After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Stepping on a Straight Man (part 1)

Although Qi Zhuoyu disdained him for getting in the way, Feng Xuan breathed a sigh of relief as he didn’t have to watch the murder scene.


Si Ming said that when going through a calamity, everything should be treated as external matters, but if it really happened to himself, Feng Xuan might not be able to completely ignore it.


Fortunately, he was a god who couldn’t do anything else, but had a very good mentality.


Not long after the Nightmare Beast ran out with him, blowing a cool night breeze in the palace corridor, it also dispelled the faint smell of blood from the tip of his nose just now.


Feng Xuan felt that he could do it again.


Especially the entity which the Nightmare Beast transformed into, which looked a bit like a cat and a bit like a unicorn.


The long black fur on his body was soft and comfortable, sitting on it was like being trapped in a cloud woven cotton, giving Feng Xuan an urge to roll on it.


The Nightmare Beast ran and paused, bringing out wisps of speckled black demon mist, leaping lightly on the palace wall. The lights of thousands of families outside Chang’an City came into view, and finally returned to the palace where Feng Xuan stayed just now.


At the entrance, the Sixth Prince walked back and forth anxiously inside. When he saw Feng Xuan, his legs almost went limp from fright, and when he saw the huge Nightmare Beast, he fell to the ground directly.


The Sixth Prince glanced back. “Qi Zhuoyu…where is my cousin!”


Feng Xuan jumped off the Nightmare Beast, and the Nightmare Beast instantly turned into the shape of a civet cat and landed lightly.


He truthfully answered the Sixth Prince, “…seems like he is still killing people.”


Sixth Prince: ……


Damn. His legs were so weak that he couldn’t stand up anymore.


“He…..who did he kill?”


“It should be your other elder brothers.” Feng Xuan recalled that those princes all looked to be in their thirties, very old. He comforted the Sixth Prince, “Don’t worry. Maybe your ranking will rise tomorrow.”


For example, becoming the fourth or fifth prince or something…?


Don’t fucking worry??!!


The Sixth Prince seemed to be foaming at the mouth.


Feng Xuan didn’t intend to comfort him, he just rode the Nightmare Beast for a while, felt affected by the demonic beast’s power, and felt a little sleepy again.


When he was about to kick off his boots and climb onto the bed, Feng Xuan suddenly remembered something, turned around and asked the Sixth Prince, “Did you and Qi Zhuoyu grow up together?”


The Sixth Prince felt that Qi Zhuoyu was going to kill him next, thus he cried and said, “Sort of.”


Feng Xuan asked again, “You said before that he learned to bark like a dog when he was young, is that true?”


The Sixth Prince turned pale with shock. “I didn’t! I didn’t! I didn’t participate! I was just saying cheap words. Qi Zhuoyu had a terrible temper when he was young, he’s like a little lunatic, who would dare make him learn to bark like a dog…”


Speaking of this, he immediately came back to his senses. “But now he is stately and handsome! Stately and handsome! Benign and open hearted! I believe his temper should have also become very good, right?”


In fact, it was a perfect transition from being a minor lunatic to a major lunatic.


Feng Xuan asked curiously, “You also said before that Qi Zhuoyu is a hybrid human and demon, why can he still live in the palace?”


This was the biggest question he had after watching the big devil’s dream. It stood to reason that Qi Zhuoyu’s biological father was Rahu and his mother was Yuan Luo, and should be completely unrelated with the royal family.


The Sixth Prince didn’t know when he had said so much, and dejectedly said, “He…I am not too sure. After the last war of the human race in Dongyi, King Duan brought Qi Zhuoyu back from Dongyi and said it was his son.”


King Duan himself said that this was his own son, thus outsiders naturally dared not object any more.


It’s just that in the first few years when King Duan brought Qi Zhuoyu back from the demon clan, the officials in the court objected. They didn’t believe that Qi Zhuoyu was of royal bloodline, and asked to do recognition of relatives by dripping blood. King Duan was stubborn and said that he was Yuan Luo’s child with him before marriage, and Qi Zhuoyu was his own son. Supposing the recognition of relatives by dripping blood was sone, or letting Qi Zhuoyu grow up into an adult in the future, would he still be respected as a person?


(t/n: The so-called “recognition of relatives by dripping blood” actually includes two methods: one is to drip blood into a bowl to see if the blood is fused, so as to judge whether two people are related by blood)


In short, it was just dragging the inspection, and the rumors inside and outside the palace became increasingly intense, that’s why there were other little princes bullying Qi Zhuoyu in the palace corridor, scolding him for being neither human nor demon. Until later, a bizarre fire broke out in King Duan’s mansion, all four hundred people died, and only Qi Zhuoyu survived.


And the matter of the blood drop test, was over.


A few years later, Su Qingyan passed by Chang’an during his travels, and immediately fell in love with Qi Zhuoyu’s excellent and rare in a thousand years immortal bone. From then on, Qi Zhuoyu became a disciple in Misty Immortal Mansion, broke away from his mortal status, and his cultivation advanced at a tremendous pace. When even Emperor Li had to rely on his ability, no one in Chang’an dared to doubt Qi Zhuoyu’s background.


The Sixth Prince muttered, “Now even my father respects Qi Zhuoyu, so what if he is not of royal blood. For a person like him, my father wishes that he is his own son…”


Feng Xuan felt that it was boring to hear, and rolled over to the bed.


He laid down for a while, and found that he didn’t feel sleepy after listening to the gossip, thus he stared at the bed cover in a daze.


In fact, thinking about it this way, it seems that there are really not many normal people around Qi Zhuoyu.


Even his closest uncle, the emperor, was using him, no wonder his temper became increasingly worse.


The Sixth Prince was still talking there, and the more he talked, the more he felt that he had discovered an amazing secret, and the speed of his speech became faster and faster. “No way, I was joking when I called him half-human and half-demon when I was young. Could it be that Qi Zhuoyu really has the blood of the demon race? King Duan deceived them in order to hide his blood, enduring secretly not to expose anything out. Finally, in order not to expose himself, the young at age ruthlessly killed the adoptive father with his own hands, and set fire using a torch and burned the entire King Duan Mansion, like this there is no more evidence to prove his background woof woof woof??!” The second half of the sentence turned into a dog barking.


Although it really sounds like something that Qi Zhuoyu’s personality can do.


“I think it’s be more pleasing for you to become a dog.”


After Feng Xuan asked the Nightmare Beast to use the dog-changing spell on the Sixth Prince, he silently took the Nightmare Beast back and put it in his small pouch.


The Sixth Prince: Woof, woof, woof! woof woof!


Translation: Very suddenly, how the hell did I become a dog again! How the hell did I become a dog again! How the hell did I become a dog again! How the hell did I become a dog again!—


When Qi Zhuoyu stomped on the head of the last prince, the entertainers shivered and huddled in the corner.


The pair of beautiful eyes stared round, and the pupils trembled violently, as if seeing an evil ghost climbing up from hell.


To be honest, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t intend to kill Emperor Li’s son in his initial plan, because killing people was tiring, and he always devoted his energy to cultivation.


Li Taizong and his sons were indeed annoying, but it was within the range that Qi Zhuoyu could bear. But they shouldn’t have stretched their hands into the Misty Immortal Mansion, affecting their own path to becoming an immortal.


He hated the royal family’s open and secret struggles, and his mother Yuan Luo was the victim of the previous generation’s royal family struggles.



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