After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Vinegar (part 2)

The thunder used to blast the jade pendant a moment ago was so loud that it resonated throughout the entire palace.


The thunder used to blast the ancient beast that day was not as big as the one he saw tonight.


Was this jade pendant really worth getting angrier over than an ancient beast?


Qi Zhuoyu’s mood didn’t improve after destroying the jade pendant. In the next moment, he got up from the bed and left.


For some reason, Feng Xuan didn’t feel like talking to him either. After he left, Feng Xuan lay down and decided to sleep without saying a word.


Qi Zhuoyu stared at his back for a few seconds and then coldly claimed the only piece of furniture left in the room, which was a soft couch.


Feng Xuan had initially pretended to be asleep on the bed, but as he continued pretending, he actually began to feel a bit drowsy and eventually drifted off to sleep.


He could sleep, but Qi Zhuoyu couldn’t sleep.


Sitting on the soft couch, Qi Zhuoyu had a gloomy expression that seemed to drip water. If it had been anyone else who dared to disrespect him like this, they would have been reduced to ashes by now. Yet, the only one who repeatedly crossed his boundaries, acted recklessly, and behaved outrageously, still lived and continued to thrive, was this oddity before him.


Sometimes, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t even understand what he was doing.


Although he often felt like he might genuinely be insane, engaging in such behavior was beyond his comprehension.


The violent thunder spirit energy in his body ran rampant, and partly due to his foul mood, traces of lightning escaped, circling around the joints of his clearly defined fingertips.


Qi Zhuoyu sat on the couch, his expression constantly changing, and all of them were ugly without exception.


Until suddenly, there was a faint movement on the Imperial Concubine Couch.


Qi Zhuoyu looked over and noticed that there was a dog on the couch as well. The Sixth Prince dog, after experiencing numerous hardships and dangers, had finally crawled silently to the edge of the Imperial Concubine Couch. Both its hind legs were on the ground, victory was within sight, and the dawn of escape was right before its eyes.


Then it felt a chill down its back.


The Sixth Prince, with two front paws, sneakily tugging at the Imperial Concubine Couch, paused, then turned his head to look at Qi Zhuoyu.


One person and one dog stared in silence for a few seconds.


The Sixth Prince: “Yip!” Startled and was unable to bark.


Can there be such a possibility?


Actually, I can just crawl away on my own. jpg


The next moment, the dog traced a parabolic arc in mid-air.


The Sixth Prince: Fuck! Why the hell am I flying in the sky again?!


After that night, Feng Xuan didn’t see Qi Zhuoyu for several days in a row.


He didn’t pay it much mind, as Qi Zhuoyu had a history of coming to see him when he wanted to and disappearing for days without a trace when he didn’t. Sometimes it was because he had to attend to the affairs within the Immortal Palace, and sometimes it was because he was in seclusion for cultivation. After all, the big devil was a busy man, he couldn’t be expected to come see him every day to cultivate their post-marriage relationship.


In any case, Feng Xuan quickly adapted to the idle life of a wealthy widow.


Life in the Changle Palace was not much different from the days in the Zhujian Xiaozhu. It mostly consisted of eating and sleeping, and somehow, the Sixth Prince, even after turning into a human, seemed to retain his dog habits. He treated Feng Xuan as his owner and was quite familiar with him. Sometimes, after a meal, Feng Xuan would agree to take a stroll around the palace with him. Of course, he would ride in a special golden palanquin, giving a feeling of walking the dog after a meal.


During these days, while wandering around the Daming Palace, Feng Xuan discreetly paid attention to the palace gossip.


Listening carefully, he hadn’t heard any gossip from the Immortal Palace. The princes that the big devil had eliminated seemed to have evaporated from the world without a trace, just as Qi Zhuoyu had said, Emperor Li hadn’t pursued the matter.


Feng Xuan didn’t feel pleased about this outcome.


