After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Revenge (part 2)

Qi Zhuoyu’s expression changed to looking at him like an idiot again, which made Feng Xuan feel that his fist turned hard. Forbearance, if it weren’t that he couldn’t beat him, he really wanted to punch the handsome face of the big devil.


After a while, he said, “Of course it’s my good brothers.”


When Feng Xuan heard this, he probably understood a little bit.


In Qi Zhuoyu’s brief description, he outlined a very complicated script of royal family tussle. The ultimate source of all this was because Emperor Li Taizong was too capable of giving birth. (TL: posthumous name given to second emperor of a dynasty)


Today’s Emperor Li was not only lustful, but also healthy, and ate delicious food. Now he had lived up to the age of seventy-nine, was still alive and well, spent every night in spring, galloped in the hunting ground atop a horse, and drew the bow like a full moon. As a result, he started having children at the age of fourteen, and the eldest prince was already in his sixties. There were about forty or so baby princes ranging from those in sixties to infants.


The princes were getting older, but the emperor was still young and refused to abdicate. The crown prince was already in his sixties, and it seemed like there wouldn’t be many years left to live, he couldn’t just be the crown prince for the rest of his life. It was possible that the emperor was attempted to be murdered before, but was executed on the spot after the coup failed. Emperor Li had many sons, so of course he wouldn’t feel sorry for the death of one or two.


So the princes later decided to completely eradicate the root of the disaster and leave no future troubles.


The reason why Emperor Li stayed youthful and immortal was because of Qi Zhuoyu, a nephew who was rarely seen in a millennium, a proud son of heaven in the cultivation world. As long as Qi Zhuoyu was removed and the source of Emperor Li’s elixir was cut off, he would naturally die, and his son would succeed the throne.


Ever since the human empire and the cultivation realm joined forces to establish a huge barrier between Misty Immortal Mansion and the Chaotic Sea, the human race and the demon race had never crossed paths. The demons were forever trapped in the poor resource Chaotic Sea continent. The human race, on the other hand, enjoyed the best spiritual veins and spiritual energy in the world. The cultivation of human cultivators was also advancing rapidly, and they would soon be able to compete with the demons.


After the establishment of the barrier, the human empire became stronger than ever before, and it was only normal for the royal family to collect the rare treasures of the world, among which included ancient beasts.


After Feng Xuan listened, he was a little amazed.


How much do these dozens of cousins of the big devil, really want to come and offend him? Did they think that they had lived too long?


Within a few words, Qi Zhuoyu had arrived at the palace where the person he wanted to kill lived.


Feng Xuan looked up at the name of the palace under the moonlight, it seemed to be called the  Immortal Palace. Okay, the big devil will go in and kill them indiscriminately, send them to heaven, and become immortal in seconds.


Across a large door, Feng Xuan heard the obscene sounds of some men and women coming from inside.


There were two guards standing at the door, they were taken aback when they saw Qi Zhuoyu and Feng Xuan who suddenly appeared. In the next second, they were about to step forward to ask, but with a wave of Qi Zhuoyu’s hand, they fainted. In fact, Feng Xuan sometimes thought that Qi Zhuoyu’s ‘killing people’ was quite principled.


Generally only for the people he wants to kill.


He seems to prefer to stun these passers-by who appeared out of nowhere. Is it because you haven’t gone completely crazy yet? Feng Xuan remembered that at the end of the Book of Fate, Qi Zhuoyu simply indiscriminately killed people even with no grudges.


Feng Xuan stood behind Qi Zhuoyu, the big devil was really a bit tall, he only reached a little below his shoulders.


Qi Zhuoyu stood in front alone, blocking the scene behind the door, with broad shoulders and thin back, sharp and perfect. Feng Xuan wanted to see what was inside the door, thus he had no choice but to pull his arm, and poke his head out from behind the big devil.


Feng Xuan only took one look, but his eyes immediately hurt.


There was a water pavilion in the courtyard of the Immortal Palace, and it seemed that some kind of banquet was being held at the moment. In the middle of the banquet was a running water table, with five or six food tables on each side. An extremely elegant canal that was two palms wide connected the food tables. In the canal filled with water, there were some exquisite snacks and wine floating.


What made Feng Xuan’s eyes hurt was that every prince was surrounded by four or five entertainers, and there was almost no piece of thin clothing. When some princes got drunk, they had already started doing business in the yard, and shining white waves rose one after another.


