After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Salary Turnover (part 2)

Who knew Qi Zhuoyu would react like this after hearing his response.


He put away his careless expression and his expression became weird instead.


He became famous at a young age, and except for the miserable years in the imperial palace before he turned seven, afterwards, wherever he went in the Misty Immortal Mansion, people were eager to please him and give him gifts. Qi Zhuoyu also received many gifts in his life. Emperor Li spent a lot of money to build the Zhujian Xiaozhu for him, and mortals offer countless treasures to him in order to catch demons.


He had never met anyone like Feng Xuan who gave gifts simply for the sake of giving them. The things Qi Zhuoyu gave him before were just on a whim, and never thought of asking him to do anything.


He always thought that giving gifts was an act of exchanging benefits.


But Feng Xuan, looking at him now, his light brown eyes were clear, and he said that he gave him a gift because he was good to him.


Good to him?


Qi Zhuoyu also couldn’t understand Feng Xuan.


Does he seem like the kind of person who likes to be good to others?


However, Qi Zhuoyu himself didn’t realize that he had closed his palm and firmly grasped this ordinary jade pendant that was not considered a rare treasure.


For some reason, the words that the fox demon said in the Baihua Tower came to mind. Men will give gifts made by their own hands to the ones they love.


Qi Zhuoyu looked at it quietly for a while, then said out of nowhere, “Did you make this yourself?”


Most of the magic weapons in the cultivation world were refined by cultivators themselves using alchemy furnaces, which would better suit their own cultivation and spiritual roots.


Ah? Handmade.


Could it be that in the eyes of the big devil, he is not considered a useless character at all?


Feng Xuan really didn’t have such advanced skills as making magic weapons. What he was best at was causing trouble for the big devil.




I bought it in person…it can be considered as being handmade.


And it’s very tiring buying it in person, okay?


Do you think the act of taking out money and paying is effortless?


Feng Xuan hesitated for a moment and nodded hesitantly, “That’s…..right.”


Qi Zhuoyu seemed to be in a good mood, even the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. This was a very pleasant smile, completely different from the maniacal smile he usually put on when he went crazy, or the gentle business fake smile he puts on every day in Misty Immortal Mansion.


Those stunning, astonishing peach blossom eyes rippled, suddenly appearing as tender and affectionate as water, brimming with gentleness.


Really looking at a dog appearing affectionate. After being stared at by such eyes for a second, I am afraid that no matter how cold, arrogant or high-spirited a woman is, she will instantly turn into a soft-hearted person.


Feng Xuan took one more look and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.


The big devil’s handsome face is quite an asset. No wonder so many women are fascinated by him.


Qi Zhuoyu hung the jade pendant on the leather belt.


Generally, scholars, literati, or cultivators like to hang something on their belts. There were forbidden steps, sachets to ward off evil spirits, and magic weapons such as daggers. However, Feng Xuan rarely saw Qi Zhuoyu hang such fancy things.


(t/n: forbidden steps-Various jade pendants of different shapes are combined into a string with colorful threads and tied around the waist. They were originally used to hold down the skirt. When walking while wearing it, the sound produced is moderate. If the rhythm is messy, it will be considered impolite, the ancients paid great attention to this.)


While so lost in thought, he heard Qi Zhuoyu’s voice, “Do you think I am like those garbage, needing magic weapons to improve my combat effectiveness?”


Oh. It turns out that he was overly confident in himself. Although Feng Xuan wanted to criticize ‘man, why are you so confident’, thinking about Qi Zhuoyu’s advanced cultivation which was so profound that one couldn’t even see through it, the big devil’s confidence was not without reason.


The jade pendant given by Feng Xuan was a magic weapon with a defensive attribute, and withstanding a blow to the master, it would shatter into pieces.


However, after Qi Zhuoyu put on the jade pendant, for some reason, he added an additional layer of defense to it. It was somewhat akin to buying a tablecloth to prevent the table from getting dirty, and then later buying a cover to protect the tablecloth, a never-ending cycle. Feng Xuan found this behavior of the big devil quite perplexing.


After doing all this, Feng Xuan could still feel that Qi Zhuoyu was quite satisfied with this return gift.


Qi Zhuoyu gave him a glance, and it was clearly written in his eyes “Do you think everyone is as difficult to manage as you, demanding this and that?””


Feng Xuan: “.”


Please. You should also take a look at the kind of stuff you’ve been giving me!


He has high cultivation and is reasonable.


Feng Xuan, who couldn’t defeat the big devil, decided to take advantage of his good mood and expressed his request tactfully, “Senior brother, if you want to give me something in the future, it should be the kind that you will have to buy with your own money ah.”


Don’t go robbing and looting everywhere to give things to him. Feng Xuan felt that Qi Zhuoyu’s character of the righteous immortal gentleman could still be salvaged.


“Buy it with your own money?” Qi Zhuoyu looked at him.


“Yes.” Feng Xuan nodded obediently. “Senior brother, you see, the clothes and magic weapons you bought with spirit stones at Misty Immortal Mansion before, I like them all.”


In order to increase his persuasiveness, Feng Xuan even used a little flattery, “Senior brother’s financial resources are unmatched, and all the treasures in the world seem to be at your disposal. You can buy whatever you want, so I think there’s no need to constantly grab other people’s things, right?”


Even while sitting, Feng Xuan felt that the height difference between himself and the big devil was still bloody.


When he spoke, he needed one hand to support himself on the Imperial Concubine Couch. He leaned forward slightly, chin raised, cheeks lifted, and looked up at Qi Zhuoyu from below. His cheeks were plump and fleshy, his skin was as tender as snow, and under the candlelight, it seemed delicate that it shimmered with radiance Those almond-shaped eyes would subconsciously become round and cute because of the angle, with a pronounced upper eyelid, creating an innocent and alluring charm.


Qi Zhuoyu moved his gaze away, his Adam’s apple tightening slightly.


He seemed to feel void, stared at somewhere in front of him for a while, and said thoughtfully, “I understand.”


Feng Xuan: ?


What do you understand?


Feng Xuan suspected that the big devil didn’t listen to him seriously at all.


As a result, in the afternoon of the next day, Feng Xuan knew exactly what Qi Zhuoyu understood.


He had just walked out of Daming Palace and was planning to walk around outside the palace today. As soon as he arrived at Mingde Gate, dozens of men dressed in fine clothes suddenly appeared in front, and knelt down in front of Feng Xuan with a clattering sound.


Feng Xuan was startled, almost thinking that they were here to seek revenge.


Until a man with a cultivation level of Nascent Soul stage at the front conjured up an account book in the air that was taller than Feng Xuan, and then said in a formal manner, “Immortal Gentleman Xiao Qi. These are all the spiritual veins, pawn shops, restaurants, and spiritual fields’ income account book under Immortal Gentleman Qi’s name. Please take a look”


Feng Xuan was in a trance and did not come back to his senses.


The man of Nascent Soul Stage dropped another piece of bombshell news while kneeling down respectfully, “Immortal Gentleman Qi has an order. From today onwards, all the income and expenditure of spirit stones under the Immortal Gentleman’s name will be taken care of by you.”



  1. Andreas_wept says:

    I- psfdhdkhnsngs
    Thank you for the chapter~ 🤍

    1. BEE says:

      That’s QZ’s unpredictable mind coming into play (all the time) haha

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