After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Cold (part 1)

Qi Zhuoyu’s tone was so confident, as if they were discussing what to eat for dinner tonight.


As a result, Feng Xuan’s thinking was led astray by his antagonist mindset. Upon careful consideration, it seemed like it could actually work. After all, the big devil’s cultivation was so strong that snatching the Divine Soul Lamp wouldn’t be a problem.


But then, in an instant, “pooh pooh pooh!”


Why snatched it? The Divine Soul Lamp was already his own natal magic weapon. 


And strictly speaking, if they considered it as joint property between husband and wife.


The Divine Soul Lamp could also be considered something of the big devil.


Being with this big devil for so long, even his own thoughts had degenerated.


Should he still praise Qi Zhuoyu? After all, he used to rob first and then tell him later about it, but now he informed him first then went to rob again. He had perfectly turned him from an uninformed victim into an accomplice in the crime. He’s really too shocked to say anything.


Couldn’t think about it anymore, head would only hurt.


Feng Xuan rubbed his cheeks and then refused seriously, “Forget it, Senior Brother. I don’t want it anymore.”


He gave the big devil time to ask him why.


As a result, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t ask him why he suddenly changed his mind.


A question mark slowly popped out of Feng Xuan’s head.


As soon as he turned to look at Qi Zhuoyu’s face, there was a clear “See, you’re just such a difficult-to-raise spoiled brat character” written all over his face.


Feng Xuan: …


Okay. As long as he didn’t become an accomplice of the big devil, being difficult to raise was just how it was.


Feng Xuan once again demonstrated his difficult-to-raise character.


He did not eat any nuts or food with shells on the table, throwing them all into Qi Zhuoyu’s plate, eagerly waiting for him to peel them off.


In front of outsiders, Senior Brother Qi still played the role of a gentle and refined person.


Feng Xuan threw a bunch of nuts with shells into Qi Zhuoyu’s plate, but he didn’t get angry at all. It had to be said that Qi Zhuoyu’s conviction in acting was a bit excessive.


After arrogantly commanding using facial expressions for a while, Feng Xuan finally regained some composure and diluted his surprise at seeing the fragments of the Divine Soul Lamp.


Although he was surprised, it was only a momentary surprise. Just like how the Hua Ying Sword was Qi Zhuoyu’s natal divine sword, these types of divine weapons had long recognized their masters and gained spiritual intelligence. Unless called upon by their owners, they were useless in anyone else’s hands.


Moreover, the piece of the Divine Soul Lamp that the Guixu Country Lord had was only a small fragment.


Even if he had the incredible luck to piece together a complete Divine Soul Lamp, it would still require Feng Xuan’s Red Lotus Karma Fire to ignite it. This fire was possessed by only two people in the world, Emperor Feng Li and himself. He didn’t need to worry about the Divine Soul Lamp breaking. As for collecting the fragments, that was something only hot-blooded male protagonists in novels would do. He felt he could continue to be a salted fish in the mortal world.


But he didn’t have much time to feel pleased with himself before Qi Zhuoyu, who was halfway through peeling a fruit, suddenly realized something.


After holding the fruit for a while, he spoke up, “When I was poisoned by love at the creek before, why did I only eat fruits with shells?”


Feng Xuan: …


Why bring up old grievances now?


Weren’t those the hard-to-eat and hard-to-peel ones that he left for Qi Zhuoyu to eat?


Qi Zhuoyu stared at him sharply, “Did you leave all the bad ones for me?”


Feng Xuan quickly picked up a small plate, smashed several fruits with shells, and then offered them to Qi Zhuoyu with great enthusiasm, “Senior Brother, these are delicious. You should eat more of these.”


Guilty as clear as noonday.


Diverting from the topic as clear as noonday


Seeing the fragments of the Divine Soul Lamp at the banquet was like an unexpected surprise.


Qi Zhuoyu didn’t seem very interested in it later, so he didn’t actually try to take it away.


As for where the fragments went, Feng Xuan didn’t know for the time being.


But he knew that as long as he returned to the Ninth Heaven after a year, no matter where the Divine Soul Lamp was or how many pieces it was broken into, he could summon it back with just one call.


There were still two days left for the celebration of the Wannian Festival.


The Daming Palace would continue to hold banquets, but they wouldn’t be as grand as the first day. On the contrary, Chang’an City would be more lively, with open city gates, lanterns, flower carriages, boat races, and more. It was even more lively than the New Year and could be called a blissful gathering.


