After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Mind Reading (part 2)

“The key to the treasury itself has defensive and spatial attributes. If you don’t believe it, you can go in and see for yourself.” Qi Zhuoyu’s tone was a little brisk, and he read his expression randomly without his consent.


But Feng Xuan was stunned for a moment. “Spatial attributes?”


He was already at the Golden Core stage, and after the key recognized him as the owner, his spiritual consciousness could cover it.


As soon as it was covered, Feng Xuan was taken aback. He thought that cultivator at the Nascent Soul stage gave him just a key, but it turned out that there was a huge space inside, filled with countless spirit stones and magic weapons that were as high as mountains that dazzled the human eye; countless magical artifacts and gold, silver, and jade. The key itself was the big devil’s little treasury!


Then doesn’t that mean he has the entire treasury hanging around his neck?


Feng Xuan felt that he would be robbed today because he stepped out of Changle Palace with his left foot first.


“Hahahaha!” Qi Zhuoyu started laughing crazily again.


Feng Xuan: Are you okay? He didn’t say anything just now. What on earth made him laugh?


In the next second, Feng Xuan was pulled over by him, and felt being grasped at the back of his neck.


Then, Qi Zhuoyu put the pearl and jade necklace on his neck simply and roughly, and glanced at it with satisfaction.


After putting it on, Feng Xuan secretly tried to use magic to take it off secretly, but it failed miserably!


“It’s useless. No one can take it off your neck except me.” Qi Zhuoyu even sounded a little proud.


Feng Xuan was speechless, always feeling that this setting was weird.


Why is it so similar to the function of a chastity [beep] lock that he saw in some yellow books???


Qi Zhuoyu asked in a good mood, and wickedly observed his expression. “How do you feel?”


Feng Xuan: “Then what should I do when I take a shower?”


Seeing Qi Zhuoyu’s mischievous grin on his face, he suddenly paused in his actions.


Feng Xuan looked at him innocently, “Can senior brother come and wash with me?”


He’d lose face if he competed with him, right?


Feng Xuan, an ancient divine bird who has lived for 1,700 years, is still afraid of him?


In the next second, Feng Xuan heard a “ka-cha” as he used his spiritual power to take off the pearl and jade necklace himself.


Looking at the darkened face of the big devil, it was Feng Xuan’s turn to feel very good. Laughing so hard, I didn’t expect Qi Zhuoyu with such a handsome face, to be so innocent.


After confirming that the big devil remained silent, and there was no question or beating him or asking him to continue chatting with him, he relaxed.


Feng Xuan happily ran to the courtyard to play in the snow.


At first, the palace people were watching from a distance, with a feeling of fear and respect for the princess who was rumored to have a bad temper.


After observing for a while, they realized that Feng Xuan didn’t seem as arrogant as they had initially thought. Moreover, he was around the same age as them. So, they gathered the courage to strike up conversations with him in the courtyard, and Feng Xuan responded to each of them politely.


Soon they were playing together.


He had been down to the mortal world for so long, either living alone in Zhujian Xiaozhu or Changle Palace.


Day in and day out, it was either practicing cultivation or fighting monsters, so this was the first time he had played with so many people his own age. It instantly gave him a feeling of returning to the Ninth Heaven. It was different from the feeling of being in the Ninth Heaven, where Yue’e and Zitong both had a bit of a divine aura, and the things they played with could all be conjured with spells. They started off playing fair, but eventually, they just resorted to cheating.


What’s the difference between that and using cultivation techniques?


The palace people of Changle Palace sat around the stone table and taught Feng Xuan how to cut paper, paste the Chinese character “longevity” on it, and dumplings with vegetable stuffing. Emperor Li’s birthday was only two or three days away from New Year’s Eve. After the Wannian Festival, it’s almost New Year’s Eve. Now the palace people were planning to celebrate the two festivals in succession.


Feng Xuan took the scissors and cut two rabbits connected together. He was just about to take it out and wait for the palace people to praise his superb paper-cutting talent.


