After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Salary Turnover (part 1)

Feng Xuan looked at Qi Zhuoyu, and then at Hua Mother who was tied up and thrown to the ground.


Hua Mother burst into tears. Although her mouth was blocked, the desire to live still overflowed from her eyes. Faced with such stunning beauty, what did he hear the big devil say? Peel off someone’s skin and make it into a fox blanket?


This is why you ended up without a wife later on.jpg


After Qi Zhuoyu finished speaking, he waited for a while, but Feng Xuan didn’t say anything.


He frowned and asked another old question, “You don’t like it?”


Feng Xuan felt that if he nodded, Hua Mother would end up like the jade pendant that was blasted to dust by lightning. But to be honest, sleeping on a human skin at night, he will definitely have nightmares, okay!


He struggled for a moment and then said, “Senior brother, I don’t think this is good.”


Do you still remember that you have the character of an Immortal Gentleman of Misty Immortal Mansion?


Look at the bad things you have done along the way, killing people, setting fires, and kidnapping women from good families. It feels like you are running towards the villain persona all the way.


Qi Zhuoyu stared at him for a while and suddenly explained, “What not good? She’s not a human, she’s a fox demon.”


It turned out to be a fox demon, no wonder the big devil said fox blanket. 


But even if it was really a fox, Feng Xuan did not want to skin the fox alive and make it into a fox blanket for his enjoyment. Feng Xuan felt that his brain circuit could not keep up with the big devil, thus he said, “I heard that the fox clan appear in groups. Senior brother, if you peel her skin, the other fox demon in the fox clan won’t let us go.”


“You don’t need to worry.” Qi Zhuoyu’s tone was slightly smug, “I have already killed all her people.”


Feng Xuan: “…..” Oh. Then should I praise you and say that you’re awesome?


Feng Xuan felt that the fox demon on the ground was about to cry.


Big brother, you, a murderer, don’t use this kind of arrogant and conceited tone in front of the victim and talk about wiping out their entire family lineage?!


Feng Xuan scratched his head and changed the topic. “You haven’t shown up these days, did you go and catch fox demons?”


Qi Zhuoyu continued to say in that indifferent tone. “Just a fox demon, it only needs a few days to catch.”


Okay, then it seems like he deliberately avoided coming to Changle Palace. A small-minded and scheming dog man.


Feng Xuan had heard that a harmful fox demon appeared in Chang’an City. In the gossip and discussions among the palace people, the fox demon was portrayed as extremely evil, capable of destroying heaven and earth, and could suck the essence of twenty men in one gulp.


But seeing the beaten-up Hua Mother in front of him, Feng Xuan really couldn’t connect the two. Especially Hua Mother, who was trying to look at him with those pitiful eyes. If Qi Zhuoyu hadn’t silenced her, it was estimated that she would have shouted “Favored queen, spare my life!” in the next second!


Wait, why would it be favored queen?!


Feng Xuan sighed. “Senior brother. I don’t want this.”


There was no noticeable change in Qi Zhuoyu’s tone. “Why?”


“The ones you gave me at Misty Immortal Mansion are very good. I can’t even use them all.” Feng Xuan said while sneaking a glance at Qi Zhuoyu. What he said was not a lie. The robes and blankets that Qi Zhuoyu bought for him at the Duobao Pavilion were enough for him to use in his next life. Besides, he only came to the mortal world to experience calamity for one year, moreover he couldn’t bring so many things back to the Ninth Heaven.


However, he thought that after hearing his refusal, Qi Zhuoyu might lose his temper again.


After waiting for a while, he found that the big devil was in a good mood.


As a result, he really couldn’t understand this person’s thoughts.


Qi Zhuoyu held a lightning strike in his hand. “Since you don’t want it, then just kill it.”


Feng Xuan:? Not to that extreme.


Finally, at Feng Xuan’s insistence, Qi Zhuoyu finally decided to “break away from evil ways and return to the orthodox path” temporarily and sent Hua Mother to Sitian Tower to wait for processing. After all, what Hua Mother did was considered murdering people for money, and Chang’an had a government agency that specializes in dealing with demon killings.


Feng Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was unknown if this was saving Hua Mother’s life in the end, as long as he didn’t let him peel the skin off with his own hands.


He’s a god in the Ninth Heaven, and his views on life and death were very different from those of mortals.


