After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Senior Brother’s Emotional Counseling (part 1)

Chang’an City, at the finest Baihua Tower.


Under the shadow of a huge hanging full moon, there stood a red pavilion with painted decorations covering an area of thousands of acres.


The towering and huge pavilion was supported by four white marble pillars, each of which was about as wide as three people embracing each other. The buildings were towering, and the pavilions were majestic. At the main entrance was a long marble ridge, connected to a fifteen-meter-wide river, surrounded by terrace and waterside pavilions. It was the only way to enter Baihua Tower.


Qi Zhuoyu did not go to Changle Palace these days. Just as the Sixth Prince said, he was indeed busy catching demons in Chang’an City.


Emperor Li’s Wannian Festival Birthday would be held for three days. As the largest empire in the human race, countless foreign countries from around have come to celebrate. The consequence of the opening the city gates of Chang’an was that many demons and ghosts would also use this grand ceremony and enter the city of Chang’an to cause trouble.


The fox demon to be captured today was hiding inside the Baihua Tower.


In just a few days, more than ten men have already been killed. The fox demon was good at the art of transformation and could hide its figure, therefore Qi Zhuoyu and Su Qingyan acted separately and took a boat alone to enter the finest Baihua Tower.


As the name suggests, Baihua Tower was a ‘banquet accompanied by prostitutes’ place.


Not only were there various beautiful real flowers in bloom, but there were also enchanting courtesans to entertain guests.


“Immortal gentleman, we’re here.” The client jumped off the boat first and trembling in fear, waited for Qi Zhuoyu.


The task of catching the fox demon was entrusted to Su Qingyan for help. He originally thought he could follow the immortal gentleman who smiled warmly with a spring breeze. Unexpectedly, Su Qingyan left this matter to Qi Zhuoyu. The client didn’t have any objections to Qi Zhuoyu. He just felt that when he faced Immortal Gentleman Qi alone, he felt inexplicably scared.


If Feng Xuan were here, he would understand.


Being scared was normal. After all, this big devil was just a naughty child who loves to lose his temper. If he was not happy, he would show it to others all day long. In the past, he pretended to be a benign and openhearted senior brother in the cultivation world, but now that Su Qingyan was not around, he didn’t even bother to pretend. Maybe it was because they had been together for so long, but even the big devil had become accustomed to acting badly.


The pressure of a cultivator who had cultivated to the God Transformation Stage was so powerful that mortals would certainly be afraid when faced with them.


“Lead the way.” Qi Zhuoyu said, suppressing the irritation in his heart. Ever since he left Changle Palace that night, the love poison in his body seemed to have begun to faintly attack again, a pain that was as painful as a slow-burning torment. Counting the time, the fifteenth day of this month was almost coming soon.


The client quickly walked into the Baihua Tower and smelled the various incense fragrances inside. Qi Zhuoyu’s expression became visibly irritable and melancholic.


However, the Hua Mother, who didn’t take the hint, came up with a round fan. When she saw Qi Zhuoyu’s face, her eyes suddenly lit up. As a result, before she even got close, she was slapped away by Qi Zhuoyu’s palm, using the palm wind.


Baihua Tower was backed by the royal family, and the client had never seen anyone dared to cause trouble here.


His face turned pale with fright, and he quickly said to the Hua Mother, “Hua Mother, he is a cultivator and not here for woman’s charm. He is here today to catch demons. I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”


Although Hua Mother was angry and did not dare to speak, she looked up and down, “Is he the immortal gentleman who came to catch the fox demon?”


The client nodded. “Hua Mother, please lead the way. Which floor is the Hua Pavilion where the accident occurred?”


Hua Mother stared at Qi Zhuoyu for a while, then leisurely said, “Come on then.”


Hua Mother took the client and Qi Zhuoyu deep into the Baihua Tower.


The further inside, the more extravagant the architecture of Baihua Tower became. Carved windows made of gold, gauze curtains embroidered with silver threads, couches inlaid with jade, Chi table carved with red sandalwood, special caves in the attic. The spacious central courtyard featured a massive hollow water pavilion dance floor with exquisite railings and jade paving. The layers of pavilions towered into the sky, and countless celebrities and elegant guests sat on each floor. On the waterside pavilion, there were delicate songs and graceful dances, and the beauties of the singers were like clouds, and the sound of silk and bamboo pleasant to the ear, it was extremely luxurious.


When the client saw this scene, he looked obsessed, as if his heart and soul were captured. Hua Mother was used to seeing this.


She glanced at Qi Zhuoyu subconsciously, and found that Qi Zhuoyu didn’t even look at the singers, as if they were just a few pounds of ordinary meat, and just walked forward with a sullen face and said nothing. What a boring piece of wood.


Hua Mother had been leading the way, through the atrium, through the verandah, and across several bridges in mid-air.


The client couldn’t help but ask, “Hua Mother. Why do I feel that we are going further and further off the track? Is the Hua Pavilion where the fox demon harms people really here?”


