After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Revenge (part 1)

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t give him a chance to sleep again.


He stretched out his hand to pinch the cheek flesh on Feng Xuan’s face, “Wake up when you’re awake.”


Could not afford to.


Just saw such a terrible secret in a dream, died when waking up, look at him doing the fundamental law of playing dead.


Feng Xuan tightly closed his eyes, as if he was still trapped in a dream.


“Play dead again, I’ll kill you right now.” Qi Zhuoyu suddenly whispered in his ear.


Feng Xuan instantly opened his eyes and sat up, looking like he had just woken up. “Senior brother, I’m awake. It turns out that we’ve already come out?”


Qi Zhuoyu looked at him with a very strange expression.


Feng Xuan ignored his expression. Just as human beings and gods do not share joys and sorrows, a madman and another madman would not understand each other either.


Feng Xuan found that the sky outside was still dark when he first entered the dreamland, but now it was dawn.


And he did not faint at the ground of the palace corridor, but was sitting on an incomparably extravagant rosewood arhat bed right now. He looked around with puzzled eyes, and it seemed that this was not King Duan Mansion either.


Qi Zhuoyu sat on the bed and looked at him with half a smile. “Are you wondering where this is?”


To be honest, I’m not curious.


After all, the bed he was lying on was very comfortable, and it didn’t matter where he slept.


Qi Zhuoyu didn’t know what came to his mind, probably because he was afraid that Feng Xuan would say again “give me fifty and I’ll let you say it” , that kind of cynical remark. Without giving him a chance to speak, he continued directly, “This is Imperial Concubine Rong’s palace.”


Concubine Rong?


Feng Xuan thought for a few seconds. There was only one Imperial Concubine Rong in Emperor Li’s harem, and that was the birth mother of the Sixth Prince. This was originally the palace of the Sixth Prince, so where is the Sixth Prince?


Feng Xuan subconsciously looked towards the ground, and found that the Sixth Prince was lying unconscious below. He was only wearing pajamas, and it looked like he had been dug out of the bed and was thrown to the ground.


Inexplicably, the image of the big devil kicking others off the bed and stuffing himself in the bed appeared in his mind.




My days in the palace are getting worse and worse.


After Feng Xuan finished speaking these few words, he felt like he still wanted to sleep. Taking advantage while his drowsiness had yet not passed, he was ready to fall asleep and go back to bed after waking up.


As a result, as soon as he laid down, he was pulled up by Qi Zhuoyu, who frowned, “You’re uncomfortable?”




He is very comfortable. Comfortable that he can even continue to sleep for a day.


Feng Xuan reflected for a while, only then did he realize what Qi Zhuoyu meant.


There were many messy sequelae in the cultivation world, and Qi Zhuoyu himself had the sequelae of the love poison left by an ancient forbidden technique.


He replied honestly, “Senior brother, I’m not uncomfortable. I just want to sleep.”


After hearing this, Qi Zhuoyu sneered, “Sleeping all day, that’s why you’re such a waste. If I’m not around for a day, you will die without knowing how you died.”




Speaking well, why did the big devil suddenly start attacking him personally? And the tone of his speech was too much like his father emperor. Even if he accidentally tripped over his left foot and fell over his right foot while walking today, Qi Zhuoyu would blame himself, who loves sleeping, while using a fatherly angry speech.


It’s not his fault that he wanted to sleep, he has nothing to do so he can only sleep. Senior brother, didn’t you say you wanted to cover him before? You broke your words, rubbish!


Besides, how else could he die?


Is it not by simply being stabbed to death by your sword.


Thinking of this, Feng Xuan was a little silent.


After Qi Zhuoyu finished that sentence, he became restless again for some reason.


He stood up and walked around inside the room, then walked to the side of the Sixth Prince on the ground, and kicked him awake directly. “Don’t pretend to be dead when you’re awake.”


The Sixth Prince was directly kicked by the irascible devil and vomited a mouthful of blood.


Looking at Feng Xuan with hatred: Fuck. Everyone is playing dead, why is the treatment completely different?


Qi Zhuoyu didn’t bother to care about his mental activities, found a beauty couch inside the room and sat down, then ordered, “Go. Have someone prepare a meal.”


