep without being coaxed! People can’t sleep without being coaxed! People can’t sleep without being coaxed!


“Is that so. Unfortunately, I am not your father.” Qi Zhuoyu’s sometimes online and sometimes offline mind-reading skills also selectively did not go online.


Moreover, for some reason, after he finished this sentence.


The scene of the previous nap in the Zhujian Xiaozhu flashed through the minds of both of them almost simultaneously.


Feng Xuan looked at him with a sincere expression and asked him to treat him as his father in the future.


Qi Zhuoyu felt a severe headache, and for a moment he felt that serving this little ancestor was even more headache than the outbreak of love poison. He closed his eyes and slowly exhaled a breath, and the big devil spoke again, “Your father, how does he coax you to sleep.”


Feng Xuan: Great! I won.


Qi Zhuoyu reached out and patted the brocade quilt on Feng Xuan a few times.


Probably because he had never done such a thing, his posture could be described as a bit stiff.


The little ancestor was still picking and choosing there, “Senior Brother, you pat too hard.”


When he changed to patting lightly, Feng Xuan muttered again, “This is too light, I can’t feel it.”


If someone else ordered him like this, that person would have probably reincarnated three times by now.


But this person happened to be Feng Xuan, although Qi Zhuoyu was annoyed by his spoiled character, he only felt it was troublesome.


Even later, he didn’t need Feng Xuan to say whether it was light or heavy, and he thought that the little ancestor was finally satisfied. But when he looked up, he didn’t know when, he had honestly closed his eyes and fell asleep.


There was only his shallow breathing left in the room.


It’s very regular and very lively.


Qi Zhuoyu stared at his sleeping face for a while, and slandered him in his stomach. He was much more obedient when he was asleep than when he was awake.


Just as he was about to get up and go to the couch, he found that Feng Xuan had somehow stealthily stretched his hand out from under the blanket, tightly gripping a corner of his sleeve.


He had heard people say that this was a manifestation of a lack of security.


However, considering the carefree nature of the little ungrateful one, who either eats or sleeps, and thinks about finishing the food in front of him even when the sky is falling, would he also feel insecure?


Although he thought so.


But Qi Zhuoyu stood for a while, but gave up the idea of going to the couch to cultivate.


The corner of the robe that Feng Xuan was holding, thus, was held tightly all night long–


The body of a young man was strong, and the cold came quickly and went quickly.


After taking the medicine last night and sleeping peacefully all night, he saw a great improvement early the next morning.


When he changed his clothes and was about to go out, he remembered that the crown prince and the palace maid were still locked in the firewood room of the East Palace.


Qi Zhuoyu noticed his gaze and spoke lightly. “No need to worry. They will wake up by noon.”


Sure enough, at noon, there was news from the Eastern Palace that the crown prince had fallen ill with a cold and urgently called for a physician.


When he heard this news, Feng Xuan was eating.


The Sixth Prince sat on his left, although he was in human form, he retained the habit of being a dog, eating the leftovers that Feng Xuan didn’t like.


“The crown prince is sick? He has always been the healthiest, strong as an old bull, how can he get sick?”


The initiator drank the soup and pretended to know nothing. “Maybe he is getting old and his strength is not enough.”


After all, the crown prince was already in his sixties this year.


The Sixth Prince thought about it and felt that it was true. “The crown prince probably brought it on himself. He is sixty-two years old and still disrespectful. The number of wives he has married is more than his own age. Hmph, the old cucumber, no man is a good thing!”


Feng Xuan choked a bit. Aren’t you actually a man, not a real dog.


After the Sixth Prince finished speaking, he quickly said to Feng Xuan. “You are different, sister-in-law, and cousin is also different. How caring our cousin is, he keeps you by his side all day long, as if hanging on his belt and taking you out. Look at what you want to eat and drink, what hasn’t he grabbed for you?”


Feng Xuan: ? Thanks, he seems a bit moved by what you said.


However, after the Sixth Prince said that Qi Zhuoyu would be caring, Qi Zhuoyu himself disappeared completely for three days.


He didn’t know what he was up to again, and he didn’t even suddenly appear at night to wake him up. Feng Xuan was a bit unaccustomed to this.


What does it mean to look at him like an eyeball, just short of treating him like a belt?


Does he treat his belt like this, disappearing for so many days without needing to wear pants, running around the streets like a hooligan? Stinky scum, garbage!


Moreover, Qi Zhuoyu usually disappeared every three to five days, and sometimes he wouldn’t see a trace of him for half a month.


He didn’t feel anything before, but one night he woke up in the middle of the night, and Feng Xuan discovered for the first time that the Changle Palace was quite large?


But soon, Feng Xuan got used to the days without Qi Zhuoyu bothering him.


After all, although Qi Zhuoyu was not there, the money was still there. He could only spend thousands of taels of silver every day, doing nothing, alone, ah, this kind of life, don’t ever end.jpg



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