Feng Xuan would definitely have some sarcastic comments about this. It felt like the kind of flag stuck behind a general in an old opera, except in this case, the flag was not just stuck but plastered everywhere. (TL: probably like those chinese operas where the characters wore flags on their backs. Some symbolizing protection and others to warn their subordinates)


It was almost as if, after saying this, the next step in the script would be for the Hua Mother to instantly transform into the fox demon, burst into laughter, and reveal her true identity with a flourish. “Hahaha, you fools, didn’t expect that, did you? Stupid humans, I am actually the fox demon!”


“Ah hee hee hee, aren’t you two looking for the fox demon? I will be in front of you soon!” As expected, Hua Mother turned around in the next second, her teeth suddenly swelled, her two fangs were long, a lot of fuzz broke out on her face, and the pupils in her eyes changed from oval to beastly vertical pupils.


Look, look. She even recited the lines without changing a single word. If Feng Xuan saw this kind of clichéd script, he’d give it ten thumbs down.


“Mommy!” The client was scared out of his wits


After Hua Mother revealed her identity, she jumped back suddenly.


The door of the Hua Pavilion behind opened, revealing dozens of Hua girls with graceful figures and scantily dressed clothes. Mother Hua grinned and said, “Children, come out! We’ve been out of the mountain for so long, and we haven’t tasted the taste of an immortal gentleman from the Misty Immortal Mansion yet!”


“Mommy!” The client screamed again, like a passerby who was doing his best to create an atmosphere of terror, tension, fear and horror. Hua Mother was also very satisfied with the effect, and her eyes became greedy when she looked at Qi Zhuoyu.


With the atmosphere of terror properly set. Hua Mother didn’t waste any words. “Children! Give it to me, capture this man alive!”


As a result, all the fox demons who transformed into Hua women swarmed up in an instant, and then in the next second, they all turned into ashes. Before even getting close to Qi Zhuoyu’s body, while in mid-air, they were struck by dozens of lightning and turned into a handful of ashes, which dissipated in the wind.


“Mommy!” The client screamed even more miserably this time. Wait, why did he still scream when he saw the scene of demons being slayed?


Then he couldn’t help but mutter to himself, “Mommy, so cruel…who the hell is the villain…”


Hua Mother was stunned for two seconds after seeing all the fox demons being killed in an instant.


Then her eyes burst open, shocked and angry. What is the origin of this man? His cultivation is so terrifying?! He had obliterated all of them with a single move.


After Qi Zhuoyu dismissed these little minions, he turned his attention to Hua Mother.


Hua Mother was so frightened that she could hardly move her legs. With her last shred of reason, she suddenly raised her hand. The men who were having fun with the fox demons in the Hua Pavilion just now were now under her control through her demonic arts, and she placed them in front of herself as human shields.


With the hostages in hand, she laughed loudly. “You shameless man, if you dare to take another step forward, I will kill all these mortals!”


After saying this sentence, Qi Zhuoyu reached out and struck a lightning strike. His expression didn’t change, and he directly blew the hostages into ashes.


Hua Mother, who was caught off guard and lost a large number of hostages:?


In the client’s mind, a similar sense of confusion arose, mirroring her bewilderment: It’s a bit strange, not sure, let’s take a look again, who the hell is the villain?


Qi Zhuoyu took another lightning strike in his hand and said in a bad mood. “Do you have any last words?”


Hua Mother instantly fell to her knees. “King, spare my life!”


Client:? Why king??


Hua Mother, hit on an idea in desperation: “King is an unparalleled name, and has boundless power! I am willing to follow the King and become a humble servant who serves the King!”


These words sounded familiar to Qi Zhuoyu. The grass on the grave of the last one who said this was already two meters high, if he had a grave. Qi Zhuoyu was too lazy to continue listening, and the spiritual power in his hands surged.


Hua Mother, realizing that she had encountered a tough adversary today and that death was inevitable, closed her eyes in despair.


The client, witnessing this scene, couldn’t help but sigh, “I heard that the fox demon is good at bewitching men and can coax a man’s heart into ecstasy. Unexpectedly, the immortal gentleman remained unmoved. He truly deserves to be an extraordinary expert in the Misty Immortal Mansion.”


Just as he finished praising Qi Zhuoyu’s self-control, Qi Zhuoyu’s hand, which had been raised for a strike, suddenly paused.


Hua Mother waited for the inevitable death, but it never came. Startled, could there be an unexpected turn of events?


“You’re good at coaxing men?” Qi Zhuoyu stared at her for a few seconds and then spoke.


For some reason, Immortal Gentleman Qi Zhuoyu asked this rather peculiar question. Hua Mother nodded quickly in order to survive. “What the King said is absolutely true! We, the fox demon clan, are born to make men happy!”


Otherwise, they would not have been able to suck the essence of more than a dozen men in Chang’an in just a few days.




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