After Being Preached by my Senior Martial Brother

Senior Brother's Dream (part 2)

After watching the Sixth Prince’s dream, Feng Xuan refreshed his understanding of him.


I didn’t expect him to really be a daredevil, unexpectedly, even brain supplementing the big devil as his subordinate.


And what the hell is the slogan of don’t bully the young and poor?


The Sixth Prince gave him the impression of him shouting “Don’t bully the young and poor!” when he was ten years old, and then continued shouting “Don’t bully the middle-aged and poor!” at the age of forty and then trembled while shouting “Don’t bully the old and the poor!” at the age of eighty, and finally, engraved on the epitaph “The dead are the greatest” of his tombstone. 


(t/n: The dead are the greatest-It means that when a person dies and a funeral is held, the dead person is the biggest and most honorable, and other things that have nothing to do with it must give way)


After Feng Xuan poked a few more dreams with his spiritual consciousness, he felt that it was boring.


Dreams reflect the truest thoughts in everyone’s heart, thus there were many desires that were seen. These strong, dark desires made his consciousness very uncomfortable.


After a while, he felt a dream with a very powerful primordial spirit, which engulfed his spiritual consciousness.


Feng Xuan was suddenly forced to watch the content of this dream, and he was wondering whose dream it was, when he saw the picture of the Daming Palace appearing in front of him. Which sleeping prince is it?


A pair of teenage boy and girl walked up the long palace corridor. He didn’t know the boy, but Feng Xuan felt that the girl was a little familiar.


He suddenly remembered the faceless monster that Qi Zhuoyu killed last time at the inn. It turned into a woman, that was, the girl in front of him.


She was Qi Zhuoyu’s mother, Lady Yuan Luo, from the Xianyou Yuan family. (TL: Xianyou refers to Taoist people who travel far away to seek immortality and visit Taoism)


…It seems that I accidentally saw the dream of the big devil.


What to do. After waking up, he won’t be killed and silenced by him, will he?


Feng Xuan subconsciously didn’t want to watch it, but Qi Zhuoyu’s dream seemed to appear directly in his consciousness.


It didn’t take long for the childhood sweethearts to grow up, and at the same time, Feng Xuan probably guessed who the boy who grew up with Yuan Luo was. It should be King Duan, the younger brother of the current His Majesty, and the father of Qi Zhuoyu.


But looking at King Duan’s appearance, he could only be regarded as handsome and elegant, where is it like Qi Zhuoyu whose handsomeness attracts everyone wherever he goes?


Soon, Feng Xuan understood why.


The scene in the dream changed, and what came after was King Duan and Yuan Luo’s marriage. Not long after the two got married, a fierce war broke out between the human race and the demon race. The demon race was not like the human race, which generally only had one empire. Theirs was divided into twelve fiefdoms on the Chaotic Sea Continent, each of which had a king.


The human race empire fought with the demon lord in Donyi, one of the fiefdoms, and the fight lasted for three years. The people of the human race were in dire straits, and in the end they were defeated and surrendered. They lost tens of thousands of fertile fields, thousands of spiritual veins, and countless slave resources. Originally, they thought that by offering the resource spiritual veins, they would be safe and sound, but at this moment, Rahu, the demon lord of Dongyi, made an extremely unreasonable request. He asked the human race empire to offer a royal woman to him.


Seeing this, Feng Xuan seemed to realize something.


The woman Rahu wanted was Yuan Luo, the newly married bride of King Duan.


…What kind of seize by force overbearing scrap script of the demon lord did the father and mother of the big devil take.


You can’t just grab someone’s wife just because she is beautiful, right?? Feng Xuan was really confused at the sight.


No wonder the Sixth Prince scolded Qi Zhuoyu on the palace corridor that day as something neither human nor demon.


He thought that the Sixth Prince was simply dirty-mouthed, incompetent and furious, but he didn’t expect that Qi Zhuoyu actually had half the blood of the demon clan.


That’s right, in the dream, he could see the appearance of Rahu, the Demon Lord of Dongyi.


It couldn’t be said that it was completely different from Qi Zhuoyu, but it could only be said that it was exactly the same. Rahu was domineering, arrogant, flamboyant and handsome, and was completely a more mature and handsome version of Qi Zhuoyu.


The images in the dream continued intermittently.


Although the Demon Lord Rahu had a bad temper, he didn’t torture Yuan Luo in every possible way. Thus Yuan Luo became pregnant with Qi Zhuoyu not long after being sent to Dongyi. Although life was not good, it was not bad either.


It’s a pity that her life was not destined to be peaceful.


The human race empire regarded this defeat as a shame, and for three years, united with the cultivation realm to launch a war against the Dongyi Demon Clan. At this time, it happened that there was a civil strife among the Twelve Demon Clans, and Dongyi, under the enemy’s attack on both sides, it wasn’t long before the city gate was breached by the human race. At this time Qi Zhuoyu was already three years old, on the day of the city’s destruction, he threw away the nanny who had run away with him, and stumbled back to the palace to look for Yuan Luo.


Then he saw a scene that he would never forget in his life.


The still immature black eyes were wide open, and a terrifying scene was reflected in the pupils. The Demon Lord Rahu drew his sword out of its sheath and pierced Yuan Luo’s heart with it. The hot blood splashed and stained the entire palace wall red. Before she died, Yuan Luo’s face was covered with crystal clear tear stains.


When the two clans went to war, first behead the royal princess, as sacrifice to the demon flag to show the demon army.


Feng Xuan’s spiritual consciousness was also stunned, maybe he didn’t expect that he could still see such a big secret.


In a kind of “this god’s fate is already revealed, knowing that the big devil has such a big secret, it is estimated that as soon as he goes out, his ashes will be throw by him” and “Damn it, it turns out that Qi Zhuoyu’s habit of stabbing his wife at every turn is hereditary”, swaying in his mind.


In the end, he subconsciously chose to use his spiritual consciousness to try and cover Little Qi Zhuoyu’s eyes, preventing him from continuing to look.


But it doesn’t seem to be very useful. jpg


Little Qi Zhuoyu’s eyes were filled with blood and tears, and the dream also collapsed because of his emotional breakdown.


Even Feng Xuan’s spiritual consciousness was affected, it felt as if hundreds of needles were stabbing his mind at the same time.


Then he left the dream directly and was awakened by the pain.


As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the magnified version of Qi Zhuoyu looking at him expressionlessly.


And the divine sword Huaying hanging on his waist, which he would use to stab himself in the future.


Feng Xuan: “…..”


Slowly close his eyes.


I feel like I am still having a nightmare.


Not sure, try sleeping again and wake up.



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