After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Vinegar (part 1)

When Qi Zhuoyu returned to the Changle Palace, the night watchman eunuch had already struck the third watch.


Feng Xuan had initially thought that the big devil might have gone to kill someone, and sleeping alone in the palace might feel a bit uneasy. However, that result was completely non-existent. After turning the Sixth Prince into a dog, the effects of the Nightmare Beast on him had completely taken over, and he immediately fell asleep.


Waking up from sleep, Feng Xuan caught a faint whiff of blood in the air.


Shortly after, the main entrance of the Changle Palace opened automatically. Inside the empty hall, the big devil who had just killed people appeared like a ghostly figure, striding toward the hall with his sleeves fluttering. The palace candles, standing tall, flickered as he passed by, and the shadows on the palace walls swayed in tandem.


Feng Xuan was drawn to the commotion he caused and sat up on the luxurious and exquisite rosewood bed.


After entering the palace, Qi Zhuoyu walked directly to the bedside. When he saw Feng Xuan sitting there, he raised an eyebrow and asked, “Did I wake you up?”


Not really.


Feng Xuan shook his head and replied, “No.”


“Oh.” Qi Zhuoyu seemed to be in a fairly good mood. Considering Feng Xuan’s extraordinary sleep quality, even thunder and lightning wouldn’t wake him up.


So the bandit’s logic went into action: “That means you’ve been waiting for me and not sleeping.”


Feng Xuan: ?That’s not necessary either.


What kind of ridiculous portrayal is this, where a wife stays up late at home and obediently waits for her husband to return? Is this some fancy new setup you came up with?


Qi Zhuoyu had no intention of letting Feng Xuan continue speaking and sat on his bed, covered in blood.


Feng Xuan’s gaze dropped, and he saw that the woolen blanket was now mostly soaked in blood, causing a momentary heart attack. This was the blanket he had taken out of his small pouch and replaced earlier today. If he had known that the big devil didn’t like cleanliness, he wouldn’t have bothered changing it. What a waste.


Just as he lamented the fate of his now dirtied blanket, Qi Zhuoyu stared at him for a few seconds and suddenly explained, “Don’t worry. These are not my blood.”


Feng Xuan: Obviously. I know none of this is your blood. Is it necessary to specifically explain this?


Even if it’s worrying, it’s only worrying about those few princes who wouldn’t know what kind of death awaits them.


The big devil had killed so many of Emperor Li’s sons in one go. Feng Xuan was genuinely anxious that tomorrow, both of them, this pair of antagonist couple, would be thrown into the imperial prison by the emperor.


“Don’t worry. Li Taizong has so many sons, he won’t even notice if a few of them die,” Qi Zhuoyu suddenly spoke again.


Feng Xuan had been lost in thought, and when he heard Qi Zhuoyu’s response, a question mark popped up in his head.


Huh? Did the big devil read his mind without his permission again?!


“It’s because you accidentally said it out loud,” Qi Zhuoyu looked at him as if he were an idiot and continued, “Besides, even if he were to discover that I killed some of his sons, so what? He wouldn’t be foolish enough to offend me over a few worthless dogs. Otherwise…who else could grant him immortality?”


When he said the last sentence, Qi Zhuoyu seemed quite agitated.


Perhaps he was thinking about Emperor Li’s unbridled desires, and the feeling of being used made him uncomfortable.


He turned his head and saw Feng Xuan sitting on the bed, with his hair still disheveled from waking up.


His hair was tousled in all directions, and he looked at Qi Zhuoyu blankly.


Thinking about the scent of white peaches that had been disturbing his thoughts all night while committing murder, it was even more pronounced now that they were so close.


Suddenly, Qi Zhuoyu pulled him over and tousled his hair wildly, giving the feeling of a mischievous child grabbing the tail of a cat and rubbing it vigorously. In an instant, he caught the fragrance of peaches in his arms.


Feng Xuan was inexplicably puzzled by Qi Zhuoyu’s vigorous hair tousling. At first, he struggled, but then he realized he was bursting into laughter, unable to resist at all.


So, he just lay flat. Although he wanted to ask Qi Zhuoyu what madness had possessed him again, he always felt that the inner world of a lunatic was beyond his comprehension.


The Book of Fate had mentioned that Qi Zhuoyu would be in great pain and agitation during episodes of love poison. After all, Qi Zhuoyu had removed all seven emotions and six desires, leaving only the love poison composed of very negative emotions. Over time, it affected him, turning him into an unpredictable madman sooner or later.


