After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Mind Reading (part 1)

Feng Xuan’s first reaction was that the big devil wouldn’t likely want to ‘Heli’ him.


(t/n: Heli or divorce after reconciliation between the husband and wife based on the principle of peace being the most important. )


But looking at him with the Heli posture and cleaning himself and leaving the house, he thought it was impossible. After all, with Qi Zhuoyu’s character, even if he wouldn’t Heli, he would still stab his Dao companion with a sword to gain enlightenment. How could he still give so many things when planning to Heli?


(t/n cleaning himself and leaving the house-to leave without taking any property after divorce; to leave a marriage with nothing)


… Could it be the burial expenses after killing his wife to gain enlightenment?


The Nascent Soul Stage cultivator, seeing that he hadn’t answered for a long time, repeated again.


Feng Xuan finally came back to his senses and asked, “Senior brother said, the future income of these shops will be in my name, and will be at my disposal?”


The Nascent Soul Stage cultivator nodded and answered for Feng Xuan who looked confused. “You are Immortal Gentleman Qi’s Dao companion, and you are the other owner of these shops. Before, Immortal Gentleman Xiao Qi and Immortal Gentleman Qi were in a hurry to register, thus they didn’t have time to liquidate the betrothal presents.”


Oh. It turned out to be the liquidation of the betrothal presents.


Feng Xuan understood.


He thought that the big devil started to just let things develop and simply gave up playing the role of this loving Dao companion with him. Unexpectedly, it was not that he had stopped acting, but that he would act in a different way for the whole world to see. As expected of him.


Feng Xuan coughed twice. Qi Zhuoyu also had such requirements in this regard.


He felt that he had just accepted so many bribes from the big devil and was easily swayed by it, therefore he just went on acting with dedication. “I understand. Then please help me convey it to  my senior brother, Xiao Qi says thank you.”




The funeral expenses for Xiao Qi, the mortal, have nothing to do with Feng Xuan.


The Nascent Soul cultivator secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


Looking at the face of the little boss lady just now, he thought he was going to turn his back and refuse on the spot. Less than half a day after arriving in Chang’an with a flying sword, he didn’t hear anything else, aside from the phrase “The Top Ten Tamed Husbands of the Arrogant and Proud Princess” that spread in the streets and alleys. Thinking of Qi Zhuoyu suddenly handing over all his property, he couldn’t help but believe it all. Now that he saw Feng Xuan, he felt that it was not as difficult as the rumors said. He couldn’t help but wipe his sweat at this moment.


Feng Xuan asked curiously, “The Senior brother, does he still have so much business to do?”


After all, Qi Zhuoyu’s character was more ferocious than the villain’s. He burned, killed, and looted, plucked the hair of wild geese, and did not leave even extremely small things to the masses. He looked more like a robber than someone who knew how to do business.


The Nascent Soul cultivator answered all questions and explained dutifully.


As the nominal child of King Duan and Yuan Luo, Qi Zhuoyu naturally inherited all the inheritance after both his parents passed away. Among them was the dowry that Yuan Luo brought when she got married, including an immortal mountain with two spiritual veins, a spiritual mine, and three thousand acres of spiritual fields under the protection of the Xianyou Yuan Clan. And those mortal pawn shops, restaurants and the like were the inheritance of King Duan, and there were naturally thousands of them.


According to this logic, Qi Zhuoyu should actually have a portion of inheritance in Dongyi.


After all, Feng Xuan had seen Qi Zhuoyu’s dream, and the original demon lord of Dongyi only had a son with Yuan Luo.


…Unexpectedly, the big devil turned out to be an invisible rich man.


Qi Zhuoyu was not good at taking care of these inheritances, but there were always people who admire his reputation and volunteer to help him take care of it.


As a result money begets money, profits rolled in and in the few years that Qi Zhuoyu himself didn’t even know, it seemed that he was about to become the richest man in the world of cultivation.


Looking at the account book in front of him that was taller than himself, Feng Xuan sighed sincerely. “Senior brother is unexpectedly so rich.”


The Nascent Soul Stage cultivator smiled and said, “Immortal Gentleman Xiao Qi, there’s more to see than that.”


Feng Xuan was surprised. “There are more than such thick account books?”


The Nascent Soul Stage cultivator continued to smile. “This is just a catalog.”


Feng Xuan: “…”


Excuse me. I’ll take my leave! 