A mortal’s life was as brief as a fleeting flash of lightning and morning dew, making one value life more than one’s own eyes. But Feng Xuan was different. For him, the death of a mortal was not the end, but the starting point. The physical body annihilated, and the soul entered reincarnation to be reincarnated again. Over and over again, life would continue to thrive.


Yet looking again, let himself end a life with his own hands……


Feng Xuan was still very unwilling.


Father God has said that a god’s power is used to protect life and death, not to decide life and death.


Feng Xuan didn’t understand what it meant to protect life and death, but he didn’t want to influence other people’s life or death.


On the way back to Changle Palace, neither of them spoke.


Feng Xuan lay on the Sixth Prince’s back, originally wanting to speak. After all, he had rejected the big devil twice in a row, and he always felt that his life was in danger. But the fur of the Sixth Prince, who turned into a big dog, was very soft and comfortable, and lying on it felt like lying in a ball of cotton. His procrastination broke out instantly, there was a sense of impending death but still had the room to procrastinate.


Arriving at the entrance of Changle Palace, Qi Zhuoyu walked inside.


In fact, most of the time when the two of them were in the same room, they each kept to their own side. Feng Xuan slept in the bed, while Qi Zhuoyu cultivate on the room’s couch.


After entering the palace, the Sixth Prince turned into a yellow dog again.


He looked at Feng Xuan who had walked to his bed, and then looked at Qi Zhuoyu sitting on the Imperial Concubine Couch. Very good, this Sixth Prince’s family status has dropped one place, from being able to sleep on the Imperial Concubine Couch to actively sleeping by the door.


What’s wrong with sleeping by the door?


A fierce dog should watch the door! After the Sixth Prince skillfully accepted his dog work guarding the door, the room suddenly became quiet.


Feng Xuan originally wanted to climb into bed and continued sleeping. As a result, when he got to the bedside, he scratched his head again, as if he had made up his mind.


After a few seconds, he silently came to Qi Zhuoyu’s side and sat down.


Qi Zhuoyu had his eyes closed, it was unknown whether he was cultivating or sleeping.


After taking a sneak peek, Feng Xuan shouted in his heart: Senior brother! Have you fallen asleep? How can you sleep at your age without cultivating? Aren’t you the king of rolls? Why did you fall asleep before midnight? Did you really fall asleep? If you fall asleep, then I will leave. What a pity. I originally planned to give you something.


(t/n: king of rolls-describing a person who must be the best and outstanding in everything so as to be able to compare with his colleagues)


Qi Zhuoyu opened his eyes and faintly said, “So noisy.”




The big devil can read minds just as he said!!


Qi Zhuoyu looked at him and said disdainfully, “I’m not a fool. I can hear your footsteps coming over.”


“Oh.” Feng Xuan chuckled inwardly. He really believed it.


“You have something?” Coming to talk to him in the middle of the night instead of sleeping – given his laziness, it’s like the sun has risen from the west.


Feng Xuan recalled his business and rummaged in his small pouch for a while. His small pouch was bought at Duobao Pavilion last time. It was in the shape of a lotus leaf with several embroidered round rabbits, a spatial artifact. It contained everything he usually wore and used. Like a hamster who loves to stock up food for the winter, he carried his little pouch diagonally wherever he went.


Qi Zhuoyu propped up his chin and stared at him boredly for a while.


Feng Xuan retrieved a jade pendant from inside. It was the jade pendant he bought when Qi Zhuoyu took him to Duobao Pavilion for the second time. Along with the texture of Kunlun white jade, it was also a magic weapon with a defensive attribute. He placed the jade pendant into Qi Zhuoyu’s hand. “Senior brother, this is for you.”


Qi Zhuoyu held the jade pendant in his palm and looked at it for a while.


He then said casually, “What do you want?”


Feng Xuan was confused. “?”


Feng Xuan: “Don’t want anything.”


Then he realized that Qi Zhuoyu might have thought that he gave him the jade pendant to let him handle matters for him.


After a pause, Feng Xuan explained, “Didn’t you give me a lot of things before? I’m not the kind of person who appreciates kindness without repaying it. If you are good to me, I will be good to you. So reciprocity is the way to go. This jade is from me being given to you.”


Of course it was bought with your spirit stones.jpg


But wool comes from the sheep, so of course the gifts given to the big devil must be bought with the big devil’s money.


(t/n: Wool comes from the sheep-It means that on the surface, others have given you benefits, but in fact, the benefits have been added to the price you paid)


Feng Xuan felt that there was nothing wrong with what he did.



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