It’s not about those dead scumbag princes.


It’s just that he felt that Emperor Li wasn’t a good father or a good uncle.


The golden palanquin continued forward, arriving at the Daming Palace.


The palace people grew increasingly numerous, and eunuchs and palace maids formed orderly lines, shuttling through the palace corridors. Each of them held wooden boxes, palace lanterns, jade objects, and even silk and ribbons. They bustled about, and in the gardens, some palace workers stood on wooden ladders, hanging lanterns and doing paper-cutting, as if preparing for some festive celebration.


Feng Xuan was finally curious and asked the Sixth Prince, “Why is it so lively today?”


“Because the Wanian Holiday is just a few days away,” the Sixth Prince replied. “The Wanian Holiday is Father Emperor’s birthday celebration. Every year at this time, the entire nation takes a three-day break to celebrate Father Emperor’s birthday.”


Wow, so it was Emperor Li’s birthday.


But listening to the name of this birthday, Wanian. It’s not enough for him to live a hundred years old, does he still plan on living to be ten thousand years old?


The Sixth Prince explained earnestly, “In addition to the three-day national holiday, ambassadors from all nations will come. However, during this holiday every year, Chang’an City becomes crowded, there’d be a mix of fish and dragons as well as many monsters and demons blending in.”


He hesitated and glanced at Feng Xuan before continuing, “Qi Zhuoyu is definitely out with his master hunting monsters. That’s why he hasn’t returned to the Changle Palace for several days. You don’t need to be too concerned about it. If he’s not here, it’s because he’s busy with work. After all, as Dao companions in a post-marriage relationship, mutual understanding is essential.”


The Sixth Prince’s tone then took on a gentle, mother-in-law-like quality, as if he were counseling his own son and daughter-in-law to reconcile quickly.


He spoke without persuasion, while feeling in his heart that this family wouldn’t do without him.


As they passed by, the palace maids and eunuchs would stop and kowtow to the Sixth Prince.


Then, they would be stunned and suddenly realize: Why is the Prince Consort riding the palanquin, while the Sixth Prince is walking below?!


The common people’s eyes shone, with no wind blowing into an empty cave, they could tell that the Prince Consort in King Duan was indeed a pampered and extravagant one!


(t/n: No wind can blow into an empty cave-This idiom is used to convey the idea that if there’s no basis or foundation for something, then there will be no consequences or results.)


Among them was a group of entertainers carrying instruments, and they also bowed gracefully as they passed by.


The Sixth Prince explained, “These are the performers who are preparing to perform at my Father Emperor’s birthday celebration.”


Feng Xuan glanced at them and suddenly found some of them familiar.


Some of them looked like the entertainers he had seen in the Immortal Palace that night when the big devil went to kill people. So, he didn’t kill all of them? This big devil, did he spare them because he found them attractive? Feng Xuan couldn’t believe that this straight man would have a moment of enlightenment.


One of the performers, while bowing, stole a glance at the Sixth Prince.


Immediately, the performer’s colleague pulled at their sleeve and whispered, “Are you crazy? Hasn’t the tragic fate of Xiang Xiang served as a warning to you?”


Feng Xuan was in the Golden Core stage, so although they spoke very quietly, he still heard the familiar name.


“Xiang Xiang” wasn’t that the name of the owner of the jade pendant that Qi Zhuoyu had brought back?


Awful. It seemed like there was some emotional gossip related to the big devil?


Uncertain, he decided to eavesdrop a bit more.


The performer who peeked at the Sixth Prince said, “I didn’t mean to seduce the Sixth Prince…”


The other one replied, “That’s good. Just think about Xiang Xiang, who tried to seduce the Immortal Gentleman that night and ended up with nothing left but ashes. The only valuable jade pendant was taken away! Wu, none of the men from the royal family is a good thing!”


Feng Xuan: …


It seemed like he knew how that jade pendant was taken by the big devil.





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