Compared to the plot in the Book of Fate where “Xiao Qi,” the ordinary human, was constantly accidentally injured, beaten, and sent flying by the irritable big devil, just getting tangled up in Qi Zhuoyu’s antics didn’t seem so bad.


After some thought, lying flat seemed even more justified.


Qi Zhuoyu, in the midst of his madness, looked at him strangely and asked, “Why aren’t you resisting?”


Huh? Feng Xuan looked at him, hesitating for a moment, and replied, “Senior brother, do you have this kind of peculiar hobby?”


What a perverted big devil.


If he had such preferences, Feng Xuan felt like it wouldn’t be impossible to accommodate them. After all, he respected everyone’s peculiarities.


Feng Xuan hesitated for a moment, tentatively crossing his arms over his chest and speaking with a clear and pure voice, “Senior brother, don’t hit anymore! Don’t hit anymore! You hitting like this won’t kill anyone!”


Qi Zhuoyu did indeed stop and burst into wild laughter, covering his face with one hand.


…What’s so funny? Sometimes Feng Xuan really didn’t know what he was laughing about. Perhaps this kind of laughter was a common trait among antagonist big bosses, laughing loudly no matter what others said to boost their own presence?


While Qi Zhuoyu was laughing, Feng Xuan took a mirror out of his small pouch and tidied up his hair.


Once Qi Zhuoyu had had his fill of laughter, he took out something resembling a jade pendant from his pocket and tossed it to Feng Xuan, sounding indifferent, “For you.”


Feng Xuan accepted the jade pendant and took a moment to examine it. He remained silent for a while.


Qi Zhuoyu caught a glimpse of his expression, which didn’t seem particularly happy, so he furrowed his brow and asked, “Don’t you like it?”


Was it even a matter of whether he liked it or not, fellow cultivator?


There’s blood on your jade pendant!


After seeing the blood stains, Feng Xuan had an impulse to roll his eyes back.


For some reason, he couldn’t help but imagine scenes of Qi Zhuoyu committing heinous acts of murder and robbery. This jade pendant seemed like something he had forcibly taken from someone else. It was entirely possible that the victim’s ashes had already been scattered to the wind, making it impossible to return the item to its rightful owner.




Feng Xuan believed his eyes were still functioning properly.


Apart from the bloodstains, the jade pendant even bore the name of the victim, inscribed on it.


Feng Xuan held the pendant and inexplicably looked at the words “Xiang Xiang” on it.


It didn’t sound like a proper name at all, and he couldn’t help but wonder where the big devil had taken it from. Thinking back to the dozens of scantily clad entertainers he had seen in the Immortal Palace, many of whom were attractive young individuals.


He fell into an even deeper silence.

Senior brother, coming back this late with someone else’s jade pendant in hand… Could it be that he did something inappropriate in that regard?!


Feng Xuan remained silent and appeared not liking it. Qi Zhuoyu’s expression suddenly turned dark and menacing.


Without any warning, he snatched the jade pendant back from Feng Xuan’s hand.


Feng Xuan was left empty-handed and instinctively looked up.


However, it was too late. The big devil, after reclaiming the jade pendant, promptly hurled it out of the room. Before the pendant could even touch the ground, a terrifying bolt of lightning spontaneously formed in mid-air, reducing it to ashes with a thunderous crash, accompanied by blinding sparks.


The deafening thunderclap shook the room.


The Sixth Prince, startled awake from his slumber, leaped onto all fours, thinking: Fuck?! Why is there thunder?!


Then he saw Qi Zhuoyu and realized: Oh, it turned out that Qi Zhuoyu was throwing a tantrum.


That’s okay.


But the fact that everything seemed fine was actually a sign that something big was about to happen.


The Sixth Prince suddenly snapped back to reality and exclaimed: Fuck?! Fuck?! How did Qi Zhuoyu return to the Changle Palace?!


Qi Zhuoyu’s inexplicable outburst left both Feng Xuan and him baffled. Qi Zhuoyu was the one who had been engaged in questionable activities with someone named “Xiang Xiang” or “Fang Fang,” and Feng Xuan, as his legitimate Dao companion, hadn’t even gotten mad yet. So why did Qi Zhuoyu have a reason to get angry first?!


And are you okay?




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