Feng Xuan had a lively personality, and it was reasonable to say that he must go to this lively place.


However, things didn’t go as planned. When he returned early from the Wannian Festival banquet, he felt a little dizzy and uncomfortable. As a god from the Ninth Heaven, he had never experienced any colds or illnesses, so he didn’t even think about it at all.


Slept until the middle of the night, the uncomfortable feeling only became stronger.


Feng Xuan woke up from a dream, feeling extremely uncomfortable, feeling hot all over his body. His instinctive reaction was to go to the door and get some fresh air, but it only made him feel hot, cold, and feverish all at once.


Him:…..…what the hell.


I’m not going to die, am I.


Feng Xuan was born as a divine being and had never experienced a cold or illness before, let alone feeling this uncomfortable.


He had two universal healing spiritual medicines in his little pouch, but after taking them, he felt even more dizzy and fell asleep heavily. He didn’t know how long he slept, but the sleeping aid in the elixir eventually took effect. Although he still felt dizzy, had a headache, and his throat was sore, he was forced into sleep.


This sleep was neither peaceful nor sweet.


His primordial spirit was restless, and he had one nightmare after another. He dreamed of his father god falling, of his father emperor losing his mind and sitting there day after day. He dreamed of his young self being ignorant and asking his father emperor where his father god had gone, and of his father emperor holding him and telling him in a very soft voice that his father god hadn’t gone anywhere, but had turned into the wind and rain in the mortal world, forever accompanying Ling’er.


When he was young, he also hated that his father god was always busy guarding all things in the world and didn’t have time to play with him.


But he also knew, that he didn’t want his father god to become such a companion, he didn’t want such forever.


Feng Xuan didn’t sleep for long before waking up, feeling like his body was awake, but his soul was still asleep.


He sat up in a daze, feeling like he had returned to the Ninth Heaven. Just like when humans get sick and their spirits become fragile, Feng Xuan, as a young bird, was the same in this regard as humans.


He had originally planned to get dressed and go find Qi Zhuoyu.


Although he didn’t want to admit it, and the big devil would still kill him in a year to gain enlightenment, after spending so much time in the mortal world, Qi Zhuoyu was the one who treated him the best, knew him the longest, and was the only one who could help him.


But as soon as he got out of bed, he felt weak all over.


After taking a few steps with a cloak on, Feng Xuan felt dizzy. He had to settle for the next best thing and cleverly slept on the soft couch where Qi Zhuoyu usually sat, holding his little pouch.


He didn’t know if it was just his own illusion.


But the usually stiff couch felt more comfortable than his own bed at this moment.


The big devil, this flashy peacock, it was unknown what kind of sachet he’s using.


It had a faint scent that was very similar to the scent of a Wutong tree, a very light and clean woody fragrance.


Before long, he completely lost consciousness on the soft couch.


When Qi Zhuoyu returned to the Changle Palace, it was already four in the morning.


After the state banquet, there was a family banquet, and Emperor Li found an excuse to keep him there and ask about his well-being, cultivating their plastic uncle-nephew relationship.


The Changle Palace was as quiet as ever, with only a few palace lamps burning quietly.


Feng Xuan must have already fallen asleep at this point. It was better to hope for the sun to rise from the west than to expect him to be a normal and considerate Dao companion who stayed up every night waiting for him to come back. Besides, he wasn’t sure if he had become accustomed to it after spending so much time with him, but he actually felt that facing an empty room in the middle of the night was not so bad.


Qi Zhuoyu pinched his brow.


Even he felt like his madness had worsened.


But what he didn’t notice was that his steps quickened as he approached the Changle Palace.


It was as if he couldn’t wait to go home.


As a result, when he arrived at the main hall, he looked at the canopy bed and saw that the bedding was messy, but he didn’t see Feng Xuan.


Qi Zhuoyu was slightly stunned, but in the next second, he found someone sleeping soundly on the soft couch in the room.


Feng Xuan’s sleeping posture was not particularly attractive.


Sometimes, when he cultivated all night, he had to interrupt his own cultivation several times to get up and cover him with a blanket, which greatly affected his own cultivation progress.


But today, he slept obediently, curled up in the brocade quilt, motionless.


Qi Zhuoyu pinched his brow again and walked over to pick up Feng Xuan to take him to bed, but he immediately noticed that something was wrong when he lifted the covers. Feng Xuan’s clothes were intact, as if he was ready to go out.


When he touched his forehead, it was burning hot.


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