Afterwards, Feng Xuan inexplicably possessed the key to Qi Zhuoyu’s small treasury.


It’s just that after he got the key to the small treasury, his salty life didn’t seem to change much. After all, he just came to the mortal world to cross a calamity. No matter what he had now, he would return it all to Qi Zhuoyu in a year.


Thinking about it.


The key, which originally felt a little hot, was no longer hot in an instant.


Just think of it as a mobile key safe for the big devil.


At the same time, Emperor Li celebrated his birthday, and the three-day Wannian Festival finally began.


Early in the morning, when Feng Xuan woke up, he could hear the extraordinary bustle outside the Changle Palace. During the three days of the Wannian Festival, not only the common people could take a vacation, but also some lower-ranking palace people could take a vacation. At this moment, they were all lighting firecrackers, making paper-cuts, and hanging lanterns outside the Changle Palace.


The cold and desolate Changle Palace suddenly became lively.


Feng Xuan also liked this lively atmosphere.


It was rare that he got up early and pulled out from his small pouch a piece of clothing that he had never worn before. The robe was adorned with embroidered silk of sky-blue and decorated with a lower hem of snowy blue flowers that shimmered like scattered lights and was adorned with forbidden step strings of lapis lazuli beads. The day before yesterday, it snowed twice in Chang’an City. His attire complemented the snowy scenery, and even the Sixth Prince couldn’t help but glance at him a few times.


The first time he had seen Feng Xuan, he didn’t find his appearance particularly stunning.


As a result, the longer he got to know him, the more he found him to be free and easy-going and very cute.


“Looks good?” Until a cold voice sounded in the Sixth Prince’s ears.


“Looks good. Hehe.” After the Sixth Prince answered, he realized something was wrong, and without even turning his head, he recited loudly, sonorously. “How can it not be good-looking! This is my cousin’s Dao companion! From personality to appearance, the two of them are very similar. They match each other from looks to hair! They are a perfect match!” Turning his head, his acting skills were perfect. “Cousin, when did you come?”


Qi Zhuoyu stared at him calmly.


In the next second, turn into a dog!


Sixth Prince: Being a dog is better than dying. jpg


Feng Xuan saw Qi Zhuoyu from afar. He ran over in small steps and saw the dog first. “Ah, senior brother, why did he become a dog again?”


Sixth Prince: So now you know it’s me after seeing the dog without even thinking about it? !


Qi Zhuoyu remained silent.


Seeing that he didn’t want to explain, Feng Xuan was too lazy to continue asking. Anyway, it’s really hard to guess what the big devil was thinking. Moreover, the Sixth Prince seemed to prefer being a dog to being a human recently.


“Senior brother. Why have you come to find me now?” Feng Xuan changed the subject tactfully.


“Can’t I come?” Qi Zhuoyu was nonchalant as he occupied the only ebony and gold-plated couch in the courtyard of Changle Palace.


It’s not that you can’t come.


Since the big devil always came to Changle Palace in the middle of the night to shake himself awake, Feng Xuan was used to him always appearing late at night. Like the kind of ghost that came and went without a trace, he always felt that if he appeared during the day, his soul might fly away.


Qi Zhuoyu looked him up and down and asked, “Where is the key?”


Feng Xuan suddenly realized: Oh! It turned out to be to check the key to the small treasury.


No wonder he came during the day this time.


With all his wealth tied to his plastic Dao companion, how can he not be nervous? Feng Xuan felt the same way. When he was still a child in the Ninth Heaven, he gave his pocket money to the father emperor for safekeeping, and would run to his father emperor’s place every hour to see if it was still there.


The key to Qi Zhuoyu’s small treasury, it was said to be a key, but it was actually more like a simple necklace.


It was not as flashy as the one worn by women. It was only made of thousand-year-old silver and had two Eastern Sea pearls on each side, and the snow shell in the middle was the key.


Feng Xuan took it out from his small pouch and handed it to show him, with a look on his face that said “I really am just keeping it, and I don’t have any covetous attitude towards your property.”


Qi Zhuoyu said casually: “Why don’t you put it on?


Feng Xuan: “?”


Are you okay? Who hangs the key to a small treasury around his neck?


Even if it’s just to show off your wealth, it’s too outrageous. Isn’t this clearly telling people that I have money, come quickly and rob me?



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