Unexpectedly, these people, the nobles of the imperial family, do the same things as wild animals behind closed doors.


What’s even more outrageous was that, in addition to the beautiful entertainers, there was also a small colosseum in the middle of the Water Pavilion Garden. They imprisoned a fierce tiger that had been hungry for three days and three nights, and a girl covered in blood whose face could not be seen clearly.


One of the eunuchs raised a high whip and beat the girl fiercely through the iron cage. The iron whip with an inverted hook quickly drew the girl’s body causing it to drip with blood. The smell of blood made the princes’ eyes turn red and their faces to flush with excitement.


“Hit hard for me!”


“Undoubtedly a little bastard of human-demon hybrid blood, simply fate hard, unexpectedly was not yet dead.” 


(t/n: fate hard (hard fate)-first refers to superstition, the birth date is not good, and relatives are killed, and the second refers to often encountering various ups and downs, but they can always overcome them, and they will not die no matter what . People with hard fate may not necessarily have a good fate, and they often suffer blows because they are too strong. People who are hard-fated in the face of adversity are more likely to survive.)


“Her mother is also a slut, she is actually willing to serve the demons.”


Ah this.


What kind of concept is this, to step on all the thunder points of the big devil in three sentences?


In the next second, Feng Xuan knew.


The prince who cursed the most fiercely wasn’t able to say a word again, as his head was squeezed and exploded by a powerful spiritual force. In an instant, red and white plasma splashed, like a stone thrown into boiling water, and everyone at the banquet screamed.


Qi Zhuoyu strode into the banquet, kicked the prince’s lower body into the iron cage with a gloomy expression, and was eaten by the tiger in no time. The girl also escaped because of this, and disappeared in an instant.


After the rest of the people saw the visitor clearly, their faces changed drastically. “Qi Zhuoyu! You! This is the imperial palace, how dare you kill people in the imperial palace!”


The Feng Xuan who was watching: Is there a possibility that if the big devil kills you, he will kill you without picking a location?


Therefore the prince’s head was also directly blown out.


One of the princes was so frightened that he lost his voice. “You…you’re killing us, aren’t you afraid that we will report to the emperor!!”


Qi Zhuoyu tilted his head to think for a while, then smiled villainously. “Thank you for your reminder. I will remember to kill you all.”


Feng Xuan also hesitated to speak to the prince: What reason are you talking to a psychopath?


Maybe because Feng Xuan’s eyes of being a bystander were too obvious, the princes noticed that there was a mortal standing beside Qi Zhuoyu.


They heard that Qi Zhuoyu married a mortal Dao companion in the cultivation realm, and after returning to Chang’an, he took him with him every day, and he was very fond of him. Could it be him?!


A prince immediately promised him. “You are that mortal Xiao Qi? As long as you are willing to beg Qi Zhuoyu to leave us a way to survive, in the future, whether it is ten thousand taels of gold or the salary of a high-ranking official, you can do whatever you want!”


Qi Zhuoyu suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at him as well. “You aren’t afraid of dead people ah. So, do you want to intercede for them?”


Is this what he can think of?


Looking at your dead face, if I really plead for mercy, my ashes will be scattered by you in the next second.


And he feels that these princes and grandchildren are not good things either.


Feng Xuan didn’t understand why the big devil always spoke ironically.


And he was just an ordinary god who had to experience calamity, and he didn’t want to be contaminated with the mortal world’s karma.


Thus in the eyes of the prince looking at him with ecstasy, Feng Xuan said, “I’m a bit scared.”


He grabbed Qi Zhuoyu’s wide sleeves, and then covered his head solidly.


And uttered with a muffled voice, “Senior brother, like this, I feel much better now, you can continue ah.”


After waiting for a while, Qi Zhuoyu didn’t seem to continue to do anything, but just stared at him strangely for a few seconds. It seemed that he thought his appearance was inexplicably funny.


Feng Xuan was puzzled, when suddenly he felt his whole body float up. He opened his eyes and found himself sitting on the back of the Nightmare Beast. Huh? This demonic beast can actually take on the shape of a big cat?


In the next second, he heard Qi Zhuoyu calmly say to the Nightmare Beast, “Take him away.”


A question mark popped up in Feng Xuan’s head: ? Now what.


Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him, and said slowly, “Stay here, you’ll only get in the way.”



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