After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Cold (part 2)

Qi Zhuoyu’s brow furrowed, and he reached out to wake Feng Xuan up, “Xiao Qi, wake up.”


Feng Xuan was already in a light sleep, and he woke up with just one push from Qi Zhuoyu.


The situation where he wakes up with just a push is not right either. Usually, even if he is shaken apart, he could still continue to sleep.


“Senior Brother,” Feng Xuan’s voice was weak, his face pale, and his lips even paler, with no trace of blood.


“You’re sick. It’s a cold, should be from playing in the snow too much this afternoon,” Qi Zhuoyu said.


Oh, it was just a cold.


Feng Xuan struggled to sit up, his eyes a little confused because of the high fever.


Qi Zhuoyu held his wrist and infused some spiritual energy into it.


Unfortunately, it had little effect. Profession didn’t match, when sick, need to find an imperial physician.


“Get dressed. I’ll take you to the Imperial Medical Courtyard,” Qi Zhuoyu said.


Feng Xuan was slow to react and only heard the words “get dressed”.


Subconsciously, he lowered his head and glanced at his clothes. He had actually already put them on, but he had put them on haphazardly while half asleep. Now, he slowly put them on again, but the result was still not good. The buttons on his collar were all crooked.


Qi Zhuoyu couldn’t stand it and rummaged through Feng Xuan’s little pouch.


Regardless of color and matching, he simply and rudely put on any thick and warm clothes he could find. In just a few seconds, he had put on three or four layers. From a distance, Feng Xuan looked like a pale bun buried in his clothes. Finally, Qi Zhuoyu was satisfied when he wrapped him up into a round cotton ball.


After doing all this, Qi Zhuoyu summoned his nightmare beast and placed Feng Xuan on its back.


But for some reason, he looked outside and saw the heavy snowfall that had just fallen. Chang’an City was located in the north, and the winter wind was like an ice skate on the face. The nightmare beast’s back was bare and not warm enough. When the wind blew, people would freeze into ice chips.


Qi Zhuoyu let out an irritable “tsk” and fiercely kicked the nightmare beast, “Go back.”


The nightmare beast whimpered and pitifully hid back in Feng Xuan’s little pouch.


Qi Zhuoyu then held Feng Xuan with one hand, hugged him tightly to his chest, and walked directly towards the Imperial Medical Courtyard.


Feng Xuan only felt cold when he was first taken out of the covers, but then he seemed to have snuggled into something warm.


He instinctively grabbed something with his hand and, in a half-asleep state, only saw a jade pendant with a fastened collar swaying back and forth with Qi Zhuoyu’s steps–


The Imperial Medical Courtyard was empty, probably because it was a three-day holiday, and most of the imperial physicians were on standby at the banquet at this moment.


Qi Zhuoyu kicked open the door and walked straight to the pharmacy. After scanning the decorations in the room, he placed Feng Xuan on a chair with a cushion.


After being carried all the way and eating ice chips all the way.


Feng Xuan’s consciousness was already a bit clear at this moment.


He looked at the small medicine cabinet covering an entire wall in front of him and felt that he didn’t need to ask where he was.


But what surprised him was seeing Qi Zhuoyu, who was tall as a jade, standing in front of the medicine cabinet and preparing medicine for his cold. A question popped up in his mind: how could the big devil know how to prepare medicine?


“When I was a child, I read some medical books. I just read a little more than you,” Qi Zhuoyu answered his question as if he had eyes on the back of his head.


“Oh, so it’s like this.” But Feng Xuan had also read medical books, so why didn’t he understand?


Qi Zhuoyu had already turned his head and gave him a look that said “I find it difficult to explain your intelligence to you”.


Feng Xuan: “…….” For the sake of his illness, can you please look down on him twice less?


Not everyone has a photographic memory like you.


Thinking about how Qi Zhuoyu was taking care of him and giving him medicine late at night, Feng Xuan decided to forgive the big devil, this old mischievous child, like a father forgiving his son.


But when he heard Qi Zhuoyu casually mention reading medical books when he was a child, Feng Xuan remembered a fragment from his dream.


What kind of child had to learn to prepare medicine for himself when he was sick as a child? It certainly wasn’t a feeling of having no worries about food and clothing.


Thinking about this, Feng Xuan fell silent for a moment.


Qi Zhuoyu had already used his spiritual power to prescribe an accelerated version and cooked the medicine. Seeing Feng Xuan’s silence, he furrowed his brow and asked, “Don’t like bitter?”


Feng Xuan, who originally didn’t mind bitterness, wrinkled his face when he saw the dark medicine in front of him and smelled the strange odor. “Senior Brother, what is this medicine made of?”


“It doesn’t matter what it is made of. Good medicine tastes bitter, drink it quickly. ” Qi Zhuoyu once again nudged it to Feng Xuan’s mouth.


Feng Xuan reluctantly held the porcelain bowl and hesitated for a moment, trying to find an excuse, “Senior brother, I think it’s a bit hot.”


“It’s not too hot,” Qi Zhuoyu replied coldly, but he still blew on it twice and handed it to him.


“But Senior Brother, I think…” Feng Xuan tried to find another excuse again, but then he looked up and saw Qi Zhuoyu’s irritable expression.


Him: “.”


Drink it, drink it, why be so fierce.


After pinching his nose and drinking it all, Feng Xuan felt that if he had to drink another bowl, he might as well die now.


The bitterness made him stick out his tongue like a puppy, but suddenly Qi Zhuoyu stuffed a piece of candied fruit into his mouth, which he didn’t know where it came from.


After tasting the sweetness, Feng Xuan became much more obedient.


Qi Zhuoyu looked at him and snorted inexplicably. It didn’t sound too unhappy but his laugh was a bit opaque, “Really difficult to raise.”


Tossing and turning till now, Feng Xuan became really drowsy.


The Imperial Medical Courtyard was quite far from the Changle Palace. He had just finished his medicine and had a cold. He was worried that the wind might worsen his condition.


He originally wanted to sleep in the Imperial Medical Courtyard for the night. As a result, he was picked up by Qi Zhuoyu and walked to the palace next door.


Looking at the style, it was very imposing, with the words “Eastern Palace” written on it. Hmm? It’s very similar to the place where the Crown Prince lives. What does the big devil want to do?


Noticing his expression, Qi Zhuoyu calmly announced, “Stay here tonight.”


Feng Xuan: Ah?


He whispered, “Senior Brother, this seems to be the place where the Crown Prince lives. Would it not be good for us to stay inside?”


The big devil ignored him and kicked open the door the next second, walking smoothly to the main hall of the Eastern Palace.


He took a quick look and chose the largest and most luxurious room, then kicked open the door as usual.


Inside the luxurious room, there was a pair of wild lovebirds about to get intimate at the table.


One man, dressed in rich clothing, spoke up, “Who dares to trespass in this palace’s sleeping chamber?!”


Then, he was knocked unconscious by Qi Zhuoyu and thrown out.


The remaining palace maid who served as the bedmaid was instantly stunned by this scene and was thrown out by Qi Zhuoyu saving trouble.


The large bed arranged for the two was extremely luxurious, and the king size bed had not yet been turned out of order.


At this moment, Feng Xuan felt he had just become cheaper.


Qi Zhuo Yu threw Feng Xuan onto the bed and roughly covered him with a blanket.


Then he answered the question Feng Xuan had just asked him in a slow and deliberate manner, “The Crown Prince doesn’t live here anymore.”


Feng Xuan swallowed the words he wanted to say and replied weakly: “…Okay.”


Help. I feel like I and the big devil are walking further and further down the path of being a villain.



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