Qi Zhuoyu floated over at some point, folded his arms, glanced sideways, and commented. “Ugly.”




If it’s ugly, then don’t look.


Who knows what trouble he came here to find again.


Feng Xuan was too lazy to pay attention to him and continued to work on his paper-cutting business.


Qi Zhuoyu suddenly sat next to him and watched him cut papers, and from time to time he would play with the finished product that he had cut and was ready to be pasted. He couldn’t control his strength well, and some of them were torn apart when he turned over and over to look at them.


After a while, just like a naughty child, he messed up Feng Xuan’s paper cuttings. Feng Xuan knew that he was just deliberately seeking attention, so he simply handed him the scissors. “If you want to cut it, you can cut it yourself, stop messing with mine, okay?”


Dear me, really annoying. This person.


His impatient look made the flesh on his cheeks bulge with anger.


Qi Zhuoyu said, “What’s so difficult about this.”


Then he took the scissors and cut out a lifelike little image of him from a piece of red paper. It looked like Feng Xuan with full of energy, and the bulging cheek flesh was cut out vividly as well. As soon as it was spread out, the palace people boldly came over to take a look, and they all exclaimed.


“Looks like the princess.”


“His Royal Highness’ hands are so skillful, he cut it exactly the same.”


“That’s amazing. As expected of His Royal Highness.”




Okay. I know you’re the all-around super genius big devil.


After Qi Zhuoyu finished cutting, he returned the scissors to Feng Xuan.


Feng Xuan looked at him confused.


Qi Zhuoyu: “I cut one like you, of course you have to cut one like me too.”


Faced with the big devil’s unreasonable request, Feng Xuan, who couldn’t defeat the opponent, decided to lie flat and accept it. After all, it’s just cutting paper, and it wouldn’t take much effort.


After a while, Feng Xuan also cut out a small portrait of Qi Zhuoyu.


However, compared to the previous small portrait cut by Qi Zhuoyu, the one in Feng Xuan’s hand, it was shabby and tattered. Only the two twisted eyebrows like fried dough twist and the fierce form of the Huaying sword, could barely tell that it was Qi Zhuoyu.


However, due saving Feng Xuan’s face, the palace people still closed their eyes and shouted loudly,


“The princess’s cut is also very good!”


“I didn’t think so at first, but then the more I look at it, the more I feel like it is His Royal Highness.”


“Look at this, both little portraits have a fierce look, quite a match made in heaven.”


Feng Xuan: …If your eyes really don’t work well, you can actually donate them.


No words to praise, and there is no need to exaggerate either. This god is intelligent, lovely, and unrivaled in beauty. Where on earth is there a match made in heaven look between this little ugly big devil cutout and the big devil’s own cutout?!


The palace people were still chattering and boasting wildly.


It was unknown which one of them mentioned it, but the person suddenly said, “Since His Royal Highness and the Princess have cut out small portraits, why not hang them on the trees in the Hibiscus Garden? I heard that the couple who hang up their little portraits there will never separate for generations to come.”


Feng Xuan had never heard of such a custom in the mortal world and was a little surprised.


Generation after generation is easier said than done, a Book of Fate only has the fate of one life. If we can be husband and wife for generations, it is already a destined destiny.


The palace attendant who spoke looked at Feng Xuan, “Does the Princess want to go?”


Feng Xuan couldn’t imagine it, generation after generation, isn’t it that a year later his ashes would be scattered by the big devil.


Just as he was about to reply, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly said, “Go.”


Feng Xuan:?


Qi Zhuoyu looked at ease. “I can read minds.”


Feng Xuan:?? No. You admitting now that you can read minds?


Qi Zhuoyu said calmly, “I hear your heart telling me that you really want to go.”


Feng Xuan: “…”


Then have you heard my heart telling you now that you are about to lose your only Dao companion? 



  1. Andreas_wept says:

    Thank-you for the chapter~ 🤍

    1. BEE says:

      QZ the invisible magnate: wife give you all my money.

      FX: no, I’m a god. I don’t need your money.

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