It’s okay when the big devil didn’t say it, but when he mentioned it, Feng Xuan really felt hungry.


After all, he was only at the golden core stage, and he was still very weak after lying down without eating for a day and a night.


After a while, all kinds of palace delicacies were served on the table like flowing water.


After Feng Xuan came to Chang’an, although he had eaten some human meals in the King Duan Mansion, he hadn’t tasted the court dishes in the palace. His gaze was quickly drawn to the food on the table, he picked from east to west, and the very picky eater only ate what he wanted.


During this period, Qi Zhuoyu sat on the beauty couch without speaking, playing with his hair hanging down his waist in boredom, as if waiting for him to finish eating.


Qi Zhuoyu didn’t seem to know that he had peeked into his dream, otherwise, according to his personality, his ashes would have long been scattered.


Seeing him now, Feng Xuan would think of the little Qi Zhuoyu he saw in the dream that the Nightmare Beast had devoured. If that dream was true, then the life experience of the big devil was really quite pitiful.


Siming Xingjun told him that the most important thing to maintain a stable Dao heart was to go through the god’s calamity.


Going through the calamity was like reading a story. The grief at separation and joy in union, joy, anger, sorrow and happiness, for him, were just a few thin pages of the Book of Fate. Although he would walk in the mortal world in person during the calamity, he was still just a spectator. But Qi Zhuoyu’s life experience was true, and his encounters were real, from a thin Book of Fate to a living person. Witnessed his father killing his mother, no wonder he became a psychopath at present.


If these things hadn’t happened, would the big devil still be considered a good person?


“Finished?” Qi Zhuoyu suddenly said, interrupting his wild thoughts.


Feng Xuan nodded quickly. “Finished, senior brother. What are we going to do next?”


Qi Zhuoyu twisted his hair, showing a crazy smile. “Go and kill people.”


Feng Xuan: “?”


He wanted to retract his words that he thought Qi Zhuoyu might be a good person.


After Qi Zhuoyu finished speaking, he grabbed Feng Xuan’s arm and walked out.


He had big strides, when he took one step, Feng Xuan had to trot two or three steps to keep up. The big devil’s words were astonishing, but the behavior that was very in line with his personality made Feng Xuan confused. He gasped and asked, “Senior brother, who are you going to kill?”


Qi Zhuoyu glanced at him, slowed down, and actually explained it to him, “Go and kill those who want to kill me.”


Before Feng Xuan could understand, the Sixth Prince in the corner was already screaming in fright. “Cousin! I was just talking cheap! I really never wanted to kill you ah, ah, ah!!” (TL: means telling some truths that shouldn’t be said)


Qi Zhuoyu must have thought he was noisy, thus he made the Sixth Prince faint with a wave of his hand.


Only then did Feng Xuan have the chance to speak, “Who wants to kill you, Senior brother.”


Could this big devil be in persecution delusion? Giving himself a specific reason to kill someone? 


And judging from his unstable mental state, it is very possible!


Wait a minute.


Did he let himself eat just now so that he would have the strength to kill someone?


No, no, he would vomit when seeing the murder scene.


Qi Zhuoyu: “Do you think that an ancient demonic beast like Nightmare Beast, which hasn’t appeared in the world for a hundred years, would suddenly attack the big examination of the Misty Immortal Mansion. Of course, someone didn’t want me to live, so they tried their best to get this demonic beast.”


“It’s a pity.” The big devil didn’t forget to show off and compare. “It’s just this level, it can’t kill me at all.”


After he finished speaking, he looked at Feng Xuan.


Feng Xuan felt that the big devil might be asking him to respond, and highly praised his exceptional cultivation level. But Feng Xuan hadn’t figured it out yet, and asked again in confusion, “Senior brother, so who wants to kill you in the end?”


He could feel it as soon as he asked this question.


The air became quiet for a few seconds.


Qi Zhuoyu showed an expression of “Didn’t I tell you just now?”


It made Feng Xuan a bit speechless. Can the big devil’s stinky riddle man problem be corrected? Which sentence did he just tell himself who the killer was?!



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